Beyler kiyamet kopcak kanal Istanbul protestosu 300den fazla polis var suan cogunun elinde silah ve kalkan hayatimda ilk kez canli olarak boyle bir sey gordum
👍︎ 990
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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My aunt is deeply entrenched in the Q nonsense, going so far as taking “Q” as her new surname. She’s on her tenth new Facebook page because of constantly being shut down.
👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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TIL 76% of Vietnamese people share only 6 surnames, with a full 38% of them having the surname Nguyen…
👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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👍︎ 5k
👤︎ u/BombCorp
📅︎ May 26 2021
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Interesting how some surnames come from professions, some from father’s names, some from locations, some from physical attributes etc.
👍︎ 58k
👤︎ u/Mr_wld
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Mihoyo, can you please name Kazuha without his surname, and also rename "Kazuha slash" to "Manyou no Ittou"? Kazuha slash feels unprofessional translation.

Title says everything. What will be next, Ayaka Storm?

The original Burst name was Manyou no Ittou. Has no sense to suddenly name something to English when everything else is named in Japanese.

EDIT: Thank you u/chouginga_hentai, u/darkALYE and u/KaliumNa to point this out.

When translating "Manyou no Ittou" to english, the translation could be any of these:

  1. Blade of Ten Thousand Leaves
  2. Ten Thousand Leaves' Slash
  3. Slash of Ten Thousand Leaves

However, by some weird reason, the English team decided to change it to "Kazuha Slash".

u/darkALYE mentioned that this is a pun due Manyou no Ittou's japanese kanjis being 万葉の一刀 (Manyou no Ittou), because Kazuha in kanji is also written as 万葉, but can be read either as Kazuha or as Manyou. "no Ittou" would been translated as "Slash", so that's why Mihoyo translated it as Kazuha Slash.

However, since all other names (Elemental Skill, Skill Effect, and Plunge effect names) are kept in Japanese, it is not logical at all to name the Elemental Burst as "Kazuha slash", so that's why I said that feels unprofessional to keep the japanese name on everything else, but not the Burst name, which is the Special Move of the character and the most iconic technique.

And regarding "Kaedehara Kazuha", I understand why is his surname kept, however, on the Team List it should been displayed just as "Kazuha", the same with Kamisato Ayaka once she is also released, mainly because seeing there the surname and name doesn't look good at all, the font turns very tiny, even show just Kaedehara alone could been a good choice.

👍︎ 3k
📅︎ Jun 29 2021
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Jennifer Sey Covid truther

Anyone else turned off by her constant tweet-whining regarding her kids not being able to pretend there isn't a pandemic. I loved her book and work with Athlete A. But now that she's been retweeting conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers, I have lost so much respect for her. Curious if anyone else has noticed.

👍︎ 39
📅︎ Jun 23 2021
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Japanese court says married couples must stick to single surname…
👍︎ 2k
👤︎ u/FenrirIII
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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What surnames are indicative of ancestry from your country?

I’m from Canada but my boyfriend is French, and he can often guess where someone is from based on their last name. I think this is super cool and would love to hear some tips so I can keep up with him!

For instance, he once mentioned something like surnames ending in “-escu” and some others are indicative of Romanian ancestry. I could be recalling that incorrectly, but stuff like that I find very cool and I would love to hear some from your country! Please don’t hesitate to say obvious ones, too. :)

👍︎ 375
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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76% of Vietnamese people share only 6 surnames, with a full 38% of them having the surname Nguyen…
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Allahın yoktan bir sey yaratmaması

Simdiye kadar okuduğum ayetlerde hocaların anlattığı hikayelerde orada burada hiçbir zaman allahin bir şeyi yoktan var ettiğini görmedim. Yani insanı topraktan meleği nurdan ruhu kendinden üflüyor vs vs. Peki hiç parmağını şıklatıp puf diye yoktan var ettiğini söylediği bir yer var mı?

👍︎ 33
👤︎ u/Nebitoo
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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LGBT bireyler hakkinda hic bir sey bilmedigi onlara reçete yazan musluman....
👍︎ 27
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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[AS] Yannick Carrasco vs. Portugal, "in the name of the mother": Born to a Spanish mother and Portuguese father in Belgium, he removed his father's surname Ferreira as he abandoned them when Carrasco was 3. The match vs. Portugal will be played in Seville, his grandmother's hometown.…
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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Gordon ‘Ram’sey gets some help from Sanji and Zuko. What crossover is next?
👍︎ 651
👤︎ u/ADjackson1
📅︎ May 23 2021
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Strange increase in NFL players with surnames starting with the letter O.

