A pastor in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, says he will defy government orders intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Oneness Pentecostal congregation met on Tuesday, despite the declaration of a state-wide public health emergency banning gatherings of 50 or more people. christianitytoday.com/new…
👍︎ 42
📅︎ Mar 20 2020
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Does the fundamentalist / Pentecostal belief that believers need to have "a personal relationship with Jesus" have a biblical basis?

"You need to have a personal relationship with Jesus" is a common refrain heard among fundamentalists and Pentecostals.

However, I have never seen this expression used in the bible, nor have I ever seen any theological or biblical justification for it. Does anyone know what is the history behind this belief and how its supported using the bible? I suspect it has more to do with modern individualism than biblical interpretation, but I'm not sure.

👍︎ 66
📅︎ Jan 19 2020
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Breaking Tony’s Spell There is at least one positive to the sudden celebrity of a renegade Pentecostal pastor: It’s exposed the man as the criminal fraudster he had been all along. bayoubrief.com/2020/04/23…
👍︎ 67
📅︎ Apr 26 2020
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almost mistook it as Pentecostal congregation where they are waiting for prophet Bernie pbuh(peace be upon him) coming with Das Kapital on his hand readily to baptist them in the name of Marx, Castro, and Stalin
👍︎ 28
📅︎ Mar 17 2020
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Orchestra "Jehovah's Witnesses" Convention in Atlanta, US; to the rhythm of Rock-Samba. We no longer speak badly of the Pentecostals, we imitate them. youtube.com/watch?v=_vPbx…
👍︎ 32
👤︎ u/Balcacer
📅︎ Jun 19 2019
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This was from a Mormon but the language is so similar to Pentecostals
👍︎ 24
📅︎ Nov 02 2019
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George Went Hensley was an American Pentecostal minister best known for popularizing the practice of snake handling. On the basis of his interpretation of scripture, he came to believe that the New Testament commanded all Christians to handle venomous snakes. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geo…
👍︎ 14
👤︎ u/Rollakud
📅︎ Dec 01 2019
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Has anyone left the Pentecostal/Apostolic church and remained a Christian?

I left through my own personal study of the Bible and saw so many contradictions, but just about everyone I know that has left has become agnostic/atheist. It's not always easy because nobody I know understands what I've gone through and the heartache it was to leave. The Baptist church I attend is filled with some of the most sweet, welcoming, and non-crazy people that you could meet, but I'm having a hard time connecting because people just don't understand me and my background. People that have left don't understand why I'm still religious.

Edit for spelling.

👍︎ 17
📅︎ Apr 02 2019
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Pentecostal Megachurch only allows nice-looking people to sit in the front rows

I went to a Christian high school. One classmate's mother worked for a pentecostal megachurch in media. My classmate nonchalantly mentioned that one of her mother's duties involved making sure that nice-looking, enthusiastic people were sitting in the front few rows.

I thought that was horrible at the time and I remained a Christian for another 10 years. Wish it had been a motivator to deconvert.

👍︎ 230
👤︎ u/claysun9
📅︎ May 12 2018
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Helping a struggling Pentecostal adapt to College and the Real World

So I tried that socializing thing you all suggested, I asked where a party was happening to this girl I knew somewhat. She just said "There aren't any parties we're just walking around". I thought that was fucking bullshit because nobody just randomly walks around at 10 pm. I try opening myself up and this is what I get. It's honestly like there are spiritual forces in play, and something doesn't want me to have fun. It's like satan is using them to discourage me or something, I can't believe I'm saying that because I don't even know if I believe in this stuff anymore. But there's something going on within me that has a repelling effect to others, I need to get rid of these bad vibes but I don't know how. Why do others get to have fun but I don't, I thought I was at the start of making positive choices. I started reading Change your Brain Change your Life by Daniel Amen and it was really encouraging, and I was glad that I got back into reading again. But tonight after that incident with that girl lying to me, I just got fucking wasted. To the point where I made a fucking sign that said "Fuck God" and I almost wanted to "protest" God outside and just yell "Fuck God". I did it a few times, I thought it would make me feel better but it didn't. I know there's anger in me somewhere but I just can't get it out. Before I asked the girl if there were any parties tonight, she said that "I'm always so happy". I've had multiple people tell me that, and I feel like it's my curse because this isn't really the case. Some people have a resting bitch face, and I guess I have a resting smiling face. I guess people figure I'm happy by myself which isn't really the message I want to send out. Sorry for all the heavy content it's 3 am and I'm drunk.

