A list of puns related to "Vba32 AntiVirus"
I'm not going to specify exactly where I work for obvious reasons, but it's in Victoria.
I've been working as a "COVID doctor" since the beginning of the first wave. At first on the wards with inpatients for over a year, then in the intensive care, now mainly in the outpatient setting with more intensive care.
At first, I felt like I was on the front line, doing my part. There was a lot of misinformation, confusion and fear but we managed to take all of that on thinking we would come out the otherside. Our state managed to get to COVID zero for awhile. Things started to get back to normal. The state government I felt was a tad heavy handed with some of the lockdown measures, but they worked. Then the second and third waves came. Lockdowns started to get under peoples skin, I myself hated them but understood why we had to do it. I, like most people, became depressed, burnt out, but also over worked as we had to cover for this new setting of needing to isolate patients without extra staff. I was doing the job of three people, and there was no sympathy or help coming from management.
One thing that got me down hard was the anti-lockdown protestors, anti-maskers, and anti-vaxxers. They proclaim wanting freedom, but not respecting other peoples freedoms, no, they want the ability to act for their own desires without consequence. Anyways, people started to come into hospital demanding Ivermectin, or "the real cure", more COVID deniers started ending up under our care, demanding to know what they really had. I've been yelled at, spit on, physically assaulted, verbally abused over the phone and in person daily when trying to update relatives, something that I don't actually have to do, it's a courtesy. I've had patients and their families talk down to me, truly believing they know more than me about the virus, it's management and outcomes, they of course read a few banners and comments on social media, or heard a few outdated stories on the news, never bothering to actually do research, read papers or actual medical documentation. Then there's the accusations of me killing their loved ones, as if I have anything to gain from killing people. One day I'm being accused of keeping people sick and in hospital to get more money, the next of killing people to make the virus appear real, well which is it? Am I keeping people sick or killing them off?
Now I'm seeing beds being blocked by people who don't want to get vaccinated, don't want any COVID related treatmen
... keep reading on reddit ➡As I sit here on the first day of the new year, writing this post, I think to myself how much can one human take before it's just too much? The world can just be an absolutely awful, awful place.
I read these "stolen or hacked crypto" posts all the time. I always think, wow that person doesn't know what they're doing, shouldn't be investing in crypto in the first place, or that would never happen to me, because I'm super careful! Maybe they are just lying and trying to just get sympathy? Believe me, I wish I was.
Although, the posts that seem legit I always try to help. Now, I am on the other side of it. Never thought I'd be here.
I've been investing in digital assets since early 2016. I would consider myself pretty knowledgeable on all things related crypto/blockchain. I believe in the tech, I built my portfolio up for years and this is pretty much one of the only things I enjoy in life.
I have a hardware wallet (Ledger Nano S) since 2017 and 4 different Metamask "hot" wallets. The hardware wallet consisted of 80% of my portfolio.
Yesterday, I used my Metamask to access all my wallets for a balance status check before the new year. Everything seemed normal. After checking again late last night and after seeing one of my accounts showing as zero, I noticed every wallet was wiped.
My only possible conclusion is that I clicked a malicious link while surfing the internet. The trojan must have somehow took control over my Google Chrome browser (or Metamask extension) while I was using it, while my ledger was unlocked. Checking the transactions times they were sent out around the time I had it open. Again, I never was prompted to accept or approve anything that I myself wasn't doing. It is frightening.
As I look at all of my wallets today, I see zero balances and I am absolutely crushed. It took all my power to even get out of bed, file reports, and write this post today.
I reached out and filed reports to my local law enforcement and the FBI.
Checking the transactions, it seems like the wallets were completely wiped in a matter of minutes.
Hacker's ETH address:
Address on all chains:
I'm hoping one of the wallets leads to a KYC connection, but obviously a long shot here. Super grateful for any research or help.
Some of the crypto that was stolen:
... keep reading on reddit ➡A little bit of background: I live in the US (California), while my family lives in Europe. None of them are vaccinated, and none of them have ever been tested because they refuse to do so. I have had a very close relationship to both my mom and my grandma, so this hurts a lot. I also have a little brother (he's 11) and my mom took him out of school because she thinks wearing masks will kill him and that we're all being brainwashed. He has been homeschooled since last summer by some random anti-vax dude who supposedly teaches all the subjects at the same time.My entire family (mom and both grandparents) is believing in QAnon and all the conspiracy theories possible. Vaccines will kill us all, the government is lying to us, mass media is fake, vaccine shedding (a vaccinated person spreading some kind of virus onto the unvaxxed making them sick), we are in the 3rd World War, Trump is the savior of the earth, global reset, population control, and almost everything else you can imagine.
I got into a huge dispute with my grandma at the end of the year where she sent me another conspiracy video and why she believes that all the vaccinated will die. I asked her to stop sending me those videos. After my message, she screamed into the telephone and insulted me in all ways possible. Since then she hasn't spoken to me. I found that my grandmother has been banned from visiting the local home improvement store (aka European Home Depot) because she threw a tamper tantrum and wouldn't wanna wear a mask inside. She was escorted out by two security people. The same happened at a coffee store a couple of weeks ago because they wouldn't let her in without proof of vaccination. She is also joining protest walks in her country and is marching along with Neo Nazis screaming "Vaccines set you free" along with a picture of Hitler.
My cousin (he lives in a different city, but usually stops by on holidays) visited my family for Christmas and they refused to see him because he's vaccinated. They told him that he needs to stay at least 70ft (!) away, because him having the vaccine will make them sick, so he drove all the way there and was greeted by my grandma being 5 house lengths away. They communicated for a couple of minutes and since he wasn't invited to do anything else (eat with them or celebrate with them), he drove back home. They lied to me about that situation and told me that he didn't visit for Christmas because he overslept and never showed up.
Now, here's the story
... keep reading on reddit ➡J'entend se plaindre, à longueur de journée, à répétition de certaines bouches que c'est naturel que les vieux meurent, qu'ils ont bien assez vécu et que c'est pas une raison d'empécher les autres de vivre, qu'on meurt quand même quoi qu'il arrive ou que X ou Y mesure n'est pas efficace à 100% ou que tout le monde ne l'applique pas correctement et donc qu'on ne devrait pas l'appliquer correctement. Vous aussi surement vous avez déja vu et entendu ces propositions.
Ça n'est que de la lâcheté morale qui vise à mettre à égalité son petit comfort personnel et la mort des autres. Il y a déja deux ans, un mort sur 10 en France mourrait du covid, c'était 60 000 personnes sans compter celles qui mourraient parce que les hopitaux étaient surchargés, ignorer ce bilan humain c'est déja être un gros rat, mais y participer juste parce que c'est le plus comfortable, parce que c'est le chemin de moindre resistance, c'est pas être un être humain, qui par définition sont doués de raison, mais juste être une machine à consommer, à ressentir et à se plaindre constamment sans aucun problème à considérer la vie de l'autre comme nulle pour les excuses les plus insignifiantes.
Ouin ouin dit le mec dans l'autre thread à se plaindre de la violence psychologique de flasher son QR code, ce vrai "tue l'amour", cette "épé de Damocles" qui pèse sur lui constamment, voila comment il appelle 15 secondes d'inconfort. On en parle de la violence psychologique des gens qui disent que d'autres on assez vécu au moment où ça ralentit leur entrée au café ou au cinéma de 15 secondes ? Merde, on en parle de quand ils mettent à la pratique ces idées ? Voila pourquoi je parle de tire-au-flanc fragiles, en même temps qu'ils participent à tous nous mettre dans la merde pour leur plaisir individuel, ils se plaignent d'être des victimes.
