SERIOUS: This subreddit needs to understand what a "dad joke" really means.

I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.

Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.

👍︎ 17k
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
Pelosi rejects stock-trading ban for members of Congress: 'We are free market economy. They should be able to participate in that'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday rejected the idea of banning members of Congress and their spouses from holding and trading individual stocks while in office.

"This is a free market, and people — we are a free market economy. They should be able to participate in that," Pelosi said when asked by Insider at her weekly press conference.

Insider also asked Pelosi about "Conflicted Congress," a 5-month-long investigation by Insider that found 49 members of Congress and 182 senior congressional staffers have violated the STOCK Act, a law to prevent Insider trading.

The Speaker said she had not yet seen the project, but said that it's important that members are complying with the law.

"If people aren't reporting, they should be," she said.

Pelosi's position puts her at odds with the likes of progressives like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, both of whom have called for banning members of congress from trading stocks while in office.

"It is absolutely ludicrous that members of Congress can hold and trade individual stock while in office," Ocasio-Cortez recently wrote on Twitter. "The access and influence we have should be exercised for the public interest, not our profit. It shouldn't be legal for us to trade individual stock with the info we have."

And on Tuesday, Sen. Warren told Insider that she had seen Insider's investigation, calling out the "brazenness" of members and staffers trading stocks even while having access to privileged knowledge.

"We need both tougher laws and enforcement of those laws," the Massachusetts Democrat told Insider. "The American people should never have to guess whether or not an elected official is advancing an issue or voting on a bill based on what's good for the country or what's good for their own personal financial interests."

Asked about progressives' position on the issue, a spokesman for Pelosi signaled that the speaker prefers a transparency-focused approach to insider trading.

"The STOCK Act exists to shine a bright light on trades by members of Congress," said spokesman Drew Hammill. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant."

"The speaker does not own any stocks," he continued. "As you can see from the required disclosures, with which the speaker fully cooperates, these transactions are marked 'SP' for spouse. The Speaker has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transactions."

Pelosi's husband, investor Paul Pelosi, frequently trades significant numbers of stocks. Wi

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👍︎ 25k
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Server Congestion and Login Queues (Errors 2002, 3001, 4004, 5003, 5006, and others)

Hey folks,

It would be an understatement to say that early access has been a mixed bag for most people. While servers seem to be holding stable enough for those fortunate enough to get into the game, a large number of players have been stuck in excessively long login queues or fighting against repeat error codes that prevent them from queueing altogether.

The number of new threads being created as more and more folks encounter these issues is growing beyond the mod team's capacity to field them - for reference, our logs show that our team has taken more actions removing duplicate threads and attempting to shepherd folks towards existing megathreads in the last 72 hours than all of our collective actions in the last *two weeks combined*. Despite our best efforts, we know that plenty is still slipping through the cracks.

For the time being, please use this thread as a place to discuss the errors, share your findings, vent your frustrations, or maybe just help your fellow players blow off some steam with your best queue memes. For the immediate future, we'll be corralling future posts about congestion/login errors to this thread (barring specific instances such as a World server going down) to give folks a more visible and centralized place to tackle the topic. Please do not submit new threads with screenshots of your queue positions or error messages, they will be removed.

Regarding the error codes that many players are seeing, as far as we currently know these issues are all *server-side*. Meaning that client-side tricks such as waiting for the Endwalker logo to fully load, or clicking Data Center instead of Start are unlikely to make any difference in whether or not you receive an error.

For the sake of reference and ease of finding information previously discussed, here are some recent threads/articles on the topic:

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👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/alabomb
📅︎ Dec 05 2021
🚨︎ report
Billionaire Boys Club (BBC) Ep 16 - Part 1 - THE APOLLO MISSIONS - What RYAN COHEN figured out - And why POPCORN APES are FUCKED (Sorry guys)


Apollo 1

Apollo 2

Apollo 3

Apollo 4

If you have a proven model that can turn $1 into $1.50, that’s awesome. You make 50% returns.

But… if your buddy has a magical power that can convince people that $1 is only worth $0.10, and you buy that dollar for $0.10, you turn that 50% return into 1500% return.


We’ve been looking at the people convincing us that $1 is worth $0.10, but have missed the bigger picture of those that buy the $1 for $0.10 and turn it into $1.50.

Apes and Apettes, it’s time to discuss APOLLO GLOBAL MANAGEMENT.

This article will be delving into Apollo, but make no mistake… this strategy and process are likely widespread and far-reaching.

I have chosen to discuss this firm because it relates directly to our beloved Gamestop, and this shit goes DEEP.

We’ve got… Criminal Activities, Hostile Takeovers, Private Military Contractors, Presidential Pardons, MSM Manipulation, and shockingly… POPCORN APES WILL NOT BELIEVE A WORD I SAY!!


IN ALL SERIOUSNESS Apes, I know we like to tease, and some of us hold both, but if you read this article and see what I see in it, please do your best to educate the Popcorn Apes. (Don’t harass or Brigade, let them draw their own conclusions) - But I am now OFFICIALLY worried for them!


Shameless PLUG: Follow me on TWITTER for more GME fun:


DISCLAIMER: *I am not a financial advisor, and I do not provide financial advice. Many thoughts here are my opinion, and others can be speculative. Where possible, I do

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👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
CMV: Childhood obesity (morbid) should be considered child abuse (in the vast majority of cases).

Like the title says, morbid childhood obesity should be considered child abuse/negect and the parents (and or guardians) should have full accountability in this regard.

I can see a few circumstances where it might not apply - medical conditions for instance, or if the child is out of control and has access to funds and large amounts of unhealthy food outside of the home.

Unless there's any evidence to the contrary, I can't see any benefit of being a morbidly obese child. General health deterioration, early onset of many diseases (diabetes), not to mention the psychological effects of bullying are all possibilities that could be curbed by a healthier diet.

Essentially I'm saying if you make your kid morbidly obese, there should be consequences.

Change my view.

EDIT: I am arguing that we should change the definition of child abuse/neglect to include "causing morbid childhood obesity"

EDIT2: "child neglect" may have been the better term to use here - I've updated the post

EDIT3: Thanks for all the great responses - I'm running around all day and I'm working through them.

As a general response: Many people have raised the issue of healthy food being more expensive - I'm not convinced of this. There are many healthy options for cheap - I'm holding a can of black beans in my hands right now -- 130 cals for a serving (1/2 cup), 8g protein, lots of fiber, lots of carbs for energy, only 1g sugar. Beans are dirt cheap and delicious. I think that people need only look to the "peasant foods" around the world to see how amazing and healthy dishes are totally possible even on a limited budget.

EDIT4: I used to term "whale" - perhaps it was insensitive. Sorry for being a dick. I'm not bullying any kids - I'm saying this to get across what the bullies might be saying to them at school. Either way - it's not addressing the issue. Asshole or not, you need to address the original point of the post and not just attack my character and psychoanalyze my past over the internet.

EDIT5: I'm not advocating for the state to immediately take away children. I'm advocating for something to be done about the situation (which in my mind is clearly morally wrong). I'm not sure what - maybe you guys have some ideas

EDIT6: As a final edit - I'd like to reiterate MORBID OBESITY. I'm talking about kids that are barely able to walk around or up stairs without losing breath. This is neglect.

👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
The Compendium Of Wrinkles: Correlating Different Theories, Part Deux

Hi everyone, Bob here,

This is going to be part 2 of the series where we check out how things are lining up. I really feel like our wrinkles are coming together nicely with the DD we are independently doing, and arriving at very similar conclusions. In this chapter, We will be reviewing some choice DD and making some really neat connections.

PS, get jacked, because this DD has been reviewed by some of the greatest wrinkly minds I know of before posting. Hope you learn something, and gain some wrinkles yourself - god knows we need ‘em.