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/DanesAngle
📅︎ Sep 28 2019
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I (F25) left my fundamentalist upbringing, and I'm going back to photo document women within the Pentecostal Holiness movement. youtu.be/sipiDk3vY0I
👍︎ 60
📅︎ Jun 09 2019
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hi everyone! i just found this sub. i’m curious, those who were raised in a pentecostal church, what was the moment/experience that finally led you away?

i was raised in a lutheran church but we were pretty agnostic, so imagine my surprise when i went to a charismatic assemblies of god university. i was turned off from pentecostalism almost immediately. for those of you raised with this being the norm, what drove you away?

👍︎ 17
👤︎ u/julesmpls
📅︎ Jan 01 2019
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Trump administration (Betsy Devos) let nearly $11 million in student aid go to unaccredited for-profit colleges. The colleges are run by a senior pastor at a Pentecostal megachurch. washingtonpost.com/educat…
👍︎ 23
📅︎ Oct 23 2019
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O Brasil está em ponto de bala pra virar uma nação fundamentalista pentecostal.

Se você tem de 30 a 40 anos ou mais, uma má notícia: o país que te criou, o país que formou seu caráter, todo o conjunto de valores e crenças que aglutinavam os brasileiros e ajudaram a moldar a “alma Brasileira”, tudo isso morreu. O Brasil morreu.

O Brasil em que floresceu A Bossa Nova, Brasília, a Tropicália, o Cinema Novo; o Brasil onde Brasileiros amavam sua Brasilidade, que tinha amores simples como futebol, praia, cerveja com os amigos, música... esse país não existe mais. O Brasil abandonou esse lugar e nunca mais retornará.

Claro que esse mesmo Brasil deu à luz tumores como a ditadura militar, a Rede Globo, Jair Bolsonaro, Silvio Santos. Esse mesmo Brasil foi capaz de cavar sua própria cova. Esse mesmo Brasil que tem abalos psicológicos históricos e que foi incapaz de se tratar. De exorcizar seus demônios.

Esse país agora paga caro.

O Brasil está no ponto de bala pra se tornar uma nação fundamentalista cristã com coloração fascita de saturação sem precedentes. E isso é inevitável por um simples motivo: não há instituição nesse país capaz de deter essa trajetória.

A gente já normalizou o absurdo há décadas. Hoje terrorista e miliciano aparecem nas manchetes não como tais mas como figuras importantes e de peso no cenário político. Criminoso mesmo é quem quer justiça e bem estar social. É quem quer o pobre na escola, com comida no prato e com acesso a produçao cultural diversa.

O Brasil morreu. De suicídio. Com tiro na cara. E estamos vivendo o velório mais feio e longo de todos os velórios.

Edit: errinhos.

👍︎ 285
📅︎ Jan 08 2020
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So as y’all know I left the Pentecostal church without telling anybody except my family so what do I do when other people start texting me about why I’m not at church anymore
👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/Camxbs
📅︎ Jun 05 2019
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The roots of Pentecostal dancing seem to be in swing dancing from the 20's, as evidenced in this modern electro-swing presentation. This looks a lot like what happened at the altar of the churches I grew up in. youtube.com/watch?v=v65h-…
👍︎ 17
📅︎ Jul 27 2019
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Even though Lucifer and goats have no real connection, his Pentecostal Coin had a goat on the pentegram side.
👍︎ 7
👤︎ u/Meme_God3
📅︎ Oct 30 2019
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Relieved my kids don't know The Pentecostal Experience

