A list of puns related to "EFMD Quality Improvement System"
Mostly as audiophiles we tend to focus on gear.
However, room is an important part of the audio experience.If you improved your room (ie. smaller like furniture, or bigger like special sound absorption, diffusion panels...), would love to hear your experience.
Was the cost associated with it worth it?Do you have by chance A/B comparisons (sound, video) to showcase?
The game is pretty good but a few simple changes to the fast travel system would be a great addition. The fast travel points are already pretty far apart and making the service cost Azoth is a bit of a pain. You could really just get rid of the currency and increase the amount of gold it costs to fast travel so people don't abuse it.
I understand that the developers want players to explore the world but in it's current state, New World traveling can be quite tedious and with it being such a big part of the game I feel like it'll be a bit of a turn off for a lot of people.
Adding mounts would honestly smooth it all out and from a certain perspective, bring the time that would normally be used traveling into possibly grinding for different mounts. Just saying this because I get that developers want players spending as much time in the game as possible.
I understand this isn't wow and I don't want it to be, this might not even be on anyone's radar. Just something me and a couple friends were discussing and I was wondering what other people thought.
With the RNG the way it is at the moment itโs almost impossible to get the exact items you want to fit your build. Ghost has a system where you can re-roll individual gear perks limitedly with currency that you earn in game. Which still encourages farming for the item you want but allows you to customise it for your play style.
Just wanted to share it here because I think some of you guys might really enjoy this while we wait for Black Ops Cold War.
Here are some of the notable changes I think are pretty cool:
And there's even more, but those were what I thought stand out.
The mod is vanilla oriented, so the changes are not going to be crazy or take you out of the game. It's all about building on top of what Treyarch delivered, not about completely changing it. It's also geared towards high rounders so things are a little less annoying, I believe you can even kill the moon astronaut now with a shot from the wave gun.
Here is the page with all the info https://github.com/Jbleezy/BO1-Reimagined
I'm starting to find the "clicking process" when levelling food extremely tedious...
Anyone else share this sentiment? Feels like you need to make a million clicks to level up a champion to 60.
The Odyssey system map now lets you select and hold a destination with the mouse to mark it as your targeted destination.
Very much quicker. Thanks devs.
... might be there in the galaxy map as well, havenโt checked.
... now if weโd only get a hot key for requesting docking and relative mouse for FA off. ;-)
Where is all the money that is collected as tax going? Itโs being grossly mismanaged.
My wife and I both work at an elementary school, she teaches 1st grade and I'm the instructional tech guy for the school. I've been playing stadia since last November on various devices and it's always worked well for me, but I would get the occasional lag spike or frame rate drop. Then our school district went 100% virtual because of covid-19. Now my wife and I are almost constantly (from 7am-3:30pm) in Google meets with classes or other teachers. I'm sitting in one right now waiting for a teacher while my wife is teaching her first graders how to use Jamboard. I'm also playing Serious Sam 4 without a hiccup in the same device. We don't use ethernet, all WiFi and everything works beautifully. I'm just impressed because I can't remember the last time I had a lag spike or frame rate drop. I can only assume Google did something(s) behind the scenes.
I know the obvious ones like pay, BAH, not getting treated like a child, but are there any others?
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