A list of puns related to "Methoxetamine"
I wanted to see if it would be possible to synthesize MXE starting from Hydroxetamine (HXE). Both molecules are the same except the MXE has an ether on the benzene ring and HXE has an alcohol (phenol).
I was thinking of doing a williamson ether reaction using a methyl halide such as Br-CH3. Would that be feasible?
so HXE + Br-CH3 = MXE ?
Just got some DMXE and was wondering about the dosage. I'm 95kg, 1.88cm, male. I've taken dissos 4-5 times now, 2F-DCK and DCK. DCK on 60-90mg range was just wonderful. Any ideas on DMXE and is boofing recommended?
Thank you guys ❤
I personally don't like MXE that much because of its long duration but I thought I would give it a second chance. I IV'd 20mg and once i pulled the needle out, I could hear buzzing in my ears and then went into extreme dissociation. I was lying in bed and it felt like I was on my ceiling looking downward at myself in my bed. I was listening to music and this feeling is hard to describe but it felt like the music was an ocean, with waves crashing in my psyche lol. Eventually, I felt like I was dead and in the "void". It gave me a lot of appreciation for my loved ones afterwards because it felt like I had just died. Unlike ketamine, I could move around pretty well and wasn't comatose. I started to comedown about 4 hours later but the dissasociation lasted until the next day. Oh how I missed MXE, but I think I still prefer real ketamine. I don't remember much from the experience so sorry for the shitty trip report but I thought I'd share my experience. Anyone else have some notable experiences from MXE?
Last time I saw it was in 2015, and by far has been the most euphoric and therapeutic psychedelic I have taken before and since then. Not looking for any sources for it, I’m just genuinely curious if anyone has seen it floating around on earth?
Christmas came early in 2015: this was the best MXE I had ever seen. Small, shiny, and brilliantly white lattices of MXE molecules. The symmetry of it all was scintillating.
The foundations of physics and chemistry assured me that the atomic reality of this MXE creature was incontestable. Yet what of its metaphysical reality? A kindred spirit bestrode these atomic lengths. An effluvium of stoical wisdom channeling from it and splashing upon my unsuspecting psyche. Now let us pray: Oh most blessed aura of MXE, grant that we may receive your guiding light and deliver us unto claymation Canterbury.
When it came to the route of administration, I had to leave stigmas in the past. (1 Corinthians 13:11) When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. And so I put the MXE up my ass. It was just better this way, bequeathing a superlative euphoria and a duration I could micromanage. Vivid memories accompany the first time I inoculated my rectal region with this substance. The diaphanous state of hypnoid was almost paradoxical.
Though the majority of my MXE expenditures were solo, I also hung with two local simians. These were pitifully primitive creatures who lacked any real qualifications—as did I. As such, we were well-positioned to reap the good tidings of this substance: ignorance being the bliss it is. Since the fall of 2014 we had been sampling from the research chemical menagerie, but nothing had come close to this.
To me it was like all those great love stories. I fell hard for the sweet nectar of MXE. People may have called it addiction but they just didn’t understand. My concupiscence for this molecule was blooming and blossoming. It could do almost no wrong. This carbon festooned caduceus was rectifying all my mental and physical insufficiencies. It was making my mood and opinions more volatile, but I didn’t see this as a bad thing necessarily. It was more like l had latched onto the irrational foundations of the nature herself. Engaged to the enantiodromia, my mind became a haunt for cyclical dialectics.
What a honeymoon this would be. I shirked all responsibilities and fully committed to chasing the sweet tail of MXE. I was going nowhere and destitution was a looming possibility, yet somehow I felt a burgeoning excitement. These were the prelapsarian times. The last hurrah of youth—that epistemic naïveté which grants unwavering hope and happi
... keep reading on reddit ➡Ordered some K online that just came in, tested it at home and it came up positive for methoxetamine. Is this a common cut or is it likely it's just entirely replaced? Is methoxetamine even comparable? Wondering if I got screwed. This is the first time actually testing my K (just got a test kit).
Dealer said this is racemic ketamine. Drops from left to right are marquis, mandellin, simons, and mecke. Outer drops are the powder, inner drops are control (nothing) for comparison.
Dark red/brown reaction with marquis dark orange/red reaction with mandellin Dark orange/red reaction with mecke no reaction with simons
I suspect this is Ketamine + MXE + Amphetamine based on the results but Im a noob. What you guys think?
Isnt MXE supposed to be super fking rare?