I was raised from birth in what I now consider a Pentecostal cult. Despite looking the right way - skirt to the ankles, hair to the ass, woefully mistreated eyebrows - I was treated the same as a dirty 'backslider' for not taking my constant judgment and liking it. It's a Narcissist's wet dream for control, every bit of gossip about me that made it's way back to my mother ended up with me being screamed at, hit, etc for embarrasing her. I felt like I didn't belong anywhere, because she was too fake even by Pentecostal standards. I saw the r/me_irl pic recently: "wow, you're so mature for your age! Thanks, it was all the trauma." and that really hit home with me. All I could do anywhere was sit there quietly, hope I was ignored for a few hours until the day was over.

The thing that makes me angriest now is my mom claiming I was "prancing around" at the beach for all the men in my bathing suit. I was maybe 6 at the time. As a teenager, she yelled that I needed to change from my pajama shorts because my dad and brother were home. It makes me a type of angry I can't describe that I was threatened with molestation by my own family for (gasp) showing my legs.

I'm so happy my kids don't know a thing about church twice on Sundays. That their bodies aren't evil for inexplicable reasons. They can enjoy age appropriate movies without some weird fear-mongering that magic is the devil.

I just found this sub, cheers escapees.

👍︎ 33
👤︎ u/Spicyninja
📅︎ Feb 28 2019
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TIL that Pentecostal snake handling was made a felony punishable by death under Georgia law between 1941-1968. The law was passed following the death of a seven-year-old girl. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sna…
👍︎ 49
👤︎ u/voldy24601
📅︎ Sep 21 2018
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Has anyone left the old fashioned Pentecostal Church for a Modern Style Church, did your experience of Church change?

I feel intimidated going to an old school Pentecostal church. I do not like how the Pastor shouts and hollers during sermons, and the crowds getting fired up. I want to listen to a Pastor who can connect with you without screaming and thumping. The music in the old Pentecostal church is dated, they are singing songs from the 90s. I wanted a church with modern worship music. Another problem in old school Pentecostal churches, they lost their youth. They blame the problems on the culture but you can clearly see why there are no young people in old school pentecostal churches. The youth evangelicals have gone to modern churches because the old heads cannot connect with them.

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Nov 25 2018
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Pentecostals and the President christianitytoday.com/ct/…
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👤︎ u/hallelooya
📅︎ Nov 13 2019
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How Hillsong and other Pentecostal megachurches are redefining religion in Australia abc.net.au/news/2019-08-2…
👍︎ 110
👤︎ u/LuckyBdx4
📅︎ Aug 28 2019
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Things I Saw as a Pentecostal/Charismatic

At the Brownsville Revival:

  • People crawling around on all fours, barking like dogs
  • During a Sunday service, the news hit about the vote recount when Bush was trying to get elected as president. Someone stood up and said they had a prophetic word from God. God had told them that the reason for the recount was that God was judging America for all the abortions taking place, and that we must all pray and repent on behalf of America so that God would have mercy on our country. For the next half hour, everyone cried and spoke in tongues and pleaded for God's mercy. Bush did end up getting elected, so it worked, we saved America.
  • After one service where all these people had gone through the prayer lines and were showing all kinds of Holy Spirit manifestations like shaking, being laid out on the floor, barking like dogs, and staggering like drunk people, the minister announced that since we were all carrying the Holy Spirit anointing so heavy, we should all go to Denny's to eat, because everyone in there would get saved because of the presence of God that was upon us at the moment. So we all went to Denny's. A lot of us got stared at because they were still barking like dogs and speaking jibberish, but nobody got saved. We just ate, freaked people out, and went home.
  • I went through the prayer line to be prayed for by Steve Hill, the big-time evangelist of the revival, because obviously he had the most anointing and his prayers would be most effective. I told him I wanted to be delivered from depression. He told me there was no reason to be depressed in life and acted like I was just a whiner, but he prayed for me anyway just to shut me up so he could move on to the next person. Later in life I'd be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
  • When someone was praying for me, I started "speaking in tongues," but unlike other people who really sounded like they were speaking in another language, I was just repeating the same syllable over and over. The ministers acted like that meant I hadn't completely received the gift, so they'd pray aggressively for me to get more words, but nothing would happen. Finally they'd give up and say, "Some people just a get syllable, and that's ok."
  • My church went to a minister's convention at Brownsville, and John Kilpatrick, the pastor, was talking about how you should never speak against those God has placed in spiritual authority. He used some verse that says "touch not my anointed." Then he said that everyone who had ever spo
... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 77
👤︎ u/manykeets
📅︎ Jan 23 2020
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God is a Gaslighting abuser... weither you left pentecostal churches or you became an atheist you can relate to this if you went to a Pentecostal or charismatic church... technically speaking the gaslighter here is the theology, doctrine or church leaders or members...the teachings are gaslighting reddit.com/r/exchristian/…
👍︎ 14
📅︎ Jul 31 2019
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Wren's Week: Scott Morrison's Pentecostal beliefs have affected Liberal Party policies independentaustralia.net/…
👍︎ 238
👤︎ u/eczemaman
📅︎ Jan 18 2020
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/r/atheism locks "Trump administration (Betsy Devos) let nearly $11 million in student aid go to unaccredited for-profit colleges. The colleges are run by a senior pastor at a Pentecostal megachurch." (+23863) (629 comments)



