A Green Beret at United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) International Sniper Competition, fires his Mk12 rifle at a target at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, March 22, 2021.
πŸ‘οΈŽ 267
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/jarrad960
πŸ“…οΈŽ Nov 11 2021
🚨︎ report
Palantir Awarded $111m Contract to Provide Mission Command Platform for the United States Special Operations Command investors.palantir.com/ne…
πŸ‘οΈŽ 2k
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/pltrweeb
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Royal Malaysian Navy PASKAL Personnel Currently Undergoing International's Patrol Craft Officer's Course with United States Special Operation Command (Credits to Amiruddin Arif via Twitter) reddit.com/gallery/pwxrhx
πŸ‘οΈŽ 92
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/AlexVostox
πŸ“…οΈŽ Sep 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Palantir Awarded $111m Contract to Provide Mission Command Platform for the United States Special Operations Command investors.palantir.com/ne…
πŸ‘οΈŽ 568
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/d3vinb
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 28 2021
🚨︎ report
What applications does Meta have with United States Special Operations Command?
πŸ‘οΈŽ 7
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/nottodaynottommorrow
πŸ“…οΈŽ Sep 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Palantir Awarded $111m Contract to Provide Mission Command Platform for the United States Special Operations Command investors.palantir.com/ne…
πŸ‘οΈŽ 130
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/d3vinb
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 28 2021
🚨︎ report
PJ and SOST members took part in a two-week Special Operations Center for Medical Integration and Development course to achieve their United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Advanced Tactical Practitioner certification. reddit.com/gallery/kvxawp
πŸ‘οΈŽ 79
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/AFSpecialTactics_
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jan 12 2021
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and the Marine Special Operations Command. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our Discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

  • 11B Rifleman - Open
  • 68W Combat Medic - Closed

Joint Task Force 158: Limited (No Demand)

Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Open (Selection Only)

Marine Special Operations Team 8231: Open (Selection Only)

Unit Schedule:

  • Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Fridays @ 2000 EST
  • RASP - Fridays @ 2000 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc.
  • Unit Operations- Sundays @ 2000 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Sapper School
  • Airborne & Air Assault School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksman School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with the ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

**How to Contact

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πŸ‘οΈŽ 10
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 06 2021
🚨︎ report
United States Special Operations Command Promo | USSOCOM youtu.be/xbeOO87gwBs
πŸ‘οΈŽ 8
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/Guilty-Repair-53
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jan 25 2021
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and the Marine Special Operations Command. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

  • 11B Rifleman - Open
  • 68W Combat Medic - Closed

Joint Task Force 158: Limited (No Demand)

Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No Demand)

Marine Special Operations Team 8231: Closed (No Demand)

24th Special Tactics Squadron: Closed (No Demand)

  • 1Z2X1 Combat Controller - Closed
  • 1T2X1 Pararescuemen - Closed

Unit Schedule:

  • Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • RASP - Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc
  • Unit Operations- Sundays @ 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Sapper School
  • Airborne & Air Assault School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksmen School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
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πŸ‘οΈŽ 3
πŸ“…οΈŽ Nov 12 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and the Marine Special Operations Command. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

  • 11B Rifleman - Open

Regimental Reconnaissance Company: Closed (No current Demand)

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Limited (Low Demand)

  • 153A Rotary Pilot - Open
  • 15T Crew Chief - Open
  • 15W UAV Operator - Open

Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No current demand)

Marine Special Operations Team 8231: Closed (No current Demand)

24th Special Tactics Squadron: Limited (Low Demand)

  • 1Z2X1 Combat Controller - Closed
  • 1T2X1 Pararescuemen - Open

Unit Schedule:

  • Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • RASP - Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc
  • Unit Operations - Sundays @ 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Course
  • Air Assault School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksmen School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


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πŸ‘οΈŽ 9
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jun 12 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and the Marine Special Operations Command. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

  • 11B Rifleman - Open

Regimental Reconnaissance Company: Closed (No Demand)

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Limited (Low Demand)

  • 153A Rotary Pilot - Open
  • 15T Crew Chief - Open
  • 15W UAV Operator - Open

Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No Demand)

Marine Special Operations Team 8231: Closed (No Demand)

