A list of puns related to "50 Shades Of Grey"
#4e5054, #272727, #282828, #292929, #2b2b2b, #2c2c2c, #2e2e2e, #313131, #323232, #343434, #353535, #373737, #393939, #3a3a3a, #3c3c3c, #3f3f3f, #404040, #424242, #444444, #454545, #474747, #484848, #4a4a4a, #4b4b4b, #4d4d4d, #4e4e4e, #505050, #515151, #535353, #565656, #575757, #585858, #595959, #5b5b5b, #5c5c5c, #5e5e5e, #616161, #626262, #646464, #656565, #676767, #6a6a6a, #6b6b6b, #6c6c6c, #6d6d6d, #6f6f6f, #727272, #737373, #757575, #767676, #777777, #7b7b7b, #7c7c7c, #7d7d7d, #7e7e7e, #808080, #818181, #838383, #868686, #878787, #888888, #898989, #8b8b8b, #8c8c8c, #8e8e8e, #919191, #929292, #949494, #959595, #979797, #9a9a9a, #9b9b9b, #9c9c9c, #9d9d9d, #9f9f9f, #a0a0a0, #a2a2a2, #a5a5a5, #a6a6a6, #a8a8a8, #a9a9a9, #ababab, #aeaeae, #afafaf, #b0b0b0
Dad cuts in and replies "she hasn't had a chance to go yet, she's been tied up".
We were both in a giddy mood because of how bad the movie was. It was more comical than anything else. This was the highlight of the night.
Christian Grey: "What are you doing for breakfast tomorrow." I lean over and whisper to my gf: "Eating breakfast" smh!
Hated the movie, but felt super proud of myself!
You know...Whipped
[discussing via text what movie to see this weekend]
her (sarcastically): Let's see 50 Shades of Grey.
me: haha I almost jokingly suggested the same thing to you.
her: GREY minds think alike!
me: Auuuugghhhhhhhh
My wife got a new set of colored pencils and was excitedly showing off how many different colors there were. She asks me "Guess how many shades of grey there are?" Too easy. Me: (without looking up from my phone) About 50? Her: Groan and a glare in my direction
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