Happy 10th anniversary to Phineas and Ferb! The first episode, "Rollercoaster", premiered on August 17, 2007. youtu.be/gtu7XgbMJJM
👍︎ 64
📅︎ Aug 17 2017
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Just a warning/PSA: I know some people have been talking about it, but some TV shows are out of order. Take Phineas & Ferb, for example. The famous rollercoaster episode is listed as the 8th episode instead of the 1st.
👍︎ 166
📅︎ Nov 12 2019
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Anyone remember the old Phineas and Ferb Rollercoaster designer?

When I was but a wee little lad, I would go on Disney.com, and there was an amazing game. Phineas and Ferb Rollercoaster Designer. You could share your tracks and play other peoples tracks and it was one hug pile of awesome. People did some crazy stuff with loops on that game. But, as we all know, a good thing that has anything to do with Disney won't last long. And lo and behold, one day I log in to Disney.com and see this piece of crap. I really hope Disney will bring back the old game.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Oct 12 2015
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[Fan content] Ikki and Meelo comic: the rollercoaster (a parody o Phineas and Ferb) hiverstone.deviantart.com…
👍︎ 21
👤︎ u/hiverstone
📅︎ Oct 24 2015
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just a regular Phineas and Ferb alignment chart, nothing strange
👍︎ 234
📅︎ Oct 17 2021
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[Phineas and Ferb] Why is Linda so cavalier about her daughter's apparent delusions?
👍︎ 40
📅︎ Nov 03 2021
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Perry the Platypus vs Skipper the Penguin (Phineas and Ferb vs Penguins of Madagascar) "Kowalski, analysis" Battle between the two animal spies!
👍︎ 10
📅︎ Dec 02 2021
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Phineas and Ferb pre-theory

Like how Mat said that there's a new Phineas and Ferb theory coming in a month,I would like to see if the theory that I'm about to make could be the lore of what Mat is talking about,involving Doofenshmirtz.But maybe there could be another lore that maybe Mat could, or isn't going to tell us.So,we all know that the 2 bothers like to do something everyday, from building a rollercoaster, to even making a monster truck rally, which is weird how 2 young boys can start inventing right away.Even in every episodes grown up asks if there too young enough to do what they want to do.So,one of the lores could be that these 2 boys are probably sick,or getting over there age of adulthood when making these inventions.Only these 2 boys know what there going to build or do.And don't forget the fact that they get away with every invention they do before Candace snitches on them.So either the brothers are doing it because there bored or to fool around with there sister.But most of there inventions they use it to destroy the world and there community like making a monster truck rally that is the size of there whole neighborhood,or cover there entire neighborhood with cheese.So is it possible that the brothers are trying to conquer the world with there big brains, and big inventions that not even there friends are willing to tell there parents that 2 young kids at the age of 8 have the brain of Doof.Not even in there neighborhood are telling Phineas' parents what the boys said.This explains why also Doof is making a machine that ends with the suffix -inator.So,is this a competition on who can rule the world 1st with there machines, between Phineas and Ferb,and Doof.This could make sense because why would both of these characters make a different machine everyday.The most impressive part is that both of them have the materials to make these machines.So,that is one of the theories,a competition between the brothers and Doof to see who can make the best machine to rule the world 1st.But they always get away with every single days that's there biggest advantage yet.

Here's the 2nd theory link:


👍︎ 3
📅︎ Feb 26 2021
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I miss Phineas and Ferb
👍︎ 12k
📅︎ Apr 11 2021
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[Phineas and Ferb] How do Phineas and Ferb afford the things they build?

In Phineas and Ferb, it's a well-known feature of the show that the things Phineas and Ferb create are insane for a kid to make. In real life, the things they make would require a lot of technical know-how, and in some cases outright breaking the laws of physics. However, let's keep some suspension of disbelief. Maybe these kids know things that the leading scientists of today don't. The real question is: how do they get the money for it?

Roller coasters, rockets, and time machine parts costs money, don't they? NASA struggles to stay competitive in space with millions to billions of dollars, and although Phineas and Ferb are often shown dealing with contracts and legal paperwork, we never see money exchange hands. Who is paying for their builds?

