A revised ranger that completely exchanges the reliance on Hunter's Mark for a new mechanic which relies on certain circumstances to deal damage. More info in comments! gmbinder.com/share/-MHCrf…
πŸ‘︎ 100
πŸ‘€︎ u/runtylizard
πŸ“…︎ Sep 15 2020
🚨︎ report
83 was offered to Arjun Kapoor first . Reliance has filed case on KRK as he damaged movie. 83 has 90% shows cancelled today. Swipe to read all tweets. reddit.com/gallery/rqc362
πŸ‘︎ 335
πŸ‘€︎ u/CopyPastePoster
πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
I hope D4 moves away from reliance on spike damage

There are many things I want from D4; Deeper character creation, deeper loot, more open skills, a story that wasn't written by a ten year old who plagiarized rejected scripts from 80's Saturday morning cartoons. But one of these has to be a moving away from relying on spike damage and unavoidable damage as crutches for difficulty.

Within its current design, few things are as annoying as ripping through a G-Rift, slaughtering hundreds of demons at a time and barely even being tickled by bosses, only for that one specific attack to instantly take you from 100% to 0%. Often without you even being sure what it was that happened let alone being able to do much about it. It's not a case of just pushing past your gear limit either as the other 99.999~% of attacks in said rift can be easily managed and your clear time is way ahead of timer. But there's just that one specific attack that obliterates you like an RKO out of nowhere.

This is something D3 has struggled with since launch as well. When the game first came out I remember the devs proudly declaring "You. Will. Die." because it was so "difficult". And that turned out to mean the unavoidable damage and huge spike damage was so terrible you literally couldn't play a melee build; the only Torment viable Barb builds for awhile were based on ranged attacks and poor monks were left trying to tediously kite every special pack to death.

For D4 I would love a move towards these big hits being telegraphed attacks you can avoid and more mechanics that the player has active agency in besting. It's just infinitely more satisfying than just having the game throw up a hard stop because it decided you've been alive too long and should die now.

πŸ‘︎ 22
πŸ‘€︎ u/Quxudia
πŸ“…︎ Dec 05 2019
🚨︎ report
Reinventing the meta with chip damage and repurposed parries. An end to the over-reliance on bash openers for viability.

Some disclaimers: everything I propose is meant to apply to duel only for now. The main idea of more prominent chip damage comes from an Illest Truth video called "Exploring For Honor's Funadamental Issues" but the rest of the logic is mine.

In February Ubi took one of the most important steps in making the game a much more enjoyable duel experience in the form of the parry changes. The game's flow improved dramatically and the defensive meta took a step back. But here's the thing: it wasn't enough. The defensive meta is still very much real and here's why:

As long as blocking has no downside and parrying gives a bigger damage reward than attacking, defense will ALWAYS be stronger than offense.

At this point, most decent players can parry 500ms neutral lights fairly consistently on both console and pc (if you cant yet, you will). There's no incentive to parry heavies since they can be feinted and blocking them has no disadvantage. So if you wanted to play optimally you can sit there blocking everything until you get an easy light parry for a 3rd of your opponents health. Why would you ever throw a light for 15 dmg when you're so likely to eat 40dmg off of it?

Ubi's answer to this question was bashes to open up your opponent. Guaranteeing easy light dmg, quick bashes became the S tier tool. You dont risk much throwing it, and get guaranteed dmg in. This would be great if every character had a bash like that. But this is clearly not their design philosophy. The PK and Orochi reworks demonstrated that Ubi doesnt want every character to have a bash opener. 3/4 upcoming WuLin dont have neutral bashes. And yet the S tier consists EXCLUSIVELY of characters with bash openers. Therein lies the biggest problem: As long as core offense (no unblockables or bashes) remains as weak as it is, any character, no matter how complex, mixup intensive or fast can NEVER compete against a simple bash relier like warden or conq.

The reason for this is simple. A bash (one that's either very fast or can be cancelled after orange comes up) forces a reaction that can be punished. Core offense does not, as blocking isn't punished. And yet we have several characters designed to use exclusively core offense. So what do we need? We need a way to punish blocks through core offense and not bashes, so the opponent is FORCED to make decisions that can be punished.

The answer is increased and lethal heavy chip damage. NO CHIP DAMAGE ON LIGHTS

Before i continue, let me cl

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πŸ‘︎ 34
πŸ‘€︎ u/IthePotato
πŸ“…︎ Aug 22 2018
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Restitutionary/Reliance Damages v. Indemnity

I looked up this case in 4 textbooks, and the first textbook below advises "it is probably more accurate to describe it as a personal restitutionary claim". So why do they all still refer to "indemnity"? How does "indemnity" differ from "restitutionary/reliance Damages"?

McKendrick. Contract Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (2018 8 ed). p 611.