24th Special Tactics Squadron: Limited (Low Demand)

  • 1Z2X1 Combat Controller - Closed
  • 1T2X1 Pararescuemen - Open

Unit Schedule:

  • Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • RASP - Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc
  • Unit Operations - Sundays @ 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Course
  • Air Assault School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksmen School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


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πŸ‘οΈŽ 8
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jun 08 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and the Marine Special Operations Command. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

  • 11B Rifleman - Open

Regimental Reconnaissance Company: Closed (No current Demand)

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Limited (Low Demand)

  • 153A Rotary Pilot - Open
  • 15T Crew Chief - Open
  • 15W UAV Operator - Open

Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No current demand)

Marine Special Operations Team 8231: Closed (No current Demand)

24th Special Tactics Squadron: Limited (Low Demand)

  • 1Z2X1 Combat Controller - Closed
  • 1T2X1 Pararescuemen - Open

Unit Schedule:

  • Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • RASP - Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc
  • Unit Operations - Sundays @ 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Course
  • Air Assault School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksmen School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


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πŸ‘οΈŽ 3
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jun 16 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, and the Naval Special Warfare Development Group. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

  • 11B Rifleman - Open

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Closed (No Demand)

Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No Demand)

24th Special Tactics Squadron: Limited (Low Demand)

  • 1Z2X1 Combat Controller - Closed
  • 1T2X1 Pararescuemen - Open (Limited)

Unit Schedule:

  • Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 20:00 EST
  • RASP - Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc
  • Unit Operations- Sundays @ 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Course
  • Air Assault School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksmen School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with the ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedi
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πŸ‘οΈŽ 5
πŸ“…οΈŽ Apr 23 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and the Marine Special Operations Command. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

  • 11B Rifleman - Open

Regimental Reconnaissance Company: Closed (No Demand)

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Closed (No Demand)

Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No Demand)

Marine Special Operations Team 8231: Closed (No Demand)

24th Special Tactics Squadron: Limited (No Demand)

  • 1Z2X1 Combat Controller - Closed
  • 1T2X1 Pararescuemen - Closed

Unit Schedule:

  • Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • RASP - Fridays @ 20:00 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc
  • Unit Operations- Sundays @ 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Course
  • Air Assault School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksmen School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


  • M
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πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ“…οΈŽ May 15 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, and the Naval Special Warfare Development Group. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 ALIVE server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

- 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)

- 11B Rifleman - Open

- 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Closed (No Demand)

- Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No Demand)

- 24th Special Tactics Squadron: Limited (Low Demand)

- 1Z2X1 Combat Controller - Closed

- 1T2X1 Pararescuemen - Open (Limited)

Unit Schedule:

- Basic Combat Training - Wednesdays & Saturdays @ 20:00 EST

- RASP - Fridays @ 20:00 EST

- Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week. These include Squad Trainings, Specialized Trainings, etc

- Unit Operations- Sundays @ 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

- Combat Controller (CCT) Course

- Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course

- Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Course

- Air Assault School

- Land Nav Course

- Combatant Diver Course

- Military Free Fall School

- Designated Marksmen School

- Leadership Development Courses

- Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


- Must be 18 years or older

- Write and Speak fluent English

- Own & run ArmA III with the ability to downloa

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πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ“…οΈŽ Apr 16 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, the 24th Special Tactics Squadron, and the Naval Special Warfare Development Group. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 Hearts & Minds server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

  • 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)
  • 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Open (Low Demand)
  • Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No Demand)
  • 24th Special Tactics Squadron: Open (Low Demand)

Unit Schedule:

  • RASP - Mondays @ 20:00 EST & Saturdays @ 20:00 EST
  • Unit Training - Periodically throughout the week
  • Unit Operations- Sundays 20:00 EST

Specialized Training's Available:

  • Combat Controller (CCT) Course
  • Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Course
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Course
  • Air Assault School
  • Airborne School
  • Land Nav Course
  • Combatant Diver Course
  • Military Free Fall School
  • Designated Marksmen School
  • Leadership Development Courses
  • Ranger School

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with the ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

How to Contact Us:

Website: https://www.arma-socom.com/

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πŸ‘οΈŽ 3
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 17 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Website: https://www.arma-socom.com/


Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, and Naval Special Warfare Development Group. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or TeamSpeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 Hearts & Minds server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

  • 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment: Open (High Demand)
  • 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment: Open (Low Demand)
  • Naval Special Warfare Development Group: Closed (No Demand)
  • 24th Special Tactics Squadron: Open (Low Demand)

Training and Operations:

  • RASP - Mondays @ 1800 EST & Saturdays @ 2000 EST
  • Unit Training - Mondays 2000 EST
  • Unit Operations- Sundays 2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old. Register on our website and create an enlistment application today!