Table of Contents

I will be breaking this up into a couple posts because reddit is retarded - so retarded you cannot post over 40,000 characters per post. I guess they never anticipated the level of autism we could muster. 🤷🏽‍♂️. I hope you enjoy the first part of this series.

Looking for Part 1? Go Here!

Chapter 1:

  1. 1.1 - T+ Cycles & How They Work
  2. 1.2 - Supplemental Liquidity Deposits
  3. 1.3 - CBOE Futures Cycles
  4. 1.4 - Key Terms

In This Chapter:

  • 2.0 - Notable Theories & Observations
  1. 2.1 - Leenixus SLD Theory
  2. 2.2 - Gherkinit Futures Theory
  3. 2.3 - Zinko83 Variance Swaps
  4. 2.4 - Turdfurg23 Heartbeats
  5. 2.5 - My Own Observations
  6. 2.6 - Tying it All Together
  • 3.0 - Conclusions
  1. 3.1 - For The Wrinkles
    1. 3.1-🌈🐻 - Is Moass Inevitable? - An Exercise in Rationality
    2. 3.1-🚀🦧 - Is Moass Possible? And Could it Be Near?
  2. 3.2 - For The Smoothest Among Us (Yes there’s a TADR)
  • 69.420 - Disclaimers & Sources
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👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
CLOverfield I: The Banks Are Cutting Up & Selling Shitadel’s Leveraged Loans to Mutual Funds, ETF’s, Among Other Investors

*Obligatory: I am not a financial advisor, and this is not financial advice. I have suffered at least 3 significant head injuries in my lifetime. Some of the information I am going to provide is speculative in nature but backed by data.

I have done my best to break this information down to a snot bubble blowing education level, but I needed to learn a lot of information to put this all together. Most items you may be unfamiliar with will have an ELI5 within the post to the best of my ability. *Long Post Warning


The (Collateralized Loan Obligation) CLO market exploded with activity this year. As has Shitadel’s exposure as an obligor (debtor/borrower) in the CLO market. CLOs are a form of Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO). You know, the bad things from 2008. The banks are divvying up Shitadel’s leveraged loans (among many other corporate loans) and selling them to CLO Managers whose investors (other banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, ETFs, private funds, pension funds, etc.) invest in the loans through securitization. Securitization regarding a CLO is the pooling of 150-200 leveraged corporate loans into a single Asset Backed Security (ABS). This process reduces exposure to the banks who initiated the loan and allows them to remove most of the loan from their balance sheet… Good for them. Better yet, Banks aren’t even required to report their CLO information. Mutual funds, pension funds, and ETFs also are directly investing in portions of the loans themselves through syndication as well. Syndication is a loan being arranged by a group of lenders instead of one single lender.

In the event When Shitadel defaults on these loans, the mutual funds, pension funds, ETFs, and other entities will be the ones left holding the bag… But, aren’t mutual funds and ETFs common investment strategies for individual investors and retirement funds? Yes, they certainly are. Anyone invested in those mutual funds and ETFs will share a proportional risk of the default.

So, the money that you, your mom, wife’s boyfriend, or retirement plan put into the effected mutual fund or ETF will be at risk to Shitadel’s loan defaults. “In 2020, an estimated 102.5 million individual investors owned mutual funds—and at year-end 2020, these investors held 89 percent of total mutual fund assets, directly or through retirement accounts.” [[SOURCE]](

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👍︎ 12k
👤︎ u/Freadom6
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
I do believe that CRO has finally delivered what the average person needs to get into crypto which is simple, real world usage

I want to point out that I'm not shilling CRO, I have a tiny bag of it, not even enough to get the first tier of their debit card. I also want to add that they are far from perfect, their app is so ridiculously slow and I hate that I have to use a mobile phone instead of a desktop, both drive me mad. Also I know it's not decentralised so a lot of the crypto 'purists' are not going to like it (even though no crypto coin where you can just buy a controlling quantity with the only limitation being having enough money was never truly decentralised in my opinion).

That said I think they have structured their business model perfectly towards the average person:

  1. You need to have almost zero knowledge to buy CRO and stake it.

  2. Their pre paid debit card is the best bridge I've seen so far between fiat and crypto, you just spend your fiat and get crypto in return. It doesn't require all the world's companies to change their payment systems and pricing structure. Everything stays in fiat and the user gets the reward. Also it looks super cool and makes people want to show it off.

  3. Their daily missions encourage a repeating $20 daily DCA which is perfect for teaching new investors to put in gradually and repeatedly rather than dumping a 4/5 digit lump sum all in on one price point, often near ATHs.

  4. They offer decent staking rewards although you do need a large bag of CRO to access it which I feel is a bit off-putting.

  5. They are doing real marketing, buying stadiums and paying Matt Damon to be in their adverts. Compare that to someone like LRC who also have a fait on ramp and wallet system and their marketing consists of a guy posting laser eye memes on twitter and discord and saying things like "WAGMI". I know Matt Damon was just paid to be in an advert but I still trust any company that can actually afford to hire him far more than a company that cannot / will not spend that money.

  6. The coin price point is something that retail can understand, it's not a scary large number like BTC but it's also not 6 0s after a decimal like a lot of shitcoins.

  7. Their model is built around buying and holding their coin for other rewards which is, again, great at teaching retail to HODL rather than the only means of value to try and sell at a higher price point that pretty much the rest of the crypto market exists on.

👍︎ 914
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes!

Do your worst!

👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
TL;DR of Karissas 45 minute "testimony" about what happened with Anthym

*MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING - talk of Anthym being in severe condition, talk of very invasive treatment. As a mother, this was extremely hard to sit through and type out. Please be cautious that that is very, very traumatic.*

*I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes. I just sat through 45 minutes of this and typed it out very fast as I went. Karissa goes back and forth between days, but I made it as chronological as I could. My thoughts are periodically in italics*


- She begins by saying that she's going to share her testimony because everyone is asking about it. duh, you posted a picture of your kid in a c collar and then went MIA

-She spent 19 days in the hospital

-The day before the basketball game, she had a slight fever. Karissa was going to take her birthday pictures but decided against it because she could tell she wasn't feeling well.

-Friday night (the day before the game), Karissa was bathing Anthym and noticed her neck slouched over and thought that was weird.

- Saturday morning, she woke up fine in her crib. Laughing, smiling, being baby, you get it.

-They went to the basketball game and Anthym lost all control of her muscles. She couldn't hold her head up, couldn't use her legs, her face drooped. Karissa said she, "thought it was weird."


-Anthym wouldn't make eye contact with Karissas mom. Kept looking up. Said it was really scary and then said, "so we went to eat lunch." I fucking cant with this woman.

-Karissa said she couldn't eat. probably because your fucking kid was very obviously having a serious medical issue

-She decided to take Anthym to urgent care who then sent her to the children's hospital.

-She then goes on a mini rant about how urgent care tried to blame her sickness on them not vaccinating and said they thought she had tuberculosis

-They did a spinal tap and Karissa said it was the worst experience of her entire life.

-Karissa prayed over Anthym during the spinal tap and while nurses were holding her child down.

-Karissa said that one of the men holding her down had Anthyms face smooshed into his belly, suffocating her. She tried to get him to back off by saying she wasn't breathing, but they wouldn't listen.

-They finally moved Anthym's head and she had passed out. They immediately gave her

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👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
🚨︎ report
This subreddit is 10 years old now.

I'm surprised it hasn't decade.

👍︎ 14k
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
Jennifer is NOT an Eldritch Horror 11

First - Previous

She hadn't taken a name yet.

She was still a juvenile. Her carapace was teal with an iridescent sheen. It would be a few years yet before it darkened to the sapphire blue of an adult thinker, and she chose her name.

Still, she was old enough to leave the creche on her own, so long as she completed the day's studies. Math and physics, philosophy and art, along with dozens of other subjects. Thinkers studied more, and longer than any other caste. Well, except maybe the queens, but she didn't know for sure. Queens weren't raised in the creche, the queens raised their daughters themselves.

