A list of puns related to "Varro"
Varro oli mu õppejõud. Juba koolis oli tunda, et temas on sellist kerget rebelit. Aktiivselt värbas ja üritas koondada ka tudengeid oma katoliitlik-populistliku ideoloogia manu. Asi läks hapuks kui dekanaat talle mõista, andis, et ülikool pole see koht, kus isiklikku poliitilist agendat ajada ja oma isiklikku elufilosoofiat maha müüa. Enne minu aega ülikoolis käis tudengitelt ka allkirju kogumas oma abordivastase kampaania tarbeks.
Kui kooseluseadus teemaks muutus, kadus ka Varro koolist. Meile tuli uus õppejõud, kes oli tunduvalt parem ja normaalsem. Keegi kes, tegelikkuses ka loogikat ja argumentatsiooni jagas, Enn Kasak. Enn oli äge, Varro ei olnud. Varro nimelt õpetas teadustöö aluseid ja argumentatsiooni. Varro võttis isapuhkuse. Isapuhkuse mitte selleks, et tegeleda oma kodus olevate lastega või olla oma naisele toeks, vaid selleks, et käia Riigikogu ees rääkimas, et nüüd on revolutsiooon ja homod saavad abielluda. Kooseluseaduse vastane tegevus oli suuresti ka tänase EKRE retoorika tekke pidepunkt. Just sealt said nad oma esimese kandepinna ja avaliku auditooriumi. Võiks öelda, et Varro on sisuliselt tänase populistlik-konservatiivse poliitilise platvormi võtmetegelane. Kahju, ise haritud mees, kuid nii pimestatud ja piiratud oma vaadetest, et ta ei näe kaugemale oma ninaesisest.
Ta on ohtlik ja ausaltöeldes ma ütleks, et ka ohuks tänasele Eesti põhiseaduslikule korrale. Aktsepteerib ta ju raha tundmatutelt välismaistelt kristlikelt fondidelt, mille osas pole teada kelle huvisid ta esindab. Objektiivi juba loeb arvestav osa ühiskonnast. Ideaalne kanal oma mürgise sapi levitamiseks. Ausaltöeldes ei imesta, kui tema laiem eesmärk on Eestis läbi viia teoloogiline revolutsioon ja ennistada riigikirik.
Marcus Terrentius Varro wrote, in De Re Rustica in the 1st book in the 10th chapter, that "vorsum" was a unit of length used in Campania, and that in their language "vor" means "hundred" and that "sum" means "feet". Which language was that?
I believe it was Etruscan. What other language could it be? Clearly it wasn't Latin or Greek, since Latin word for "hundred" was "centum" and Greek was "hekaton". Perhaps it was Illyrian (Messapian), but I think the Illyrian word for "hundred" would have been something similar to the Indo-European root *k^(j)mtom, rather than "vor". It probably wasn't Phoenician either, as Phoenician was closely related to Hebrew, and Hebrew word for "hundred" was "meha".
Got the rumor saying Larrius Varro at fort Moonmoth was looking for me, went there, searched the entire place and the guy isn't anywhere at all. Is the game simply broken?
Playing on Xbox one so no mods or console commands
Just got to S01E10, I'm bawling my eyes out, wtf
Varro and Spartacus were my two fav bros, why did they do this??????
I've already killed the bad people and managed to sneak up to him using invisibility, but I can't complete the mission even after doing the "little job".
Seeing as Magnus's soul was fractured throughout time & space as most of us know that one of Magnus's shards became janus the first supreme grand master of the grey knights, what if varro tiguris was a shard of Magnus since tiguris is the most powerful librarian alive to qualify as a mini-magnus
So I’ve never played Morrowind before and I am enjoying it a lot however, on day 5 I got a quest from Larrius asking me to kill bad people. I have 100 disposition with all the thieves guild members in the cornerclub, I even joined them and did some jobs in hope that they would tell me who the bad people are but they just say “I don’t know what you’re talking about” when I click the conversation topic “bad people”. Now I know who the camonna tong are, so can I just kill them or do I have to get the guild members to give me specific names or else the quest will never complete? I’m now on day 50 and I just wanna complete the quest now. I feel like it’s bugged they just wont tell me the names.
What if neither were killed? So many possibilities. 😩 Throw out your best!
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