Took the substance last night, has that signature loss of balance ketamine brings but its a very euphoric and clear headed high.
It’s going to be kind of a long read, sorry for that. My English is sometimes clumsy as well, I hope it won’t impede with your reading too much.
As a disclaimer, I consider myself radically agnostic, perhaps too much even, to the extent that I make a point of not holding any core belief as true. As such, I don’t usually go around preaching and proselytizing, and will often play devil’s advocate, that is defend beliefs and opinions that aren’t mind, for the sake of experiencing the validity of a different mindset.
So I come to you today not to preach, but merely to entertain. As far as I’m concerned, the following report might very well just have been a really cool, scientifically explainable drug trip, the experience of which was infused by the subconscious mind with deeply repressed pseudo-beliefs, i.e. concepts in which I’m susceptible to believe that my active practice of agnosticism had attempted to bury.
A little background is necessary: I was raised as a rarely-practicing Jew, so I certainly had no special fondness for the character Jesus represented in my childhood. Later while living abroad I was surrounded by Christianity, but never got preached to nor was I ever particularly attracted to the religion. Catholicism of course had inflicted its load of pain to Jews in the past, so I wouldn’t say my subconsciousness was particularly prone to believe in the fella, quite the opposite.
In my early twenties, I opened my mind to a little too much New Age, which never really got to me that much anyway beyond the aspects of adoration of nature, worship of the Sun and post-capitalism, end-of-time ecological renewal shenanigans. Combined with my very occasional use of LSD, and my daily use of methoxetamine, I very much realize my mind was somewhat malleable and open to the mystical, transcendental experience. I very much wanted to believe in anything more than the brutal, sheer limits of reality, so keep in mind that’s a major bias and has certainly weighed in the experience.
As a reminder before we dive in, I’m not preaching what follows as true. It could be true, but it could also be a heavy drug user’s delusion.
I was in my bed, lying on my back facing up, arms along the body. I’d gotten accustomed by then to regular intakes of methoxetamine, a ketamine derivate. Methoxetamine was a drug that appeared in my life around 2010, and I used it on a daily basis for about 2 years, and a couple more years on and off until it became increasingly difficul
... keep reading on reddit ➡Some background to start off: I'm a 22 year old male who is relatively experienced with psychadellics and have had trips on mushrooms, LSD, 4-aco-dmt, 4-aco-met and MDMA. When I was in highschool, I experimented on two occasions with DPH and DMH and had a small amount of ketamine once at a party. I would not consider myself a heavy substance user. I don't not smoke weed or drink often, even on social occasions although I do enjoy in partaking in those on occasion (every 1 - 2 months). Even less do I have psychadellics or otherwise harder drug experiences (maybe every 5 - 12 months). I do my best to only use drugs in a very controlled and familiar enviornment, and as a personal rule, not to use drugs strictly as a way to entertain myself, but as a tool to expand and perturb my conciousness in a way that I come out of it having learned something profound about myself, or life and personal experiences.
Leading up to last night, my friend and roommate (we'll call him B) had spoken to me about MXE about two months prior. B is older than me and probably more experienced with psychadellics and other psychoactive drugs than I am, and he also uses drugs more regularly than I as well. B told me that MXE is one of the most profound and interesting substances that he's ever used, he described the experience to be euphoric, that you have an ability to access memories with great detail and that it brings you to a very tranquil and peaceful state of mind. He went on to describe the experience as way to introspectively overcome your own personal dilemmas and short comings and used words like "divine", "spiritual", and "magical". By his description I became interested in what MXE had to offer, B seemed very adamant on all of the benefits of this substance, and it seemed that MXE was B's favorite, although he didn't out right say that it was.
Spontaneously this last Friday, B mentioned he had acuired some MXE from a reliable source which we both knew and that we could trip on the following Saturday (now yesterday as a write this). Throughout the day I sparatically checked up on Erowid about proper dosing, other user experiences and the like, to prepare and ensure myself that I knew exactly what I was getting into. By about 11:30pm to Midnight, B came home and he eagerly prepared the basement to aquire our needs. The record player set up with Wish You Were Here, been-bag chairs brought out of storage, and B set up a fold out t.v. dinner table and put a hard-cover
... keep reading on reddit ➡Over the past two years, my group of friends and I have been doing a lot of "research" on Mxe. In my experimenting, I've realized you can utilize the full potential of this drug, mastering it in a way. Mxe is by far on of the most interesting drugs I've ever come across, and I've noticed a few things.
