Sick Sinus Syndrome/Tachy-Brady Syndrome?

I’ve been googling like crazy for the last 2 days trying to find answers with zero luck. I can’t even find any forums from people who have this condition.

I’m trying to find information on Tachy-Brady Syndrome. I know this condition causes the heart rate to alternate between tachycardia and bradycardia, but there’s zero information I can find on what that looks like, or feels like to experience. I can’t find any information outside of the general explanation that it’s an alternation between the two, with a small list of general symptoms.

Does it typically happen in episodes? Does the tachycardia or bradycardia last for days or weeks at a time before going into the opposite? Or is it just high spikes with low drops through out the day?

If it does happen in episodes, Is there any sort of complications, auras or episodes between the alternations? For example, is there auras similar in how you have auras before migraines or seizures? I know it can commonly happen with AFib, do you have an AFib attack between the alternation?

Is it always either tachycardia or bradycardia? Or do you have period of being within a normal heart rate?

I have so many questions regarding this condition. But it seems like there’s hardly any information at all. I can’t even find any support groups on Facebook or communities on here. If anyone knows of any detailed resources that give more information outside of the general stuff, please m feel free to share them.

And yes- I plan to speak to a cardiologist once the referral from my primary goes through to confirm the condition. But it sounds like it’ll be 4-6 months before I can get in unfortunately. So id like to try to do my own research in the mean time.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Angry-But-Kind
πŸ“…︎ Jan 05 2021
🚨︎ report
Pots or sick sinus syndrome

Background : I’ve spent months dealing with tachycardia and believe I wasn’t diagnosed correctly . So I’m looking for input . basically my heart rate goes into the 190s without cause . I become short of breathe and have chest pain at that point . I’ve never passed out or gotten dizzy It goes down to maybe 120 and i can countine with my day , I’ve seen cardiology who had me on digoxin and metoprolol they helped but not intensely leaving my heart rate in the 120s consistently. cardiology suggested I go to the er after having uneased chest pain where I was admitted with a heart rate of 158 . The day I was admitted I was diagnosed with svt . Upon the next couple of days of my stay my heart rate ranged between 20s and 50s but would never elavate higher even with provoking , and fluids . My only two symptoms while heart rate was low was fatigue and a headache . The electrophysiologist was supposed to do an ep study but refused told me I had pots to drink more water ( which I drank a gallon a day if not more , and increase sodium which I do .) now I had the admitting doctor and cardiologist suggest sick sinus syndrome and electrophysiologist who said pots . Any input would be great ! Thank you !

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πŸ‘€︎ u/kenzielou1125
πŸ“…︎ Dec 23 2020
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I was diagnosed with Sick Sinus Syndrome at age 27 and had to get a pacemaker AMA
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πŸ‘€︎ u/statikghost
πŸ“…︎ Oct 13 2020
🚨︎ report
how do we know if this is sick sinus syndrome (SA node) or Mobitz 1 (AV node)?

77-year-old woman brought to the ER for severe lightheadedness and syncope. In the past few months she has had episodes of lightheadedness and felt unsteady. No chest pain shortness of breath or lower extremity swelling. Diagnosed with hypertension 10 years ago and has been taking losartan.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/arshnaz
πŸ“…︎ Oct 21 2020
🚨︎ report
Early 30s healthy female sick for 2+ months. Currently weighing options for persistent sinus symptoms. Bacterial or Viral Sinusitis? Or Post-Viral Syndrome? Anyone else been here?