  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with the ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

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πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ“…οΈŽ Feb 13 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command



Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers, 160th SOAR, and DEVGRU. We maintain a great level of serious fun with a mature group of players and we pride ourselves with being relaxed and casual outside of Arma with professionalism in-game. This is neither a casual nor serious Milsim unit because we aim to find the sweet spot in between to get the maximum amount of fun from the game. We are a close-knit community and we enjoy being around each other in and outside of Arma. If you are looking for a sense of brotherhood and a great community to be a part of, come join SOCOM and be a part of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers or the 160th SOAR today. To get started in your path to the Rangers or SOAR contact a recruiter on Discord or Team Speak.

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

  • 1/7th Rangers: Open (High Demand)
  • 160th SOAR: Open (High Demand)
  • DEVGRU: Closed

Training and Operations:

  • RASP - Mondays @ 1800 EST & Saturdays @ 2000 EST
  • Unit Training - Mondays 2000 EST
  • Unit Operations- Sundays 2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old.

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

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πŸ‘οΈŽ 4
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jan 09 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command



Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, and Naval Special Warfare Development Group. The unit prides itself on keeping a professional and immersive environment in-game while maintaining a relaxed, close-knit community outside of ArmA. If you are looking for a group of like-minded individuals and wish to be apart of the brotherhood, look no further. Contact a recruiter on our discord or teamspeak today!

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.

β€’ 24/7 Hearts & Minds server


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

  • 1/75th Rangers: Open (High Demand)
  • 160th SOAR: Open (Low Demand)
  • DEVGRU: Closed

Training and Operations:

  • RASP - Mondays @ 1800 EST & Saturdays @ 2000 EST
  • Unit Training - Mondays 2000 EST
  • Unit Operations- Sundays 2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old.

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with the ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

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πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ“…οΈŽ Jan 31 2020
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command



Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers, 160th SOAR, and DEVGRU. We maintain a great level of serious fun with a mature group of players and we pride ourselves with being relaxed and casual outside of Arma with professionalism in-game. This is neither a casual nor serious Milsim unit because we aim to find the sweet spot in between to get the maximum amount of fun from the game. We are a close-knit community and we enjoy being around each other in and outside of Arma. If you are looking for a sense of brotherhood and a great community to be a part of, come join SOCOM and be a part of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers or the 160th SOAR today. To get started in your path to the Rangers or SOAR contact a recruiter on Discord or Team Speak.

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

  • 1/7th Rangers: Open (High Demand)
  • 160th SOAR: Open (High Demand)
  • DEVGRU: Closed

Training and Operations:

  • RASP - Mondays @ 1800 EST
  • Unit Training - Mondays 2000 EST
  • Unit Operations- Sundays 2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old.

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

PFC R.Bates

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

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πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 06 2019
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command


Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers, 160th SOAR, and DEVGRU. We maintain a great level of serious fun with a mature group of players and we pride ourselves with being relaxed and casual outside of Arma with professionalism in-game. This is neither a casual nor serious Milsim unit because we aim to find the sweet spot in between to get the maximum amount of fun from the game. We are a close-knit community and we enjoy being around each other in and outside of Arma. If you are looking for a sense of brotherhood and a great community to be a part of, come join SOCOM and be a part of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers or the 160th SOAR today. To get started in your path to the Rangers or SOAR contact a recruiter on Discord or Team Speak.

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1/7th Rangers: Open (High Demand)

160th SOAR: Open (High Demand)

DEVGRU: Closed

Training and Operations:

RASP - Mondays @1800 EST

Unit Training - Mondays @2000 EST

Unit Operations- Sundays @2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old.