She liked to use her free time to study the bipeds. Her teachers had tried to discourage the interest. They weren't a psionically capable species, and so naturally of lower intellect. They were also a bit of a nuisance. Even with all of their military capabilities destroyed, they would build crude weapons to attack hives. Chemical rockets and the like.

The response had been simple. Place point defense lasers at every hive, and everything else worth protecting, then go back to ignoring the bipeds. They built their cities in plains and valleys, near bodies of water. The Drexi preferred rocky terrain, mountains, high deserts. Every once in a while she'd see one of the orbital laser cannons attack a surface target. That meant the bipeds were still trying to build ships or other military equipment, but there was simply no possibility of them posing a real threat.

She started her investigations with the written language. Despite the fact that they obviously possessed computers and electronic communications equipment, they seemed to like to commit knowledge to paper bound in animal hides or synthetic substitutes. Perhaps it was a cultural tradition. Whatever the case, it meant there were many examples of the written language available to study. Sometimes there were pictures, which was particularly helpful.

The language wasn't logically constructed. Any time she thought she'd figured out a hard and fast rule for grammar or spelling, she'd find an example that violated it. Eventually she thought she'd figured it out. It wasn't one language, it was many languages smashed together by someone who had no regard for order or decency.

Learning the "spoken" language would be more interesting. Th

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👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
🚨︎ report
Dropped my best ever dad joke & no one was around to hear it

For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.

I said "hey look, an escaPEA"

No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!

Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂

👍︎ 20k
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
🚨︎ report
What starts with a W and ends with a T

It really does, I swear!

👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
You Already Know What the One Piece Is! - The True History (Mega-Theory)

Hey! So if you’ve followed my content here in any capacity over the past few years, you may have heard of the “True History”, a mega-theory about what I believe the One Piece could be that I’ve been talking about wanting to make for years. I’m happy to say that it is now finally complete! I preferred creating it in video format, but as per reddit guidelines I’ve also included it in text format below so you can read it that way as well, though I’d personally recommend watching it as a video since that’s how I envisioned creating it. Eitherway, enjoy!


“One Piece” has to be one of the most bizarre titles of any manga ever created, because for as concise and simplistic as it is, no one really knows… what it actually means. And so, countless have tried across the ages to deduce what the One Piece could be. I myself spent five years of thoroughly studying the series to come to my own answer. And ultimately, I believe that I know what the One Piece is… but at the same time, I think that YOU know what the One Piece is! I believe that every single reader actually already knows what the treasure is… they just haven’t become aware of it. Eiichiro Oda has hid this enormous mystery right under our noses, so my premise is that I’m going to show you what I believe the One Piece treasure is, how I believe Oda hid it in plain sight, and how it ties with some of the most fundamentally important narrative elements in the series! Let’s begin!


This theory serves as part of a project that explored several narrative themes in the series, all to help motivate my points about what I believe the One Piece is. I’ve made seven unique videos that delve into each and every topic, but I do realize that’s a lot to watch, so if you haven’t seen them or aren’t interested, I’ll quickly summarize all the important points below:

  • JOY BOY: Our mystery revolves around the One Piece, a treasure left behind by Joy Boy To understand what the purpose of the treasure is, we first need to understand the motivations of Joy Boy, and more specifically the type of person he was. My belief is that Joy Boy, much like Roger and Luffy, was also a pirate, who set out to sea and across his travels met many people of many different races. Joy Boy eventually founded a Great Kingdom of pirates,
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👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
Scrooge Coin 8% Busd reflections. Wait there is more. Online P2E casino coming in Q2 2022 Beta and Q3 2022 global launch. This is going to Blow Your Mind.

Welcome to

Scrooge Coin

PREPARE TO BE AMAZED! Buying NOW could change your financial future forever. LITERALLY!

ScroogeCoin cryptocurrency is a rewards coin that gives its holders 8% $BUSD reflections, a Crypto Pegged one-to-one with the USD. This single feature is so important that it makes ScroogeCoin a front runner among all the cryptocurrencies. ScroogeCoin will also focus on a play to earn gaming feature primarily focused on Texas Holdem and Slots initially. We believe the gaming deflationary crypto coin is a trillion dollar market and we plan on being #1 in this space. BUY NOW. This will be a REAL LIVE play to EARN casino. ONLY HOLDERS can access. We will have Beta launched in Q2 2022.

4% of every buy and sell transaction is automatically added to Marketing. The tokens collected from the fees are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the Scrooge Coin contract. The contract is coded so that the BNB in the marketing contract will be utilized as marketing expenses OR to purchase Scrooge Coin and burn. We are very serious about marketing efforts to further grow the community of the coin. The reason for the coins in the marketing pool initially is to increase the marketing efforts for holders drastically in the beginning.

With every transaction, 2% of tokens are automatically transferred to the PancakeSwap liquidity Pool. ScroogeCoin also maintains a buy-back reserve from where the tokens are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the ScroogeCoin contract.

The desire of ScroogeCoin is to create a new distribution of wealth back to the people holding the digital property instead of flowing into corporate entities. We believe that the reflection token is a trillion-dollar market. We want to be the #1 coin and community in this market. Our P2E Casino and gaming is going to revolutionize crypto LITERALLY. The time to buys is NOW.



Instagram: scroogecoinbaby

Twitter: scrooge_coin


👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
Guest left little "if you find this, they're not cleaning properly" notes - how do I handle his review?

I am the original poster. This is a repost of my story, originally posted on r/AirBnB.

It make me really freaking grumpy, but was also interesting to me in that someone thought they could pull this kind of jackassery and get away with it, so I'm posting it here too. It's been a few days since it was all resolved, and I'm still kinda steamed when I think about it.

Guest left little "if you find this, they're not cleaning properly" notes - how do I handle his review? [Dec 19 2021]

Well, this is a new one for me.

For background, when we originally accepted this guest's booking, the first few exchanges were normal, reasonable, boring. The usual back and forth of getting our most important questions answered. I booked him without issue because he didn't ask for anything ridiculous, and he seemed reasonable. He has 1 5 star review of the "great guest, would host again" type.

He booked over a month in advance. A day after booking, he sends me a message that says "You know, normally by now, a host would have sent instructions on how to get in". This is an issue because both our listing and our acceptance email say that one of us will be there to greet the guest at the door and show them around (this is a shared home, so we take them through all the public rooms and also point out the guest rooms, make introductions if another guest is around) and because the "normally by now, a host..." part really rubbed me the wrong way. But I responded cheerfully and said something like "as mentioned in our listing and in the acceptance email, one of us will be there to greet you. All you have to do is ring the doorbell" (and yes, there is an actual picture of our actual front door with a little arrow pointing at the doorbell letting people know to ring it because it is a black doorbell on black-painted door frame. Some people have had a hard time seeing it before).

I get several more "normally by now" messages that are all obnoxious. "Normally by now, a host has given me instructions on how to get to their home on public transit" My response: "As mentioned in our acceptance message, if you need direction on how to get to our place, you need to let us know how you're getting into the city and the approximate time, so we can best advise you

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👍︎ 10k
👤︎ u/Celany
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
BULO Coin: Some news!

Hello BULO Coin fans!

This is a follow up post to the BULO Coin creation post! For those who missed it, it's here:

I have some news for you!

- BULO Coin is still a shitcoin with absolutely no use case and no roadmap!