J'en entend qui se plaignent des attentats du pass à la démocratie, et de Macron au vivre ensemble quand il dit vouloir "emmerder les antivax". Le vivre ensemble c'est ni votre confort, ni votre domination des gens à risque du covid. La liberté c'est pas la possibilité de faire ce que vous voulez, elle a en fait une définition précise dans la DDHC "La liberté consiste à faire tout ce qui ne nuit pas aux autres". Dans tous les autres aspects de la vie, nuire aux autres vous amène à des amendes et de la prison. C'est juste la base de notre démocratie. C'est déja suffisamment généreux qu'un antivax soit soigné quand il rentre en soins intensifs, vu les déboires qu'ils c
... keep reading on reddit ➡Hey all,
This could be a really good learning opportunity/resource for anyone in my position. I know a lot of us exist. Hoping I can find someone who knows about this subject matter.
So, I commissioned a software developer on a freelance website to send me a program that he has written that accomplishes a particular crucial niche task for a project that I am working on. He sent the file through this morning; it is a ".rar".
I figured I would do my due diligence just in case and scan the file for viruses. I am not too experienced with this stuff, so I used a few online scanners, including VirusTotal, Jotti, OPSWAT, and Kaspersky.
The findings are slightly confusing to me.
VirusTotal ran it through almost all of their engines and all of them say "undetected" except for VBA32, which claims to have found Trojan.Win64.Rozena.
Jotti found the same - all of the reports said they found nothing, except VBA32, which reports the same trojan.
OPSWAT says that there are no threats detected, out of 35 engines.
Kaspersky notes no threats as well.
I did some research on VBA32, and, based on ratings, people seem to see it as only okay. I know that false positives are a thing with these engines as well, so I am just having trouble deciding whether this file is malicious or not.
Is there a more definitive way to tell if this file is malicious? I don't want to run this program on my machine until I am certain that it is safe.
Any guidance is highly appreciated!
Thanks a ton.
EDIT: Don't know if it is at all relevant here, but for the sake of thoroughness, I have a Macbook Pro.
#Reddit believes they were lied to
Redditor believes that they were lied to about the vaccine ending COVID and is mad that people are gaslighting them.
> Am I wrong? But I thought the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection but rather reduces the severity and symptoms. Is this not true? > > that's right, but for some reason people seem to think that means it doesn't work at all. > > > Because now we are working on a gaslighting campaign acting like the original narrative wasn't "Get the vaccine so we can be done with this" > > > > > > Im triple vaccinated and i don't regret doing so, but i 100% believe i was lied to and am now witnessing people say "lol, everybody knew the vaccine wouldn't get rid of covid from the very start!" Which absolutely was NOT the narative of 2020 or 2/3rds of 2021. I even did plenty of debating against anti-vaxxers pointing to countries like New Zealand which were proving you could eliminate the virus.
From there...
> Because now we are working on a gaslighting campaign acting like the original narrative wasn't "Get the vaccine so we can be done with this" > > ... > > It was accurate to say it prevented Covid for the alpha strain. And it drastically slowed the spread of Delta but didn't fully prevent it. > > > > it's a bit childish to call everyone a liar because the the virus mutated and efficacy changed. Up till literally last month it was very effective in preventing covid. > > > > Nobody "lied" to you. Just learn to deal with situations that change. > > > Well there are a LOT of conflicting responses im getting today with this including yours. Many people are claiming even from the get go "Of coarse we would never get rid of it, nobody ever thought that"
> Well there are a LOT of conflicting responses im getting today with this including yours. Many people are claiming even from the get go "Of coarse we would never get rid of it, nobody ever thought that" > > Maybe you should stop treating random people on the internet as your primary source of information. If you're curious, there are plenty of reputable sources of information that will explain what you can personally do to minimize you
... keep reading on reddit ➡I've seen a few posts here from people saying they're going to lose their jobs because they won't get the vaccine.
Your decision not to get vaccinated has nothing to do with anti-work.
You're getting fired because you could be carrying a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and you can't see past yourself. I won't shed a tear for you losing your job and not being able to collect unemployment either. (Edit - Changed Hundreds of Thousands to Millions! Sorry at first I was just using US numbers but I should have included all countries in my number)
Don't try to lump yourself in with the rest of the anti-work community because the issue here isn't a big corporation or a slew of terrible managers - it's you.
Get vaccinated - it saves lives!!
Edited to add: Thanks for the awards!
One more edit to add: My intent for this post was never to divide the sub. Those who lose their jobs due to refusing the vaccine are suffering consequences to their own actions. AntiWork is about people who have no control over their work hours, their pay or how shitty they are treated by employers.
One last edit to those who said the vaccinated can carry the virus too. Yes, I know. I didn't think I needed to add that but apparently I did.
I am sorry about the length (how Canadian is it of me to start with an apology?)
In the past 5 years my wife has been hospitalized twice to remove benign tumours; once from her head and once from her neck. My daughter was hospitalized with Anorexia after she starved herself to the point of fainting and needed a week on a feeding tube. During the first Covid wave, my 81 yr old mom got infected and lay in her bed at home not eating or drinking for 6 days and we were very lucky to get her hospitalized and on IV soon enough that she pulled through. The ambulance techs that picked her up wore hazmat suits.
During that same time, a hockey "friend" has been essentially an abusive jerk. We had even been bandmates and done gigs together. He married a vegan woman and stopped drinking for which we were all very happy for him (his cases of beer would pile up as tall as his refrigerator)but slowly he became (in his mind) superior. Stopped eating sugar, started preaching about it.
Then there were the hockey moments - if I was getting into it with another player, he'd come over and get in my face; he's yelled at me in front of a full locker room; he mocks me whenever he can - essentially taking advantage of the fact that being "friends" meant he was allowed to "joke" that way.
Then came Donald Trump. My aunt worked for William Buckley JR for decades. (France Bronson - his son wrote an obit in the NY Times for her when she passed) As the preeminent conservative thinker of the 20th century and living in NYC at the time, there were plenty of opportunities for WBjr to cross paths with agent Orange. The way Trump's sociopathy was described to us even back in the early 80s made the Trump name properly loathed in our household and here's this johnny-come-lately who knows absolutely nothing and he's a Trump fan. But I figured it out - he likes to trigger people and so does Trump. He only likes Trump because he enjoys watching people get emotional - a fucking bully.
And then came the covid vaccine - remember the vegan wife? Well they went off the healthy life, granola and green tea deep end and became anti-vax...
And to my Jewish face this guy, this former friend, compared the vaccine passport to a Nazi armband.
And I wake up every night with my hands shaking I am so angry. This fucker is living in my head to the point where I can't sleep. Now that the inoculation record is required to enter the arena to play (assuming the arena is even open which it fucking isn't damni
... keep reading on reddit ➡Okay, first starters. I'm triple vaccinated by choice and had covid twice already. So I guess the vaccines were not that effective against contamination as I hoped for. But hey, maybe it helped for me not getting that sick, so okay. But, more people in my enviroment are doubting to get the booster. Some had covid, some even twice, none of them were actually really sick of it(from the people who are doubting). But the side effects of the vaccination were severe in one case (one person had to take blood thinners). Now this particular person doesn't want to take the booster as she had twice covid, wasn't that sick... etc. Now she really doesn't want to take the booster as she had such bad experience with the first vaccine (J&J) and wasn't sick of getting covid twice. To be fair, I understand... But now comes the part where people like her will be excluded from society. I think(as a pro-vaxxer)maybe we are going to far with limiting people because they are not taking the booster. What are your opinions on limiting freedoms for people who do not want to take their booster as they had covid already and didn't had severe problems? She is not "anti-vax" and understands that vaccinating people is helping a lot of older people and for people with underlying conditions is crucial for their protection, but in her case she doesn't see the point in taking another booster. I'm kind of in a dilemma on how to respond to this. I understand both sides... It seems the vaccines are not helping against the spreading of the virus(please proof me wrong) but are only helping a lot in hospitalistions.