Hi sweet friends, I come to you after two months of sickness, two urgent care visits, two hospital visits, and, oh my stars, so many ups and downs. I am an otherwise healthy, active early thirties female on a plant-based diet with no pre-existing conditions, was going to the gym every other day before all this. Can't count the number of times in the last two months that I felt I might not survive this thing.
My primary care doctor basically would not see me ("If the DOCTORS get sick, they can't help you") and was dismissive of the possibility of my having Covid. I consulted with a second physician remotely whose assessment was Covid, possibly followed by post-viral sinusitis. My wild grab bag of symptoms has included: shortness of breath, heaviness in the lungs/chest, headache, lightheadedness/weakness/near-fainting, feeling dry/thirsty, sore throat, shaking, chills, fever, diarrhea. Everything but the cough, and the kitchen sink. Despite being almost excessively hydrated, I also experienced a brief period of UTI symptoms with unusually yellow urine, accompanied by severe leg pain and muscle weakness, which prompted ER docs to check for clots (none detected) and my consulting physician to suggest testing for rhabdomyolysis, but by the time I got labs, it had mostly resolved itself, and testing did not show signs of rhabdo.

I received my first Covid test (nasal swab) just a week after the onset of symptoms, and the test returned negative. I was negative for flu and strep as well. First hospital visit, about a week later, I arrived shaking and struggling to breathe. They acknowledged I had shortness of breath but could not explain it. I was tachycardic, my temperature fluctuated from normal to 100 while there and my potassium was slightly low. Bloodwork, EKG, and X-rays appeared fine, so they gave me potassium and sent me home. Diagnosis: Dispnea, Hypokalemia.

Second hospital visit, about three weeks later, again came shaking and struggling to breathe. They repeated bloodwork, EKG, and X-rays, in addition to a second Covid test. They wouldn't perform a CT scan of my lungs, as they felt the radiation exposure was not worth the risk. I had a normal temp but couldn't stop shaking and felt cold with two blankets on. They felt all the tests looked fine, did not know what to tell me, (except hinting at anxiety having something to do with this, nice!) and sent me home. Diagnosis: Near syncope. My second Covid test came back negative as

... keep reading on reddit ➑

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πŸ‘€︎ u/petitelegit
πŸ“…︎ May 26 2020
🚨︎ report
Do you prefer Beta Blockers or Calcium Channel Blockers for Sick Sinus Syndrome?

Just curious to hear others experience with BB vs. CCB if you have had the change to try both. Also, I am very much into exercise and wondering if one is better for athletes? Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Fitasf
πŸ“…︎ Sep 26 2020
🚨︎ report
Practical EKG differences between Sick Sinus Syndrome, Mobitz type 2, and 3rd degree AV block?

I know what the differences should be on paper, but actually looking at EKGs I cannot honestly tell the difference

πŸ‘︎ 7
πŸ“…︎ Dec 24 2019
🚨︎ report
10 second conversion pause. The patient was in bed and did not syncopize. She will get a pacemaker for sick sinus syndrome.
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πŸ‘€︎ u/hat7e
πŸ“…︎ Aug 18 2019
🚨︎ report
Question:? Sick sinus syndrome

Hi all. Sorry if this post sounds frantic. My five year old female IG is at the vet for her first dental today. I got a call from the vet saying that three teeth "fell" out (note that I brush her teeth several times a week and she has never had issues with dentition before), and also her heart rate went into the 30s and 40s despite appropriate blood pressure responses. So now she's being monitored at the vet and getting iv fluids.

Needless to say I'm so concerned and upset about this because she is a healthy little girl until today.

Is sick sinus syndrome an issue in this breed? Should I be requesting an ekg, ecjo, chest xray..???

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πŸ‘€︎ u/indigo_zee
πŸ“…︎ Jul 31 2019
🚨︎ report
Can anyone help me with this? 79M complaining of light headiness. Is this sick sinus syndrome?
πŸ‘︎ 32
πŸ‘€︎ u/seanleu
πŸ“…︎ Jun 03 2018
🚨︎ report
Do any of you also have tachy-brady syndrome/sick sinus syndrome?


I was just diagnosed with hEDS. It feels good to finally have a diagnosis and a reason for my chronic pain over the last decade of my life. It was so validating to finally have a doctor and PT take me seriously and show sympathy for what I've been going through for a long time. At the same time, am feeling a bit sad and mourning the pain-free life I've dreamed of since middle school. My physical therapist said I needed to go into "joint protection mode."

