A list of puns related to "Razzle (game)"
Game will be broadcast by Altitude crew
Kudos to u/protagonist23 for the mobile pic hack
A friend just got it.
edit: Helios, Ninja, Hustle Brows, Mount Champ, Rlcs Dom, Rlcs Breakout, Rlcs Breakout Type S, Rlcs Oct, Rlcs Dom GT, Rlcs Oct ZSR confirmed to drop
Great stuff razzles back in circulation! Finally a decent chance to finish this set. My offer is 1 uncert white razzle for each one!
These are the ones I need.
This is a fairly famous scam that works well in D&D. I like to bring it out in a fair or a casino where your players might expect that they're going to have to beat the odds to win, and it's always popular with players just because you get to roll a bunch of dice. It tends really to appeal to the gambler type of player. Please be sure that none of your players are recovering gamblers before presenting this to them, as you wouldn't want to be responsible for someone's relapse. It also (hopefully) goes without saying that this is a scam, and should be used exclusively in the context of D&D as it is illegal to run a Razzle-Dazzle game for real in many places.
The players are presented with an array of wooden cups, painted in a half-dozen different colours. Mounted behind is a grid of colourful numbers that looks a little something like this. Each cup is numbered 1 through 6, roughly in even distribution.
The booth attendant/scammer is there barking for players. "Spend a copper, win gold! Even a child can manage!". For a mere one copper, the player is given 8 small balls, like ping-pong balls. They must throw them all in one toss. To represent these, get the player to roll 8d6. Alternatively, it could just be a dice game where they players are simply rolling dice (which works well in a casino). The score on the cups they land on (or the dice) is added up, and compared to the scoresheet. Points are earned by rolling a value that's marked in red on the sheet, and more than half the numbers there are red. To win the pot, the player needs to score 100 points. However, points carry over between tries, so even if you only score 5 points, if you pay another copper for another throw, you keep that 5 points until you win the pot or you walk away and forfeit your money.
Black numbers do nothing. The player is out their bet for the round, they got no points, no prizes. Rolling a green number adds another gold to the pot, but they can't claim it until they get 100 points. Rolling 29 on the dice, however, is a magic number. If a player rolls a 29, they get 5 gold added to the pot. But from then on, the cost of any subsequent rounds doubles.
It isn't super easy to relay this through text, so this is a good video that details the game and the scam: https://youtu.be/527F51qTcTg?t=126
Everything up to here is 100% legit. You can absolutely
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