A list of puns related to "Garlic Food"
We went out to eat at a Cuban place and my mother had ordered some food with a side of tostones (a plantain dish). She complained that they had too much garlic to which I made a joke:
"Yeah, as soon as you bit into it, you tatsed the garlic and were like , 'ยกAjo!'"
(ยกAjo! is a Spanish exclamatory similar to "ooooooh" or "oh my goodnes." It doesn't have a direct English equivalent but that's what it means. The Spanish word for garlic also happens to be ajo, so I made a pun playing off the dual meaning of the word. Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. )
My Dad and I were getting dinner ready when I quizzed him on how he seasoned the chicken and gravy mixture he was fawning over.
"Uh I haven't put anything in but the chicken, and the gravy."
"Were you going to season it?"
"Wasn't planning on it." he finished, apparently done with the conversation as his full attention was now on whatever football game was on. I decided if he wasn't going to take the initiative and make our food taste like something other than bland than I would.
"Here Dad put in some garlic," I said as i started grabbing spices from the cabinet.
"Some basil, salt, pepper, thyme... " I didn't see any thyme in here which was too bad because it would be just the thing for this.
"Hey DAD do we have any thyme left?" I asked him a little louder than I had been talking before.
"Time for what?" he asked, finally breaking his attention from the flat screen, a severely confused and almost worrried look cemented on his brow. And then, as quick as a camera lens closing to capture a shot, he winked.
TL;DR I'm pretty sure you have enough thyme to read it.
Getting dinner ready an my father gives myself and my SO some garlic bread.
Dad: "so how's that garlic bread?"
Me: "good, although it's gone"
Dad: "so I guess you could call it gone-lic bread?"
Earlier that night texting him because we are running behind to come for dinner I text him: "sorry running behind, killed a fuse and need to pick up kitten food" His response: "As long as it didn't kill the kitten and needed fuse food!"
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