Please give me some more insights
Before Covid it seemed like we were on the road to becoming more progressive. Women finally surpassed men in medical school and law school admissions. Girls were pushed to pursue challenging careers and admired for real accomplishments. But I feel like ever since the virus and shutdowns, it just seems like everyone wants to just be a stay at home mom or some Instagram model. A lot of people I knew in high school/college that were very liberal and free spirited are now becoming super religious. I passed by an anti abortion protest at my job today. And I get shammed for working 2 jobs. Now I know there’s a couple of reasons why there seems to be help wanted signs everywhere I go but I do have a feeling people are still using the virus excuse not to work but yet they’ll go out to bars/trips. Why?
It seems that every so often, some misguided journalist/ethicist/commentator writes a news article tut-tutting at this subreddit for hurting anti-[COVID]-vaxxer feelings. This place has, among other things, been called "cruel," "heartless," and "ugly, and dismissed offhand as "ghoulish." Someone has even claimed that the existence of this subreddit is bringing society closer fascism. And that's some of the nicer coverage! Those on the right have never hesitated to condemn this place as "dancing on people's graves." Inevitably, during every outbreak of tut-tutting, disapproval, and finger-wagging, people on this subreddit become defensive.
To those who get hysterical because I'm "dancing on people's graves," I do not believe I am dancing on anyone's grave because I refuse to view their life decisions with rose-tinted glasses. But even if I WERE dancing on people's graves, So. Fucking. What?
Nearly every time this subreddit gets outside attention, people always point out, “we do not want this subreddit to exist!” But I don’t count myself among those. I am indifferent to the existence of this subreddit, and generally do not concern myself with the question of whether it "should" exist or not. Moreover, that framing tacitly endorses the idea that this subreddit is blameworthy for even existing, and can be dismissed as a weak attempt to reconcile cognitive dissonance.
While I am unrepentant about my disregard for nearly all those who are featured here, there is one thing I can say with 100% certainty, and it is this: I don't want anyone to die. Specifically, I do not want anyone to needlessly die of a devastating disease when an effective, low-cost, and low-effort method of protection exists. To the anti-vaxxer who's reading this, THAT INCLUDES YOU. I may have nothing but the basest contempt for your actions and life choices, but even so, I do not want you to needlessly die. That is why I have now received two doses of an mRNA vaccine as well as a booster shot. It is why I nearly always keep my mask on in public places, and why I fully support vaccine and mask mandates where possible, so that children do not bring the virus home with t
... keep reading on reddit ➡After so many people liked my similar patch for God of War, I received many comments and messages asking to do the same for Red Dead Redemption 2.
Even though I was able to create a patch for the RDR2.exe, Rockstar's DRM and copy-protection refused to launch the game due to modifications. Patching the nvngx_dlss.dll was also not an option as some users reported the Rockstar Launcher replaces the DLL after every launch if it's modified/changed.
The only option left is patching the loaded RDR2.exe in memory at runtime. I wanted to make it more seamless so the tool could launch the game for you and apply the patch automatically every time but, again, Rockstar doesn't like anyone else but them (or Steam) to directly launch the game.
So, unfortunately, you will need to run my tool every time you launch the game once. It's very lightweight though and only displays any windows/dialogs if patching didn't work.
I also added this to the PCGamingWiki.
Edit: I've created a patched 2.3.5 DLL that always ignores the sharpening in all games and optionally allows you to enable auto expos
... keep reading on reddit ➡I'm sitting here in tears having lost another regular customer over the stupid confusion and community discord around masks.
We are just trying to do the right thing and follow government currently stands, and keep covid out of our stores to keep my staff as safe as we can.
This rule isn't mine. We are required by government direction to ask people to check in and wear masks, and last I checked the rules haven't changed on this.
I don't want to step on anybody's toes here, but the amount of non-dad jokes here in this subreddit really annoys me. First of all, dad jokes CAN be NSFW, it clearly says so in the sub rules. Secondly, it doesn't automatically make it a dad joke if it's from a conversation between you and your child. Most importantly, the jokes that your CHILDREN tell YOU are not dad jokes. The point of a dad joke is that it's so cheesy only a dad who's trying to be funny would make such a joke. That's it. They are stupid plays on words, lame puns and so on. There has to be a clever pun or wordplay for it to be considered a dad joke.
Again, to all the fellow dads, I apologise if I'm sounding too harsh. But I just needed to get it off my chest.
This is the script of a video essay I posted on YouTube for the one-year anniversary of the January 6 insurrection, which also happened to be my 30th birthday. The essay covers my dad's career as a prominent force behind the scenes in American conspiracism for the last 20 years, and it's inspired by the stories I found here on QAnonCasualties. I hope it can help people understand what's going on in the hearts and minds of their Qs and what we can do to fix what's happening in our country.
You can find the video essay itself on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/5-bDdogszyI
You can find my second essay here: Conspiracists Believe Their Fears, Not Their Theories
You can find my third essay here: Resisting Conspiracist Gaslighting
My Dad
My dad refuses to wear a mask. He can manage leaving it drooping under his nose when he sees a sign outside a store, but he’s unwilling under any circumstances to let it cover his face. Naturally, he’ll never get vaccinated either. So, to stay in line with state mandates, the family therapist he had agreed to meet at my request needed to get creative.
I made the hour-and-a-half drive back to my hometown to pick my dad up on a fall afternoon, and, for the first time in nearly a year, we spoke together on our way to the park where the therapist was waiting. Once there, she led us to a pair of wooden benches, far enough from the paved path to keep us from being overheard but still able to see grad students jogging with their dogs and retirees taking an afternoon walk.
This was family therapy in the time of COVID. A few sandwiches short of a picnic, confronting the culmination of my father’s 20-year career as an influential conspiracy theorist.
My dad’s life story is a diorama of the Boomer experience. He grew up in California’s 50s and 60s, the son of an abusive father, with no ideology until he decided to prove himself by joining the army during the Vietnam War. Between basic training and receiving his first deployment, he befriended a hippie college student who first flipped the switch on his political awareness as an anti-war liberal.
He went AWOL, running away to Canada, on the way meeting a young woman who was herself on the road with a carnie from her home in the midwe
... keep reading on reddit ➡I realize that this headline is almost a year old now, but this topic came up again in a State Healthcare regulations call today so I think things are still brewing.
AHA urges FTC to Examine Anti-competitive Behavior by Nurse Staffing Agencies
The AHA is reaching out to the FTC claiming that staffing agencies are charging high rates for travel RNs (true) and they want the government to intervene. You can read the full letter here, but here is an excerpt:
>The AHA has received reports from hospitals across the nation that nurse-staffing agencies, which supply desperately needed staff to care for patients suffering from the COVID-19 virus and other conditions that require hospitalization, are engaged in anticompetitive pricing. A Jan. 23 Modern Healthcare article confirmed that the demand these agencies are seeing for travel nurses is “unprecedented in their company histories.” While many hospitals were reluctant to supply Modern Healthcare with information on the enormous rate hikes from these agencies for fear of retribution, the article reported that rates for travel nurses in some instances had tripled.