>A claimant who rescinds a contract may also be able to bring a claim for what is often referred to as an indemnity, although it is probably more accurate to describe it as a personal restitutionary claim. In Whittington v. Seale-Hayne (1900) 82 LT 49 the plaintiff entered into a lease of a farm which he intended to use for breeding prize poultry. He was induced to enter into the lease by misrepresentations made by the defendant that the premises were in a good state of repair and in a sanitary condition. The premises were not sanitary and the buildings were in a state of disrepair. As a result the plaintiff became ill and many of the birds died. The plaintiff claimed that he was entitled to set aside the lease and recover an indemnity in respect of the losses which he had suffered in the performance of the contract before it was set aside. It was held that he was not entitled to recover an indemnity in respect of the loss of his birds and the illness which he suffered. At the time at which the case was decided damages could only be recovered in respect of a fraudulent misrepresentation

p 612.

>(see p. 596, Section 5) and the plaintiff could not establish that the defendant had made the misrepresentations fraudulently. But the plaintiff was able to recover the rent paid and the cost of the repair work that had been done pursuant to an order issued by the local authority. These obligations were imposed on him by the terms of the lease. The reason for his entitlement to recover these payments was that they had resulted in an enrichment to the defendant (either through the direct payment of rent or by carrying out the work ordered by the local authority) and, when the lease was set aside, the defendant became subject to a restitutionary liability to repay to the plaintiff the value of the benefits which he had received as a result of the plaintiff’s performance of his obligations under the lease. But he was not subject to any wider liability to pay compensation to the plain

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πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/kystis
πŸ“…︎ Feb 17 2020
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[University business law] My textbook states the expectation damages as $12,000 and Reliance damages as $5000. Why are the expectation damages $12,000 and not $7000?
πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/freshiii_
πŸ“…︎ Dec 12 2019
🚨︎ report
83 was offered to Arjun Kapoor first . Reliance has filed case on KRK as he damaged movie. 83 has 90% shows cancelled today. Swipe to read all tweets. reddit.com/gallery/rqc362
πŸ‘︎ 35
πŸ‘€︎ u/CopyPastePoster
πŸ“…︎ Dec 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Amara Build Theorycraft - Avatar/Samsara/Revelation with less reliance on elemental damage

Whenever I've theorycrafted Amara builds I've always gone purely elemental. But recently I've been rethinking that idea as I hate the thought that it would limit which guns I could use as I'd pretty much always be forced to use elemental guns for maximum effort. This build should change that: https://bl3skills.com/siren#0250300000000053150513333010050000000000

First thing to note is that one of the more recent builds we've been shown has Samsara moved 2 tiers and is where Root to rise is. So imagine those 3 points are Samsara.

The main focus of this build is Samsara, I suppose. To use it as much as possible you'd need to fire off your action skill as much as possible and hit as many targets as you can with it. As such Deliverance and Revelation would be used. I'm making a few assumptions here:

  1. The orbs from Deliverance can triggers novas from Revelation and stacks of Samsara

  2. The damage from Revelation novas add stacks to Samsara

  3. The damage from Revelation affects the target that spawns the nova as well as those nearby - My original thought was that it would only affect those nearby so I'm not 100% sure about this.

  4. All orbs from Deliverance will find and hit their target

With all the above assumptions you'd be looking at 4 stacks of Samsara from Deliverance plus orbs and then another 4 from the resulting Revelation novas so a minimum of 8 stacks of Samsara per cast, which is 48% extra gun damage and 24% health per target - With enemies being spaced out enough that the novas only damage their initial target. With a few targets close to each other this could easily result in 25 Samsara stacks per action skill use.

Assuming that action skill cooldown increases work the same in BL3 as they do in other games then the 20% increase to cooldown would give you this: 24/1.2=20which means you could have as high as an 80% uptime to Samsara.

As a bonus for this build:

I've seen in other posts that you can store skill loadouts for ease of switching between them. If you were to make all 3 loadouts use the same skill/augment you could use it to switch between elements so you can make the most of your action skill. Most of your elemental damage would be from your action skill but Infusion allows you to still deal some at all times to help build rush stacks. This way you can theoretically use any gun and still be effective because the main damage comes from action skill use.

Of course if my assumptions listed ab

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πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ“…︎ Jul 15 2019
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Bismarck - Avoid Over-reliance On Secondaries [209k damage] youtube.com/watch?v=-AV5P…
πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/flamuchz
πŸ“…︎ Nov 11 2016
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Why don't content creators on YouTube seek legal damages when their videos are demonitized, based on detrimental reliance?

If the reason is the TOS, why can't they point to a previous TOS which didn't have the particular clause? Wouldn't that at least make videos before a certain date subject to damages?

Edit: Thanks for the answers /r/lawyers !