I've noticed my RHR getting lower over the last few months (keeping track of it on my FitBit and confirming myself). It's averaging around 48 bpm and I'm not particularly fit. Sometimes it gets down to 41 bpm. The last few weeks my chest has been hurting during exercise so I started paying closer attention to it. This morning when I was lying in bed reading, my chest started hurting and it was 120 bpm (wasn't stressed/anxious and hadn't moved in awhile). I checked my log for my sleep last night and it didn't even record me as being asleep because my heart rate was over 100 for several hours while I was sleeping. I have an appointment at the POTS clinic to do the tilt-table test and then another appointment to get a stress echocardiogram and make sure everything looks okay.

Anyways! Just wondering if any of you also experience tachycardia AND bradycardia? I wanted to get your input. I know how common POTS is, but wanted to see if any of you also experience both.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/kabes
πŸ“…︎ Feb 05 2019
🚨︎ report
Sick Sinus Syndrome?

So I'm currently in the Army.

Long story short, I've been having some random chest/heart issue surface shortly after graduating OSUT in April, and this has been going on for a little over 2 months. (More detailed posts in my history)

After constant ER/Sick Call/Hospital Trips, the Cardiologist at my hospital strongly believes that I have Sick Sinus Syndrome. I believe he intends to prescribe medication, but I have doubts it will work (was previously prescribed Propranolol and Zantac, neither of which worked - Propranolol making condition worse)

In terms of AR 40-501, what should I expect now?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Fancy-Bear1776
πŸ“…︎ Jul 01 2019
🚨︎ report
Is this Silent Sinus Syndrome ? images included

I’ve been so unbelievably insecure about my eye for the past 5 years and now i’m like 70% sure i have finally found the cause: Silent Sinus Syndrome. When looking at all the pictures on google + the symptoms it’s all matching!!

I would like to know what you guys think? Do you think i’m right or wrong?

I went to my GP and she told me my left eye is asymmetric because of Blepharitis..idk if i believe that. She gave me eyedrops, told me how to take care of it and send me away :/ This happened 3 times. But literally my whole eye ball is going down, i don’t think that’s because of Blepharitis?

Getting progressively worse

Some of my other symptoms are (i’m sure not every symptom is due to SSS):

-So i’m originally a mouth breather, i thought my face was asymmetrical because of that so i’m breathing the correct way now (through my nose, teeth together and tong up) and that’s when i feel alot of tightness and unevenness on one side

-I sometimes have a clicking sound when blinking

-my eyesight is worse on my left eye then my right eye

-Both of my eyes open, like 1 cm, when i’m sleeping (the left side a bit more). I had this since i was little so i don’t know if it’s related

-I had LOTS of problems when i was little with my nose and ears. I honestly don’t really remember what the issues were but i do know i once had a surgery on my nose because of my nose tonsils and twice on my throat because of my throat tonsils

-Had and still have alot of issues with my ears, lots of ear infections. Had a couple of ear surgery to place a tube (?), don’t know how many

-When i swallow both of my ears make a popping sound most of the time

-There is alway liquid coming out of both of my ears when i clean my ears with q tips (I KNOW ITS BAD, ill stop😭)

-My nose is noticeable crooked, my mom says it’s cuz of the surgery they did on my nose tonsils but idk?

-I’m allergic to pollen (hay fever) + dust mites

-Till 5 years ago i always had fat bags under my eyes (see my oldest picture) and now it’s kind of gone and i have a deep under line especially under my left eye

-I have double vision when i focus my eyes on one point, when i blink it’s normal again

-I’m pretty sure i have a chronic stuffy nose


Height: 1.77m
Weight: 70
Race: White

*i posted this before, but didn’t include some of my other symptoms, sorry if ur reading this twice

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πŸ‘€︎ u/MedicalHelp333
πŸ“…︎ May 06 2021
🚨︎ report
Advice needed please- silent sinus syndrome

Hi guys,

I was just diagnosed with silent sinus syndrome and addition to needing surgery for that, I need surgery for a deviated septum which would be at the same time.