Let me propose this: I think that the OWCA knew that if Phineas and Ferb got too bored over the summer, they'd want to play with their pet, Perry. If they're playing with Perry, Perry can't be out stopping Doofensmirtz. Therefore, the OWCA spends millions of dollars allowing Phineas and Ferb to get unlimited amounts of materials for the cost of a kid's allowance, preventing them from ever paying attention to Perry except for the two lines in each episode where Phineas acknowledges Perry's existence briefly in-between planning his big moon mission or giant robot fight. This may explain why the OWCA always has budget cuts, despite being a federally-funded agency: because they're spending way too much on helping Phineas and Ferb break the laws of physics. On another hand, the OWCA could very well use Phineas and Ferb's research to create new gadgets for its agency,

👍︎ 512
📅︎ Nov 19 2017
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A Phineas and Ferb Parallel Universe Theory; or, the issues with Act Your Age

I was surprised at how many people liked my explanation of Doofenshmirtz's timeline, so I figured I'd share a long-standing crack theory that I actually believe in now. Act Your Age (AYA from now on), the special which shows them "ten years in the future", is set in a different universe then the main series. Specifically, it is an offshoot of the original "Rollercoaster" episode.


Phineas and Ferb has always played it fast and loose with the timeline, with their 104 days of summer vacation. The creators have confirmed that the show takes place over multiple summers, some days have more then one project, and that the release order isn't necessarily chronological, to try and remedy this. And usually, that's enough. But AYA is when it really starts to fall apart.

An official age was never given for either of the boys, as they wanted to let all kids identify with them. All we can do is make rough estimates based off of official information - they're younger then 15, and were toddlers in the 90's . The contradictions start to come here - twenty years after the main series, they are thirty years old (as confirmed in Quantum Boogaloo). But in AYA, which is ten years after the main series, they're 17-18, since they're applying to college.

The original Rollercoaster episode also lacks something that should be in the canon timeline - the future Candace's, as seen in Rollercoaster: The Musical. In that episode, we do know that they've built a Rollercoaster twice - but what if we haven't actually seen the first time they built the Rollercoaster in this timeline?

Parallel universe's are used plenty of times in Phineas and Ferb. The original Rollercoaster, being the pilot episode, has some odd details that could be chalked up to being alternate universe. They could be 7 in this timeline (I'll refer to it as the AYA timeline from now on), and 10 in the Rollercoaster: The Musical timeline (R:TM from now on). That way, AYA can be ten years in the future and have them at 17, and Quantum Boogaloo can have them be 30 years old in twenty yea

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 65
📅︎ Aug 05 2018
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Favourite Phineas and Ferb song?
👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/Yophop123
📅︎ Feb 15 2018
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Bowling for Soup fans, did you first hear about them because of Phineas and Ferb?
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Jul 06 2021
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Any ideas for a Phineas and Ferb ride?

Now that the show has ended, I've been wondering if Disney is going to do anything else with the franchise? It seems to me that a ride based on the show is a slam dunk idea. There's endless possibilities. What do you guys think are some of the choices? Do you think Disney will actually build one?

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jun 29 2019
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Day 65! Phineas and Ferb but it's the Skywalker Family
👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Sep 01 2020
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Def not another phineas and ferb meme to annoy Felix
👍︎ 36k
👤︎ u/im2rad4u
📅︎ Aug 13 2019
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[Phineas and Ferb] Stressabella joins the resistance v.redd.it/dol9nn08o1d61
👍︎ 239
📅︎ Jan 23 2021
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The Total Drama casts favourite Phineas and Ferb character
👍︎ 44
👤︎ u/Poely001
📅︎ Feb 16 2021
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Phineas and ferb is the biggest reason why people remember what an aglet is
👍︎ 15k
👤︎ u/im_a_hill
📅︎ Jul 03 2019
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Anyone else thought Phineas and Ferb was the shit 👌

Maybe just me but that was my favourite show growing up 🤷‍♂️

👍︎ 15k
👤︎ u/Chief_Cat
📅︎ Apr 14 2019
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Mom, phineas and ferb are on lwiay
👍︎ 26k
📅︎ Sep 15 2019
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Peepeepoopoo was in Phineas and Ferb
👍︎ 39k
📅︎ Aug 13 2019
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Milo Murphy's Law might be set in the same universe as Phineas and Ferb