In the second round of this past NFL draft, I noticed that three players whose surname began with O were drafted in a span of five picks. I thought that was a strange coincidence. But it inspired me to check out this page:

Eyeballing it, it seemed that quite a large percentage of the players were active in the league. I decided to graph it out.

Roster sizes have remained the same since 2011, so here's the graph of the number of active players whose surname starts with O, for every year since then. That is to say, there were 27 active O-named players in the league in 2011. And there were 48 in the league in 2020. A 78% jump, and I have no idea why.

This data, of course, is just as useless as that neck size to passing yards graph, but at least this data is real.

👍︎ 716
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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ekranda gördügünüz seye 4.50 tl verdim amk
👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/UtkuUrhan
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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"And dey sey..." What are the best/worst voice lines?

As the title says, what do you think are the best/worst/most annoying voice lines to use when you dunk on someone?

I hate it when people spam them non stop, even without doing anything noteworthy. I don't even think there's a way to mute someone from doing it. I swear if I have to spend one more game hearing "Can't stop, won't stop" over all the audio queues, I'm going to lose it.

I personally think shorter voice lines are better. "Boop" for Sombra, "Catch Phrase" for Rein, "Next" for Reaper, "Chill Out" for Mei. Maximum tilt guaranteed.

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/bionix90
📅︎ Jun 27 2021
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[OC] Distribution of the surname Ryan according to the 1901 census of Ireland
👍︎ 22k
👤︎ u/Barra79
📅︎ May 09 2021
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Son zamanlarda sikca farkettim sey aktif olanlar bakabilir mi ?

Erdoganin konusmalari artik bir anlam ifade etmiyor .Yani gelen sorulara verdigi cevaplarim ciddin hicbir anlami olmuyor (Ekrandan okuduklari haric ) Cidden mesela genclerle bulusuyor veya kendi konusma yapiyorken dedikleri bir anlam ifade etmiyor . Sadece aklina gelen birkac kelimeyi soyluyor gibi . Bunu Tek farkeden Ben olamam yaslilik olabilir ama gecenlerde uzun sure sonra TV izliyim dedim Adam o kadar konustu ama hicbir sey soylemedi nasil oluyor aklim almiyor

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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I'm over surname names... I mean Griggs?
👍︎ 520
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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TIL Texas politician and rancher Samuel A. Maverick, who refused to brand his cattle and consequently saw his own surname immortalized as a brand for those independent few who refuse to follow the precepts of social order.…
👍︎ 4k
👤︎ u/aim179
📅︎ Jun 06 2021
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👍︎ 231
📅︎ Apr 21 2021
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sey arkadaslar uyuyamiyorum yastigimla bana iyi geceler dermisiniz 🥺👉👈
👍︎ 110
👤︎ u/ReoCranel
📅︎ May 31 2021
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Bizim kimya hocası ilk olarak verdiği bilgi yanlis ikinci olarak verdiği ayette bu söylediği sey hakkinda hic bir sey yok son olarak ayette dogru değil ve ben bu postu dersteyken atıyorum bu adamın dersini dinlemek zorundayım.(Kaydirmalı)
👍︎ 62
📅︎ Jun 03 2021
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AITA For Telling My Grown Son Why He Didn't Grow Up With His Father's Surname?

Throwaway Account

I (44f) was in a toxic relationship. My ex "Joe" (49m) met me when I was 15 and we started dating when I was 18. My mom was against the relationship and I moved in with at 19 because I thought that since she was never married she didn't know what she was talking about. I won't go into more details but eventually I wised up, reconciled with my mom, and moved away. Not that Joe made it easy.

I later met my other ex "Eric" (45m) and I told him about Joe and said that he might reach out to him. I warned him that Joe was a liar and just a terrible person. Fast forward to me being 7 months pregnant with our son "AJ" (20m). This was my first pregnancy and I was very nervous because it wasn't planned. I was worried that Eric would leave me after the baby was born and constantly asked him to reassure me that no matter what happened he'd still be here. Eric always did until one day he didn't and I started noticing that he was becoming distant.