- I updated the website, it is still shitty, but less than before. Check it out:

- It includes a BULOpaper, it's not really a whitepaper, but at least it exists! Read it here, it's short and there is a drawing of Erasme holding the BULO in it:

- In the BULOpaper, you will find:

  • ASA Number to avoid scams: 498684064 (it's also on the main webpage)
  • Updated information about the liquidity (spoiler: it's locked)
  • Info about ownership (spoiler: it's renounced)
  • Useless information
  • No roadmap
  • Information about the known wallets and top holders: Full disclosure about my wallets and my friends’ wallets. I still own enough BULO coins to crash the value to 0 if I want (Spoiler: I won't do that, but you should not believe strangers on the internet)

- BULO Coin now has a dApp (Except it's not really decentralized, and it's completely useless)! I tried to understand the basics of Node.js, React, and TypeScript, and edited the "walletconnect-example-dapp" from the Algorand github to BULOfy it. It's on algorand mainnet! Check it out:

On the dApp, you can:

  • Login with the official mobile wallet
  • See your balance for Algo, BULO Coin, and Tinyman liquidity token for BULO-ALGO
  • See if you are opted in the BULO Coin ASA, and if not, there is a button to opt-in
  • And that's all, I told you it was useless!
  • Remember that thought I was an average developer? I realized I'm worse than that when I edited this app: I'm plain bad. Also remember that I just learned these technologies yesterday. It takes years of experience to become a good web developer. Expect the app to bug even if it does nothing.
  • it's a small cheap server, don't DDoS it, please!

- Earlier today I sent 20 000 BULO Coins to HC4ZYQBOXI3S3PY46JSPPY4QLXJHBLGJH4ADISWJGA4GI2DNB5QPAXQXHY and PVE4CYBGODY6MG4IWM5JXVWIR5AN6B47KTXQQ7UBFIOMGZKHRXUBIQVUBM to thank them for providing liquidity since today. The

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👍︎ 237
👤︎ u/kalamarfou
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
The White House is set to restart Student Loan payments in February. Several subreddits engage in Partisan Warfare to see if they have been betrayed and if the Republicans have all but won the 2022 Mid-terms


One attraction of Biden (primarily discussed on reddit) was the potential cancellation of student debt. This was seen as an ideal by progressives and was heavily pushed by popular figures (mostly on social media) such as AOC and Bernie Sanders. Biden had also made similar discussions on the subject and at one point, had promised too cancel $10,000 of student debt. The expectation has been driven further by many activists discussing the idea and pressuring his administration. However, in a sudden twist, the White House is set to restart student loan payments in February.

This sudden change in both reality and rhetoric has led to some soul searching and heated discussions on the future of the current Democratic party. Progressives, many of whom strongly dislike so-called 'Neoliberals' are disgusted at this and see it as a betrayal. Many progressives are becoming increasingly frustrated with current Democrat policies, threatening to sit out the mid-terms and the election. As a result, infighting within the Democratic support base has been rekindled. In an environment of recent Progressive losses (Several mayoral campaigns across the country went to Republicans and Neoliberals, with few major progressive victories), the worst time to break apart would be now.

Nevertheless, Is it truly Biden's fault? Did he ever promise to cancel all these debts? Are the midterms finished? Who should shut their mouths, progressives of neoliberals? Is choosing not to vote principled or privileged? Should we vouch for accelerationism, revolution or protest? Is any criticism, legitimate or not, levied at the current administration Republican Obstructionism, and ultimately serving their interests? Are we a bunch of whiney babies for taking a loan and refusing to pay it back? Find out in possibly the most widely debated political subject since Bernie's second drop out.

----- r/Politics -----

This will involve several different threads

This is how D's lose the House, Senate, and WH... and then we all lose democracy. GG.

"We thought about taxing billionaires. But ultimately we decided to squeeze a little more money out of the unemployed, homeless young people who voted for us in the hope of a better life."

[This is pretty bad politics at a ti

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 12k
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Why did Karen press Ctrl+Shift+Delete?

Because she wanted to see the task manager.

👍︎ 10k
👤︎ u/Eoussama
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
🚨︎ report
Bit Rivals - Earn rewards by playing your favourite games! 🛡 CertiK audited | BSC - Dev KYC doxxed | 🕹 Gamer-Focused Ecosystem | 🎮 Play to earn and hosted tournaments | Whitelist presale on 21st Jan | | Join Before The Moon

🎮 $RIVAL 🎮

  • Only 1% Tax on All Transactions
  • Gamer-Focused Ecosystem
  • Competitive Tournaments for Players of All Skill Levels
  • Play to Earn Rewards
  • CertiK Audited

⚙️Development Team with Many Years Collective Experience in Crypto, Digital Design, Web Development & marketing ⚙️


Bit Rivals is the ultimate platform for gamers. Bringing together the best that gaming and crypto has to offer through a feature-packed ecosystem powered by the $RIVAL Token.

Their mission is to level the playing field for gamers of all skill levels by providing more opportunities to earn rewards than their competitors, who focus almost exclusively on high stake eSports tournaments. Bit Rivals combines the best of both worlds, with a platform that’s built for the casual Sunday gamer, but can accommodate even the most skilled competitors.

They aim to become a leader in the global crypto marketplace by tapping into the value and possibilities of the world gaming market, which is already valued at over 170 billion USD and expected to double in value by 2026.


What differentiates Bit Rivals from other competitors is the level of integration that the platform provides, the utility of their token and the inclusivity of their platform. Most competitor platforms tend to cater for the most elite of players as a way to reach the eSports community and earn sponsorships. Bit Rivals, however, offers a variety of ways that players of any skill level can get involved, including level-capped tournaments and a play to earn system that rewards gamers just for playing their favorite games! And unlike other sites, Bit Rivals puts 100% of its platform fees back into the ecosystem’s tournament and rewards wallet to keep the rewards flowing.

The Bit Rivals ecosystem is made up of five different zones, each having its own set of features that provide ways for players to earn rewards. All you need to do to get access to the platform is sign-up for a Rival ID. Your Rival ID is your ultimate gamer profile. As you progress in your favorite games, you’ll earn badges and achievements that you can use to show off your skills and customize your profile, along with unique backgrounds, avatars, and titles that you can earn through Rival Rewards.


Win $RIVAL by participating in our official tournaments or create your own private or public tournaments with customized dates, times, entry fees, and more! You

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👍︎ 584
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
Guide to earn the most using's products. Card, Earn, DeFi Wallet, etc..

I want to share my personal setup that I feel gets the most out of my money. Now I'm just a random internet user with a high school education, so I wouldn't be surprised if I could be doing even more. Criticism is welcome. FYI: I'm a US customer, so I don't have access to the exchange.

After doing my own research on CDC and a long discussion with my wife. We decided to purchase $15,000 worth of CRO in June 2021. Since June 2021 I have been purchasing $250 - $500 CRO per week.

No matter where I have my funds, the goal is to always be earning interest on it.

Here is what I currently have setup to earn the most on my money:

  • Gold/Icy Card (10% on Jade/Indigo)
    • I take the 12% CRO Rewards I receive weekly and add them to a staking pool on the DeFi Wallet that earns 12% - 13%. When I add these funds to my wallet I also withdraw my rewards form my pool and restake them all.
    • I use my Icy card to pay every single bill even if it doesn’t qualify for the 5% return. I’ll explain this later. You can read about the restrictions here:
  • DeFi Wallet
    • What I don’t have staked for the VISA Card I have in a staking pool that earns between 12% - 13% p.a. That I collect when I add the CRO rewards from my Icy Card each week.
    • Between the VISA Card benefits and the DeFi Wallet I earn around 500 CRO per week. I reinvest this straight back into the staking pool.
  • USDC Earn
    • I want to keep earning interest on money that I know I’m going to spend. So I keep a minimum balance on my VISA Card and instead have USDC in a flexible earn account that earns me 8%. I can simply top off my card straight from USDC.
    • This is why I pay all my bills on my VISA Card even if it doesn’t qualify for the 5% reward.

I currently earn the following:

  • 12.5% on staked CRO in the DeFi Wallet (locked for 28 days after requesting unbond)
  • 12% on staked CRO for the VISA Card (locked for 180 days)
  • 8% on staked USDC in Crypto Earn (not locked)
  • 500 CRO per week from rewards

I believe at a minimum CRO will be at $1.12 by the end of 2022. I’m still buying, earning, compounding, and holding on tight.