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ‘€︎ u/Mises2Peaces
πŸ“…︎ Jan 04 2018
🚨︎ report
Sinking Land in California: Four years of drought and a heavy reliance on groundwater pumping is costing billions in infrastructure damage washingtonpost.com/nation…
πŸ‘︎ 71
πŸ‘€︎ u/xrm67
πŸ“…︎ Dec 27 2015
🚨︎ report
Georgian Forests Face Burning Issue – Rural Georgians’ heavy reliance on burning wood for fuel is having a devastating effect on forests across the country, including landslides on deforested slopes that damage thousands of homes. ens-newswire.com/2013/12/…
πŸ‘︎ 55
πŸ‘€︎ u/anutensil
πŸ“…︎ Dec 07 2013
🚨︎ report
[University introductory business law] Expected vs Reliance Damages

Just a quick question from a practice question from my text.

"As a music promoter, you hired Ursula to perform a iano concert in exchange for $5000. Based on your experience the music business, you expected to personally receive a net profit of $7000, from the concert. Ursula recieved full payment when she signed the contract but told you a week later that she was not willing to perform. You reluctantly cancelled the concert. You are now doubly unhappy. Not only did you pay $5000 for a piano recital that never occurred, you were also deprived for your expected revenue.

Now I realize that the Reliance damages would be recovering the $5000 cost, however, would the expectation damages be the $7000? Or would they be $7000 + the $5000 which would be the total revenue?

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/-trollbear-
πŸ“…︎ Mar 13 2013
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[Law and Economics] Contracts - how to calculate optimal reliance and damages for breach

I'm not sure how to figure this out... any guess?

>A doctor contracts with a carpenter to build a desk which the doctor. The carpenter is uncertain whether the cost of labor and materials will be $600 or $1200, and each is equally likely. After signing a contract but before production begins, the cost of the desk becomes apparent. The level of reliance determines the value of the desk to the doctor as follows:

Reliance Cost of Reliance Value of Desk

None -----0 ------ 600

Low -----50 ------ 800

High ----225 ----- 1100

I am trying to determine the socially optimal level of reliance and the optimal size of damages for breach.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Closet_Cruise
πŸ“…︎ May 16 2013
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β‚Ή20 Lakh Fine On Reliance Digital, Airtel For Damaging Roads In Gr Noida (Kreator: Meme)
πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/nyus_app
πŸ“…︎ Sep 14 2021
🚨︎ report
LAOP cleverly avoids tree law ban by refusing to cut down any trees, gets sued anyway reddit.com/r/legaladvice/…
πŸ‘︎ 926
πŸ‘€︎ u/DerbyTho
πŸ“…︎ Dec 05 2021
🚨︎ report
[Books] James Frey - How one man made millions by faking his life, pissing off Oprah, becoming a national pariah, and exploiting literary students with crushing contracts and borderline slave-labour.

I was surprised to find out there was no write-up for this. I think there might have been one once, but it has been deleted, so I decided to do one of my own.

#The Author

Frey is an author, businessmen, and all around sketchy fellow from Ohio. He went to Denison University and majored in history – you don’t care about that, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

Frey fumbled from project to project until he got his big break in 1998 when he wrote the screenplay for β€˜Kissing A Fool’, starring David Schwimmer and some other people. Judging by its 5.6/10 rating on IMDB, it was exactly as bad as everything else Frey ever touched. After that, he wrote and directed Sugar: The Fall of the West, which must have been even worse than Kissing a Fool, because it seems to have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth. I can’t find a single scrap of information about it anywhere online.

#The Book

In April of 2003, James Frey approached the publishing house Doubleday with his memoir β€˜A Million Little Pieces’. It was a tale of drug addiction, criminality, recovery, and a slow, painful return to society. A true hero’s journey in the Campbellian style. And according to Frey, it was all true. The book hit shelves on 15th April.

So what actually happens? Well, I decided to subject myself to it so you don’t have to. I didn’t pay for it of course. I’m not insane.

After the EPUB file had finished torrenting, I opened the book and read the first page, realised I was only reading the reviews and the book didn’t actually begin for three more pages, opened up Goodreads and saw that it was 515 pages long, closed the book, and returned to this document.

So here are the spark notes, reworded just enough that it doesn’t count as plagiarism.

James wakes up on a flight to Chicago with no clue where he is. He’s missing a piece of his cheek, has four broken teeth, and his nose is broken too. Travelling with him are a doctor and two mysterious gentlemen. When he lands, he meets his parents, who had flown in from Tokyo to collect him. Frey is then taken to rehab in Minnesota. He is almost immediately attacked by another patient, but finds solace in new friends – a young woman named Lilly and a career criminal named Leonard.

*This begins James’s horrible road to recovery. He experiences constant, painful vomiting from withdrawals, and a double root canal (without painkill

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πŸ‘︎ 3k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Rumbleskim
πŸ“…︎ Dec 22 2021
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We've got a free 4 star character from Liyue coming up, so here is a quick rundown of those characters and their key constellations

Fleeting Colors in Flight (aka lantern rite) is coming at the end of January, and we get to choose a free 4 star from liyue. Theres already been a bunch of questions on "who should I pick?" and I'm sure there will only be more - so I figured I'd put together a quick explanation of the characters and their key constellations to help myself and others make a decision.