👍︎ 2
📅︎ Oct 23 2019
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Amy Klobuchar tried to give an anti-LGBTQ Pentecostal group $500,000 in taxpayer funds lgbtqnation.com/2019/10/a…
👍︎ 348
📅︎ Nov 01 2019
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The Pentecostal Faith of Abiy Ahmed pcpj.org/2019/12/10/the-p…
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👤︎ u/hallelooya
📅︎ Dec 11 2019
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Helping a struggling Pentecostal adapt to College and the Real World

Any young guys preferably, or anyone I guess out there who are ex pentecostal. I could use some advice on how to open up in college after having grown up in a strict pentecostal home. I struggle to connect with anyone really because they know a variety of topics, and my parents only really talked to me about religion. It's hard for me to relate to guys because I haven't seen a lot of sports or participated in any, because church was our "priority". My parents also didn't allow me to have video games growing up so I'm very lost there too. It's partly the church that was to blame for how I am today, but mostly my parents approach to the morals. I don't really have a strong aggressive personality either so I didn't really fight back because the environment I was in was comfortable in a sense, but still isolating. I'm free now but I still feel like I'm in a prison of what my parents taught me, but also didn't teach me. I just need some support because meeting another pentecostal who feels this way is rare.

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👤︎ u/DanesAngle
📅︎ Sep 22 2019
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TIL that comedian Sam Kinison was a Pentecostal preacher before becoming a successful comedian biography.com/performer/s…
👍︎ 72
👤︎ u/ortofon88
📅︎ Feb 21 2020
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Zappa poster on the wall of gang/hippie meet up apartment in Christian propaganda film starring Pat Boone called 'The Cross and the Switchblade'. I saw this while trapped in a fundamentalist Christian Children's Home ran by Batshit Crazy and Rich ass Pentecostals. imgur.com/VuBWPFl
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Feb 25 2019
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Handling of serpents as part of the ceremony at the Pentecostal Church of God, Harlan County, Kentucky. 1946 [1280 x 1653]
👍︎ 30
👤︎ u/OIFVet303
📅︎ Jan 09 2017
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Yet Another African Pentecostal Wins the Nobel Peace Prize pcpj.org/2019/10/14/yet-a…
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Oct 20 2019
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Remembering Jesse Miranda and the complicated history of Latinx Pentecostals religionnews.com/2019/07/…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/hallelooya
📅︎ Jul 23 2019
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"In Tamil Nadu we have 38,000 Pentecostal churches with 60 lakhs believers, if each one can covert one every year in three years we can convert TN completely" ~ Lazarus twitter.com/HLKodo/status…
👍︎ 65
📅︎ Feb 12 2020
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