Mxe is an extremely spiritual drug when used right. Scientifically, Mxe is an NMDA receptor antagonist and a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Spiritually speaking, it is pure energy. Meditation in powder form. Like reaching the point of enlightenment and pure bliss and evolving to the next stage of consciousness. Disassociating your mind from your body, you lose your ego and view the world from an outside perspective. Everything seems to be in your favor, luck follows you, and karma is your bitch. You attract all the good energy surrounding you as if everything is going perfect. It's almost unreal, complete synergy often being a motif of the trip.
When you trip, it can go many different ways, different stages if you will. What you do, your surrounding environment, and the people you are with can all dramatically effect how you feel. This is the same when you take any sort of trip with some friends, but I feel the connectivity is intense with this drug. I've had a friend who was a first timer pull me aside and say that they sense someone was a little off, that they could feel it in their stomach. Or how everyone you are tripping with is having the exact trip as you. On countless occasions, somebody will speak my exact thoughts or express a similar feeling.
One of the stages I've come across many times, is weird, a bit of confusion. You'll often get a feeling of pressure in your head, almost like your mind is hungry for information and adventure. The drug is literally pushing you to be productive. Getting up, exercising your mind and all your senses, 100% of the time, gets you out of phase that a lot of people get stuck in and form their opinion about Mxe on. Go explore, ride a bike or skate board, create something like music or art. I've met people who were in no way musically inclined sit down and VIBE out. One of my roomates moved in, never playing an instrument, and would pick up anything and learn how to do something with it on the spot. He's now one of my favorite people to jam with.
M-holing is by far my favorite aspect of the drug. I don't have any experience with ketamine, so i can't compare, but I've been to some unbelievable places in t
... keep reading on reddit ➡To be clear: I am NOT looking for a source.
I’ve heard that it’s supposed to be safer than ketamine and stronger so I thought it be worth a try. Prices on the deep web seem to be around £44 for a gram, which is pretty damn pricey. If it is a lot stronger than K, then it could be worth it.
Can anyone provide any details on the strength of this drug also?
Thank you
Just noticed that it's gone. Told that dude that if he brought attention to it admins would ban it rather than make someone a mod.
Anyway, how's the stuff circulating DNMs? Seems to have mixed feedback. From what I've gathered it's weaker than preban.
I have all three so it does not matter to me what i take tonight. I am personally feeling like taking a benzo and smoking a little bit of herb.
Apart from in museums
MXE, or Methoxetamine, is a near chemical analog of Ketamine (AMA), a dissociative, but has been slightly modified chemically in order to increase potency. Users report that it has many similarities to Ketamine, but also some clear differences.
First Synthesis: Unclear. This drug became popular in 2011 (there are no Erowid trip reports prior to 2011), so relatively recent is a safe assumption.
Intended Use: More potent version of Ketamine, an anesthetic. Possible applications as an antidepressant.
Current research into medical applications: None.
Legality: Unscheduled. It is an analogue of Ketamine, which is not a Schedule I or II drug, which makes the Federal Analogue Act unapplicable.
I'm afraid my boyfriend has lost his mind. I don't know what to do. He went away to work in another state, he left about two months ago. He came back to visit this weekend and it's like he's become a completely different person. He claims that he met and spoke to God, and that God is giving him instructions. The night he got here kept bsing me into taking mxe. I agreed to take the first 25 mg but after that he kept trying to give me more and I kept saying no and he just kept saying I had to trust him and follow him. Apparently he was trying to get me to see/talk to God also, which didn't happen. At some point I was in my bed and it was like being in a cushioned display case with tinsel and fabric/cotton like something you would see in a shop window around Christmas. It was really strange.
Then he did something similar to his friend yesterday, trying to get him to see God. He really thinks that God is telling him to do things. He told me I had to bake cookies for the neighbors and I said no and he said I have to because God said. I said he has to respect my boundaries and then he said he's breaking up with me. Because I won't bake cookies for the neighbors. I'm really worried about him but not sure what to do. It's like he's had a lobotomy. As far as I know he's been using mxe daily or almost daily for a month or two. He thinks he's on a spiritual journey. Can anyone advise me?
I have been depressed, with severe anxiety and paranoia all my life. I never actually seeked any professional help for any of it until late 2013 and was put on different SSRIs along with both short and long-acting benzodiazepines. The SSRI kinda took the edge off, but it also led me to periods of intense drinking and a downward spiral that fucked up everything I had. The benzo just went straight to the trash as it barely had any effect on me except mild numbing.
