A list of puns related to "Aspen Center for Physics"
Hello all! I am here in hopes to reach out to all of you who are a former student/victim of Aspen or anyone you know who has been subject to their abuse and neglect. There is a power in numbers and now is the time. We are living in a time where the Internet rules our worlds and articles can be circulated to millions in just seconds. This is the reason we are trying to strike while the iron is hot. After recent media and press reported on a young girl who was sent to Heartlight Ministries in Texas for gay conversion therapy, the Internet has blown up. People are talking about Heartlight and Aspen. Now is our time. Please contact me with any and all questions, concerns, stories etc. please do not be afraid to reach out, for these people no longer have control over you. We are here for you as a group and we need your stories to make a difference. Feel free to private message me on here or comment on this post. Love and blessings -taylor
I made what I want by combining few RigidBody2D with PinJoint2D. In that case bodies correct collided, and start rotating if force applied to point belong at left or right of center mass.
But now I want to optimise it (I will have a thousands of that objects) and use only one RigidBody2D with few CollisionPolygon2D.
This is my code:
extends RigidBody2D
export (int) var engine_thrust
export (int) var spin_thrust
var thrust = Vector2()
var gravity = Vector2()
var rotation_dir = 0
var screensize
# just a CollisionPolygon2D now but will have mass variable in future
const BLOCK = preload("res://Scenes/Ship/Blocks/ShipBlock.tscn")
var blocks = Array()
onready var sprite = $AnimatedSprite
onready var engineFlameSprite = $EngineFlameSprite
func _ready():
screensize = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size
create_block([Vector2(30, 0), Vector2(-30, -30), Vector2(-30, 30)], Vector2(0, 50))
#create_block([Vector2(50, 20), Vector2(-10, -10), Vector2(-10, 50)], Vector2())
#create_block([Vector2(50, 70), Vector2(-10, 40), Vector2(-10, 100)], Vector2())
func create_block(var points, var position):
var poolVector = PoolVector2Array(points)
var block = BLOCK.instance()
block.position = position # doesn't have any effects for physics :(
func get_input():
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_thrust"):
thrust = Vector2(engine_thrust, 0)
engineFlameSprite.visible = true
thrust = Vector2()
engineFlameSprite.visible = false
rotation_dir = 0
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
rotation_dir += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
rotation_dir -= 1
func _process(delta):
$VelocityLine.points[1] = linear_velocity.rotated(-rotation)
$GravityLine.points[1] = gravity.rotated(-rotation)
$ForceLine.points[1] = thrust
func _physics_process(delta):
set_applied_force(thrust.rotated(rotation) + gravity)
set_applied_torque(rotation_dir * spin_thrust)
The form of the space ship doesn't matter for force, only for torque. Even if I use add_force function of RigidBody2D that has offset for point to which force applied. If I apply force to left or right from center of mass, the ship
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