A list of puns related to "Float zone silicon"
The lore in this game is absolutely insane! They really pulled the short straw by not going with a campaign for this release! The resemblance between the game's events and current events is uncanny! Wow!
Adding to this insanity is the greedy Scalpers taking up arms to horde the valuable hardware for themselves!
It's pretty cool you also need to extract Solid State Drives.
Let's squeeze this bitch.
Pt 1. Trading the float.
Using a float of 60 million across the board GME has traded it's float or more 18 times in the past year. I spent 10 minutes looking through other stocks including TSLA that experienced squeezes and found only 1 other stock that has traded it's float. AMC on the 25th 26th and 27th.
GME traded it in October of last year a few times in January and a few times since. If we start the period in October which is the first time this happened we get 11.25% we have traded the float over 10% of trading days since October. This so called relatively rare event happens to us all the time I guess we must be special.
From here we can make a simple deduction either retail is trading the float all the time or we're not. All indication shows that GME retailers have been buying, holding, and adding to their positions since January. Our sentiment here shows that, our low volume and volatility shows that, and the vote count shows that. Pump and dumps on wallstreetbets don't come close to trading the float so the likely hood that we the originators of diamond hands are somehow regularly trading all our shares and buying them back sometimes multiple times in 1 day is obviously ludicrous.
However the conformation bias confirming answer of hedgie fucker in the form of selling fake shares and/or selling shares back and forth with each other lines up perfectly especially with so many of days the float was traded being or touching the 25th of the month aka FTD party day.
One affirmative statement is clear someone is selling shares that don't exist or selling and buying all the shares they have several times a day and if it's not us then who?
Any claim that the hedgies have covered or are covering is like saying my neighbors house is on fire but hes putting it out. And when you look out the window you see him with a flame thrower actively spreading more fire across his house.
Let me emphasis to make this crystal clear on January 22nd 2021 retailers either bought and sold all the shares that exist 4 times or someone printed 100's of millions of fake shares, forget for a moment hiding short interest in options and FTD cycles because the volume speaks volumes.
This is a chart overlaying daily return (r
... keep reading on reddit ➡When my mates and I brew there is always a hell of a lot of Trueb in the Wort. We use a hop spider and a bazooka but it takes much longer to drain the 50L all in one that we use than it should. Had anyone used a silicon rubber with a floating dip tube to avoid the gunk? We end up whacking the bazooka to reduce the clogging but it is a pain in the arse, why not just do this? I figure it is genius or super stupid
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