If you have any questions, post them here. I don’t respond to DMs. RIP my inbox with scammers lol

👍︎ 767
👤︎ u/Crypto_gov
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
Too experienced for the basics? Join a staffing agency.

About 4 months ago I transitioned from my company and the role of Sysadmin, to a different company as a full stack dev. The previous company really didn't want me to leave, so I agreed to stay on the books part time at an hourly rate I wanted, in the event that they needed me for something obscure their new guy from a staffing agency (one of the top ones) couldn't figure out.

The guy is highly qualified and with years of experience in this field. Word on the street is that he's in talks to join fulltime at the company I "left".

Anyway, on Friday he performed some updates. You know, the January updates.

I get a text on Saturday at the bottom of 7AM that pretty much everything is down except for the Linux infra and email. I try to fire up the VPN but unfortunately they weren't being dramatic. Since the old job is about 11 minutes away and I still have my access card, I note the time I leave and head out.

I arrive and through standard troubleshooting process I come to the conclusion that the domain controllers were not doing domain controller things. I figure out they're in the reboot loop and find a post on this sub that gives me the info I need, fix the issue (and a random degraded array) and test what I can, then go home and enter my time.

Today I get a text that email isn't flowing in/out for external. Since I can remote in now, I track down the issue and resolve it. The company has on-prem Exchange servers and the frontend transport service was stopped on the Exchange servers. Mail begins to flow.

So let me recap on why this happened:

  1. The admin guy applied unresearched updates to BOTH domain controllers rather than the one not holding the FSMO roles and making sure it was stable before applying to the other. Had he even googled the KBs he'd have come across the r/Sysadmin thread and could have avoided.
  2. The admin guy apparently updated the Exchange servers, both of them (usually their process is to do one at a time, and disable the backend server being updated in maintenance mode via the load balancer), and did not bring everything back up.
  3. He apparently did zero testing for either scenario. No checking whether the domain controllers were domain controlling, no end-to-end email tests, nothing. Just update, log out.

Part of me is like, cool... I get to mop up this guy's mistakes for big money on my free time... but most of me is like, I got out of this field for a reason and it wasn't money. But I guess it's less annoying in that I don't r

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👍︎ 713
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
🚨︎ report
Ceiling Boxed. The MOASS is upon us. For real.

Hello beautiful apes,

I have some things to share with you that I feel we need to internalize as a community. This is not hopium, and it is not FUD.

This is somewhere in the middle. Giving a realistic perspective on what's actually going on. And it is important that we grasp the severity of the real situation so no one gets trapped anymore.

And the real reason why MOASS is finally upon us. No hype baiting, no calls to action, no dates.

Just sharing my perspective with some strong opinions, speculation, a fun story, and some pictures of charts.

There are 3 sections.

Section 1: Addressing today

Section 2: Story / Thought Experiment

Section 3: Review of charts with lessons learned.

Let's get into it.

Section 1: Addressing today

I know today sucked. I'm mad that I was right. I was hoping it wouldn't be a rug pull. I was hoping the subtle call to action with a time sensitivity that came out of nowhere promising the moon if you do this one thing... would be true.

But we need to learn from this.

I posted 2 posts prior to this one saying to be skeptical about it.

But because neither post went with the narrative being spun, it didn't get any traction. I tried to warn to be cautious of the options trap.

My only thought was.. this looks too perfect. It has to be a trap.

Because MOASS will just fucking happen.. It won't be laid out on the charts. It won't be a subtle bread crumb that we find. It won't be predictable. Someone's not going to come out of nowhere and say "GUYS LOOK AT THIS THING I FOUND IN THE CHART AND IT WILL HAPPEN ON THIS DAY AND ONLY THIS DAY BECAUSE XYZ"...

It will be a sudden violent shift up. It will be a fucking Tsunami that hits everyone by surprise. It will be an asteroid in the dark. A black hole that swallows the entire financial sector and there's not a damned thing they can do to stop it. And not a damned thing any one of us, neither individually nor collectively can do to make it happen any faster.

The only thing I as an individual investor can do to secure the investment that I believe in, is to buy, hold and make sure that share is in my fucking name by direct registering it. That's all. Nothing else.

Options.. somebody show me one law that states MM must hedge with shares which drives a gamma squeeze?

Someone show me a law that states the calls being exercised must be purchased on a lit exchange, and can not be a synthetic fake share that they internalized?

BY ALL MEANS if you wan

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👍︎ 19k
👤︎ u/thabat
📅︎ Nov 24 2021
🚨︎ report
What is a a bisexual person doing when they’re not dating anybody?

They’re on standbi

👍︎ 11k
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
Friendly reminder that the fiat money in your bank account doesn't exist.

It seems like everyday, there's a media talking head laughing at cryptocurrencies by saying it's "magic internet money" that doesn't really exist in the real world. They are telling us that BTC, ETH and such are basically worthless because it doesn't have a physical existence and are not backed by a government.

Well, those people conveniently forget that fiat money doesn't exist, either. Well, most of it.

You see, banks are allowed to leverage their holdings in what is called the fractional reserve banking system. If you deposit 100$, for example, they only keep a fraction of that money in cash (let's say 20$), and they use the remaining 80$ to generate yield, generally by lending. What that means is, if every customers of the bank tries to cash out in a short amount of time, the money won't be there, because it's been lent and doesn't exist anymore.

When you deposit cash in a bank, what you get in return is basically a glorified IOU. Should the bank get into trouble, your cash could very well disappear.

Now, of course, the governement can intervene to prevent such bank runs. But it's always in the favor of the rich. That's what happened in 2008-2009 : the fat cats got bailed out, while the ordinary citizens went into bankruptcy. And it only works in stable countries ; when you live in a failed state, the government won't help you in such a crisis.

Compare that with crypto. If you are in control of your keys, and assuming their are not compromised, nobody can access your funds without your permission. Not the wallet devs, not the government, not the DEX. Nobody. You are in full control, and you will still be in control even if the governement of your country collapse.

In that sense, I think that cryptocurrencies are actually more real then fiat money. Decentralised networks are much more resilient then centralised authorities, and therefore are more likely to survive in the long-term.

I think we still got a few years ahead of us before the mainstream media catches up with this revolution. Until then, I will accumulate as much as I can.

👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 02 2021
🚨︎ report
Option Basics - What Are Options - Vol #1

This is not financial advice. Nor am I a financial advisor. I own xxx shares in GameStop. I have no calls or puts. My last GME trade was 1 week ago when I purchased XX shares.

Before that, I had not traded GME at all in any direction for 2 months which is where I also purchased X shares.

I plan to NEVER sell options for GME as I consider this too risky. I’ve bought myself March Expiring Call Options on the recent dip’s.



This guide to options is just part #1 of many and contains the bare basics. As more guides are released, we’ll be going beyond the bare basics of what options are.


I’m making this guide to help people understand options in order for more people to understand DD that contains important info on what exactly Market Makers & Hedge Funds are doing to GME.

What is happening to GME is at this point 100% exactly understood by the “WrinkleBrains” on this sub & can be explained to apes only if apes understand all trading instruments involved such as: Shares, Options, Swaps & words like Hedging.

The DD on what is happening is already out there, but is understood by very few people due to the lack of understanding behind options. Understanding options will help understand the real End-Game DD that is already out there & that will be reposted.

We can all shout CRIME all day long and look like fools OR we could understand why and how exactly everything related to GME is hapening. We can literally understand WHY & HOW CRIME, solve & understand the puzzle that is GME. This post isn't meant to make anyone become an options trader... It's meant as a first step in understanding the bare basics of the GME story... You have to be educated as a car mechanic in order to be able to understand & fix a car right? Same thing here and this post just contains the absolute bare basics. There's a lot more to understand...

Keep in Mind

Options are extremely complicated & are inherently risky. You can & will lose your entire initial investment & in some cases MORE than what you’ve invested. Shares are eternal.

