A list of puns related to "Zadar"
Hi guys, I'm travelling to Zadar in May/June with friends and have a few questions. Would anyone be able to link a list of current restrictions in English? I can't find anything not in Croatian on Google. And also, do people think that nightlife will be fully open in the summer? I'm not too familiar with the current COVID situation for you guys.
Any responses are appreciated,
Pozz ljudi,
ima li tko kakvih iskustava oko navedene teme, kakvi su radni uvjeti, kolege, plaฤa, radno vrijeme... Natjeฤem se za radno mjesto Razvojnog inลพenjera.
Puno hvala unaprijed!!!
Gledam malo po internetu i ne mogu naฤi ali mislim da ima. Hvala.
Salut,am o frustrare in mine care ma macina din ce in ce mai tare. Vad atatea reportaje de la recorder cu furtul de lemne,sisteme publice corupte si atata furt,si totusi nu vad nici o schimbare in tara asta :( . Nu pot sa inteleg,aceste reportaje daca ajung la comisia europeana de exemplu(nu ma pricep foarte bine pe subiect,scuze daca gresesc) practic am fi fortati de ue rezolvarea situatiilor? Si de ce posturile de stiri nu aleg sa prezinte ceea ce prezinta si recorder? Cum este vaccinul ,care nu este un "ser al diavolului" si situatia dezastruoasa din spitale,furtul de lemne,coruptia,dezinformarea despre pandemie cu oameni cu tot felul de teorii ale conspiratiei si multe altele. Efectiv sunt niste documentare asa bine realizate vazut de milioane de romani,practic adevarul negru pe alb,si nu se schimba nimic. Si ceea ce mi se pare si mai frustrant este ca sunt prezentate ilegalitati foarte clare,cum ar fi imagini clare cu paduri defrisate de anumiti indivizi,care sunt nepedepsiti. Sper sa puteti sa mi mai calmati frustrarile. O zi/seara faina sa aveti
It's fair to say Croatia has various DN projects to be proud of, not least of all Zagreb Digital Nomad Week and Dubrovnik Digital Nomads-in-Residence.
After reading THIS article, it did make me wonder about the broad appeal of nomad villages and whether there are any positive (or less positive) experiences to share or just a general gut reaction to how appealing something like this would be to other people?
Personally, the community element feels to be the most appealing element as it removes the challenge of meeting other local DN's and encourages organised activities.
Tl:dr the article - the village is awesome and has huge potential, but it's early days and is therefore relatively quiet but should have picked up this month with a new batch of DN's coming through.
Is it possible to use one of zadarโs looping envelopes as a clock source? So that for example, slowing the attack would slow the sequence that itโs clocking?
To add some more context: Our student rugby club is going for a week to Zadar&Split however some of us do not want to travel by plane. We are trying to find alternatives, one of them interrail. Does anyone have experience or tips for us on interrailing through Croatia? We are starting in the Netherlands.
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