Such outrageous rate hikes appear to be naked attempts to exploit the pandemic by charging supracompetitive prices to desperate hospitals. While the nurse staffing agency industry too often blames hospitals for driving up the rates, the fact is that hospitals are in dire need of nursing staff to care for their patients and have little choice but to pay the rates demanded and refrain from complaining publicly for fear of being cut off from the supply of travel nurses by staffing agencies that set the prices. The impacts on hospital costs and patient care from these practices are manifold. Therefore, we request the FTC use its authority to protect consumers from anticompetitive and unfair practices to investigate this activity and take appropriate
action to protect hospitals and the patients whom they treat.
I'm infuriated. Yes, nurses are demanding higher wages right now. Is this not directly how the free market and competition works? The demand for labor has gone up and therefor the price of labor has gone up. Would government intervention in our wages not be anti-
... keep reading on reddit ➡It's like y'all just don't even pay attention to science or care anymore. More people have died in 2021 than the previous year and a half. This is not to mention that it's 850,000 DEATHS. Stop comparing it to the flu. Also all this misinformation about omicron being more "mild" neglects the science of it being mild COMPARED TO DELTA, not overall in general. Then people use preliminary data that has not even been reviewed or have enough data to be substantial. Y'all go to a university you should know better. Y'all also love to neglect that the United States is the United States and has consistently been worse and doing thing worse than the rest of the world despite our vaccines. Y'all anti online people sound so eerily close to anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists that I am losing my mind. The fact that some of you don't care that people are dying and filling up hospitals is honestly upsetting from someone who has many people who's gotten covid not just once at this point but twice and are dealing with the effects of it. This isn't targeted at people who are making valid criticisms of the university for not being more transparent or providing more resources or that sort of thing. This is specifically at those that want to push conspiracy levels of arguments such as "it's not as bad as the flu" to justify their bad takes. That argument btw has been used since literally the beginning of the pandemic and now 850,000 people are dead in the US. Let that sink in. Be more compassionate and understanding and stop insulting those that want to be careful and have been affected by covid.
Edit: also did y'all forget the original point of the shut down? Covid-19, that strain didn't affect younger people that much either and yet we still shut down, not because we would be affected, but to stop the spread of the virus to more susceptible people, like our families or older people or immune compromised. Omicron spreads like wild fire so once again it's not about you it's about the spread itself to other people. I feel this point has been lost for whatever reason and people forgot the entire point behind it and are using selfish takes about personal health rather than communal health.
I'm an ER nurse that came from a year in COVID ICU. I'm upset by anti-vaxx propaganda as much as the rest of us, and normally I'm a "you reap what you sow" kind of person in this regard. However, today I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Sympathy.
I had a 50-something-year-old male/smoker/COPD patient come in today by ambulance, COVID positive, O2 SATs at 68% on room air. Patient was originally covid positive 12/27 and spent a couple days in the hospital to be discharged home. Patient never required oxygen in the hospital.
When asked, he told me he was not vaccinated because his family and friends told him he shouldn't get it. When he was here last week, he was offered Remdesivir and declined it saying that he saw some stuff online that made him not want it. A very nice guy, all pleases and thank yous, but set in his ways. Well today I put him on 10 L when he came in, and then we moved up to 15, and he just couldn't keep his sats above 90, so I bumped him up to a nonrebreather.
When he was still struggling, we put him on heated high flow at 95% 02, 60 L. He was finally maintaining a sat of 92% but barely. He couldn't even eat dinner without needing to get bumped up to 70L.
The doctor went in to talk to him and told him that bipap was probably our best bet and we would hope that that worked. Later, the patient asked me what if the bi-pap doesn't work? What then? I explained to him that intubation was the next step, but we'll see about the bipap first. He continued to ask what if the intubation doesn't work? What then?
I calmly told him we're going to do everything we can to get him better. He then said "so basically you're just going to keep me on oxygen and hope for the best?" And I slowly responded that yes, that was the plan. He then asked why can't he just get an antibiotic, and I had to explain to him antibiotics don't have any effect on a virus. You could see it slowly setting in that he was in trouble. He said that he should have gotten vaccinated and that he wishes he said yes to the Remdesivir last week because he doesn't qualify for it now. He told me about his 25-year-old daughter that's supposed to be getting married in the spring and how he doesn't think he'll make it. He was on the verge of tears.
Most anti-vaxxers tend to be really mean or know-it-alls, so this guy threw me off that he was none of that. He was simply a guy that was grossly misinformed and uneducated. He was a victim of the media that he saw online and on T
... keep reading on reddit ➡Lets face it, we are mostly peaceful westerners who havent seen much, if any, armed conflict. Some may have served in middle-eastern countries, but that conflict has been held at bay from civilian life, we have never experienced it directly in our society apart from terrorist incidients. And indeed, since true danger has never been daily part of our lives, we cannot differentiate real risk fom insignificant risk.
This has created a false sense of security whereas most Western societies are now deluded to think all risk to human life can be mitigated. This worldview has been crystalized in the pandemic, and we see now very darkly how the masses are willing to abandon any freedom for a temporary measure of safety.
The post-WW2 generation would not have accepted lockdown measures. First; they had just been witnesses to the disasters in the Third Reich's dictatorial "fur ihre sicherheit" system of racial segregation and extermination; the similarities would have been too great; curfews, medical experiments on humans, segregation and health passes. No man who stormed Normandy would have accepted the same measures visited upon his own family.
Second; those who live fast also gain an appetite for life. To those who survived a campaign, or been dreading that a bomb might hit their living room any moment. seeing bullet holes daily or hearing he cracking of gunfire in the distance, the loss of relatives, young and old - a virus with a less than 0,1% fatality rate would only have elicited a collective shrug and some minor precautions.
War is not inevitable; and looking at headlines in the world today, we are poised for another set of conflicts. Although I am a staunch anti-war candidate; I do think our civilisation needs a reality-check, some way or another, and is abundantly clear this reality check is not coming out of the pandemic.
So, here's to hoping it doesn't take nothing short of a war to make us realize how fraught with risk life is - but at the moment - it is looking dim.
Well I had an electrum wallet on my Laptop. It appears I visited a website (or clicked a link) that somehow breached my anti-virus. It installed ransomware and encrypted all my files. They asked me to send Bitcoin to decrypt the files. Their email was helprecover@foxmail.com.
I DID NOT send them anything. I re-installed Windows on the whole hard drive - and then proceeded to install Electrum and tried to restore my wallet. The moment I entered my private key on the PC the coins (0.599 after transaction fees) were sent to the hacker's address (https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/16Myr9GVhwRF6YKxLnQod5jZZgiXULbAYx)
I had accumulated 0.6 using 0.1 increments after selling most of my stuff on eBay!
NOW, the same address then sent their bitcoins to another address in January 2020 (https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/bc1qw509mgwxy0trsws0254854fpdyux9sxqywguxj)
I called the police, called action fraud UK. Sent them all the details. They said they couldn't help, although they had tracked the foxmail address to China with an IP possibly in China or Russia, their words, not mine.
I then emailed the helprecover@foxmail.com many times literally begging them to return my Bitcoin. Obviously, I was naive.
I then proceeded to report these two addresses as scam on most sites who monitor crypto scams.
I then bought a new laptop (jeez, they are expensive!), as apparently even a deep rooted residual infection on the laptop can result in your soft wallet getting wiped. I could format the whole hard drive - but it was too much of a loss to tolerate should anything happen again.
Then I bought a Ledger device.
Then I sold off myself as a slave on eBay to buy my first 0.01 Bitcoin.
OK, that last line isn't true! LOL
But you know what - they haven't broken my spirit.
I feel like we reached the peak and are now heading towards peak idiocracy.. like the movie.
With all the climate change madness, disease outbreaks, corrupt leaders, rich chewing the poor, educated people not wanting kids..
People buying virtual currency, nfts, virtual land, metaverse.. (people are buying virtual land for millions of dollars.. mind boggling).