  • Chongyun, Ninguang, and Yun Jin are on the current Shenhe/Xiao banners until Jan 25.
  • Beidou, Xingqiu, and Yanfei are going to be on the Ganyu/Zhongli banners during the event. If you're going to pull on those banners for the 5 stars, wait to pick until after you're done pulling.
  • Ningguang, Xiangling, Xinyan, and Yanfei are often main dps.
  • Beidou, Chongyun, Ningguang, Xiangling, Xinqiu, Xinyan, and Yun Jin are often off-field dps/support.
  • Beidou, Xiangling, and Xingqiu can also be purchased with Masterless Starglitter in Paimon's Bargains.

TL;DR: Get XQ if you don't have him. Xiangling C4 is another good goal. Beidou really wants C2. Otherwise get who you like or use the most.


Beidou is a solid f2p electro character. She does lots of AoE damage, has good survivability, and has pretty flexible artifacts. She is often paired with Fischl to get electro resonance and help her energy needs. Her downsides are that her counterattack takes some skill to learn, her burst has high energy, and she really wants C2.

Key constellations:

  • C2 - pretty important, it greatly increases the aoe potential of her burst.


Chongyun is often overlooked nowadays. He takes up very little fieldtime to apply cryo and can apply it pretty well. But its somewhat niche given that it infuses the on-field dps's weapon with cryo (sometimes good, sometimes bad). His personal damage is lackluster and he isn't super essential to many comps...especially given the competition for f2p cryo options - rosaria and diona. He is also often tied to XQ - who is often in demand for other teams.

Key constellations:

  • C2 - reduces the CD for ally skills/bursts in his skill's area of effect. Can have some interesting effects by changing rotations.
  • C6 - significant boost to personal dps


Geo mommy can be the main (single-target) on-field carry, an off-field burst dps, or even a geo battery for someone like Noelle/Itto. Being geo, she is pigeonholed a bit due to wanting geo resonance, having no damage reaction potential (like melt/vape), and having trouble with elemental shi

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πŸ‘︎ 562
πŸ‘€︎ u/skullkid2424
πŸ“…︎ Jan 08 2022
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Mastery Priority Guide - Updates for Dossoles Holiday

Oh boy. Here we go. I look forward to a dramatic comment section full of rage. Well to be fair, I've spent my fair share of rage over this banner too so I guess we're even. I'll do my best to remain objective here. Lots of people are excited for Ch'en the Hellalame Holungday, so I at least owe the attempt. I'll keep my salt mild and to a single question in the FAQ. But it's a doozy of a banner so... yea...

A small matter of business before we get started. Expect a full update with regards to the roguelike mode, especially as it gets closer to a global release. However for the most part the grades will track with advanced grades.

Also, my apologies for not getting the Pallas update out on reddit. She fell during a super busy holiday season for me and the only reason the GP version got out was that it was prewritten already. To be honest the real-life road ahead looks quite busy too so I'm not entirely sure how long I can keep up doing both. But this is a big update, so for now at least I'll continue!

This article specifically covers the new units from the Summer Holiday - Dossoles Holiday event. The main guide covering the rest of the game can be found here on reddit and here on Gamepress. The Gamepress version of this update can be found here.

FAQ and Banner Discussion

Q: Should I pull?

A: No! Rise up against- Wait, I said only one question and this one isn't it.

If you care at all about power level, meta, high-risk CC, and don't find anything in the next question to be objectionable, then the answer is a very clear and strong yes. Ch’en the Holungday (Ch’alter for the rest of the article) is the single most broken operator in the game, including the 6 month look ahead we have with CN. She's been the core DPS is nearly every meaningful high risk CC clear since she's been released and is core to many comically low-OP clears of difficult stages. Even the fact that Mizuki is the polar opposite and one of the worst 6β˜…s we've ever gotten isn't enough to change the pull equation here.

The only meta argument to not pull here is that she, like Surtr, is likely to be widely available on support which could be an option if you would onl

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πŸ‘︎ 235
πŸ‘€︎ u/TacticalBreakfast
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
Sexual Harassers national team how AFCON 2019 highlighted Egypt’s generation failure both ethically and professionally while also marked the beginning of a broken relationship with Salah.

2018 Wolrd cup - Prior to AFCON 2019: the build up

After 28 years Egypt finally succeeded to qualify for the World Cup but their trip was disastrous.

Egypt was one of two teams who failed to get a single point throughout the tournment and their trip was full of controversies; A FA member stole players shirts and sold them in an auction, Celebrities going to the NT hotel and staying till 3 AM, renting far hotels to reduce costs and Salah’s photo with Chechen leader.

At the time the FA board refused to resign despite requests and sacked the manager instead to do some damage control but the sacking of the manager wasn't even near enough to calm the situation and the relationship between the fans and the players along with the FA will only go downhill from here.

