Food Name Puns

Hey guys my friend is opening up a new bar and is looking for some food name puns. We were looking for some help from Reddit. Here are some of the names we have so far

  • Happy Grillmore
  • Spaghetti Murphy
  • Lasagnye West
  • Forrest Rump
  • Egg Sheeran
  • David Jafflehoff
  • The Lamb Shank Redemption
  • Beef Me Up Scotty
  • HeisenBurger

Anymore suggestions will be appreciated

👍︎ 16
👤︎ u/Tosswinkle
📅︎ Aug 28 2014
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My straw poked me in the eye while taking a drink

I threw it away got another and called it The Straw Shank Redemption.

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/expert2020
📅︎ Mar 02 2018
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Got my son

Any time my son groans or sighs, I consider it a win. When I came home from work today, he asked if I had an email from Club Nintendo, as he was waiting for a redemption code. I did and I printed it for him.

I handed it to him and showed him the Wii U code was on one page, and the 3DS code was on the other.

He looked at it and said, "That's odd"

I replied "No, it's even. There are two pages."


Son sighs. Loudly.

👍︎ 67
📅︎ Apr 15 2015
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When I found out my girlfriend was a father

About 7 years ago, I started working for a company named Shaw, and they gave me a bunch of shirts and a really ugly sweatshirt. I kept trying to give away the sweatshirt, but nobody wanted it. One day, I had a party, and somebody took the shaw shirt because they didn't bring a jacket and it was cold outside.

My girlfriend at the time said it was "The Shaw-Shirt Redemption".

I had never been more proud.

👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/scamperly
📅︎ Mar 19 2015
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My mom got me and my dad as we played Cribbage

Me and my Dad were playing cribbage and he skunked me (if you're unfamiliar with the game in means he beat me by a lot) so after the game I say

"Let's go, one more, redemption is the name of the game"

my mom from the other room calls out "I thought it was called Cribbage?"

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/peon2
📅︎ Jun 17 2015
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