A list of puns related to "Explication"
Comme j'ai travaillé au central des caméras du MTQ il y a quelques années, j'ai des amis qui sont encore là-bas et je viens de parler à l'un d'entre-eux.
La raison c'est : Aussitôt qu'un opérateur prend le contrôle d'une caméra, le "feed" public se coupe automatiquement.
Donc, si il y avait des gens sur le viaduc, les contrôleurs voulaient probablement s'assurer que personne allait en profiter pour lance de quoi sur les voitures ou bien pour accrocher une bannière qui pourrait tomber et causer un accident ou bien prévenir les secours si une personne trop excitée en arrivant à tomber du viaduc.
Comme les contrôleurs ont manipulé les caméras manuellement, le feed public s'est tout simplement déconnecté pour éviter qu'on reconnaisse le monde sur les viaducs, des gens qui ont le droit à ce qu'on ne diffuse pas leur visage sans leur autorisation.
Alors pas de conspiration, c'est juste une fonction automatique.
Je ne comprend pas bien qu'elle est la référence de la femme avec la grande lance qu'il y a sur cet image en haut à gauche. C'est quoi selon vous ?
Pour moi ça fait référence à sa jeunesse quand il tue pour la première fois mais ça devrait être lui qui tient la lance non?
So I placed an order a couple of days ago and now o got an email update, at first I was exited that maybe is the update the the items has been shipped, but it wasn’t, it was a cancellation following for a refund notice without more detail of why… anyone else manage to place an order recently without any issue? Tried to call, no luck, sent an email and got a support case number .. but still nothing, tried to reach them via IG… nothing… Reddit do your magic!
We all know that atoms never touch each other, which means that there's a 1 in a 1.000.000 chance that a part of your body will go between 2 atoms, in my opinion this is the only way to end up in the backrooms, however there's many other ways on the internet, it's up to you which one you want to believe.
The Lover is one of the most difficult archetypes to notice that you are experiencing. By its very nature it is seductive and spontaneous. The Lover is most commonly associated with sex, but sex is the smallest part of the archetype. You cannot experience the Lover by yourself, but you do not necessarily have to experience it with another person. Anytime you are pulled into an alluring daydream, swept up in the rhetoric of a rousing speech, or moved to a sense of greater understanding by a work of art or fiction, you are beginning to fall into the embrace of the Lover. The Lover is a drum circle, it is staring deeply into a bonfire, it is a poem about time, a drug trip.
The Lover can be an infinite amount of things.
The Lover is most easily understood as our ability to give up a small part of ourselves to become part of something greater. The Lover is our ability to merge with another person or a group of people. The Lover lets us dissolve part of our own ego to be a part of a greater purpose or force of society. If we do not have access to the Lover we are completely alone, completely with purpose and life becomes an abstraction. We are connection making creatures and it is the Lover archetype that allows us to make those connections.
Because The Lover requires us to give up a piece of ourselves in order to identify with it, over identification with The Lover can be disastrous. Patients over identified with The Lover might try to dissolve themselves passionately into each many new relationships or over identify with each new friend. Extreme over identification with The Lover leaves patients with no sense of self. These patients will operate in society as chameleons. Over identification with the Lover is over identification with something outside of oneself. They will continue to find religious, romantic, or social relationships that let them take on someone else's identity and concept of self.
When working with patients with substance abuse problems therapists should be very aware of the functioning of the lover archetype. Addiction is often understood by therapists as an attempt to numb out painful emotions or memories, and while this interpretation is correct it is also an incomplete understanding of what addiction is. Substance abuse is always fueled by a desperate attempt to have connection with something. The loneliness and isolation that patients with substance abuse issues feel is an extreme under identification with the lover arch
... keep reading on reddit ➡The Magician is intuition, education, and reflexes. In myth and legend the Magician appears in stories not to be the hero, but to aid the hero on their quest. In these stories the Magician can also take the form of a witch, enchanter, or shaman. The Magician is the most esoteric part of our schooling that filled us with the most passion. The Magician is a sense of personal power and accomplishment, but not power gained through conflict like the Warrior. Power for the Magician comes through unconscious insight, cleverness, tricks and being resourceful and inventive.
To the Warrior knowledge, secrets and intrigue make one strong, not brute strength. The Magician is a wise man and a diviner, both prescient and empathetic. The magician can act as a negotiator or statesman, but is more commonly a salesman, seducer, or an entertainer. The Magician stands with one foot in two worlds. He is a gatekeeper between the abstract clairvoyant realm of the unconscious and the practical and results oriented world of the everyday. He brings back visions from the world of the unconscious and bestows them as gifts on others. This power to surprise and interest others is closely tied to our own need for attention. Patients that did not get the attention they desired as children will often have a well developed Magician. These patients believed as children that something about them was bad or shameful, and developed their magician archetype as a way of being seen or having control.
It is the Magician that impresses others with insights, funny stories and hidden talents. It is the Magician that is able to stand out in a bar room or business meeting when others are vying for attention. The Magician is our ingenuity, and adaptability in the face of situations that we cannot plan for or control. The Magician is our ability to read between the lines in academic domains, to see the broader point or meaning beyond a text. Every insight or inspiration that you have ever pulled from the ether and used to your advantage feels like magic. If you are comfortable pulling clever observations and realizations from the unconscious and putting them to use then you are strongly identified with the Magician.
Patients may be under identified with their Magician if they were brought up to be rule oriented or understand the world only as a series of lists to be memorized. These patients are not intuitive but learn by memorizing a series of steps that became a crutch for their thinking. Patients u
... keep reading on reddit ➡“She Walks in Beauty” Explication By embracing the concept of self-expression, the poet, Lord Byron, has brought together the use of imagination and deep emotion in order to show his admiration.
The King is our sense of systemic power or our sense of power within society . The King is both the father of the family and of society. He has a larger plan for others and sees how all pieces of the system work and what different types of people need. This larger plan comes from creativity and imagination, but it is the practical imagination of planning and developing communities and systems. The King not only wants to improve himself, but to improve others linked to him as an extension of himself. The appropriately identified King is a proud father.
We need the King in order to manage our households, supervise employees, or volunteer in leadership roles. The fundamental anxiety the King manages is the fear that there is no larger plan structuring others lives. The King fears anarchy. The King lets us take the reins and provide leadership when we see that no one else can. The King is able to organize the many individual
l Warriors behind a single banner. The King is order, organization and unity.
It is healthy and positive to have a vision for a better world that we would like to see our life and works contribute toward. Without the King we cannot have hope for our families or for the world. Patients who were raised being systematically excluded or oppressed are likely to be under identified with their King. If society has rejected or oppressed them their entire lives they have been taught that it doesn't want them, and will have difficulty believing others will let them lead.
If we do not believe we have any power over the world, it is difficult to function within it. These patients will be plagued with interpersonal difficulty until the under identification is resolved. Patients under identified with their King will avoid any position where they have responsibility for or power over others. They were often punished for being angry or assertive in their families of
origin and felt they were not allowed to hold power. Often these patients will have anger “turned off” and have extreme anxiety when circumstances force them to judge others, even accurately, or when they are angry. These patients will have difficulty reconciling anxiety when they have a moral standard that others violate. They do not want to let go of their own moral compass but also are uncomfortable when others fail at being moral or good by their own standard.
Patients who are under identified with their King may be highly competent and successful, but still remain highly
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