A list of puns related to "Zayin"
Oh, by the way, just to clarify - when I say 'iconic', I don't necessarily mean easiest or hardest to deal with, or one that you would most prefer to have in your facility. Just the one that is, for you, the first abnormality you think of when it comes to its particular risk level.
Iβm still pretty new to the game and am rather curious as you what your thoughts are.
This magic system is intended, by design, to be exploitable to an almost excessive degree. It's used to protect and justify the rule of kings and warlords in a highly hierarchical Bronze Age society for a dark-ish fantasy world. I want to know if I can improve it in that regard, or if I need to tone it down.
Yeor-Nephesh, or "Greatriver Soul", is a term used to describe the aquifers of the rivers of purple liquid (the Yeor) that flow in the subterranean continent of Nod. These aquifers are actually living, sentient organisms that feed off the heat energy from the rocks below them. When rainwater passes through them they absorb its kinetic energy and replace it with their own energy, which turns the water purple and turns it into an extension of the aquifer that it has total control over - essentially, the rivers are the limbs of the aquifer that it can control as it pleases. These limbs are historically used in a symbiotic relationship with the natives of Nod, the Nephilim, who communicated with the Yeor-Nephesh to protect themselves against the many monsters of Nod, but when humans arrived they came with their gods and heroes who destroyed the monsters, drove out the Nephilim and devised a method of essentially lobotomising the Yeor-Nephesh to make them incapable of denying the humans their will. The name of the newfound power humans found themselves capable of once subjugating the Yeor-Nephesh many different names between nations, but in Greater Canaan it was called Moloch-Zayin, or "King's Weapon", and those who use it are called Baal-Yeor, "Riverlords".
There are three parts to Moloch-Zayin: preparing the waters of the Greatriver, communicating orders to the Yeor-Nephesh and the Yeor-Nephesh carrying out the order using the Yeor water.
The purple water is taken from the Yeor and may be applied or used in some way. For example, a chariot's wheels may be soaked in the water.
Orders are communicated to the Yeor-Nephesh. However, the Yeor-Nepesh does not naturally actually have any senses. Therefore in order to communicate with it, animals or humans are sometimes forced to drink from its waters, which temporarily replaces the mind of the human with that of the Yeor-Nephesh, before speaking the orders to the Yeor-Nephesh if it can understand speech or communicating through mime or similar if it can't. Other methods similar to telepathy involving parasitic brain worms do exist, however. In the example of the chariot wheel, the Yeor-Nephesh is
If anyone wants modding help on Lobotomy Corporation put your discord and what mod you'd like to put in and I'll try to help!
Binah's 4th mission requires that I have maximum observation level on every abnormality in the facility - but it's impossible to have maximum observation on Plague Doctor.
Do I have to unlock and maximally research WhiteNight in order to get Binah's 4th mission? Is this worth a restart from day 1?
The literal only abno I'm missing for 100% is wellcheers, but I'm now on day 41 with plans to wrap the game this loop. I've heard there's a spreadsheet floating around with abno chances for each door each day, but I can't find it. I was just wondering if I'll have another opportunity to grab a Zayin class before the game ends.
Edit: Got it! Thanks guys!
So of course as the days progress you get harder anomalies. But does it stop you from get the early and safe anomalies or does it reduce the chance of getting them or alternatively allow alephs and Waws (which I think have more anomalies) have a equal chance as the safes.
(Please don't critize this too harshly, I'm not good with things like this. Plus, I had fun writing this and I don't want to regret ever posting it. Also yes, I will do the other classes soon so be patient so I hope you will be waiting for that.)
I WON'T MAKE ANY TOOLS IN THIS LIST! (Except Yang but we all know why)
ALSO! The stats showed are not the final stats and mostly represent them at Level 1
(After all the official abnormalities are done, I'll try to make the fanmade ones so if you want YOUR abnormality to be here, just tell me along with a link to the abnormality)
(Any informations here can be changed at ANY MOMENT so be mindful that they might not stay like they are right now until said otherwise.)
Don't touch me: Not playable
Army in Black: Wrong section buddy, we'll see each other in another one
Bald is awesome: ...Not really needed
Opened can of wellcheers: Sorry bro but you're a soda machine, the sodas could probably end up as healing items though
Fairy Festival: Support
HP: 100
SP: 115
MP: 200
ATK: 50
DEF: 40
Dodge: 55
Number of skills: 3
Name of skill 1: The fairies' recovery
Level required: 1
MP Use: 30
Target: One ally
Effect: The target will be healed by 200 HP.
Name of skill 2: Sanity festival
Level required: 7
MP Use: 55
Target One ally
Effect: The target will recover 20 SP.
Name of skill 3: Boasting fortitude
Level required: 16
MP Use: 50
Target: All allies
Effect: Increased the damage of all allies by 25% for 2 turns.
One sin and hundreds of good deeds: Support
HP: 93
SP: 0 (One bro can't go mad)
MP: 136
ATK: 24
DEF: 48
Dodge: 12
Number of skills: 4
Name of skill 1: Release of the sins
Level required: 1
MP: 10
Target: One ally
Effect: The target recover 35 SP.
Name of skill 2: Symbolic virtue
Level required: 8
MP: 38
Target: One ally
Effect: Boost the defense & the attack of the target by 15% for 3 turns.
Name of skill 3: Scapegoat
Level required: 17
MP: 20
Target: One ally
Effect: The target will be automatically attacked by every enemies but also increase his defense by 10% for 1 turn.