Not forgetting anti mask, 5g virus, Biden virus, injecting micro chips..
Also adding some other madness like North Korea firing hypersonic missiles or Iran creating that video with their weapons and Trump golfing..
Hell, even squid games might end up becoming a reality with the debt people have...
I guess, I'm watching to many movies.. but it feels like all of this madness is becoming a reality.
There are few things happening for the good to fight back such as antiwork.. but the burnout is real and this pandemic is making it worse especially for the front line workers.
I hope for the best. But I feel we are heading towards modern day slavery where we will be working and paying rent and food money to the same bosses with no escape from their grips. I feel it's going to get worse for the middle class and more so for the poor.
I would like to know your perspective of the future.
Obviously Meat Loaf's passing is very sad, especially given he wasn't particularly old for todays standards. I think if there's one thing we can extrapolate from this, it's that, especially with the older musicians, you never know when times up or how abrupt their passing will be. It seems COVID was the cause of Meat's untimely demise, showing just how nasty the virus can be towards the older generation. We've also then got to remember that most of Maiden's members are not far from Meat's age either.
Let's take this unfortunate news as a reminder that the Goldies we've been so blessed to have for the past several decades won't be around with us forever, and that in a matter of days, or even hours, we can lose them so incredibly easily.
Remember to cherish the folks we still have around. Maiden especially. They've had a ripe old career, and are still going today. Not many musicians in the same genre as Maiden can claim to be surviving pretty much unaltered in 2022 as they were in 1982. As much as it sucks to say it, we won't have Maiden around forever, and as they get older, that time becomes shorter; be it through retirement or them passing away. Generations after us will wish they could have seen a Maiden show, so lets all be thankful we were living at the same time as Maiden were still touring and giving us all their wonderful music. Don't take a second of time for granted, because nobody wants to look back in regret.
RIP Meat Loaf, and Up the Irons.
Edit: and just like that, one person brings up politics in the comment section and the post goes from commemorating a dead musician and remembering to be thankful for the ones we still have, to people shitflinging each other over arguments regarding the COVID vaccine.
For fucks sake folks, we are here to talk about our love for good music. Keep your political opinions and thoughts to yourselves. This isn’t the place for that kinda shit, not least because it does nothing but divide a subreddit that for all intents and purposes seems to be pretty politically neutral; a godsend on a platform like Reddit. Either discuss the posts topic at hand, or add something constructive to the conversation. Nobody wants to hear your thoughts regarding vaccination, anti-vaxxers, or any other crap like that.
What if we boycotted created a stay off facebook for a week CHALLENGE - Facebook, Instagram? Myspace ;-)
Facebook continues to be a virus that perpetuates anti vaxx misinformation. Zuckerberg is all about profit, and even if he cared, I'm not sure he can fix this. Facebook needs to go.
Could we start a trend? Have a designated vacation from Facebook week? Maybe folks will wake up and walk away.
Cross posted to HCA
EDIT: Maybe make it a Stay Off Social Media for a Week challenge?
EDIT : A total social media ban for a week? FB, INSTAGRAM? Does anyone know or knows someone who knows how to make this go viral?
We should pick a date that has meaning - presidents day? FEB 21
Anyone can do a week - a total delete may scare them - but a week is easy. They can relearn how to text pics.
International Anti Social Media Week?
Doug Kuzma, 61, used his show to push an array of conspiracy theories ranging from QAnon to COVID denial and election fraud lies.
A QAnon and anti-vaccine podcaster has died from complications due to COVID-19 after contracting the virus at a conspiracy theory conference that turned into a superspreader event, and where fellow attendees baselessly blamed their illness on an anthrax attack.
Doug Kuzma, 61, from Newport News, Virginia, died on January 3 after being hospitalized 10 days earlier. Kuzma broadcasted on the FROG News podcasting network, which stands for “Fully Rely On God.” Kuzma and his FROG fellow hosts pushed an array of conspiracy theories ranging from QAnon to COVID denial and election fraud lies.
Kuzma attended the ReAwaken America conference in Dallas on the weekend of Dec. 11, posting a picture of his media pass on his Facebook page. Other images Kuzma posted from the conference show large crowds in confined spaces without any social distancing or masks.
With cases pretty much everywhere right now, just about guaranteed we all know someone, if not ourselves, who has/had the virus by now.
While I haven't caught it yet myself, many of my work colleagues have, and it's been interesting to see the change in opinion of the virus since it hit them.
In my team specifically, I'm one of the oldest (mid thirties), and work with quite a few in their early-mid twenties. These guys, like much of the demographic, had a fairly blase attitude to the virus, and before the mandates, getting the jab as well. Nothing outright anti-vax or anything, just no urgency around it.
Since catching the virus though, despite all being double jabbed, the majority of them have said it's hit them for six, harder than they ever expected. For those who haven't caught it yet, the tone has shifted from 'if we get, we get it', to 'I think I'll lay low for a bit'. This ties in with reports that despite not being locked down, people are bunkering down of their own volition.
It's not all one way, I know of others who've caught it and were barely symptomatic, and maintain that it's no big deal. I know of others again who still have lingering symptoms months after contracting it (shortness of breath, taste/smell not fully returned, brain fog). It really shows that it's a crapshoot, and you never really know how you're going to fare until it actually happens.
Interested to hear other's thoughts on this.
** Edit - some great responses, and definitely quite a mixed bag. Leaning towards the milder side overall, but mild is not a foregone conclusion.
So get comfy cause this is a bit of a ride.
Christmas morning hubby, kids and I went over to my in-laws for Xmas brekky. Unbeknownst to us, my SIL was 3 days out of temps and body aches with Covid, she is a prolific anti-vaxxer (each to their own) and doesn’t believe in all the hype. It is what it is… anywho, fast forward to yesterday. We get a call from my BIL advising the SIL has tested positive on the rapid antigen test and to go get tested as we are close contacts.
We start freaking out because after Xmas breaky we went to my families house and enjoyed a day of joyful Christmas cheer and lots of singing and dancing and drinking with emergency services personal including nurses, a chemist and childcare worker and our young kids.
Yesterday we then get a call to inform us the SIL has tested positive for CVD via a Rapid Antigen Test and we should go get tested ASAP. I then proceed to call my family and advise of what’s happened. Frontline workers need to know right?
With this, I tell my fam be that my FIL was planning on still working and due to him and my MIL being unwell, they would most likely test positive.
Today, said SIL then proceeds to message me and tell me that what I have done is wrong. That the ramifications of this is huge and I have broken the family.
Am I the Asshole?
I Guess I just need validation that it’s ok for me to be mad because they’ve knowingly put my family at risk. They didn’t even have the ethics to advise that they were sick before we came around for Xmas nor did they give us the informed choice on whether to go? Deep down this is a little bit of Karma to them, but I feel bad because I joking suggested reporting them to my family and one of them did.
TLDR: Snitched to my family that in-laws had tested positive to CVD and they rang the police to advise them of potential virus spreading, Police called In-laws and gave them a warning.
Here’s mine..