Each time someone calls options FUD or pushes anti-options sentiment, i'll be writing option educational posts & options DD. Anti-optioneers demanding people ignore the existence of options because they believe people are too dumb to make their own choices. #selfawarewolves. Each time they demand this from people, i'll be

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👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/Leenixus
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
Geddit? No? Only me?
👍︎ 6k
👤︎ u/shampy311
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Why I sold my Tesla Model 3 Performance & went back to gas

I owned a 2019 Tesla Model 3 Performance for roughly two years and 15,000 miles. I'm going to distill my key learnings and experiences here, in an attempt to educate others on EVs and reach some form of closure. My ownership could best be summed-up as a love/hate relationship, ending with crazy used car values offering me the out I'd been quietly seeking. Clearly, I decided EVs aren't for me - at least, not yet. I'm not a "paid big oil shill" or someone who's trying to short the stock, as I'm sure some of the Tesla nuts will claim. I'm just a car enthusiast (disclaimer: not an engineer) standing at the same crossroads as the rest of you, wondering what sounds future children will make long after (if?) our beloved bureaucrats outlaw the ICE.

Everything I'm writing here is based on my own unique tastes and preferences. How the pros and cons balance out at the end is entirely up to you. And that's fine. Choice is great. Note that this post centers on Battery EVs (BEVs) at the time of this writing, which comprise the vast majority of EVs on the road today.

And yeah. This got way longer than I anticipated. But it was cathartic for me and I hope it's at least somewhat useful to someone out there.

EV performance & its accessibility

I'll start with what ultimately sold me on the car - Immense, instant power. The war in the "pure acceleration" category is pretty much over - just take a look at Jason Cammisa's video with the Model S Plaid vs. the BMW M5 CS and Cadillac Crazy. They're not even on the same planet. Not only is the acceleration brutal, but it's consistent (everything else held constant - more on that later). Look up any number of 0 - 60 videos on YouTube, and you'll notice that the times are all remarkably close, especially if there are multiple runs in the same video.

And how could they not be? Software and traction control are fundamental to EV operation. Adjustments take mere milliseconds. The amount of "stuff" involved between your right foot and the tires is a joke compared to an ICE car. And it's basically idiot-proof - even with the Track Mode dialed to 100% hoon in my TM3P, it was nearly impossible to make a mistake. You just put your foot down and the car takes care of the rest, with literally zero drama.

Electric motors are great

And all of this performance comes with no mechanical sympathy. I never felt an ounce of it, flogging my Model 3 - there's really nothing to "break" mechanically in the way of the drivetrain. The ent

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👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 31 2021
🚨︎ report
I wanna hear your best airplane puns.

Pilot on me!!

👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
8x 10Hours After Launch! Breaking DeFi: Infinite Ecosystem | First Perpetual Leveled Farming System 🚜| Biggest Marketing Partnerships in the space ✅ Multichain 🌎 | Launchpad on BSC🚀 | 1st Metagaming IDO revealed 🎮 | 15000 Max supply 📈 | Platform ready and Audited 🛡 | KYC by Pinksale

Infinite Ecosystem: Create Value Perpetually 🏦

Just got to 8X 10Hours after listing, one of the best launches in the BSC.

✅CMC TOP GAINER, DexTool Trending

✅Huge marketing campaign (influencers partnerships, billboard campaigns, website listings)

✅Platform launching in 3 days

Multichain Ecosystem 🌎:

🟡 RevolutionizesDeFi by introducing the 1st Perpetual Leveled Farming protocol. 🚜 ·

🟡Covers every aspect of DeFi through InfiniteFarm, InfiniteLend and Infinite Launch among others.

🟡 Infinite ecosystem will be powered by $INFINITY ♾️

$INFINITY: The ecosystem's native Token💎📉

🟢 Only 15000 deflationary Max Supply 💎⏳ ·=

🟢 Involved in each Levels of the Ecosystem

InfiniteLaunch 🧨 : Multichain Launchpad powered by $INFINITY💎 ·

🔴 Get Access to Exclusive Private Sales 💎 by holding $INFINITY.

First IDO is revealed: A DeFi Casino with P2E Racing Game and NFT Marketplace ( .
🎮 🚀

🔴 Starting points of all the projects within the Infinite Ecosystem 🌎.

Level 1 : Genesis NFTs, InfiniteLaunch, Staking and Farming 🏦

🛡️First Level Platform Ready ✅ Check it at

🛡️Fully audited by RugDoc, InterFi and SaferICO ✅

🛡️KYC By Pinksale ✅

Massive and transparent marketing campaign- 150 BNB wallet shown to the community

Join the community to stay updated on the hottest innovation in DeFi ! ♾️





👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
E or ß?
👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/Amazekam
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
Official r/NFL Week 17 Power Rankings

Welcome to the week 17 Official r/NFL Power Rankings! The fans will celebrate the new year with an extra week of football along with players like Cooper Kupp, TJ Watt, and Kyle Pitts. With only three playoff slots remaining, some others are wishing the regular season ended today. Did the Colts drop too far after a loss to the broken Raiders? After another monster performance from Burrow, have the Bengals proved their legitimacy? Are distractions and a close win to a bottom feeder enough to move Tampa Bay? Discuss! 30/32 reporting.

# Team Δ Record Comment
1. Packers -- 13-3 First seeds! Unbelievably with the chaotic offseason we've had, the NFC still runs through Green Bay! Cold weather Lambeau usually doesn't disappoint, and the Packers surely didn't by blowing out the Vikes by 27. Kirk's COVID case doomed Minnesota's offense, but our offense left no doubt about the margin. Mannion made it hard to really judge how well the defense played, but Dalvin Cook did nothing all game which is always a good sign. Now to maybe rest Week 18, but Aaron wants to keep the momentum going so God I hope we don't have another injury next week.
2. Buccaneers +1 12-4 The Buccaneers managed to win in the final minute over the New York Jets with another miraculous comeback by the GOAT. But that's not why you're reading these power rankings. Because the Buccaneers picked up a second win this weekend with a farewell to Mr. Bogus Covid, Mr. Boss Combat, Mr. Botched Cryotherapy, Mr. Boulder Chucker, Mr. Bunging Couches, Mr... (I couldn't get creative with his helmet retirement threats in Oakland), [Mr. Burfict Companion](
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 465
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
First Contact - Chapter [CLASSIFIED] - Council's End

[first] [prev] [next]

"There are old operatives, there are bold operatives, but there are no old, bold operatives." - Born Whole James Seven, Bongistan Covert Actions Operative, Age of Paranoia

Words Spoken We Fear who often went by the name Speaks or Fear was a black mantid, born on Mantid Prime AKA Hivehome AKA Anthill nearly sixty years before. He was largely quiet and unassuming, following the more bombastic and publicly visible Dreams of Something More to act as her social media specialist.

He was much more and the cover was a necessity.

Since the end of the C3 War and the fall of the Unified Council, Speaks had been involved with running cybersecurity for the entire diplomatic team as well as following up on GalNet and other electronic warfare threats.

Which amused him, since he had started out as an electronic warfare specialist with the Mantid Naval Forces.

While Dreams was more concerned with herding Lanaktallan diplomats and politicians into signing the treaties and lately, a harder job, just acknowledging that the world existed outside of their virtual worlds, Speaks was more worried about what exactly was going on in GalNet since SolNet had been wired in.

There had been a few odd things that cropped up that made him sit in his room and think deeply about what could possibly go on.

The attempted assassination of System Director Brentili'ik.

The assassination of several highly placed Lanaktallan with the Night Terran's MO that occurred after the retributive system had been taken offline.

Data adjustment coming out of the core Confederate systems.

Speaks had finely tuned senses after nearly a half century of clandestine operations and his senses told him that something was going on that was hidden from everyone's view.

Which is why he had prepared multiple disconnected work spaces in strange out of the way places.

