A list of puns related to "Purkinje"
Question is self explanatory
A question for the eye docs out there or anyone who has experienced the same. Is it normal to see purkinje tree everyday when blinking or looking at the sky?! could this be indicative of something serious?
Is this normal? I got my brain angiogram for a check on a presumed aneurysm that wasnโt there we found. But right after that every day since then Iโve seen a shadow of my retina veins black. When I try to go into a nap or sleep.
I am Shreya, I am here to share my thoughts on how to care for plants, propagate them in tropical Indian weather.
I am an entrepreneur by profession, and love plants. I am describing my journey of knowing plants better through this channel.
New videos every week. https://www.youtube.com/c/Purkinjecrazyforplants/
This channel focuses on all things plant-related. Indoor gardening, outdoor gardening, balcony farming, and propagation. It is for anyone who shares my passion for plants. I believe anyone can start a garden, and grow with it. Subscribe to the channel, and join me on my mission to spread greenery around the world.
i was wondering if i could get some help regarding the order of depolarisation and its corresponding traces on the ecg. is it correct in saying that depolarisation of the bundle of his, bundle branches and purkinje fibres occur BEFORE depolarisation of the myocardium? I always thought that depolarisation of the bundle branches and purkinje fibres was same as saying the ventricles were depolarising, but apparently thats wrong and the ventricles depolarise afterwards?
Azashiro (spirits are forever with you) wakes up from the superhuman drug when the Shutzstaffel have beaten the zero squad. Realizing that it is his chance to escape now that the Oken was opened for Aizen and believing it to be his responsibility to protect the spirit king he teleports to the spirit palace and sensing that Pernida's ability is fairly simmilar to his own, he decides to engage him in battle.
Pernida's matter manipulation and assimilation vs Azashiro's reality warping.
Hipothetical scenario were Mayuri is unable to answer back to Szayell after Nemu's death. As a result, Szayell's Gabriel is able to overpower Mayuri's consciousness and take over his cells, allowing him to be reborn. Immediately he decides to blow off some steam by taking on the Quincy to prove his perfection.
Consider the Following
Bonus Round
Its not Szayell but Cien (from spirits are forever with you) who revives
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