A list of puns related to "Environmental accounting"
First Published 2010
eBook Published 29 March 2010
DOI https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203854440
Pages 128
eBook ISBN 9780203854440
I graduated with a degree in accounting, immaturely telling myself the more I stick with it the better it will get. I’ve now been graduated over a year and am realizing how little interest i have in any accounting subject matter. I have always had a passion for the outdoors and our environment, but am having a hard time thinking of a way to transition, or what to even look for. Any and all ideas are greatly appreciated!
I am 30 and am currently a tax manager at a private company on the west coast (USA). I have a BA and Masters in business admin/accounting and tax accounting, respectively. I have thought about switching to a more fulfilling and meaningful role in a nonprofit/environmental agency for a couple years but always got sidetracked whenever a promotion or raise came up because I am stuck in the mindset that if I work at my company for just one more year, I can reap more benefits financially and on my resume. It became a toxic and relentless cycle on my mental wellbeing.
However, my conscience has been eating me up from the inside a lot more recently due to the current political and environmental climate. I really want to help create a positive impact for the earth (however big or small) instead of helping the 1% amass even more wealth. I have been interested in environmental conservation/preservation ever since I was a child but, out of fear, I listened to my parents and chose a business major instead. Please don't get me wrong, I am extremely grateful that I have had the opportunities and privileges to get to where I am today. I wouldn't have been in such a position today if I did not have the support. I am highly interested in joining a nonprofit or a green reputable company, hopefully after the pandemic is at a more controlled level, as an environmental accountant. My end goal is to be able transition to a more hands-on career in environmental science but would appreciate some advice on where to start since I cannot find any postings on job sites and don't know anyone in the industry.
I am an INFJ if that helps. Thanks!
Hello Guys and Girls,
I have decided to change my major to accounting and was wondering how do you try to make accounting fun? Or is accounting fun to you already?
Also, I have a couple more questions
Any of you accountants do any sort of work in this field? Is it even a thing? If it is, how did you get there and how would I even go about getting my career in that direction?
Save the trees man
Howdy. I want to be involved in agribusiness. Do y'all think that an accounting major and an environmental science minor help me achieve my post-grad goals?
Anyone here in environmental accounting or know someone? I'm a senior accounting student and really interested in being an environmental accountant. I know this is a newer industry but I'm having trouble finding internships or even professionals in my area - I'm in the DC area
I have been interested in Environmental accounting for a while now and today I learned about SASB. Does anybody have any resources or advice about how to enter this field? I am currently in corporate accounting and NOT interested in entering back into public, which is the majority of advice I have received in the past. Thank you!
Has anyone heard of environmental accounting before? I was reading the article I've linked below, and this seems like something I could see myself being very interested in. The problem is, I've literally never heard of this before, and a quick search on Indeed and Monster yielded just about nothing. Anybody know anything more about it?
Sequential sequin shells seek windchills, eke win. Chill Zeke wench’ll see Quinn. Shills eek when she’ll sea quench hell.
Greetings :)
I'm a chartered accountant (CPA these days) that has ventured into the world of environmental management in British Columbia, Canada. I wanted to work on LNG authorization for my thesis but LNG didnt really work out here (for better or worse)...but worse for my thesis...
....So... I'm looking for someone that has both an accounting designation and a PhD for a potential supervisor (harder to find than you would think).
I would like to focus on governance and accountability as it relates to risk in the natural resource sector. Currently I'm looking at transparency and risk management in the mining sector but I'm very open to other ideas!
Now for the hard (or easy) part. I'm a legislative auditor and would like to focus on public transparency and accountability over all else. I'm very familiar with environmental accounting as it relates to managerial acct/reporting but my key focus is on public reporting. This requires an understanding of Public Sector Accounting Standards and inernational practices in the public sector.
If you would like to advise or comment in any way at all please do :) 'cause you do....right?...yeah you do!... :)
We should see petitions people can sign against those companies. We should see their names all over reddit. We should see what these companies do, how much pollution they've made and the effects of their pollution, and how they've changed to counteract the damage they've done on a year-to-year basis.
This day should be the day where people get mad and angry at the damage those companies have committed. This day should be day to be the day where we teach/re-teach people that we are not solely/majorly responsible for the damage done to the environment.
This day isn't supposed to be a day of "things that you could do to help". It shouldn't be a day of "reduce, reuse, recycle". It should be a day where people are reminded of the injustices that companies and firms around the world commit against the environment. It should be a day where we fight for our future, and our children's future.
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