I managed to find methoxetamine by accident. I was on a pretty severe ritalin/eph/weed/alcohol binge in December and pretty much running myself to death. Eventually I ran out of stuff to abuse and so I decided to get some more to keep the shitty ride going. But I only had enough money to get something cheap. I knew a little about the newly blown-up antidepressive effects of ketamine so somehow I ordered a gram of MXE without reading much into it. I can not remember why I ordered MXE but I know that I really did not care about anything at this point.
So I tried a dose the first day -- crudely eyeballed of course so it was probably too much. And of course I redosed quickly without really reading any information about it. I did the same thing the next day -- just as irresponsibly and with no fucks given. These days are very foggy and I barely remember anything.
But the third day I woke up and really did not feel depressed or bad at all. I felt energy, motivation and something I have never felt in my life -- self-worth and self-appreciation.
So I decided to actually read information about MXE and found a lot of people with similar experiences, and many people talked about the beneficial effects of lower doses. From that day I just started taking very small doses in the morning, redosing a little bit over the day. I managed to make this one gram last for over three weeks.
Holy fuck what a change. I kept a normal sleeping schedule for over three weeks. It might not seem like much but I have never done that since I was in elementary school. It always ends up completely unorganized after just a day or two. And I went for walks, went to the store (there isnt much to do here). I no longer felt like I did not belong wherever I was.
So the positive effect of MXE on me,
The social anxiety is not gone but I feel normal. I know there is no substance that can instantly reverse 7 years of.. strangeness and coping mechanisms. I gotta learn some of things I should have learned. I probably act a bit w
... keep reading on reddit ➡This novel by Frank Herbert - and the consequent film produced by David Lynch - is a complex science fiction tale set in the year 10191.
The story line would take many words to effectively describe, but one of the most important parts of the book is this spice called "Melange" or "the spice". It is described as an "awareness spectrum narcotic" and is a fundamental part of the Dune universe's technological advancement, cultural development, and commerce.
As for its effects:
-It could awaken dormant parts of the human mind and encourage expanded sensory perceptions.
-In heavy doses it can result in an experience called "space folding" in which the user can travel to far off places without ever physically moving.
-Physically, the user's eyes experience an extreme discoloration to the point where the eye is completely blue.
Now, if you don't see the similarities to methoxetamine, I will explain it in accordance with my MXE experiences. I will preface by saying methoxetamine is and will always be my favorite substance. At any dose I find the substance to be a passage way to good times, but also new discoveries from a unique perspective.
-Lower Doses: Therefore, just like melange, when used one's mind can be expanded in incredible ways.
-High Doses, "M Holes": just as one can "fold space" on a high dose of melange, in the M Hole one can have all encompassing out of body experiences. My most memorable was on a dose of 110mg. I laid down on my back and sunk into my bed past the point of physical possibility, my neck cracking backwards, my mouth wide open. My friend - on a similar dose of MXE but more cognizant - was improvising on his guitar. Our minds felt wholly entwined, his gentle strumming guiding my experience into the depths of the hole.
With my neck back and mouth wide open, I closed my eyes and felt sand rushing down my throat. Surprisingly enough, though, the sand did not choke me. Instead, the more that rushed into my body, the further I detached from the human plain. I spent what seemed like hours crawling through caves, listening to the gentle drip of water droplets from sharp stalactites above into shallow pools of water glowing from bioluminescence. My guitar playing guide changed keys, and I was ripped from the caves by the sand and dropped onto New York City's 10th Street and 5th Avenue. I walked with an unknown purpose down towards the Washington Square Arch, growing increasingly more frantic as civilians passing by had inverted
... keep reading on reddit ➡i'm sitting in my room and i go "Whoa mxe is fucking confusing. What? the fuck. Yes, what the fuck with a period. Not a question mark in this darkness, in this confusing stream of bits of information from my finger tips. But. If you're reading this, know that I have spoken out loud, all that you have read.
That might be a bit organic, but MXE wants me to tell you (I'm alone and) that I'm a human being who has taken MXE. And if you want to know what it's like to be on MXE, then go backward, yes, that's correct, go backward, it almost feels automatic. Read what I've said out loud, as if, you were just learning the English language. Because, the person, who typed this out wants you all to know that, while he was typing this all out he was saying these words in a monotone voice. It was very strange. In fact, if you read this, you are reading, a person's, personal, methoxetamine typing trip.