Link for info on silent sinus syndrome

I’ve never had surgery or been under general anesthesia so I’m really nervous to go through with the surgery. Does anyone here have silent sinus syndrome, have any sinus surgery experience, or any advice? I’m 21 years old and just really scared.

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πŸ“…︎ Apr 05 2021
🚨︎ report
should i be worried about these bumps in the back of my throat i have been sick for almost a week now i thought it was just a sinus infection. Im a 19 y/o male.
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πŸ‘€︎ u/Limp-Hour-8628
πŸ“…︎ May 13 2021
🚨︎ report
My headcanons for how Javier PeΓ±a would take care of a sick SO. )Inspired by my recent sinus infection.)
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πŸ‘€︎ u/Lolasglasses
πŸ“…︎ May 10 2021
🚨︎ report
I have a sinus infection, and because I’m taking extra care of myself (soup, tea, steam baths, etc) my depression and BPD feels at ease. I’d almost rather be sick (sinus infection/cold) rather than depressed.

I caught a cold/sinus infection recently from a camping trip. I got a covid test, it was negative. I’m taking extra care of myself the past few days and it has relieved my mood issues, depression, and BPD a lot it feels like. Do you think it’s because my mind is distracted? Or the elevated self care? Or is it because I’m allowing myself time to lay low and heal? I’m enjoying this cold quite a bit, because of my elevated mood. Thoughts?

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Paradise_Princess
πŸ“…︎ Apr 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Anyone else with ”Empty Nose Syndrome” symtoms or a lot of sinus problems - Also Anyone with CCI/AAI? ❀️

Thank you in advance! πŸ™

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ“…︎ Dec 08 2020
🚨︎ report
Sick friend with a garden variety sinus infection... and the MLM response...
πŸ‘︎ 44
πŸ‘€︎ u/mykyttykat
πŸ“…︎ Mar 05 2021
🚨︎ report
This little human is the toughest person I know. He got sick with Covid at 5 months old, suffered with the post inflammatory syndrome MIS-C, has required tons of therapy, and has just been diagnosed with epilepsy. Through it all he has been such a fighter and I am so proud of him.
πŸ‘︎ 3k
πŸ‘€︎ u/msmonicarose
πŸ“…︎ Feb 26 2021
🚨︎ report
SLPT: When calling out sick to work, prefix your malady with β€œulcerative.” Your boss certainly won’t give you any grief if you’re suffering from an ulcerative sinus headache.
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πŸ‘€︎ u/onebiscuit
πŸ“…︎ Jan 08 2021
🚨︎ report
Been a while sine I wore a dress. I haven't been feeling like myself since post covid acute syndrome. Still not up to wearing make-up either. Today I decided to go to Whole foods dressed up. I've lost 19 lbs since being sick with this shiz! This started back in late February. Covid in 10/2020
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πŸ‘€︎ u/skyewarn
πŸ“…︎ Apr 16 2021
🚨︎ report
Hi all! My T is walking erratically. I don't know what's going on, DXS syndrome doesn't fit the description that well. Hasn't eaten in ~2 months. Is it sick? Almost dead? Thank you for any help!
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πŸ‘€︎ u/lemontrea
πŸ“…︎ Apr 12 2021
🚨︎ report
[Help] Our 3 years old Cavalier King Charles has been diagnosed an Addison syndrome today and is hospitalized at the vet's. I'm worried sick. Apparently the 24 first hours are the most risky, she might die.

But at least this makes sense of all her previous ailments.

We've had her as an adult, and since we got her in december 2020, she has been treated for ear gale, taken antibiotics because of high signs of infection in her bloodwork for 45days, got her food swaped to GI royal canin, had an otitis (ear infection), has taken a worm medecine twice, and has only been a joyfull little ball of fur for maybe a handfull of days.

