A list of puns related to "Genocide definitions"
This kind of definition makes it seem like killing is somehow ”more OK” if it’s not motivated by an aim to wipe out an ethnic or national group.
For instance, some Turkish deniers of Armenian Genocide don’t actually deny that mass killings happened, but instead a certain type of logic is used by them to deny specifically the ethnic dimension of them. Apparently, killing en masse is fine and justifiable, just don’t do it for ethnic reasons!
This also makes Hitler’s Holocaust artificially appear as THE greatest mass killing of all time. In reality, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan, and Timur Lenk killed greater numbers of people, but because it was mostly indiscriminate killing, these events are not seen to be as serious. We are - quite correctly - outraged over Holocaust denial, but where’s the equivalent outrage towards Stalin’s modern defenders in Russia, for instance?
The current, faulty definition of Genocide is at least partly tied to geopolitical factors. One aspect is that it allows certain nations to escape the need to examine their rosy national myths about certain events. Imagine the outrage Russia would feel if the UN declared that the ”heroic” Stalin was actually a genocidal monster on par with Hitler. Or that Mongolians were shamed for considering Genghis Khan to be a national hero. There are entrenched interests at work, folks.
Another aspect is the need to coddle the nation of Israel. If one is willing to be honest about it, that nation frequently uses the historical persecution faced by Jews as a method of gaining pity points: ”We had it so hard during the Holocaust, please look the other way as we now violate international law!”. This strategy would be far less effective if the definition of genocide were expanded, for then the Holocaust would be just one of the many mass genocides, not THE defining one.
ALL mass killing is bad, whether for ethnic reasons or otherwise.
This site is just an anti-America propaganda machine
I don't think you know what the word genocide means...
[Tragic, inhumane, shameful, but not genocide - that’s not a word that should be thrown around lightl
... keep reading on reddit ➡Genocide is the systematic killing of an ethnic group because of their identity. The US targeted hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians and killed them. Shouldn't this be considered a genocide?
Is Jason Rothenberg aware that he just depicted the genocide of the human species? His interviews are saying that we should find the ending bittersweet but ultimately "uplifting." But according to the UN definition of genocide, we just witnessed some random alien species commit genocide against all of humanity.
"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
We know the aliens sterilized the remaining humans - fake Lexa says they will have no offspring. So the remaining humans are not able to reproduce anymore (method #4 of genocide). We also know that all living human children (and adults) were transcended - transcendence is becoming one with the alien consciousness (method #5). You could also make some sort of argument for #1 and #2 in that everyone's human bodies are gone (for those that transcended).
You could argue that individuals had a choice whether to transcend or not, but then #4 still applies - the human species can no longer reproduce because of these aliens.
The moral of the story here seems to be that humans can never be at peace until we are exterminated (essentially what Jasper wrote). How is that uplifting?
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