Must be 18 years or older

Write and Speak fluent English

Own & run ArmA III with ability to download mods

Must have ArmA III Apex

Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

PFC R.Bates

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

show more
πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Nov 22 2019
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command



Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers, 160th SOAR, and DEVGRU. We maintain a great level of serious fun with a mature group of players and we pride ourselves with being relaxed and casual outside of Arma with professionalism in-game. This is neither a casual nor serious Milsim unit because we aim to find the sweet spot in between to get the maximum amount of fun from the game. We are a close-knit community and we enjoy being around each other in and outside of Arma. If you are looking for a sense of brotherhood and a great community to be a part of, come join SOCOM and be a part of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers or the 160th SOAR today. To get started in your path to the Rangers or SOAR contact a recruiter on Discord or Team Speak.

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

  • 1/7th Rangers: Open (High Demand)
  • 160th SOAR: Open (High Demand)
  • DEVGRU: Closed

Training and Operations:

  • RASP - Mondays @ 1800 EST & Saturdays @ 2000 EST
  • Unit Training - Mondays 2000 EST
  • Unit Operations- Sundays 2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old.

  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Write and Speak fluent English
  • Own & run ArmA III with ability to download mods
  • Must have ArmA III Apex
  • Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

PFC R.Bates

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

show more
πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 08 2019
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command



Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers, 160th SOAR, and DEVGRU. We maintain a great level of serious fun with a mature group of players and we pride ourselves with being relaxed and casual outside of Arma with professionalism in-game. This is neither a casual nor serious Milsim unit because we aim to find the sweet spot in between to get the maximum amount of fun from the game. We are a close-knit community and we enjoy being around each other in and outside of Arma. If you are looking for a sense of brotherhood and a great community to be a part of, come join SOCOM and be a part of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers or the 160th SOAR today. To get started in your path to the Rangers or SOAR contact a recruiter on Discord or Team Speak.

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1/7th Rangers: Open (High Demand)

160th SOAR: Open (High Demand)

DEVGRU: Closed

Training and Operations:

RASP - Mondays @1800 EST

Unit Training - Mondays @2000 EST

Unit Operations- Sundays @2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old.

Must be 18 years or older

Write and Speak fluent English

Own & run ArmA III with ability to download mods

Must have ArmA III Apex

Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

PFC R.Bates

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

show more
πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Dec 01 2019
🚨︎ report
[A3][Recruiting] United States Special Operations Command



Discord: https://discord.gg/6ha69AR

Who we are:

US SOCOM is a Tactical Realism unit whose aim is to emulate the special operations units of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers, 160th SOAR, and DEVGRU. We maintain a great level of serious fun with a mature group of players and we pride ourselves with being relaxed and casual outside of Arma with professionalism in-game. This is neither a casual nor serious Milsim unit because we aim to find the sweet spot in between to get the maximum amount of fun from the game. We are a close-knit community and we enjoy being around each other in and outside of Arma. If you are looking for a sense of brotherhood and a great community to be a part of, come join SOCOM and be a part of the 1st Battalion 75th Rangers or the 160th SOAR today. To get started in your path to the Rangers or SOAR contact a recruiter on Discord or Team Speak.

What we have available:

β€’ Realistic, milsim experience.

β€’ Structured Operations and Campaigns that are custom made.

β€’ Modpack that changes how ArmA looks and feels.


We currently have the following roles open in our unit that we are looking to fill:

1/7th Rangers: Open (High Demand)

160th SOAR: Open (High Demand)

DEVGRU: Closed

Training and Operations:

RASP - Mondays @1800 EST

Unit Training - Mondays @2000 EST

Unit Operations- Sundays @2000 EST

How do I join and what are the requirements? :

We are recruiting anyone that is mature, trustworthy, respectful, and are looking for a true realism experience. The minimum age requirement to join our unit is 18 years old.

Must be 18 years or older

Write and Speak fluent English

Own & run ArmA III with ability to download mods

Must have ArmA III Apex

Be able to dedicate enough time to the unit.

PFC R.Bates

US Special Operations Command

S-1 Recruiting & Personnel

show more
πŸ‘οΈŽ 2
πŸ‘€οΈŽ u/R_Bates
πŸ“…οΈŽ Nov 29 2019
🚨︎ report

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