A list of puns related to "Unbefitting"
I apologize if this is stupid or inconsequential, but it's a genuine thing that's been on my mind for a while, and I'm doubting my passions and enjoyment of certain things.
When I was younger, I was a very arrogant kid, and I typically partook in a lot of what people call "cringe culture", and I'd look down on things "cringey" people liked or things kids liked. I avoided a lot of popular and interesting things that I now really love, because they were "cringe". Some examples of things I now enjoy that I looked down upon as a teenager were things like Undertale, Homestuck, and Five Nights at Freddy's.
I've grown a lot since those times, and I'd like to think I'm a nice person and a contributing member of society. I have a great job that I truly enjoy and gives me a lot of opportunities to help people, but in my mind, I still doubt myself a lot because I worry that my passions and interests are seen as cringey or sad to others. I spend a lot of my free time writing fanfiction, analyzing narratives I enjoy, and playing video games.
Even now I tend to immerse myself in my writing and projects, and many people have judged my devotion to these things and asking if I have a life, or that I should go outside. I don't shove my interests down people's throats, and I rarely speak about them IRL. This is especially frustrating because I know that I wouldn't think this way of someone else in my position anymore - some of my friends do many of the same things I do, and I've never judged them for it, but I doubt myself for the same thing a lot.
I get terrible anxiety at the thought of people regarding me as a loser, but I don't think highly enough of myself to simply ignore when people think of me that way. My friends try to comfort me by saying that, if people judge me for things like this, then I shouldn't bother with them - but I've always been a fairly lonely person, and sometimes I feel like I just have to take what I can get when it comes to personal relationships.
Is this a common feeling? Would it be best to move on and focus on more "grown up" interests? If not, what can I do to overcome these thoughts?
Edit: I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I'm a 20 year old male living in America, and I've had anxiety and depression issues for years. I also have pretty severe ADHD. Just thought I'd add this in case this may help.
I had this realization today. Caffeine is the embodiment of not being a stoic, to me.
My morning routine was a little scrambled today, so I ended up not drinking very much caffeine, far less than my usual consumption of caffeine. It was much later in the day when I realized that my head was just killing me, and I stopped before I reached for more caffeine.
I don't want to rely on anything outside of myself to be fulfilled. And I realized that caffeine does that. I don't think I can moderate it, either, so full abstinence is the only answer for me. I'm planning to taper down over the next weeks, and get rid of everything else in my house.
Does anybody else feel like this?
Edit: just threw away my coffee. Decided Im starting with decaf tomorrow.
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