The dumpster behind Charlie's Diner in the lower income section of Council City was one such operational space.

Being only three feet high and able to fold himself up tightly meant he needed less work space. A quick adjustment to the dumpster's barcode made sure that it wouldn't be disturbed by garbage trucks. Plastic lining, EM barr

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👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
What did Spartacus say when the lion ate his wife?

Nothing, he was gladiator.

👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/rj104
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
Finished Basement, 10 month project mostly DIY

DIY Finished Basement

Sorry for the 3 parts, but there were a lot of pictures, skip to the end of part 3 to see the final product.

Part 1; Rough In

Part 2; Tiling and trim

Part 3; Finishing up


Finished basement over 10 months, all but drywall was installed DIY.  Removed load bearing walls, in-slab plumbing, framing, rough-in, tile, trim, flooring. Insane amount of hours spent down there.

Just to preface, I am not a professional, I'd classify myself as an experienced amateur.

The long version, but still just a summary:

My wife has been pushing to finish our basement for a few years.  I've pushed back since now just because I liked the space unfinished.  Used it for the exercise equipment, bike storage/maintenance, and just about anything else storage.  Unfinished and uninsulated it stayed somewhat hababitable.  Low 80s in the summer and maybe as cold as 55 in the winter.

The builder plumbed a bathroom in the basement but it was not in the best spot for us, it was across the basement from the back door.  Since we have a pool, it would be ideal to have the bathroom close to the back door.

I thought alot about the layout, probably over a year, usually while on the stair climber looking around.  Came up with the idea of moving the bathroom by the backdoor and having the kitchen close by for plumbing.  I had to keep two rooms unfinished for storage and equiptment, one since the main floor AC was in it and the other was on an outside wall, needing direct access outside for the lawnmower (no door at the time).  The space we had for ducting and just having got a new AC downstairs, we decided to get a new AC unit for the basement instead of trying to zone the existing AC.

My plan also included removing a few load bearing walls to open up room for the gym.  The original plan was to put up a glass wall and door to separate off the gym, but we are still deciding on that.  The glass for that is close to 6k.

Though mostly DIY, I did hire a few pros, mostly out of necessity, but the drywall was straight up to save me 6 months of suffering.  Structural engineer, AC installer (I did the duct work), drywall labor and counter top guys. were the pros.

I only had two empty slots in my existing panel, so I would require a sub-panel.  I initially was going to hire this out but a friend talked me into doing it myself, t

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👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
Pun intended.
👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
🚨︎ report
It's not "toxic positivity" or "unchecked fanaticism" to tell ya'll to calm down a bit about the queues if the reason we're saying it is because all your grievances have been addressed by the Dev team and you're simply being asked to look past your frustrations to see it

[Warning: long post is long] I've been seeing a lot of uncharacteristically hostile behavior coming from our community over the early access log-in queues and a lot of defensiveness toward this hostility being justified by saying that anyone who tells them to see reason are basically just being SE simps and I want to address that by throwing my two cents into the pot.

I know I deserve to play a game I paid for, rest assured that I would be right there with you IF I felt the company had offered no solutions, explanations, or apologies (sometime even in advance of the problem), but here are the FACTS:

  1. SE told everyone well in advance of EW things were going to be bad. They we're quite open and honest about this. They explained that they were struggling obtain the semi-conductors necessary to make the server upgrades they had initially planned to make before EW launch and even remarked that they had offered manufacturers all over the world ABOVE ASKING PRICE if they could expedite their orders but were still refused. This problem can't be fixed with money when the products don't even exist. (thanks covid) They knew this would cause issues and apologized IN ADVANCE stating they were doing all they can, and some of these apologies and warnings were being given even BEFORE the "Great WoW Exodus" blew up our population.

  2. Following the "Great WoW Exodus", Dev team realized things were going to be even more of a struggle than previously thought and even went so far as to delay the game in a desperate last minute measure to try to shore up the servers even more. Again they apologized, to the point of tears, for something that was ultimately out of their control.

  3. Regarding the 2002 error so many of you are blaming on SE...I hate to break the bad news to you, but the problem is more than likely on your side of things, not the other way around. This morning we got a letter from Yoshi P. himself detailing the reason for the 2002 errors, where-in he stated plainly that this is more often than not caused by an unstable internet connection experiencing a momentary blip in its connection. Usually caused by people who play via a home wifi connection. He stated that normally this would not be noticed because you would get into the game in a short enough period for it not to happen. The game is able to make up for a momentary loss in pings from your IP under normal circumstances (we know this as lag). But on the log in screen, you don't get lag, you just get boote

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👍︎ 3k
👤︎ u/OnceABear
📅︎ Dec 05 2021
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No spoilers
👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/Onfour
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
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Boss fired me for being pregnant, I’m the one who gets paid in the end

I posted one of the emails she sent in r/antiwork and they mentioned I should tell the full story here. To see the photos click the link below.

This last year during Covid had been a tough year for my family. My husband went from six figures supporting our family on his salary alone while we pocketed my entire salary to losing his job for 8 months.

I work in political campaigning which means I work on short-term contracts as an independent contractor. In other words if we lose an election I move onto the next race. I made a pretty good name for myself working on the lower levels of a campaign and moving up quickly. In my state this year there were statewide elections and I caught a lucky break and ended up the Campaign Manager on a statewide race. I am the youngest CM (24F) to run a statewide race in about the last 20 years. When the primary came up we lost the election by 200 votes. While we lost the campaign, coming so close to winning and my age made me kind of a superstar in my field. After we lost I had offers from all over the state for jobs. The problem is I had just bought a house and wasn’t looking to relocate (like you often have to do in politics) or the positions weren’t high enough coming off being the top dog as the higher positions were already filled.

I got an offer to join a local campaign (so no relocation) but the salary was lower than what I was used to, I would however, be the CM again.

However, I learned quickly my boss had a “holier than thou” personality. She made several comments about how “real” women breast feed and have natural births. I would later be able to do neither and it really screwed with my emotional well being. I don’t have time to list all the red flags but I was literally just waiting until my husband got a job to exit.

The campaign hadn’t been built out at all. There was no one other than the candidate. I ended up building out our entire team, consultant, fundraiser, staff, ect. Luckily I have made a lot of powerful connections in my time. I signed my contract and sent it in with the salary we had agreed on with the stipulation that if we raised enough money 3 months down the line my salary would be raised but could not be lowered at any point. Just a few weeks prior I had also found out that I was pregnant and my due date was the week of t

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👍︎ 17k
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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Covid problems
👍︎ 7k
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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Void Predators Chapter 12

First - Previous - Next

Fleet-Cardinal Krenn watched from the bridge of his flagship as the planet below burned, and he was pleased. The cities of the Unworthy made for the perfect inaugural pyre for the renewal of the Holy Endeavor. They would continue to serve Kra as they had before the Mortification.

He shook his head in thought as he remembered those days. He had been a child when their Endeavor had first begun.

Initially, the Chosen's Holy Endeavor had met with success. Over a period of twenty years, a dozen unclean worlds had been discovered and cleansed, ready for the servants of Kra to purify. Three species of his Unworthy Children had even been fully extinguished! A triumph!

Kra had been pleased by his Chosen Children's attempts to aid his Great Servants, and rewarded them greatly. As their Endeavor progressed, His Great Servants had purified five unclean worlds very close to the Home Systems, each a blank slate, ready to be remade in the image of Kra's greatest work, Krathig-yar.

New homes and resources for the Chosen.

Then, disaster had struck. A large group of Unworthy species had been encountered, that worked together. They began coordinating their forces with others to oppose righteous cleansing. But the true depth of their depravity was revealed when they began employing unholy synthetic life against the Chosen; Thou Shalt Not Create Life, For That Is The Domain Of Kra.

The Chosen had despaired, as their fleets had been destroyed, corrupted by the Unworthy's unholy familiars, and been pushed back to the Home Systems.