What makes it scarier to me is the one to diagnose her correctly wasn't the vet, it was her assistant, because he took the time to actually look at my pooch and try to find out what was going on.

And little things like, she told me the doggo draggin her behnd on the floor wasn't a worry, it was just emptying his anal glands, while her assistant showed me how to do it (her glands were indeed too full) and explained that I could try, but it was OK for me to come to them if I didn't manage to do it because it's not an easy maneuvre to learn. So the vet oesn't seem very focused on the wellbeing of the animals, which doesn't help with my anxiety about how my darling doggo is being treated there.

She'll be receiving fluids through IV and some medication IIRC, and they'll phone me in the afternoon.

Just needed to vent. 'sok if no-one reads this.

and reading up on addisons I realise she has been displaying symtoms since we got her. Maybe she'd been diagnosed earlier if I'd gotten appointent with the assistant instead of the vet! He was the one to suspect Syringomyelia too (we need to make an appointment in a specialized clinic, not gotten around doing it yet, so she's not officially diagnosed yet, just fits the criteria alarmingly well)

Anywho, I'm a mess right now, crying, and stressing out.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/Cute_Ladybird
πŸ“…︎ Apr 16 2021
🚨︎ report
Having sinus surgery next week and freaking out, scared of complications and "Empty Nose Syndrome".

Hi Everyone,

I'm having sinus surgery next week and I'm freaking out, to the point where I am considering cancelling it. I am scheduled to have the following done:

  • Maxillary antrostomy
  • Ethmoidectomy / frontal sinusotomy
  • Ethmoidectomy / sphenoidotomy
  • Septoplasty
  • SMR inferior turbinate
  • Repair nasal vestibular stenoisis

My main concerns are:

  1. Empty nose syndrome from the turbinate reduction. My doctor assures me that we are not removing any turbinates, just reducing them. How common is Empty Nose Syndrome and can this occur with reduction of the turbinates? She said it can only happen if they are fully removed.

  2. Damage to my eyes or optic nerve. My doctor has said this is very rare and has never happened to any of her patients but I'm still concerned that this is a risk.

The main reasons I am having this surgery are that I suffer from allergies that affect my sinuses and these past few months I have been getting severe headaches, pressure behind the eyes and in my face as well as visual disturbances. I was in a car accident about a month and a half before the visual disturbances started. A neuro-optomologist thinks that the visual disturbances are from the accident, but the ENT, my primary doctor as well as my optometrist said they could be from the sinuses, which I believe is possible, especially since I notice a correlation between the sinus pain and visual disturbances, such as when I have the visual disturbances it is often accompanied by a sensation of something draining down my throat, and swallowing while this happens sometimes seems to make the visual disturbances worse. They also sometimes get worse when I do a heat mask over my face for dry eyes, which also makes it where I can feel my sinuses loosening up. My primary care doctor said that the bone between the eye and the sinuses is paper thin, so mucus behind the eyes could cause pressure on the eye, and based on how my symptoms occur it sure feels like this may be what is happening with me.

I've tried a round of antibiotics, nasal sprays and oral steroids. They've helped but not solved my sinus pain or headaches. The nasal spray and oral steroids are also murder on my dry eyes. My sinus doctor said I have pansinusitis caused by allergies.

How likely are the complications of Empty Nose Syndrome or damage to the eyes in surgery? My doctor says they are nothing to worry about but I can't stop worrying about these. Anyone have any advise or positive or negative ex

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/-BMR777-
πŸ“…︎ Nov 25 2019
🚨︎ report
A Unique Case of Silent Sinus Syndrome
πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/JollySieg
πŸ“…︎ Feb 28 2020
🚨︎ report
Anyone else here with an Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia diagnosis? Feeling like I'm crazy and I'm not actually sick, just lazy and out of shape

Literally carrying my laundry up a flight of stairs makes me need to stop and breathe because of the bad heart palpitations. I feel like I'm going crazy! I've never met anyone else with this condition and it's been affecting me for years without me knowing :/