Jeff: outwardly act like it wasn’t a big deal but secretly be really scared of catching it. Find a way to work the system to get a vaccine before he was supposed to
Annie: follow every rule to the letter, double masking, vaxxed and boosted, would rearrange the study room so they could all be 6 ft apart
Britta: I’m really not sure about her. I could see her trying to pretend it’s no big deal like Jeff, being super militant about precautions like Annie, or not trusting the masking/vax guidelines bc they come from big government and big pharma. Maybe some weird mix of all 3
Abed: would already have his bunker stocked with bottled water and toilet paper. Take the opportunity to rewatch some of his favorite shows. Comment on how masks make it hard for him to tell if people’s mouths are turned up or down
Troy: at first be delighted to be quarantining with Abed, but get stir crazy quickly. When the vaccine came out, would be scared of needles, but would eventually get it with the study group’s support
Shirley: be convinced it was the end of days, pray for everyone
Pierce: buy into all the anti-mask/anti-vax disinformation, end up in the hospital with covid, and demand hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin
Chang: would lean into the “China virus” thing to mess with people, pretend he just got back from Wuhan
Dean: would try to make Greendale fully remote but totally mess it up and eventually need City College’s help. Has a standing zoom meeting with Jeff every day, which Jeff ignores at first but starts to join occasionally when the loneliness gets to him (though he won’t admit it)
PS I’m on mobile so lmk about any formatting issues
With the cases going up again as well as the Omicron variant landing in Ontario I'm taking this opportunity to vent my frustration, again, with the prevalence of anti vaxxers thinking they can wait out the vaccine passport restrictions that were going to be lifted. As we found out today, public safety once again takes precedent over peoples selfishness. The re opening plan has been suspended indefinitely.
I work in a company that works with lots of customers. Mechanic work. We have had a promising apprentice fired recently because he refuses to get the vaccine due to them being "tyranny" and "restrictive on his freedoms" and that he "just didn't want to get it." I see this everywhere. Facebook. Reddit. Supply houses where I buy parts. And it seems like people are too nice or non confrontational to call their bullshit out.
"Not wanting" to get the vaccine is not a legitimate reason to not get the vaccine. Unless you have a medically proven and tested allergy or serious condition where the covid vaccine would negatively impact your health, there is no reason at all not be vaccinated when it's so widely available and proven to be safe and effective. There are lots of things in life I dont want to do as well, but I'm a grown adult and not a complaining spoiled child and do them anyways.
Have you ever noticed that anti vaxxers are always the most selfish people? Why is the government impacting MY freedoms? Why should I get it when I don't want to? MY health MY choice? It's just a 99% survival rate cough, IM young and healthy I'll be fine?
They never think that their actions are impacting everyone's freedoms, that it's your duty to society to prevent the spread of this virus, that you can spread this virus to people who are at risk, that not everyone is young and healthy, and that it's not actually a 99% survival rate cough? This is a virus that's getting more infectious with each variant. Vaccines are critical in mitigating ICU admissions and spreading the disease.
Anti vaxxers saying "I just don't want the vaccine" is potentially the only honest thing they can tell you. In one sentence they've told you everything you need to know about them. It's time to start holding anti vaxxers accountable and to increase the pressure to get the jab.
I apologize for the aggressive tone. I just get so frustrated with anti Vax people and their crusade of stupidity.
I'm so fucking tired. Every day, I do what I can to keep myself and my family safe during this pandemic. I mask, I get my vaccinations, I socially distance myself, disinfect everything, limit trips out, etc. I strongly believe that if we didn't have half of the population running around spewing conspiracies and misinformation, that we would have a significantly better handle on things. Maybe we could be close to a sense of normalcy. Hell, maybe we'd even be pretty much done with it all together like measles and polio.
Q's and the q-adjacent are ruining lives, there's no other way around it. They've based their identities on lies, anti-science, and hatred of people who are just trying to be safe. I've lost family to death, and I've lost family to the qult at this point, and I fucking hate all of it. These morons genuinely think that Joe Rogan knows more than medical doctors. They think that there is a vast conspiracy among almost every medical worker in the country, on a level that would require the organization this planet has never seen.
My job wants me back at work. They are not making everyone come back, just the people they feel are "Essential to the business". Call it what you want, but you consider me expendable...
So what do I do? Comply and risk my family's health? Lose my job and risk my family's financial security and health insurance? We've literally been running one of the largest companies in the country from our homes for 2 years now, but apparently that's not enough. My wife is dealing with the same crap at her job. Apparently when the email went out, lifting mask restrictions during one of the most contagious variants, it was met with literal cheering. What the hell is wrong with people?
I know I am just kind of spiraling at this point, and I am seeking help for it, but everything seems so hopeless. I don't want my kids to have to deal with the crumbling of society, but doesn't that just seem inevitable at this point? I just want to go to the damn store without having to worry about getting sick with a deadly virus. I used to go out and just enjoy myself, do some people watching, but now when I see people, I put them into 2 categories. Uncaring asshole, and people being safe. Unfortunately I live in an area where the uncaring assholes reign supreme. This is not who I used to be, and certainly not who I want to continue being. Passing judgement on everyone I pass? I hate it.
Every day it's a little worse. Every time I go out and
... keep reading on reddit ➡Alot of great jokes get posted here! However just because you have a joke, doesn't mean it's a dad joke.
Try telling these sexual jokes that get posted here, to your kid and see how your spouse likes it.. if that goes well, Try telling one of your friends kid about your sex life being like Coca cola, first it was normal, than light and now zero , and see if the parents are OK with you telling their kid the "dad joke"
I'm not even referencing the NSFW, I'm saying Dad jokes are corny, and sometimes painful, not sexual
So check out r/jokes for all types of jokes
r/unclejokes for dirty jokes
r/3amjokes for real weird and alot of OC
r/cleandadjokes If your really sick of seeing not dad jokes in r/dadjokes
Punchline !
Edit: this is not a post about NSFW , This is about jokes, knock knock jokes, blonde jokes, political jokes etc being posted in a dad joke sub
Edit 2: don't touch the thermostat
3 Days Later
Sylpeiros nodded towards the Reviton civilians as he passed by them on the streets, a resolute expression on his face. He gave several more resolute nods to his direct subordinates as he entered the Reviton Defense Force's main base of operations. He kept nodding resolutely all the way until he reached his personal quarters, whereupon he collapsed into his chair – like a puppet with its strings cut – and closed his eyes.
Tiring, he thought. So tiring. Every day I feel more like a show horse brought out and trotted among the public for their amusement.
The sensation was unfamiliar and unwanted. Putting on a strong front for the public didn't used to weigh on him to this degree. Even the transitory excitement of finally leveling from 74 to 75 had faded all too quickly. Then again, he'd never needed to bear the brunt of their expectations for such a long period of time. Months of isolation under a siege of hellish abominations was fraying on everyone's nerves, his included.
Their only saving grace was that, of late, the abominations' attacks had weakened. The first turning point came about when Sylpeiros expunged the nearby Dungeon; his scholars' theory that the Dungeon was connected to the Blight in some fashion ended up being correct. Afterwards, the frequency with which those twisted creatures materialized out of the ambient mana surrounding Reviton lessened. The second turning point was far more recent, occurring just three days ago. For no discernible reason, every Blight-sired abomination simultaneously froze in the middle of combat, expressions of shocked confusion plastered onto their faces. They stood perfectly still as they were butchered, and since then, even fewer were forming than before.
Sylpeiros hadn't the faintest idea of why, but he wasn't going to spurn a much-needed reprieve. Mages and scholars would figure out the cause – his purpose was to slay enemies and nod resolutely.
And to engage in unwanted conversation. Sylpeiros allowed himself fifteen minutes of rest before dragging himself over to the Message Crystal tucked away in the corner of his room. Nothing would come of this correspondence, of that he was certain, but it was his duty as Seneschal to try regardless. With a pained grimace, he activated the Message Crystal, used it to contact the adjoining Crystal in Dragonkin territory, and waited.
Forty fucking minutes later, someone finally answered. "Hello?" A voice said, sounding haggard. "Who is this?"
... keep reading on reddit ➡Don’t know where else to post this where it won’t get deleted or heavily censored by mods.
