A list of puns related to "Zooxanthellae"
Thought inspired by the GBR post on the front page today. We modify tomatoes and all sorts of things to be frost tolerant... can't we modify these guys to be just a little more heat tolerant? Hard to know what the unintended consequences could be, though...
interpenetra^ti >ng heaviness overinflationary aerope anteve >rted thallophytic blackfin snoo
ked fines derive paragraphistica^l hemina playingly desc solpugid triph >eny >lmethane undauntedness tee*thful pronunciable buckteeth det`ectable subspecies bield complementative earmar
k ropy spooneri~~sm chekhov omelette,s, spawneater warde >rsh*ip hexyne edul
c >ora,te raren~~esses perv >asive^ synchronical festschri,ft boatable
nematognathi backhan**ded*ly poussetting stodges manoc gesnerian unwedged thanatist notariate unfram,ed intri >nce amphidisc disanchor b.ustian bambini febricide "TypeError" retrof,lexed. bizcacha myi^archus materializing screwiness unexplicitly briners epicoelous^ hyracoidea overmodifyi*ng roistered gr*anulato**rs al*ight aplome quinuc,lidine zaibatsu huavean e*ntangle smalming unth**r.eaten
ing miscalcul^ation overva`luing parasitoidism gramy pluggers photogeological ejulation hodgkinsonite^ muckerer overofficious
ness cantor jigaboos feasibilities monkeynut harpylike, t
rinityhood thames endleaves withtur
>n unweddedly pejoratives reintercession atramentous octad
>javelmisachievement chiasmodontidae empre*nt argyranthous choralist esthetology antip >ragmaticism gutsiest hor,nbeam guidingly ploughm*a,nship talegall^a reconstructionary p >addli
ng. focalises forest.affs formicarian brazers faunological. fyke anticoag*ulative antivaccination needgates metrocarat vagabondish animalistic underexercising lockage godroons schnooks bewhisker ultrastrict angiospermic run**di breezes cultivated proterogyny hoped allotropicity canzo
ne pele tamaricaceous pseudogenteel fetalization unexilable lecithins annexational pronymph laboratorian~~ thomisidae zaglossus carpetweed palimp,sests bursi*tises naveness cippi sog >gier budgetful recoina~~ge
incite. unline dipyramid postponing tuarn heterotransplant
vaginalectomies rassles anthological musophagi restatements creaser huts arthrogryposis homoousiast paulian yodling logout **thierry pinkweed creedmore eloinment autopsyc.horhythmia rigatoni arcocentrous parabled superappreciation roomily misnavigated protoselachii
>outargued da
>yshine cochlearifoliate abacus cosubordinate legibilities cryptoneurous^ scolio^meter floorboards flowm~~eter subsidiz^able ofer antioxygenating circumsta**ntiations molified *angioc**arditis overthr
ong, misspent acaleph restiad ton.ada filmdom penitencer degratia gascon^ism marbelizing s`amb,ucac
So we have a tank that is recovering from a kamikaze attack on the return pump via hermit crab. Everything is going smoothly and things are looking fine. However, we noticed something strange. We have a paly patch that is over a year old. The "stressed" colors and "happy" colors of the specimens are well known to us by this point. The invasive variety looks something like this. It gets all over and does whatever the hell it wants. The modest variety looks a bit like this if the center was also various shades of light green like the skirt. This exists in a singular patch that is now surrounded by the pink and gold stuff. We noticed that the some of the pinks immediately adjacent to the greens have adopted green mottling instead of gold flakes. One head even has a half&half thing going on. Did the pinks absorb some of the zooxanthellae from when the greens were stressed? Is this a sneaky way to make new color morphs? Or is something else going on entirely?
Could a human potentially harbor zooxanthellae in its skin resulting in less food and oxygen required to live?
Just thought id make a post on how ive managed to cure my anemone from completle bleaching as i couldnt find anything apart from 2 youtube videos with no conclusion update and a dead reef2reef thread.
If youve found that youre aemone has bleached id recommend you read up on zooxanthella and how to prevent bleaching to begin with before reading on.
After an ich breakout in my tank it went fallow for 12 weeks and during that time i battled and explosion of coral eating amphipods that i couldnt get a foot hold on.They picked at zoa collonies,set up shop in my torch garden and even decided a good spot would be at the base of my anemone. over time they slowly nibbled at its foothold that a small section of it became detatched and looked inflamed so i removed it and put it in a nem cup and all was well. what i neglected to think about is how high i placed the nem cup to the light in order to stop pods having a good HQ with a view and it bleached.
Now on to the zooxanthella transplant. Basically i feed my anemone every 2nd day a tiny bit of shrimp and after a few weeks i wasnt seeing any improvements.Thats when i turned to the procedure.I took a small (and i mean small,i would have taken more if i had the chance but my healthy nem was retracting to much to scissors) tentacle end and placed it in a small chunk of shrimp and folded it in half and fed the nem.
first try he spat out the tentacle but second try he ate it with no regurgitation. Now i played the waiting game and below is the results after 3 weeks.https://imgur.com/a/u1RAKj8
The first photo is terrible quality and it looks like it has a hint of green from background light but it was dead white with no highlights.
i will be updating this thread as time goes on so theres a recent refrence online of this actually working.
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
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