I've never been more proud of my son.

My son (16) is playing a video game where you can pick up a bunch of different weapons. He always asks me "Which is better?" and I'll stop what I'm doing to give my input. The following conversation just happened...

S: This? or this? (Sword or wheel)

Me: Obviously the wheel.

10 minutes later...

S: This wheel is bad. It doesn't do any damage.

Me: Switch to something else.

S: But I just got it 10 minutes ago. I can't just get rid of it like that... it's... no I gotta keep using it... it's... it's WHEELY good.

It's all downhill from here folks.

👍︎ 67
👤︎ u/O351USMC
📅︎ Dec 17 2022
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