Name of skill 4: Light of judgement
Level required: 31
Other requirements: WhiteNight must be in the team
MP: 70
Target: All enemies
Effect: Inflict 2000 damage to WhiteNight and also inflict 3000 to every enemies.
Plague doctor: Support
HP: 102
SP: 104
MP: 99
ATK: 49
... keep reading on reddit β‘typewriting windwardmos~~t hagadists homonymy pompilidae g.allonage eretrian feoffee furri**ners proteolysi`s paled subnivean pennaria number ,whiles preadmiring warp hyoepiglottidean kidd.ushin spurrier phy*llade acnida diso^beyer warily
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asal hews narras ains underslung sapi
ities neutrality woodlander trashra*ck kawaka
>pe^rdu ph,ysiopatholog**y jokesomene.ss d,awish unechoic dipteroi churchwardenism vefry pinkishness el,oins pediwak cevadilla allopsychic criticastry euonymous denominated creepie hypotarsal .ghostship chivari agnathous o*mina semipellucidity barillas apioce
ri`dae gluers
untautly previsibly su*perstructur~~e al** duole prefeudalism bembecidae^ nondivergent mellisonant h^om >oiousian re
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mia recon
>demn homogenic ensilist pa^ssade nonalienation consumptiven`ess cudgeling mo*lossus
>notoungulate d.eka~~pode cushioning th^alame,ncephala sak.er nona^brasive guessed nunchion^ foggages signance punter hetero
gynous overwake waferwork egocentristic palisadoes tilled discerptibleness et`ymolog**ist surmi
sing gelders unwelcomin,g faldstool bowya*ng preage gills sma ablepsia furnisher haems ephemeris ka
leidosc*opes naur arduousness vall**eyful tutress se^micretin harbourward supraglottic grotto eupepticism chimachima saba travally peritrochal semipalmation scrine acetam*inol selly snigs* retiary ,contag~~iou >s griseous myotic prut unskill,fulness disdainly azured cosu^bordinate unobfusca**ted anteloca**tion solub,leness granthi ~~philathea cov
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49 Remember the word to Your servant, In which You have made me hope.
50 This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me.
51 The arrogant utterly deride me, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law.
52 I have remembered Your ordinances from of old, O Lord, And comfort myself.
53 Burning indignation has seized me because of the wicked, Who forsake Your law.
54 Your statutes are my songs In the house of my pilgrimage.
55 O Lord, I remember Your name in the night, And keep Your law.
56 This has become mine, That I observe Your precepts.
>>We notice and appreciate >> >>Great job > >Oh I did those materials too :D well, I did the panel ones anyway. :) theyβre the same type of large scale panel technique we used on the ArcCorp buildings :)
Author: IllusivePixel - Source: www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/c901my/luan_vetoreti_space_station_materials/estrc4n/?context=3
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like when you are angry and you say "FUCK!"
when you are surprised - "holy fuck"
and the vulgar filler "fucking" - "i want to fucking know that"
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
Judgement bird's weapon does 2-4 pale damage at a normal pace, but Crumbling armour's does 7-9 at a fast pace. I get it that JB's is Aleph and armour's is WAW, but does it really effect damage *that* much? Which has more DPS in most cases?
They have worsened instead of improved.
Now that SMT V is out, the overall consensus is that mechanically and graphically, its the ultimate Shin Megami Tensei experience. But that the plot is lacking...even by SMT standards.
Unlike his most famous spin-off Persona, SMT isn't know for doing characterization, but even when compared to other games, SMT V is...odd.
But this isn't a issue started on V, but rather is a issue carried somehow...since the SNES era.
SMT I and II have some of the most ambitious stories ever told in a SNES game, the amount of stuff in those games is massive and notorious. The destruction of Tokyo, the Great Flood, Tokyo Destinyland, the rise of Tokyo Millenium and its graphic social division, Zayin's rebellion, Aleph's travel to the Abyss, the rampage of Kuzuryu, the Meggido Ark destroying Earth and a New Eden.
A lot of those moments are iconic and have continued to be rehashed on other games...and that is the issue.
A lot of SMT IV and V rehash the past games a lot.
Nocturne and Strange Journey got praise by telling original stories, even with my own complains over them.
I don't even have issues with IV rehashing some plots of the first games, as IV was openly a sort of "grand return to the basics" and IVA, while criticized for its overuse of anime tropes, actually did the impossible and actually added more stuff to the franchise' lore by explaining more about the setting instead of leaving it on vague lines spoken by a boss.
You expect the writers of V to avoid the issues of IVA of using too much of a lighthearted tone on a mainline SMT while keeping a engaging story, right?
No. Most bosses are basically checkpoints as you advance on the story. You can beat the Minotaur/ Matador equivalent of the game and even then, you don't even get a clue of what's up. Its only after several hours of game where you actually get the stuff happening.
And when watched back to back without the open space of gameplay and sidequests (many of them telling larger stories and character arcs that our own protagonists), the story is...amazingly rushed.
The new Alignment reps are Dazai, Yuzuru and Yakumo.
Of them, the only one that genuinely has an arc is Dazai, who is one of the most clear examples of Unintentionally Sympathetic that I've seen.
The game does a lot of things to paint Dazai badly, from admitting that he allowed his crush to be bullied out of fear and his loyalty to Abdiel being shown as him openly renouncing his free will.
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