AFCON 2019 - The Chaos

Matchday 1

Moving the tournament to Egypt made the expectation high, but the team had a very poor win in the opening match. To add fuel to the fire later this week a girl posted an old screenshot of Amr Warda (NT player) asking her to travel to his hotel in Greece, multiple girls came out posting dms of him asking similar requests. He would go as far as sending them a video of him masturbating to β€œconvince them”. The uproar was too much for the FA to handle this time by simply sacking the manager or saying things will be better so naturally the player was suspended, something which his teammates didn't like.

Matchday 2

All the players came out in support of Amr Warda, Salah who was advocating for women rights just a month ago posted his funny famous tweet about believing in second chances and people meme the shit out of it.

Egypt score against DR Congo and the players want to make their message clear, they raise Amr Warda’s shirt as if he's some sort of a fallen hero.


Matchday 3

The situation didn't become calmer, clearly the fans didn't think highly of the raised shirt. National team captain Ahmed El Mohamady score a goal, he, seems to want to deliver a message. He celebrates by going towards the fans and putting his fingers in his ears.


After matchday 3 the FA annouced that Amr Warda will be back with the team for R16. This was probably the best decision anyone wh

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πŸ‘︎ 508
πŸ‘€︎ u/finePolyethylene
πŸ“…︎ Jan 11 2022
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Chiropractor told my healthy middle aged patient with back pain that β€œI’ve never seen someone with a (lumbar spine) X-ray like yours walk” and β€œI’m surprised you’re not in a wheelchair”.

And then proceeded to β€œpop” his out of place lumbar segments back in, and told the patient that he needs routine β€œadjustments” every three weeks to keep his spinal cord from getting damaged.

How is this acceptable by any standard? Where do these people even get the information to make these claims, because I know there’s no research behind this? Using fear and reliance on passive intervention to maintain a revenue stream rather than ensuring the patient that his back is in fact not falling apart and discussing appropriate recommendations for treatment and activity.

πŸ‘︎ 352
πŸ‘€︎ u/RepostRegulator
πŸ“…︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
American infrastructure is so unsustainable it makes me doubt the long term viability of the country.

This is more of a rant, I'm not one of those people who has all of these sources and scary statistics to back up their claims but I think most Americans can agree with me just based on what they see every day. Our infrastructure is so inefficient and wasteful it's hard to put into perspective. Everything is so far apart and almost nothing is made to have any sort of sustainable transportation be viable, and I live in a relatively old part of the country where things are better than in the South or West. If something were to happen that would cripple the automotive, or trucking industry, it's over. Like I'm pretty sure I would die in a situation where trucks couldn't travel to stock the grocery shelves here. And it's not my fault; we live our entire lives in a country that's not built for people, so if the thing that the country is made for gets incapacitated, the people will die.

Not to mention the fact that our infrastructure is also accelerating the demise of our planet. It's so polluting, wasteful, and inefficient to take cars literally everywhere, yet somehow most people don't see a problem with it, and new suburban developments are still making the problem even worse. On top of that, I believe car culture is damaging to our mental health too, it's making everyone hyper atomized and distanced from their communities.

The youtuber Adam Something said in a video that car culture is a cancer on American society, but I believe that it's a cancer on the country itself. The way things are right now is so unbelievably bad, and practically nothing is being done about it in our country right now. There are some things that can be done to help bring these cities closer to sustainability and to help reduce some reliance on cars, but in order to make things in this country truly sustainable, we'd basically need to tear everything down and start from scratch. Which I know will never ever happen. Our planet will burn down and humans will become extinct before America dismantles its car oriented infrastructure. There's not very many things that I'm actually doomer about, but this is one of the only ones, because I don't see a way out of car dependency coming soon, if ever.

πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Clambulance1
πŸ“…︎ Dec 11 2021
🚨︎ report
First thoughts of the codex after some games

For what it's worth, I've done 11 games on TTS (basically slept like 4 hours over the last 2 days) vs a variety of armies and player skills and I'd like to give you some feedback on how the codex plays out.

I'm going to be writing some posts this week to cover the more in depth systems and approaches and update my 8th codex posts to reflect the new codex also... as Twisted Helix is still crap... (kidding).

The Good

Internal balance - Every unit has its place and viability. There's nothing in the codex I would not field and this is really something. All characters especially bring something, even the saboteur and with 1 strat, she can have 2 forms of mortals onto one objective. Every unit has its purpose and place.

Different playstyles - Thanks to cults and internal balance, you can play a wide range of different playstyles and i'd say most have merit. Want a vehicle only list? Go for it. Want to spam bodies? Go for it. Alpha strike potential? Go for it. 3x10 blob skew in abbies/bikes etc? Go for it. There's so much potential.

Blips - This is huge for me; keeping blips not only kept our identity as an army, but our resistance to turn 1 alpha strikes. They're here to stay and we're thankful.