πŸ‘︎ 13
πŸ“…︎ Jun 18 2020
🚨︎ report
ELI5: Why do your muscles ache when you’re sick? What about a sinus infection or the cold targets the muscles and skeletal system?
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πŸ‘€︎ u/moviesandmusic
πŸ“…︎ Dec 30 2019
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πŸ‘︎ 11
πŸ‘€︎ u/FACastello
πŸ“…︎ Sep 19 2019
🚨︎ report
I have Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Yesterday was my 5th sinus surgery and 16th overall surgery! I am very exhausted and so sick of all this πŸ˜”
πŸ‘︎ 40
πŸ‘€︎ u/eritated
πŸ“…︎ Sep 04 2020
🚨︎ report
Is this Silent Sinus Syndrome ? images included

I’ve been so unbelievably insecure about my eye for the past 5 years and now i’m like 70% sure i have finally found the cause: Silent Sinus Syndrome. When looking at all the pictures on google + the symptoms it’s all matching!!

I would like to know what you guys think? Do you think i’m right or wrong?

I went to my GP and she told me my left eye is asymmetric because of Blepharitis..idk if i believe that. She gave me eyedrops, told me how to take care of it and send me away :/ This happened 3 times. But literally my whole eye ball is going down, i don’t think that’s because of Blepharitis?

Getting progressively worse

Some of my other symptoms are (i’m sure not every symptom is due to SSS):

-So i’m originally a mouth breather, i thought my face was asymmetrical because of that so i’m breathing the correct way now (through my nose, teeth together and tong up) and that’s when i feel alot of tightness and unevenness on one side

-I sometimes have a clicking sound when blinking

-my eyesight is worse on my left eye then my right eye

-Both of my eyes open, like 1 cm, when i’m sleeping (the left side a bit more). I had this since i was little so i don’t know if it’s related

-I had LOTS of problems when i was little with my nose and ears. I honestly don’t really remember what the issues were but i do know i once had a surgery on my nose because of my nose tonsils and twice on my throat because of my throat tonsils

-Had and still have alot of issues with my ears, lots of ear infections. Had a couple of ear surgery to place a tube (?), don’t know how many

-When i swallow both of my ears make a popping sound most of the time

-There is alway liquid coming out of both of my ears when i clean my ears with q tips (I KNOW ITS BAD, ill stop😭)

-My nose is noticeable crooked, my mom says it’s cuz of the surgery they did on my nose tonsils but idk?

-I’m allergic to pollen (hay fever) + dust mites

-Till 5 years ago i always had fat bags under my eyes (see my oldest picture) and now it’s kind of gone and i have a deep under line especially under my left eye

-I have double vision when i focus my eyes on one point, when i blink it’s normal again

-I’m pretty sure i have a chronic stuffy nose


Height: 1.77m
Weight: 70
Race: White

*i posted this before, but didn’t include some of my other symptoms, sorry if ur reading this twice

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/MedicalHelp333
πŸ“…︎ May 06 2021
🚨︎ report
Is this Silent Sinus Syndrome ?

I’ve been so unbelievably insecure about my eye for the past 5 years and now i’m like 70% sure i have finally found the cause: Silent Sinus Syndrome. When looking at all the pictures on google + the symptoms it’s all matching!!

I would like to know what you guys think? Do you think i’m right or wrong?

I went to my GP and she told me my left eye is asymmetric because of Blepharitis..idk if i believe that. She gave me eyedrops, told me how to take care of it and send me away :/ This happened 3 times. But literally my whole eye ball is going down, i don’t think that’s because of Blepharitis?

Getting progressively worse


Height: 1.77m
Weight: 70
Race: White

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/MedicalHelp333
πŸ“…︎ May 06 2021
🚨︎ report
Silent sinus syndrome

Anyone else have this ?

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/saultarus
πŸ“…︎ Mar 28 2020
🚨︎ report

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