A list of puns related to "Film Chain"
By far my biggest horror blindspot for years was the original TCM. I went into it with the expectation that it wouldn't live up to its reputation after years of being touted as one of the scariest movies of all-time, that modern horror would have desensitised me too much.
Holy shit was I wrong. Everything about this made me feel repulsed and borderline violated. The ropey, unpolished production made me feel as though I were watching a snuff film, some kind of twisted home video found in the basement of a serial killer. The way the narrative turns on a dime and all the main characters are unceremoniously executed in quick succession has a level of brutal realism that its contemporaries lack.
I couldn't get over just how mean this movie was. It was devoid of hope, just a black pit of despair that I desperately wanted to crawl out of. Marilyn Burns turns in one of the best horror performances PERIOD. Most of the finale is just sustained screaming, yelling and running and my God I felt every bit of it. There were literally tears coming to my eyes, I wanted to cry because of how much torture Sally was going through. I wanted to reach into the screen and pull her out and save her from this nightmare.
Such an arresting cinematic experience that gives you just a glimpse into this family's depraved world. And just as it's over, as the protagonist laughs maniacally and celebrates her escape with Leatherface dancing with his chainsaw, there is an abrupt cut to black as the credits roll and the sound cuts out. What the fuck did I just witness? I have never seen anything like it. I've seen this movie parodied, referenced and paid homage to, but never in my years of watching scary movies have I seen something that straight up took me hostage to this degree.
I will never, EVER forget this movie. Fucking hell. Masterpiece feels like the wrong word...Hellscape? Yeah, hellscape is appropriate. What a goddamn piece of cinema. Jesus Christ.
EDIT: Please stop with the "you must have not seen this movie then" comments. Most of the ones suggested I have seen, I watch A LOT of horror movies, TCM was just a notable blind spot. I've seen Hereditary, Irreversible, A Serbian Film, Hostel, Funny Games and most of the others that keep getting brought up. TCM hit a very specific chord with me that none of those movies has: I felt like I was watching something that was really happening. I wasn't able to tell myself "it's only a movie" because Tobe Hooper's commitment to realism w
... keep reading on reddit โกPerfect place to put vodka in, I guess.
It was a short film about a scientist that chases a rare kind of dragonfly, but suffers an accident and when he wakes up HE'S the dragonfly.
The scientist is then eaten by a fish and turns on the fish, then a bird catches him and he becomes the bird. Then he falls in love with a female bird and they become a couple with eggs. Then a weasel/fox (don't remember) eats the bird and he becomes the fox, and gets heartbroken cuz his lover doesn't recognize him anymore and attacks him. He then dies of starvation cuz he doesn't wanna eat animals and becomes a fungus growing on the fox body. Then he get eaten by ants and becomes a baby ant in an ant hill
I don't know what happens after and I have been dying to know how it ends for decades
I watched it on the early 2000's and in a culture channel that often showed Soviet and Easter European animation
This is a strange question and I am not sure if it is the same in different regions, I am in the UK. Did the word change spelling after the first film released, I doubt anyone actually knows the answer but it would be interesting to know the reason
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