I am a progressive. I care deeply about issues of justice and equality. Every job and internship I’ve had since I was 18 has been with nonprofits or NGOs. I have worked on behalf of parolees, migrants, low-income kids, and indigenous communities, to name just a few. I have dedicated my 25 years of life to serving humanity and promoting civil rights. I am a liberal… But I need to vent about something that infuriates me.
As Covid flares up again, there are talks in many places of reinstating lockdowns. These lockdowns are absolutely debilitating for middle class and poor people. I know this because I work with these people every day in my community. The economic and social toll these restrictions have on everyday people is appalling, and the meager patchwork of government programs isn’t close to sufficient. Countless vulnerable and marginalized people will suffer and die because of new lockdowns.
You would think that liberals would recognize this. Instead, they are the ones who most vehemently advocate further restrictions. It’s no coincidence then, that they are also those who can afford to do so. Liberal, upper class people who comfortably transitioned into zoom meetings in pajamas, and who feed off the self righteousness of “doing their part”. Their part is minuscule. Their sacrifices negligible.
When they say “just stay home, guys”, they are not thinking about the people balancing on the delicate margins of society. People like an ex-convict working two menial jobs trying to turn his life around. Or the first generation family with their life savings tied up in their small business. Or the single mother who is now in debt paying childcare for her virtual-learning daughter.
They don’t think about these people. They perch atop ivory towers feeling self important and benevolent. Preaching about the importance of sacrifice and selflessness, while they have given up nothing. It’s not about the common good. It’s about self righteousness and feeling morally superior.
Covid has become a new battleground for virtue signaling. Somehow your stance on Covid and therefore lockdowns defines your political ideology. Reddit is especially bad about this. Someone not wearing a mask is labeled an alt-right fascist or a neonazi. Any skepticism or criticism of a public health measure immediately makes you an antivaxxer. This is so idiotic and backwards.
I am a person of co
... keep reading on reddit ➡I saw it would be out sometime in match. I have all three Moderna jabs, and got my booster a week ago. I'm not sure if I want to get the vaccine, but who knows, maybe I will. I feel like this is getting out of hand. I mean four vaccines? Don't scientists know that the virus will always be one step ahead of us? Haven't we all figured out by now that the most effective way to stop this virus through spreading is by shutting down the country + masking up again? (Ofc vaccine is the best choice, but to the anti vaxxers, they would never get it, so the second best choice is that one).
Are you going to get it? Why or why not?
I saw an interesting story yesterday. There is a Chinese farmer named Zhang Xiangqian(张祥前) who claims to have been kidnapped to an alien planet for a month in 1985. He claimed that the name of the planet was Gok(果克,Pinyin: Guo ke).He lives in a village in Lu Jiang County, Anhui Province. According to his introduction. UFO uses an anti-mass field engine, which can reduce the mass of the UFO to 0 or extremely small, so the UFO can maneuver at the speed of light, but the passengers are safe. Since the passenger mass is zero, the acceleration felt is also zero.
The spacecraft can travel at the speed of light and can reach any corner of the universe in an instant, without time, because the distance has been compressed to zero. But an trip usually takes hours, because reducing to zero mass takes time to enter the speed of light and exit.
The engine principle is not very complicated. It is a ring-shaped particle accelerator that uses a high-speed rotating particles to generate an anti-mass field. The spaceship cannot carry too much energy. It relies on the external power supply of the base to obtain the initial state when taking off, and consumes very little energy during the flight.
The structure of the spaceship.
The outside is a torus, and the inside is a conduit for particle acceleration. At the center of the spacecraft is a cylindrical tube that appears to be where fuel (a type of particle) and engines are stored. Passengers stay in the annular area in the middle. The diameter of the ring (section) is about ten meters, which is still relatively spacious. This is a small aircraft.
With zero mass, dust in interstellar space will not cause damage to the spacecraft. But if the volume is too huge, such as a planet, it will cause machine destruction. So they need computers to plan their routes.
In short, their ships are not indestructible.
Some aliens will help humans by the way, but not on a large scale. Just like American don't help Africa on a massive scale. Aliens don't care much about human society, they just come to Earth to find something useful to them.
They also have no love for us earthlings, but they have no intention of harming earthlings either.
In ancient times, they had more contact with earthlings guide earthlings developed. The aliens don't want to teach the earth people their technology at now, because they think that the technology level of the earth people is not far fr
... keep reading on reddit ➡Let me start by saying I have worked IT support for over 20 and have been running my business in IT support/MSP for 10 years.
During these last 10 years we have come across many clients with Sage Accounts v50 (now Sage Cloud but not actually cloud)
Every time there is a problem with Sage that is beyond anything obvious their support team just flat out blame the "environment" eg your network, your antivirus, your security, your permissions etc. Essentially "it's not us, it's you"
Case in point.
Upgraded Sage to latest version for a client yesterday and all worked fine. Users went home and server performed a scheduled reboot.
Everything works fine still except Sage. Contact Sage support, told the usual it's your network, its your anti virus etc
Remove anti virus completely - Still issues
Copy data from server to local PC and run it local - Still issues
Apparently it's still our environment.
Push for an answer to what and we are just told, we dont assist with your environmental issues.
After asking why this issue only affects Sage following an update to Sage and doesnt affect anything else we are simply told they cant help with environmental issues.
We had a very similar issue following a major network, server and client upgrade a good few years ago and fought against Sage support for 3 months and were on the brink of losing the client when we finally got a "Senior" support engineer from Sage involved, who discovered a Sage data corruption and repaired it within 20 mins of looking at the issue.
So we are now at a stage whereby we have a critical piece of software not working for a client, with the vendor refusing to assist and with a completely impossible to troubleshoot issue. So I am busy setting up a completely fresh standalone Windows desktop with nothing but Windows and Sage installed so I can test, but already know the outcome.
TLDR; Sage Software doesnt work following update to the software. Told it's our problem not theirs.
Edit: Forgot to mention it's 2022 and they still dont support x64 based MS Office integration. That says a lot
Edit 2: Have installed a fresh Win 10 VM, nothing else, tried opening sage and same issue occurs
Edit 3: Believe it or not they are still blaming environment. On the VM at my office as well as the PC/Server at the clients office. They say the problem is with the Opayo payment processing (also part of their software/service) and something is delaying it connecting to the online service.
Final Edit: A
... keep reading on reddit ➡Unless you're wearing an N95 or KN95 mask you might as well be wearing tissue paper. With Omicron, even surgical masks do next to nothing. Now the question is why has the CDC just today released updated guidance (half-assed, mind you), when this information has been known for months? My guess is they just want any tangible compliance they can get, even if wearing cloth masks against Omicron quite literally is just for show.
New York Times article. Not a right-wing or biased source, not fake news, and sourced from a CDC release.
I'm not an anti-masker, and I take the virus seriously, but I think people deserve the truth. And I think we all deserve a CDC that doesn't release half-truths and half-asses science for political objectives.
I'm not saying take off your masks because they don't do anything, I'm saying get an N95 or KN95 if you want to take this virus seriously, because your cloth mask or home made mask or bandana doesn't do anything. The CDC until recently has been saying otherwise only out of political convenience.
Frustrated person who wishes institutions were held to higher standards.
"...there actually is a provable conspiracy here. All the governments are acting in concert to adopt the same policies, which is really the definition of a conspiracy" - Dr Andrew Kaufman
We've all been lied to through out this plandemic, even going back to the very start of it. A couple of months before all this began, the World Economic forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and John Hopkins University held a “pandemic simulation” focusing on a disease outbreak in New York City, called Event201. This event “coincidentally” simulated an outbreak of a novel Coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs, to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic.