The person who was tripping on this MXE, happens to be (and that rhymes) somewhat intelligent but lazy, so they were in a automated stupor at the time they wrote this. This is chilling. This is schizophrenic. In fact, like the beginning of Lolita, sound that out: SCHIZ. O. PHRENIC. One. Two. ThreeFour. Read all of this out loud, because, the person who typed this out was tripping very hard on MXE! Exclamation mark. In fact, this post, the person thinks, will be so accurate in describing the effects of this substance that many people on the internet will agree with what has been presented here. They will all agree that this is one of the most accurate representations of the MXE mindstate in front of a computer. You are privileged to read this.
You don't understand. This is beyond a trip report, this is a one to one connection with someone tripping on MXE. You can actually go through the trip with them by reading this out loud and typing it out at the same time. That's what they were doing while they were high on MXE, so why don't you do it too? They were me. I am doing this. Oh my god, this will enlighten so many people about what MXE is like... in language form. Type this out as you read it. And you will realize how dissociated the person who wrote this was. This text is imbued, that means, it is brimming with the life of the person who wrote this.
MXE - http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/attachements.cfm/att_228264_EN_TDAK14004ENN.pdf
>Twenty deaths associated with methoxetamine have been reported to the Early Warning System by six Member States where the substance has been detected in post mortem biological samples: Austria (one death), Finland (one), France (one), Poland (one), Sweden (one) and the United Kingdom (15). In eight of the cases methoxetamine was the only psychoactive substance reported. It should be noted that in the remaining cases it is possible that other pharmacologically active substances (such as controlled drugs and medicines) and/or other medical conditions or trauma may have contributed to and/or been responsible for death. It is also notable that four of the 20 deaths mentioned drowning as the cause of death.
>There have been four deaths associated with 25I-NBOMe registered in three Member States. Severe toxicity associated with its use has been reported in four Member States, which notified 32 non-fatal intoxications.
>108 fatalities were registered in eight Member States and Norway between September 2009 and August 2013, where MDPV has been detected in post-mortem biological samples or implicated in the cause of death. A total of 525 non-fatal intoxications associated with MDPV have been reported by eight Member States.
I bought some amphetamine from a dealer somewhere sometime ago and I didn't test it before today and I also didn't take anything until I had it tested. Because I'm fucking smart!
Here is my test result: http://imgur.com/yLeM3rB
smell: kinda funny, indiscernible. Power form, this is how it looks like: http://imgur.com/U4F96Dl
but I can't figure out what it is. It is clearly not amphetamine, based on this chart: http://www.bunkpolice.com/wp-content/uploads/Mandelin-Infographic3.jpg
#UPDATE: Added charts prove it's meth, not amphetamine: http://spycity.com.au/images/Colour%20Chart%20Mandelin.jpg http://www.neurosoup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Reagent-Drug-Test-Kit-Chart-new2.jpg http://testkitplus.com/wp-content/uploads/images/reactions/mandelin-color-reactions.jpg
It seems more like meth, oxy or some methoxetamine. Please help, dunno what to do with this now as the dealer betrayed me :(
Hi. My friend is afraid of using ket, as having used it just a few times and has already experienced immense bladder pain and difficulty pissing on one occasion. He has looked in methoxetamine as this sounds pretty cool, and there are no reports of bladder issues. Anyone got any handy information on methoxetamine they could share with me and my friend? Thanks
I’m an 18 year old boy and I started using Phenibut 4 years ago. I found Phenibut on the internet after rolling on MDMA for my first time. MDMA healed a condition I didn’t know I had: social anxiety. I was also searching for something to combat the crash. I began using Phenibut at 500 mg doses and later on took some days 5 grams daily. In the beginning I had huge motivation improvements and was talking a lot, compare it to the effects of taking amphetamines and benzos at the same time, without the crash and effects lasting the whole day. After some weeks of use, the only effects I got were anxiety reduction. Eventually I could find a pattern: after 2 hours of taking Phenibut I would get very tired, after 5 hours I got a huge dopamine rebound. Then after that still very tired.
To conclude: the effect that stays is the anti-anxiety effect. The effect that was forever gone was the motivational (dopamine) effect I got the whole day. This left me with a carless attitude all day.
I tried various substances to get the magic of Phenibut back.
I already wanted to an NMDA antagonist because they seem to reduce tolerance for dopamine agonists like amphetamines and also: Phenibut. They have anti-anxiety effects on there own because they block overactive neurons in the brain. Options were:
I went through 1 gram of methoxetamine in 1 week and this is lik
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