Psychic powers - Oh lord. So a lot of people told me they were nerfed and I think that's incorrect. Mass Hypnosis now is better because it really limits the opponents efficiency when fighting back. Psychic stimulus doesn't give fight first but you can now SHOOT and CHARGE when advancing or falling back - absolutely huge. The cult ones are mostly good - undermine and the bladed cog one are standouts for me.

Cults - They're all really good and each one can alter how you play your game. Be creative, test each one (ironically I haven't) and figure out what fits your play style. Personally I am 100% set on the custom cults. Just because they lack warlord trait, strat and power doesn't mean they're bad, Imo they are way more viable competitively.

The Bad

8th Weaknesses - Our weaknesses have not really been addressed. Our ability to hold an objective has not improved because we only have obsec on two units essentially (I'm ignoring guardsman, as should you) and they are our easiest to kill units. There is a way to remove obsec with the clamavus but the question is, how do you fill an objective and survive to the point where this becomes relevant, without sacrificing too many points? We still have the same struggles, but there are ways

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πŸ‘︎ 162
πŸ‘€︎ u/dtp40k
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2022
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SERIOUS: This subreddit needs to understand what a "dad joke" really means.

I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.

Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.

πŸ‘︎ 16k
πŸ‘€︎ u/anywhereiroa
πŸ“…︎ Jan 15 2022
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Modern Pirate Festival/Rumble Explained

Modern Pirate Festival/Rumble Explained

Hi everyone, happy new year.

In this post, I’m going to try my best to explain the state of Pirate Festival/Rumble (PF) as it currently stands at the start of 2022. Before that, there are a few things to get out of the way:

  1. You can read the basics of the mode here, written by /u/FateOfMuffins. For the purposes of this post, the main relevant points are that DEF is super broken, dual units have no color, and we have a goal of winning every single match. This positioning diagram is also relevant, but the main takeaway is that tanky units go in positions 2 and 3.
  2. Some relevant terms and their definitions:
    1. Main Line: Your starting 5 units.
    2. Bench: The 3 units that do not start on the field. Their passives are not active until they are on the field.
    3. 4/4: Team compositions that include 8 units by using 4 Legends and 4 PFRR.
    4. Nuke/Nuke PFRR: Any PFRR that does damage, generally included in a team because there isn’t a better way to use the extra cost if using a 4/4 team. The main β€œHoly Trinity” of these will be PF Smoker, PF Soba, and PF Whitebeard, but any PFRR that does damage and/or reduces def with their special can qualify. Premiere nukers are the units that serve as the primary offense unit- LT Kid, Yamatos, Roger/WB, VS Akainu are all examples.
    5. Half stats: Status that halves all stats except HP, regardless of buffs. Applied by both Yamatos, Moria, and PF Ohm at present. Tends to dramatically reduce offensive pressure from the opposing team, and obviously makes them much weaker defensively.
    6. True damage: Listed ingame as β€œignoring DEF,” and the trademark of LT Kid and STR units in general. Excellent at dealing with defenses that aim to stall out the enemy or simply dealing with tanky units.
    7. Haste: A special effect that moves a unit/units to the front of the queue, making them act next to fire their special or attack normally if not ready.
    8. CT- I’ll usually be using this as levels of the buff that increases or decreases the speed specials charge. Generally, 5 or more CT is going to have a big effect on special timing, whether that be speeding it up or slowing it down. May also be used to talk about the amount of time it takes for a special to be ready (higher = longer).
    9. PF [Character Name]/PFRR- A unit released in and exclusiv
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πŸ‘︎ 242
πŸ‘€︎ u/CubeoHS
πŸ“…︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
Petroteq Energy RNS - January 04, 2022 - Petroteq’s Board of Directors Unanimously Recommends Acceptance of Viston Offer

SHERMAN OAKS, CA / ACCESSWIRE / January 4, 2022 / Petroteq Energy Inc. ("Petroteq" or the "Company") (TSXV:PQE);(OTC PINK:PQEFF);(FSE:PQCF), an oil company focused on the development and implementation of its proprietary oil-extraction and remediation technologies, announces that it has today issued a Supplement (the "Supplement") to the Directors' Circular dated November 6, 2021 (the "Directors' Circular") in respect of the offer (the "Viston Offer") by 2869889 Ontario Inc., an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Viston United Swiss AG (together, "Viston"), to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company ("Common Shares"). As set out in the Supplement, the Board of Directors of Petroteq (the "Board") is recommending acceptance of the Viston Offer.The recommendation follows consultation with Haywood Securities Inc. ("Haywood"), as financial advisor to Petroteq and the Board.

As stated in the Directors' Circular, the Board concluded that it would defer making a recommendation to Petroteq's shareholders ("Shareholders") with respect to the Viston Offer until such time as it had fully considered all of the strategic alternatives available and received input on valuation from Haywood. Accordingly, the Directors' Circular provided no recommendation from the Board as to whether to accept or reject the Viston Offer.