It had taken what became known as The Mortification to stop them, so named because it was both a humiliation and a penance. Humiliated by their defeats at the hands of the Unworthy, The Chosen had thrown themselves at their enemy in the millions, using ramshackle, quickly built ships with as little automation as possible to prevent corruption.

It had required the sacrifice of twenty percent of their population to stop the Unworthy, but they had done it. He remembered, as a young priest-captain, watching from the bridge of his ship as their enemy finally withdrew.

The massive funeral pyres on the surface of Krathig-yar after.

Two decades of salvaging and rebuilding their fleet.

But this time, they would not fail. The Mortification had purged the weakness from the Cho

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👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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These aren't dad jokes...

Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.

This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.

If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.

Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.

👍︎ 12k
👤︎ u/Lance986
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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It's All Coming Together. The Crash Is Confirmed. History Always Repeats Itself. CDOs Are Becoming A Common Thing in Wall Street Again, Leverage Is Up, Interest Rates Zero, Banks Giving Big Loans, Naked Shorting. Prepare Apes.

Ladapes and gentleapes, a lot of names are fast becoming common in the sub, so I thought to go over something with you guys. Something which these names were part of. It was something bad, and they're still in it.

EDIT 3: There's no TL;DR. It's just a 3mins read. If you a retarded smooth-brained crayon-muncher you should be able to read it in 5mins.

Let's go back to the 2008 financial crisis. Bear Stearns, one of the big boys of wall street fell. Why did BS fall? Simply put, BS had a lot of bad deals in their books. BS had a lot of 'toxic real estate assets' that no one wanted to touch with a 10ft pole. JP Morgan bought Bear Sterns for $2 a share. They wouldn't have done it if the government hadn't sent in $30b of taxpayer money to support the deal.

But why exactly did Bear Stearns accumulate such bad deal, that no bank wanted to touch? Money. Greed. BS wrote so many real estate deals, they became stupidly retarded and believed prices only go up. Everyone was either buying, building or selling houses. It was a money printing machine. You need a home, they write you a deal, no questions asked. No good job, no steady income? no problem, BS would write you a deal and get you a house. When housing prices fell, they were left holding the bag, their ballsack was down. Everyone could see it, and no one wanted to touch it. Oh, I just remembered the greedy Lehman Brothers. They were also holding bad bad real estate assets no one wanted. It was so bad one option was for the government to buy all the houses and literally set them on fire. House inflation. They can easily raise interest rates to keep up with money printing, but there's no remedy for houses no one wants to buy. Lehman Brothers stock price fell so fast, then CEO said it was a short and destroy attack. Now, keep this in mind, while we fast forward to the present.

It's 2021, HFs are making lots of money shorting stocks, together with their accomplices. It's so profitable they have forgotten they can lose it all. They've gotten greedy. Same mistake Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns made.

There's something not being talked about much. A financial instrument that played a big role in destroying the market.

Let's go back to 2008. Remember the role CDOs played? The instrument that allowed banks make money from debt obligations. They now call it Bespoke Tranche Opportunity. Stay with me, we'll see why this is important.

The overall volume of CDOs on bespoke portfolios rose rapidly in the early

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👍︎ 7k
👤︎ u/factstony
📅︎ Dec 19 2021
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OP's (28) husband (37) accuses her of being a terrible Stepmom for wanting to be a working SAHM. (LONG)

This is a Repost

OP is u/boxfishfan/

TW: >!Mental Illness, Abandonment, Manipulation. !<

MS: >!Hopeful!<


Posting from a throwaway just in case my husband or any of my family and friends reads this. I'm going to change a few details because I'm paranoid but the story is the same.

I am a saleswoman and I do very well for myself.

My husband I have been married for two years now and together for five. This is my first marriage and my husband's second.

He has an 8 year old daughter from his previous relationship and has always had full custody of her. Our dating life was tricky with him being a full time single dad and having to work long hours but we made it work.

I met his daughter when she was 4 after we had been dating for a year. I liked her very much and have always done my best to be the best stepmommy ever.

She calls me "mom" and I have done all the mom things for her. I've helped her get dressed and ready for school, done her hair, cooked her meals, helped with homework and soccer practice, taken her for ice cream dates, tucked her into bed, read her stories, etc.

I'm not perfect and I've made mistakes but overall we've been a very happy family.

When my husband and I got engaged he asked if I would like to be a stay at home mom for "Lizzy" and any future children we had. At the time I politely declined. I was doing well in my career, loved going to work and the thought of being home all day with a kid and doing nothing but housework and typical SAHM things didn't really tickle my fancy.

My (then) fiance was gracious and we BOTH assumed that was how it would be for any future children we had.

Fast forward to now and I am now 6 months pregnant with our son. I am on cloud 9. I was (am) always in a permanent state of bliss. And something in me changed.

I started thinking about being a SAHM. And suddenly, it didn't seem so bad. I am in love with my son and want to spend as much time with him as I can. I know it's not all roses and champagne, there is actually a lot of poop, drool, screaming and exhaustion involved but I can't really stand the thought of having two weeks maternity leave and then handing my son to a stranger in daycare.

I've been thinking about this for MONTHS because I wanted to make sure this was something I REALLY wanted and not wishful thinki

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👍︎ 4k
👤︎ u/tequilitas
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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First Contact - Chapter [CLASSIFIED] - Council's End

[first] [prev] [next]

Pound for pound, Terran Descent Humanity is one of the most effective combatants in the known universe. With that in mind, imagine what humanity was forced to develop in order to kill one another.

Whatever you imagined, it is undoubtedly a pale shadow of reality. It would need to have greater endurance, greater strength, be more resistant to damage, able to repair as easily as a human heals, be able to work cohesively, be capable of critical thinking, non-linear thought, and predictive analysis. On top of that, it would have to be able to utilize advanced technology in order to combat the premier tool using omnivorous persistence hunter in the galaxy.

With that in mind, let us study the "First Artificial War" which is also known by the name "The Android Wars." - Introduction to Intermediate Human Warfare Studies 340.

Speaks looked up and scrambled into the armored sedan, ignoring that high-vee rounds hit the door with loud thunk thunk thunk sounds, that the window suddenly gained four palm-sized spiderwebs, and collapsed on the seat.

Ru'udamo'o threw the vehicle in reverse, slamming the accelerator and whipping the wheel.

"Are you hurt? Are you injured?" Ru'udamo'o asked as Speaks shifted and reloaded his rifle.

"Gonna need a hospital," Speaks said. "Took three to the armor, one penetration, got my foot blown off and one of my antenna is ripped in half," he said. He checked the side of the rifle to make sure all the telltales were green, saw the amber one, slapped the bottom of the magazine, then grunted when the telltale went green.

"What is occurring?" Ru'udamo'o asked, veering around a slow moving truck and speeding up as the sedan climbed the on-ramp onto the upper level access.

"Not sure," Speaks said, lifting up his head and looking behind the sedan. "I was checking something in GalNet, the next thing I knew, someone was sending hit teams after me."

"They do not seem concerned about exposure or collateral damage," Ru'udamo'o swerved around a slow moving sedan and merged with highway traffic. "They're assaulting the starport and planetary weather control."

Speaks nodded. "That fits. Whoever did this, they screwed up big time," he said.

"How so?" Ru'udamo'o asked. "Aside from the exposure and collateral damage, that is.

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👍︎ 691
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
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👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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I dislike karma whores who make posts that imply it's their cake day, simply for upvotes.

I won't be doing that today!

👍︎ 15k
👤︎ u/djcarves
📅︎ Dec 27 2021
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I had a vasectomy because I didn’t want any kids.

When I got home, they were still there.

👍︎ 10k
👤︎ u/demotrek
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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What did 0 say to 8 ?

What did 0 say to 8 ?

" Nice Belt "

So What did 3 say to 8 ?

" Hey, you two stop making out "

👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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