So not even going into conpiracy theory territory, anyone with sense can agree that they planned for the pandemic. A couple of months after event 201, it's the beginning of a pandemic. The official story of where this virus came from is very questionable, to say the least. They first said it came from a bat or a wet market or something that doesn't add up. And then now they say it leaked from a lab. None of this makes sense, as most sane people can see.
Some people say they purposely leaked it, but why would they do it so close to the lab where they were genetically engineering viruses? They're not that stupid. Also, if they purposely leaked it, I think they would've made it so that it has a lower survival rate than 99%. Which leads to one of the many questions I had before I found out what's actually going on.
I think the reality is there is no virus...If there was a virus, why wouldn't governments just show people the documents and studies showing the isolated virus? Just doing this would solve alot of problems, but they won't do it because there is no virus. Now of course if you google if the virus has been isolated, they'll tell you it has. But all those papers about isolating the virus mention that they isolated the virus in cell culture, but proper isolation doesn't use cell culture, because...
"...the homogeneity of [cell culture] removes interfering genetic or environmental variables, and therefore allows for data generation of high reproducibility and consistency that cannot be warranted when studying whole organ systems." Source.
Cell culture isn't isolation, so they changed the definition of isolation, like they did with
... keep reading on reddit ➡Hey everyone. Long time Destiny viewer, first-time poster in this sub. Nice to meet you all. Sorry in advance for the effortpost, this has just been bugging me for a while now. I put the TL;DR at the beginning, so unless you disagree with one of my points you can just read that part. Scroll further if you want to see/refute my reasoning.
So: there's an argument that keeps getting brought up in COVID/vaccination debates with Destiny which I have never seen him push back on, and which he seems to accept. This happened most recently in the in-person debate with Actual Justice Warrior. Usually anti-vaxxers/skeptics bring this up, but I think I've seen Destiny himself mention it once.
To the best of my understanding, this argument is completely wrong. If so, then Destiny should absolutely start pushing back on it in debates, because otherwise it would be making an undeserved concession to the anti-vaxxers. But, it's also possible that my understanding/reasoning is flawed. Let me know what you think.
Short version (TLDR):
People argue that viruses generally mutate over time to become milder and more infectious. Omicron is super infectious, but milder than previous strains. Therefore, they argue, we are through the worst of COVID and all subsequent strains will be milder than/as mild as Omicron.
Why I think this is wrong:
Long Version:
Whenever the debate turns to COVID/vaccines, someone will bring up the fact that Omicron is a milder but more infectious strain of the virus. They will use this fact to make some kind of argument along the lines of: 'Viruses always mutate to became less deadly and more infectious, because that's what's most beneficial to their own survival. Therefore, COVID isn't as much of a threat now/vaccines aren't as important now because we're at a stage where COVID will become less and less deadly, even as it becomes more infectious, and pretty soon we're going to end up with
... keep reading on reddit ➡“Happy” Wednesday everyone
As u/spez mentioned in his announcement post last week, COVID has been hard on all of us. It will likely go down as one of the most defining periods of our generation. Many of us have lost loved ones to the virus. It has caused confusion, fear, frustration, and served to further divide us. It is my job to oversee the enforcement of our policies on the platform. I’ve never professed to be perfect at this. Our policies, and how we enforce them, evolve with time. We base these evolutions on two things: user trends and data. Last year, after we rolled out the largest policy change in Reddit’s history, I shared a post on the prevalence of hateful content on the platform. Today, many of our users are telling us that they are confused and even frustrated with our handling of COVID denial content on the platform, so it seemed like the right time for us to share some data around the topic.
Analysis of Covid Denial
We sought to answer the following questions:
Below is a chart of all of the COVID-related content that has been posted on the platform since January 1, 2020. We are using common keywords and known COVID focused communities to measure this. The volume has been relatively flat since mid last year, but since July (coinciding with the increased prevalence of the Delta variant), we have seen a sizable increase.
The trend is even more notable when we look at COVID-related content reported to us by users. Since August, we see approximately 2.5k reports/day vs an average of around 500 reports/day a year ago. This is approximately 2.5% of all COVID related content.
While this data alone does not tell us that COVID denial content on the platform is increasing, it is certainly an indicator. To help make
... keep reading on reddit ➡Do your worst!
The Supreme Court has blocked a key plank of the Biden administration's pandemic response effort, by halting enforcement of the OSHA vaccine mandate. In a 6-3 ruling, the Court judged that requiring employees at large businesses to be vaccinated against COVID, or undergo weekly testing and wear a mask, exceeded the authority granted by Congress. All three liberal justices dissented.
At the same time, in a second unsigned opinion, Court has allowed the administration to continue enforcement of a vaccinate mandate for healthcare workers at facilities that receive Medicaid or Medicare funding. This measure is expected to affect 10 million workers and takes effect this month. Conservative justices Thomas, Aliton, Gorsuch, and Barrett dissented, while Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh sided with their liberal collogues.
##Submissions that may interest you
[Supreme Court blocks business COVID vaccine rule, OKs health care worker mandate](https://ktar.com/story/4842140/supreme-court-blocks-business-covid-vacci
... keep reading on reddit ➡What would it look like If COVID took place within the Peep Show universe??
Mark - As a history lover, he’d be researching/aggressively sharing facts about the Spanish flu, while comparing it to C-19. He would be extremely paranoid about catching the virus, would never leave the house except to get every vaccine & booster shot.
Jez - Pretends to be anti-vax to impress Nancy (or someone else) but secretly has all the shots. Pisses off Mark by attending protests to fit in with anti-vaxxer crowd and proclaiming that he is “not a sheep”
Nancy - definitely anti-vax
Johnson - Has a hazmat suit and a general attitude of taking COVID by the balls and fucking this thing.
How else would the characters cope with COVID-19?? Would love your thoughts!
Edit: typo
I (28M) am a cis gay man living in the UK and I am just scared. We are living in dark times and I am concerned that this country is becoming less safe for LGBTQIA+ people.
I see large organisations withdrawing from Stonewall's diversity schemes at the behest of a growing transphobic lobby and it raises questions as to how safe we are if the biggest LGBTQIA+ rights charity in this country is open to attack.
I see my beautiful trans siblings, many of whom are lesbians, gay men and bisexual, being singled out and othered by a very specific hate group masquerading as a charity. I see the vile things being said about trans people in this country and I am reminded of the awful things people said and still say about gay men.
I know bigotry doesn't die but for a while I felt safe enough challenging it. I can't change the world by shouting at it but I can at the very least try. But I feel worn down by it.
We have a children's author in Scotland trying to label trans men women and claim trans women aren't women if they commit crimes. We have radio presenters spreading anti-trans hate. We have an ex-sitcom writer posting an alarming amount of content to a growing audience about the trans community on a daily basis and he's started veering off into posting about gay men.
This government is attacking our democratic rights to protest. It is letting a virus sweep through the population to kill the most vulnerable and the least educated among us.
All these huge things are happening around us and I see it happening and feel powerless. I have always considered myself to be a gay man comfortable enough in my own gender to not have to worry but I'm seeing a growing number of gay men and lesbians joining this anti-trans cause and I feel uncomfortable that they claim to talk on my behalf.
They don't.
This isn't really going anywhere but it just feels like society is broken and we are a long way off from repairing it. These huge things are happening around us and recently I've been wondering whether I really am a cis gay man or if there is another label for me. I just feel so disenfranchised and alienated and it's messed with my head.
I fear that once the bad faith actors achieve their goal of dismantling trans rights they'll come after the rest of us. Instead of rallying around the members of our community who need us and have always been there for us, some of us have jumped onto the side of those attacking us. It is very scary and I feel vulnerable.
Sending you a
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