Reasons for Making a Recommendation to Accept the Viston Offer

After thorough consideration of all aspects of the Viston Offer, the advice provided by Haywood and consulting with its other advisors, the Board has unanimously determined to recommend that Shareholders accept the Viston Offer and tender their Common Shares, for reasons that include the following:

  • Results of Strategic Review: Based on the results of the strategic review presented by Haywood, the Board believes that the β€Žimmediate cash value offered to Shareholders under the Viston Offer is more favourable to Shareholders β€Žthan the potential value that might otherwise result from other alternatives reasonably available to β€ŽPetroteq, including remaining as a stand-alone entity and pursuing Petroteq's existing strategy, in each case β€Žtaking into consideration the potential rewards, risks, timelines and uncertainties associated with those β€Žother alternatives.
  • Premium Over Market Price: The consideration of β€ŽC$0.74 β€Žin cash per Common Share (the "Cash Consideration") under the Viston Offer represents
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πŸ‘︎ 41
πŸ‘€︎ u/petromod
πŸ“…︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
This retired guy I know sends annual predictions to his friends on January 1st. Seems appropriate here.

Editors Note: Here's the full letter verbatim. It's long as fuck so I didn't correct any spelling or grammatical mistakes. Sorry.

What do we really do with 2022?

We Survived - After a year like no other, when even the use of the word "unprecedented" in the global media was record-breaking. One of my friends made a point to call me during the holidays to ask me how I saw the coming year and for the first time in a very long time I was speechless. To say I took a long breath would not be the half of it. We have all had to take a hard look at ourselves and our choices since 2020 showed up on our itinerary. Will this decade be about developing 20/20 Vision when it comes to seeing who we have become and what we have created?

A New World - It is a whole new journey my friends and the scene has certainly changed. I know I am not alone when I see the dramatic impacts recent changes have had in our society and in our world. Anyone that is really paying attention to the state of our planet has been able to read the writing on the wall. Largely because the writing on the wall has turned into bloody billboards. However, on the chance like a good friend, you were paying attention to the traffic, while I have been gazing at the scenery. Perhaps I should share with you what I have been seeing from the back seat. I see both the challenges and opportunities.

A Matter Of Perspective - Those that know me well tend to credit my positive attitude about life has played a significant role in my reputation as a "Cat with nine lives working on his eleventh" But in all honesty, my realism may have played a bigger role in my survival up to this point. When we face a dangerous crisis, I think preparation represents at least 90% of our ability to survive when others may not.

Our Mentoring Matters - In the time that I was growing up, Robert Baden-Powel taught many of us to "Be Prepared" In fact, my father used to say "Success is often a result of your ratio of thought before action." To this day, in retrospect, I can't really argue with the truth in either of those statements.

Wake Up Calls - Unfortunately this decade, and in particular this coming year, I am concerned that most folks have not been paying close enough attention to avoid some of the pain from what seems to be on our horizon. Those who have been vigilant, know that circumstances are aligning to make 2022 one of the most challenging years that most of us alive today ha

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πŸ‘︎ 306
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2022
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On the subject of the Fighting Lion

tl;dr - cripple begs bungie: "fix gun pls"


I'm not exaggerating when I say that I played Destiny 2 for the Fighting Lion. You see, I don't normally care for FPSes: I'm really tired of ADSing and dumping bullets into crit spots. It's not exactly a new idea - every FPS in the past twenty years has had that same kind of gameplay, and because I have a physical disability that causes my hands to tremble, my aim is not always the greatest. However, The Fighting Lion offered me something different: a gun that rewarded timing and placement, not twitch reactions and precision aim.


It was weaker than other Grenade Launchers, but I didn't care - not having to stress out about ammo reserves allowed me the opportunity to practice as much as I wanted, and as a result I eventually became really good with Grenade Launchers in general! For the first time in a long time, I had fun with a FPS. I adored playing Destiny because of the Fighting Lion, and today I have nearly 200k kills with it because it was just enjoyable to bounce grenades into aliens and robots and space ghosts and send them ragdolling.


When the nerf went out, it ruined the experience that I loved. However, rather than quit over it, I figured I'd try to keep the faith that the weapon team would eventually realize that they overdid it and chose to spend my time giving other guns a shot. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Mythoclast on my second VoG run and, with this being the Season of the Fusion Rifle, Particle Deconstruction made it extra good. It was kinda fun for a while, but I eventually got tired of having to struggle with the same hurdles that I've always struggled with. At the suggestion of a friend, I tried Double Special Grenade Launchers with Finder and Scavenger mods, but I eventually ran into ammo troubles that sucked the fun out of gameplay. The Fighting Lion nerf effectively killed my motivation to do more than the bare minimum to keep up with the story, or to hop on when someone needed a warm body for a raid or a challenge.


