A list of puns related to "Masonic lodge officers"
For me, the #1 rule is: "It's not your lodge - you're taking care of it for the next generation of Masons."
Or in other words, "This is the way we've done it since 1976 and we shouldn't ever change" needs to be eliminated from the vocabulary. I hope that when I'm an old and crotchety Past Master, I keep to this advice.
I'm interested to hear what you brothers think makes a good Masonic lodge officer besides the obvious stuff like actually showing up.
In my lodge we sing the Entered Apprentice song during the festive board after a first and the Worshipful Masters song at the festive board of our Installation. As well as a few sung words with the Masonic fire after each toast.
I was wondering what other songs are out there.
Should the first officers of a new lodge be known as the Charter Officers (i.e. Charter Worshipful Master) or the Warrant Officers (i.e. Warrant Worshipful Master)?
I have seen both of these titles used in various lodge history books I've looked at and as I am now writing the history of my lodge, I want to use the correct wording.
Warrant Officer seems right because lodges are first warranted and then constituted and the names of the original officers are written on the Warrant of Constitution (I'm in PA, in case there is a jurisdictional difference). That being said, I've probably seen more books use the term Charter Officers.
Does anyone have any insight on this?
Yesterday, I was in Auschwitz, Poland to visit the famous concentration camps for Jews and many war prisoners from WWII. Afterwards, in my personal readings I researched to see if any Masonic lodges existed in any of the camps. And guess what? Yes! There was secret loges in some of the camps. A good example is the LibertΓ© ChΓ©rie (Cherished Liberty) Lodge at the Esterwegen camp.
You can read more here in the attached link.libertΓ© chΓ©rie
I keep seeing Masonic symbols in different cities across the state, be it graffiti in Cedar City or stickers on cars in Salt Lake.
Is Masonry particularly popular here?
Defeated. Swiss Alpina proposed the following definition by βthe Grand Mastersβ of the World Conference:
βFreemasonry is a fraternity of free men or women whose roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons.β
I saw no votes in favour of the proposition.
The definition aside, it was noted that the Conference does not have a role in defining freemasonry.
Upon questioning, Swiss Alpina replied that their grand lodge had not adopted the definition, but were considering doing so.
As a background, Swiss Alpina has long had a view of feminine masonry consistent with that of UGLE, provided in another post.
My mother lodge was hit last week and according to our Grand Secretary, we are not alone. Has anyone else experienced this?
I've attached the text from our Grand Secretary below.
Someone or group is going around to Lodges and Churches taping Anti-Masonic Material to their doors. This is being done in Illinois, Missouri, Indiana and Wisconsin. I understand the FBI and Anti-Terrorism investigators are working on this.
In Illinois please send any information, pictures, security video and/or police reports to;
Dept. Gunnar CastorAdams County Sherriff's DepartmentEmail is preferred: gcaster@co.adams.il.us
Only if necessary please call (217) 277-2200
If you find one of these on your door do not touch it. Call the Police and let them check for fingerprints first.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Frank Cline, Grand SecretaryGrand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Illinois2866 Via Verde StreetSpringfield, IL 62703(217) 529-8900 ext. 210 Office(217) 529-0242 Faxgs@ilmason.org
Let's brainstorm some names.
Hmmm...Three Knocks and a Dash?
Just heard about the Netflix is a Joke comedy festival. Tim Robinson is doing a show on May 6th at the Masonic Lodge in Santa Monica, but the tickets are already sold out... Any chance anyone has an extra ticket for sale?
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