How to earn my reading specialist PK-12 certification in PA?

I earned my M.Ed. in secondary education in TN, and later, I transferred my cert to PA, where I'm now certified to teach English 7-12.

I read TIMS's page on instructional add-ons, and it says the reading special cert requires passing the Praxis and completion of a state-approved certification program. Does this mean that I would need to return to school? Or is the program I completed in TN sufficient?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/isabubbles
πŸ“…︎ Sep 16 2020
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Seeking information about literacy education and reading specialist certification in Ontario, Canada. Does anyone have experience in this?

I apologize if this is a stupid question. I'm having a hard time navigating what to do to start my career.

I currently live in the United States but want to move back to Canada. I have a bachelor's degree in linguistics. I am not currently a teacher but I am interested in pursuing a career as a reading specialist. Essentially, I want to be the person who helps struggling readers using intervention strategies, within the general classroom or using a supporting classroom. I would prefer early childhood and elementary school but I'm not tied to that age range.

I've found plenty of information about this in my state (New York). However I can't seem to find any information about becoming a reading specialist in Canada (specifically Ontario). Is this not really a position within the public school system in Ontario? Do I have any options in Ontario besides becoming a general classroom teacher?

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/orange_steggy
πŸ“…︎ Jan 10 2016
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Data Specialist Certification - Practical Exam Help Needed

Has anyone taken the Data Specialist certification course before? I'm on the practical exam portion of the course (final step) and can't figure out how to connect their MySQL OBDC driver to workbench to save my life. I have the OBDC Data Source Administrator (64 bit) downloaded to Windows, have added the data source with the criteria they provide (see image), but it just will not work properly when I try to create the job in workbench and I have no idea where I'm going wrong here.

Attached is a screenshot of the instructions... any tips/suggestions?

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/Rezolves
πŸ“…︎ Jan 14 2022
🚨︎ report
Does anyone know which praxis tests are needed for a PA reading specialist Certification?

I'm lazy and don't want to surf though the PDE website..

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/Hobbes579
πŸ“…︎ Jul 18 2015
🚨︎ report
Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Discount?

Hello everyone, I am a student who is looking to take the Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification but the discount just ended last year :( Does anyone know where to get further discounts or around when the discounts will come up again? I plan to take the certification by mid January this year. Thanks a load! :D

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/sweetmilkcandy
πŸ“…︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
πŸ“ž Maverick Specialist: Hybrid EPA Certification is 'IN'... Spray In Liner Confirmation and 'The Queue'…
πŸ‘︎ 31
πŸ“…︎ Nov 15 2021
🚨︎ report
Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist Certification

Does anyone have this certification (MSCS), and if so, do you have any study tips or guidance? I saw some study guides on the MSCS website from 2015 but not sure if that and the references it cites are adequate enough.

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/ThrowawAyervoy
πŸ“…︎ Dec 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Which Relativity Specialist Certification to go for?

So I'm going to be getting a voucher for a free specialist exam from Relativity but wasn't sure which one I should go for. I'm relatively new to doc review and have only done first-level review but would like to eventually focus more on ediscovery. Are the certifications difficult to obtain if I don't have any hands-on experience with the backend?

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/DJ_Hamster
πŸ“…︎ Oct 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Librarian: Kimberly Pinkham, 39, who is serving a three-year prison term for engaging in sexual conduct with a student, had a formal revocation of her certificates as a school library media specialist and a handicapped teacher of reading.…
πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/FSOexpo
πŸ“…︎ Mar 18 2021
🚨︎ report
I’m currently an IT Specialist in the army with 6 years of experience on my way out. What are some tips or pointers that would help me secure a job once I’m out? What certifications are helpful?

I have had several positions while in and have Sec+ and CEH. I have experience with VTC equipment, managed iPhones, worked with SATCOM, some networking, system administration, help desk and communications systems on the go. I currently support executive staff with anything IT related.

Edit: I am working on a BS in IT with a concentration in Cybersecurity.

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/Danish_Turkey
πŸ“…︎ Sep 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Is COMPTIA A+ Certification enough to land a job as an IT Specialist?

I would like to try to work for the DLA and I am currently in the process of getting my A+ certification to get my foot in the door of IT. The only issue is I do not have any previous professional IT experience. Any feedback would be great!

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ‘€︎ u/Dorrmammuu
πŸ“…︎ Sep 13 2021
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What's the benefit of getting a SCYM(ASCP) or any other Specialist level ASCP certifications?

Howdy r/medlabprofessionals community!

Does anyone know what are some advantages (employment and skill-wise) of getting SCYM(ASCP)-certified, as I haven't personally seen many job posting requiring this certification.

Also, what's the overall advantage of getting other ASCP Specialist certifications (i.e. SCT(ASCP) or SH(ASCP)) over Technologist ones?


πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/redbull02
πŸ“…︎ Oct 28 2021
🚨︎ report
Is getting the Newborn Specialist Certification worth it?

If so what company do you recommend? One thing that’s a little confusing is do you only work for the family for a few months? Any advice is appreciated. If there’s another certificate you’d recommend please let me know!

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/Olympusrain
πŸ“…︎ Sep 07 2021
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Should I get a newborn care specialist certification?

I have been a nanny for 10 years. Spent the last 5 working mainly with newborn, infants and toddlers. I am also prenursing and will be starting nursing school next year. I'm wondering if I could bridge my two careers and become a baby nurse as a side gig or if it would help me possibly getting into picu. Or even just boost my qualifications in general.

I would love to hear other nannies feedback on how it has affected their career. As well as, hear from parents on how they would view potential nannies with said certifications

If you have done this in the US and to reccomend where you got your certification. I would appreciate it!


πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/RoseIsBlossoming
πŸ“…︎ Sep 30 2021
🚨︎ report
How much value would certifications or diploma seals (e.g Science & Environment Excellence Seal - awarded for completing a certain number of hours in service to science and presenting a science research project / Microsoft Office Excel Specialist / CompTIA Fundamentals+) carry to colleges as awards?

thx! my main worry is, should i reserve the 5 award section for actual science olympiad / MUN / etc awards or these seals and certs? anybody can get the seals and certs j by studying and completing the reqs

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πŸ“…︎ Nov 04 2021
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Preparation Guide for Tableau desktop specialist certification…
πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/vanshchadha98
πŸ“…︎ Oct 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Currently on part 3 of 5 of the Google IT Support Specialist Certification - Internship availability. Should I finish first?

There are internships openings at a big IT company and I don't know if I should apply, and how should I apply

Their only requirement for new interns is to speak English fluently.

I feel like this internship would slow me down

Should I apply or should I wait until I finish my cert?

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/calorieaccountant
πŸ“…︎ Aug 26 2021
🚨︎ report
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Certifications, are they worth a damn?
  1. Are the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Certifications worth anything these days? Would it even be a waste of time adding those to my resume?

  2. Can anyone lead me to some decent ITF resources? Thanks.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/HoldMyDrinkPlz
πŸ“…︎ Sep 09 2021
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Cisco Specialist Certifications Expiring

Hello All!

I have Cisco Certified Specialist - Security Identity Management Implementation. Its expiring in Sept 2021 and I cannot go for Core exam due to my preparation as I am busy with some domestic issue and I need time for core preparation as I am working on FortiGate and Security now a days.

Is there anyway I can go for some other simple exam to retain my certification.

Thanks for your input.

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/capricorn800
πŸ“…︎ Jul 05 2021
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AAC Specialist Certification Program

Hi! I’m interested in becoming an AAC specialist. Anybody that is a specialist have any recommendations for programs? TIA

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/shannbannan
πŸ“…︎ Jul 14 2021
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