Now, I could go into how nobody asked for the Fighting Lion to be nerfed (something the weapon team openly admitted) or how unnecessary it was to nerf such an uncommon weapon (backed up by reams of usage statistics) or how infinite ammo would've changed basically nothing about the Fighting Lion if it'd been left alone (because it came with extra reserves and generated bricks with every kill so it was extr

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πŸ‘︎ 791
πŸ‘€︎ u/AngryMrMaxwell
πŸ“…︎ Dec 10 2021
🚨︎ report
Why People Don't Play Pikachu - Character Analysis

Fair Warning - This is an essay style analysis, sectioned into main points. I am not a top player or a figure of authority. This is not made to discredit actual Pikachu players, nor is it designed to deter you as an individual from playing the character. Please, enjoy the analysis.

  1. Context: You are sat, watching your favourite smash player creating a tier list. They have gone through quite a few parts, and are finally at Pikachu. Without hesitation, it gets put to the front of the top tier. Chat agrees, many spouting the "Pika Busted" phrase, and then the question is asked. Where are the Pika players? It's a compelling question, and the streamer can't answer fully. Where are the Pika players? Everyone says it's amazing, busted, even, but then... Why are there so few? Let's see.

  2. Difficulty: The most commonly cited reason for Pikachu's under-representation. It's too difficult. But how far can that be taken? It's true, sure, that difficult characters tend to see less representation, but is Pikachu really that hard, that there would be only one ranked amongst the top 50? Heck, there's even two Shulk players there. What makes Pikachu so difficult?

2.1) Gameplan: Pikachu's gameplan, or playstyle, is intriguing. It seems a bit different from other top tiers. One of these differences is the extreme reliance on combos. Many of Pikachu's attacks on their own do low, even underwhelming damage, but, still, there is an outstanding ability to link these attacks in order to create bigger damage, leading to infamous 60+ combos, like nair loops or up air bridges, sometimes in conjunction with each other. Furthermore, by incorporating so many attacks, you are often able to drag your opponent very far away from their original position, which can be extremely uncomfortable. This, even, usually sets up for another thing that Pikachu excels at, in edgeguarding. Moves like back air, forward air, down air, thunder jolt, and thunder are all phenomenal in edgeguarding, and a lighting quick high range recovery pushes this further. But wait, this is meant to be negative, right? This doesn't explain truly why people don't play the character. Let's look more closely.

2.2) The Inconsistencies Of The Gameplan: Amazing combos, supplemented by edgeguarding should allow Pikachu to claim easy stocks in even just one neutral interaction, and it can! But what is there to it, exactly? Looking more at Pikachu's combos properly, they almost all require quick reactions, tricky move

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πŸ‘︎ 165
πŸ‘€︎ u/mx_destiny
πŸ“…︎ Jan 04 2022
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Blind Girl Here. Give Me Your Best Blind Jokes!

Do your worst!

πŸ‘︎ 5k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Leckzsluthor
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2022
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What's your take on Covid and the vaccine?

There seem to be a lot of theories out there and I'm curious to see them all in one thread so maybe we can figure out which makes the most sense.

My opinion is we have long been under the control of a worldwide shadow government. Control is at the forefront of their operations and this means controlling us, and thus all events that occur here.

I believe they purposely released the virus to carry out a large plan. This plan includes damaging small business, supporting big business, extreme seperation and isolation, more reliance on digital information because face to face becomes rare, more reliance on the deep state and institutions to keep people safe, more docile and rule following humans, potentially vibrationally damaged or spirituality damaged connections to the causal plane.

I believe the push for this was only for greater control, control in times when we naturally awaken to the truth of our divinity.

πŸ‘︎ 57
πŸ‘€︎ u/pulsar2020
πŸ“…︎ Jan 02 2022
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I’d like t2 fleet battleships

Many battleship fleets are held back by a reliance on vulnerable recons for application and tackle. Cruise missile doctrines require a Huginn for example, in order to apply damage properly.

It would be nice to have a t2 variant of BS which enjoy racial ewar bonuses.

Unfortunately this matter is slightly complicated by the Scorpion and Armageddon, the scorpion having ECM bonuses and the Armageddon having bonused neut range, but I think there’s a pretty clear use-case for ships which enjoy electronic attack/recon bonuses, and the battleship class has a spare t1 ship without a t2 variant

πŸ‘︎ 26
πŸ‘€︎ u/CloakAndDaggr
πŸ“…︎ Dec 29 2021
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Dropped my best ever dad joke & no one was around to hear it

For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.

I said "hey look, an escaPEA"

No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!

Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘︎ 19k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Vegetable-Acadia
πŸ“…︎ Jan 11 2022
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What starts with a W and ends with a T

It really does, I swear!

πŸ‘︎ 6k
πŸ‘€︎ u/PsychedeIic_Sheep
πŸ“…︎ Jan 13 2022
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This subreddit is 10 years old now.

I'm surprised it hasn't decade.

πŸ‘︎ 14k
πŸ‘€︎ u/frexyincdude
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2022
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