Eventually he told me that Joe reached out to him and showed him pictures of him engaging in "adult acts" with a woman and said that it was me and that he was my baby's father. You can't identify who the woman is so Eric brushed it off at first but then he thought about how I was always getting him to promise me that no matter what happened he would never leave me, and now he had doubt. I told him the reasons why I needed to hear him say he'd stay, reminded him how crazy Joe was and even got others to back up my story, and told him that I don't even want to talk to Joe let alone be near him.

Eric said that he understood but, to ease his mind, he wanted a DNA test. I was upset and very insulted and asked what if I ever did anything to make him believe that I was a cheater. Eric admitted that I never gave him a reason so I said that there would be no test. We got into a fight and Eric said that he refused to sign the BC until a DNA test was done. I was hurt and moved out. I didn't talk to him and gave birth with my mom by my side. We took the test and Eric was the father, he tried to apologize but I didn't want to hear it. I would never deny access to our son but I felt like he wasn't reliable so I gave our son my surname so that incase Eric left him then my son wouldn't have to deal with his own name being a reminder of the father who might abandon him.

Now that AJ is a legal adult he said he was interested in taking Eric's surname and I was fine with that but he asked me why he never had his dad's name i

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 1k
📅︎ May 20 2021
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Passive aggressively removing my surname from our baby's double-barelled name

Not a massively serious one here, just a short rant about passive aggressive notes and texts.

I'm 40+2 (come on baby!!) and am receiving the inevitable daily/hourly messages from both sides of grandparents essentially asking whether we've had the baby yet (yes because of course that's the sort of thing we'd just forget to mention... also we texted you back 45 minutes ago and no we haven't had it since then).

The actual rant is about how MIL keeps tactfully removing my surname when she refers to our baby - we don't know if it's a girl or a boy and they get regularly referred to as 'baby OPSurname-SOSurname' as they will have both our names double barrelled (the names go well together and are both short so that's not the issue). Whenever MIL texts she always drops my surname from it and it's so obvious she does it. I always respond politely and just reinclude my surname.. she still doesn't seem to get the point.

She dropped round a disgusting 40+ year old baby towel for us yesterday (as a wonderful thoughtful gift) along with a note, again referring to our baby as 'baby SOSurname'.

I'm not losing sleep over this as I find it almost amusing at this point and baby will be registered with the double barrelled surname regardless so it's sort of a moot point. I just wish I knew what was in her head and why she does it, it's clearly not accidental. I don't think she's brave enough to actually bring it up of she has an issue either (see my last post for spinal activity).

👍︎ 2k
📅︎ May 27 2021
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Surnames as first names?

I’m interested to know peoples opinions on surnames as first names. They seem to get a lot of hate on here and often called trendy, but they have a huge history in American culture, particularly southern culture. Especially women passing on their maiden names or other family names.

I personally grew up surrounded by surnames as firsts and never thought anything of it, until I joined this sub. I have always thought it was such a cool and meaningful tradition, and I love names that have an interesting history behind them. But honestly it sucks to see a part of your culture that you love being bashed all the time. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into a few comments?

So, what are your thoughts on surnames as firsts? If you hate them, why? Do you hate all surnames or just certain ones in particular?

Ones that are too out there like Whitman, Collier, Montgomery, etc?

Just sick of seeing the same names over and over? Like Jackson, Blakely, Collins, etc?

Do you consider any of them usable? Names that are somewhat established but not overused like Lawrence, Ellis, Bennett, etc? Or names that have already become well established like Tyler, Morgan, Blake?

I mean I get not liking them all, there are many in particular that I don’t like. I’m just referring to the general outlook on them as a whole. Whether you like them, hate them, or are indifferent.

Whatever your take is, I’m interested to hear it!

👍︎ 80
👤︎ u/kokomodo93
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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As I do not have a surname, bank decided to give me one
👍︎ 43k
📅︎ Mar 23 2021
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People without surnames, what do you publish as?

Just curious. I don’t have a surname; my name is in the form [given name] [child of] [father’s name], and I publish as [given name] [father’s name]. What do other people do?

