Dad joked at Starbucks. Again!

Back again, with my coworkers and their terrible jokes!

I was in the back room, making whipped cream when I realized I had neglected to get the whipped cream chargers (similarly to my previous post).

I turned to a coworker and asked, “Hey, Nicole. If you feel like it, could you grab the whip chargers from up front next time you go out there?"

She responded, “Sure. But could you do me a favor real quick?"


She holds out her arm, “Feel my arm for me?" I felt her arm questioningly. She then asks, “DO I FEEL LIKE IT?"

And the Starbucks dad jokes continue...

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Apr 07 2014
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Got the SO with this one earlier

My other half has been on medication for conjunctivitis and she's been complaining about it for about a week. Well earlier she put some cream round her eye and she said to me:

"I must have put it too close to my eye as it feels like I've got a film over it"

My reply was

"Is it any good? I fancy a good movie"

👍︎ 3
📅︎ May 25 2014
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I work at target

And our deep freezer is extremely cold.... i was back stocking some ice cream and my ear lobes had gotten hard for some reason..... i looked over at my fellow team member and said "hey man wanna feel my earection?" To which he replied "you mean your bonear?"

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Apr 08 2014
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