A list of puns related to "Caramel Latte"
Hi everyone,
I was thinking about trying either the Caramel Brulée Latte or Chestnut Praline Latte at Starbucks in the hot version. Which one is better? thank you
Just had someone come in and ask me for a Caramel Bruce Lee Latte. What?
What would your recommendation be? I'm not vegan but I don't consume a lot of dairy; the whipped cream is plenty for me! Which non dairy milk would go best with the caramel brulee sauce?
I don't go to Starbucks nearly as much as I used to, but this drink man, it's the one expensive coffee I really allow myself to splurge on. So if you're the barista who ends up making it for me, thank you in advance. Warning, man or women, I may end up asking you to marry me out of sheer delight.
Does anyone know if the syrup in this new latte has any milk ingredients in it? Every time I’ve asked they said it shouldn’t, but caramel syrups typically do.
Today I called out a GRANDE caramel latte several times. A guy asked if it was his and I said "grande caramel latte?" He stepped back.
Five minutes later he came up to the handoff saying "where is my drink? I have a train to catch!!" I asked him what drink he had, and he said "a grande caramel latte".
I pointed at the drink and said "that's it right there for you sir" and he LOST it. Fully screaming in my face, luckily we still have the plexiglass up. "You said a BRANDE caramel latte? I ordered a GRANDE" blah blah my mother didn't hold me enough as a baby
Luckily he said he had a train to catch so I said "that's your drink, better run if you want to make your train" and he screamed "FU€KING IDIOT" and left. I heard his friend ask what it was about and then say "no, she definitely said grande" and they had a little laugh... Bc screaming at a woman half your size and age is SO funny. Had to go have a little cry in the back lmao.
P.S no, neither of them apologised. I'm still a green bean (320xxxxx) so I know to expect that sometimes, but it's the first time it's happened to me!
What's y'alls worst customer experience?
Edit: punctuation
Hey y’all, I just wanted to ask how exactly the cbl was made. I know(?) it’s steamed milk, crème brûlée sauce, whip cream, topping, espresso. But does every location do like 2 pumps of the sauce ? I just ask cuz I would like to make it a lil less sweet? Thanks in advance :)
I have a local shop that makes the best caramel lattes. They understandably were unable to share the recipe but I do know it involves dairy (possibly butter?) & the caramel is opaque. It is still runny. Unfortunately, all I’ve found are recipes for Torani style syrups (clear, very liquidy). I did try one caramel sauce recipe but it was too thick, did not dissolve easily, and the flavor was lacking.
Does anyone have any suggestions or can point me in the right direction?
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