Edit 1: For those asking “how could someone not have a surname”, I gave a few examples in a comment here, and other commenters have given examples from other cultures as well!

Edit 2: I’m aware of the options available and of the great thing that’s ORCID — was just curious what other people do :)

👍︎ 162
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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👍︎ 36
👤︎ u/xsimor
📅︎ Jun 12 2021
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Countries in the 2021 Euros, What do your player’s surnames mean in English?

Just curious, since we see so many different languages. I know not all names have a meaning/can be translated but I’m sure some can.

👍︎ 70
📅︎ Jun 25 2021
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nanköwlük etmesinler beni konustuwmayin yani ben çok sey biliyowum detaylawa giwewim altından kalkamazsınız
👍︎ 14
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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Olum magnum efsane bir sey değil mi amk? O dışındaki çikolatanın kalitesi ahhh. bir de çakması var magnumun, adını unuttum. Onun da çikolatası güzel hepsini tercih ederim amk. Hepsi aşırı güzel keşke sabah akşam magnum yiyebilseydim.
👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Omercanafl
📅︎ Jun 13 2021
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What are some obscure words that could double as a surname?

Something that is an uncommon word with a specific meaning, for example:

Kismet - destiny or fate

Overmorrow - the day after tomorrow

Doesn't have to be an English word either!

👍︎ 237
📅︎ Jun 16 2021
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Bir insandan nefret etmek bu kadar kolay bir sey mi? İnsanlar gerçekten iğrenç varlıklar. Başkalarından nefret etmek için sebep arıyorlar. Egolarını tatmin etmek için insanlara sallamaya da bayılıyorlar. Hadi kendimi geçtim bana karşı koyamıyorlar ama kendini savunamayan bir birey böyle seylere...

maruz kaldıgında psikolojisi bozuluyordur. Bakın, o kişiler var ve biz onları net bir şekilde gözleyemiyoruz çünkü o kişiler toplumdan dışlanıyor! İnsanlar bunu farketmiyor bile ama bir hayat bitiyor. (İntihar bile edebilirler)

👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/Omercanafl
📅︎ May 27 2021
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Hey guys I was watching the Polish National team rn and I remembered this guy so I have a question: is it easy for you people to pronounce his surname or it's the same difficulty as it is for the rest of us?
👍︎ 145
📅︎ Jun 19 2021
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Change your last name to "thief." Proceed to become a master criminal and steal whatever you want. You can't be prosecuted, as it will be impossible for the prosecution to give you a fair trial. Any potential juror will automatically be biased against you due to your surname.
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jun 07 2021
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¿How common are Basque Surnames in your country?

A little list, obviously not all of them:

Zúñiga, Zubieta, Zárate, Zamudio, Vizcaíno, Vergara, Veloza, Velazco, Velásquez, Velandia, Vargas, Valenzuela, Useche, Uscátegui, Urrutia, Uriza, Uricoechea, Mendoza, Leguizamón, Giménez, Goyeneche, Gorraiz, Godoy, Garay, Gaona, Gamboa, Galindo, Espitia, Eraso, Duarte, Chacón, Contreras, Cárdenas, Borda, Bolívar, Bohórquez, Bernal, Bayona, Atehortúa, Ayala, Avendaño, Arévalo, Araque, Amaya, Aguirre, Ibarra, Iriarte, Mendieta, Mojica, Muñóz, Olave, Olano, Orozco, Ortega, Ortíz, Ospina, Otálora, Ricaurte, Suescú

Here they are too fucking common, while this is backed historically, since basques went a lot to Antioquia and the southern cone, specially Chile, i wonder if elsewhere this surnames are common

also basques are believed to form a secret aristocracy that controls the continent but let´s ignore that

👍︎ 66
👤︎ u/Loudi2918
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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boyle bir sey mumkun olabilir mi ya
👍︎ 44
👤︎ u/xexxu
📅︎ May 25 2021
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Rouhani mishandled everything while Seyed Raisi is helping everything. Raisi was definitely a good pick…
👍︎ 18
📅︎ Jun 23 2021
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BF's Narc Mother mad cause my son won't have HER surname

Do not steal this post, thanks

So I've made some posts prior to this about my bfs mother that absolutely loooves inserting herself into everything and making everything about her.

Well yesterday for the 1st time bf stood up to her😳

She was giving him the "silent treatment" for a few days cause he didn't come over to see her on demand as he had work to do, that didn't last long as she wouldn't stop ringing him NON STOP yesterday.

I don't know the whole conversation and he didn't tell me all of it but basically she was saying how he hasn't seen her in a month and what has she done to deserve this...he told her he saw her last week, but she said no that wasn't enough you only saw me for an hour!! Saying how there HAS to be a bigger reason to why he hasn't seen her, he told her that he has his own life and he's been busy. She was trying to manipulate him saying that she feels "let down and disappointed" because he doesn't want to see her everytime she demands to (which is like twice a week..)

Then ofc she had to bring up her dear grandchild into it how she won't see him often because her son doesn't even want to see her....and he said well you won't see him on demand no but you can still be involved. They were going back and forth about that and he said that we have our own lives. Then she said "well I want to be an important person in my grandchild's life!!" And he replied "it depends what you mean by important" definitely did not expect him to be that blunt but he is 100% right since she feels like she's going to be the 3rd parent, not happening.

Idk what else was said but she still was trying to guilt trip him because she wasn't getting the responses she wanted, saying how he isn't the same like he was before and that she feels like she's not a part of his life anymore 🙄🙄 then ofc she started crying.

The only thing that changed is that he's going to be a father...they were never really that close, she's only been demanding for him to see her this often since I got pregnant.

I told him this whole thing was her trying to emotionally manipulate him, I felt bad because he looked very stressed. I don't understand why these narcissists behave this way, as soon as they don't hear what they want to they make you feel bad like you're the one that's being unreasonable.

And Today, oh boy

She called him and started talking about our unborn child again. She asked bf what our son's full name will be and he told her, she got angry and said why is the surna

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 283
📅︎ Jun 21 2021
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Is it possible to find out my original African surname?

can anyone help me out? I’m an African-American trying to explore my African roots, and I’m looking for ways to trace back to my origin. I’ve always wanted to find out what my surname would’ve been. I want to find at least an original African ancestor or relative of mine, if any. Also, I tried to explain & title this the best I could I hope y’all understand lol.

👍︎ 103
📅︎ Jun 23 2021
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Dr. Seyed Mohamad-Bagher Malaek speaking about an aviation disaster in persian language.
👍︎ 62
📅︎ Jun 10 2021
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Is T shirt post a scam? Someone trying to snatch for extra cash on the weekend? Two bots in 20~ minutes of commenting I wanted a shirt? Wtf, stopped messaging me so far, (I don't think OP of shirt post is the scammer per sey, likely someone trying to hijack his popular post)
👍︎ 8
📅︎ Jun 26 2021
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modum çok düsük önerebileceginiz bir sey var mı?

20 gün kaldı sinava. gittigim kursun denemeleri devam ediyor. netlerim iyi degil. konularda eksiklerim cok ozellikle ayt kulvarında. sinava girip cikacagim ve buyuk ihtimalle mezuna kalacagim ( imkanim var) ama su siralar cok bitkin ve zihinsel olarak dağınık, dengesiz hissediyorum. sedef hastaligim var ve stresli olunca asiri kötülesiyor el ve ayak hareketlerimi kisitlayabiliyor bazen. 2 aydır evde agirliklarla spor yapiyorum, karın calisiyorum bir sekilde enerjimi atmaya calisiyorum. sinav yaklastigi icin reel arkadasimla gorusemiyoruz uzun süredir, kurstakilerle konusmuyoruz, ailemle gunde maks 15 dakika sohbetimiz oluyor. boslukta suzuluyor gibiyim bir nebze daha iyi hissetmem icin bir sey onerebilir misiniz su an icin?

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jun 04 2021
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[Wolves] How to pronounce Bruno Lage's surname…
👍︎ 276
👤︎ u/Feixas
📅︎ Jun 09 2021
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Arkadaslar aklima bi sey takildi, mesela latin alfabesi kullanıyoruz. İsvec yasasına göre evleniyormusuz( bunu bilmiyordum) arastirmak istiyorum ama nasil arastirabilirim yani bu seylerin bi katogerisi veya herhangi bir seyi var mi ? Anlamadıgim bi konu o yüzden boyle cahilce yazdim lutfen yardim !!
👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/str311
📅︎ Jun 11 2021
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