This may sound crazy but hear me out

.Milo has Perry pajamas

.A background character sings part of the meatloaf song

.the rollercoaster appears in a flashback

.Dr Doofenshmirtz is Professor Time

*Inspired by [this] (https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyFanTheories/comments/2abwrv/in_the_show_phineas_and_ferb_candace_is_actuallly/)

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Aug 08 2018
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Blue shirt kid from Phineas and Ferb was so popular they made him in real life
👍︎ 24k
👤︎ u/KaarDanaV
📅︎ Aug 14 2019
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First was phineas now it’s ferb
👍︎ 24
📅︎ Nov 01 2021
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Guys Cmon we’re gonna be late for phineas and ferb the movie: across the second dimension!
👍︎ 44
👤︎ u/Coderkid01
📅︎ Feb 04 2021
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I spent about 4 hours making the ultimate childhood crossover, minecraft x phineas and ferb. I think i did pretty well
👍︎ 12k
👤︎ u/lilnicky10
📅︎ Jun 26 2019
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Phineas and Ferb will kill thanos in endgame

Ok, so hear me out. In the Phineas and Ferb movie they create a dimensional portal device that sets off the whole movie and they have also created some of the most powerful superweapons known to man. Phineas and Ferb would obviously be able to murder thanos with absolute ease using the arsenal of deadly weapons that give them the power of every single avenger combined, such as a off brand Ironman suit or a potion that is so potent it caused the entire universe to be enlarged. They have even made 2 fighting mechs out of a treehouse that are the size of a building. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Apr 21 2019
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Phineas and Ferb
👍︎ 6k
📅︎ Nov 14 2019
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Phineas and Ferb
👍︎ 16k
👤︎ u/Kscap4242
📅︎ Aug 14 2019
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String Theory (Worm) and Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) switch universes.

String Theory is a Tinker that prefers large-scale doomsday devices. All of her constructions have an inbuilt activation timer, from the moment she starts building; interrupting them result in a catastrophic misfire.

Doofenshmirtz is a mad scientist who's built a ton of stuff.

Round 1: String Theory finds herself in the middle of the Tri-State Area, with the construction materials from Phineas and Ferb's deconstructed rollercoaster. How much damage can she do to the Tri-State Area before being stopped by Agent P or his affiliates, the OWCA?

Round 2: Doof suddenly appears in Brockton Bay, with one fully functional -Inator of his choice. Can he rebuild Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc, or will he be thwarted by the local Protectorate?

Round 3: Heinz instead takes String Theory's place in the Birdcage, where Ingenue and Teacher both take an interest in him. Can Heinz avoid being brainwashed? If not, who gets to him first?

Round 4: After accidentally firing the Re-Good-Inator at herself, String Theory returns to the Worm universe two days before an Endbringer attack. Can she help drive off Leviathan before the aquifers under Brockton collapse?

👍︎ 32
👤︎ u/reaper7876
📅︎ Aug 02 2016
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Very flexible Phineas and Ferb template! (I would invest if I were you)
👍︎ 4k
👤︎ u/-Superclip
📅︎ Mar 04 2019
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News Channel shows Phineas and Ferb Rule 34 while talking about economics.
👍︎ 9k
📅︎ Dec 14 2018
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Phineas and Ferb - S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants) [HipHop] youtu.be/OID7gA8fcaw
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/mablox
📅︎ Dec 19 2019
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Phineas and ferb ft. Pewdipie
👍︎ 8k
📅︎ Feb 26 2020
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Phineas and Ferb Help

Organizing these episodes are a nightmare. There are 2 episodes in the one so called episode. For example, s1e1 has both "Rollercoaster" and "Candace Loses Her Head". On the TVDB however, they are listed as different episodes. Is there any way in plex that I can put both names in the same episode or do I have to do it all manually?

👍︎ 21
📅︎ Aug 22 2017
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Phineas and Ferb Memes Are Now Banned.

Afternoon, Re-rackers!

Unfortunately, we mods and Jordan himself have made a decision to put a block on all Phineas and Ferb memes. Similar to Gru memes, we are now going to put a block on them, even if they directly relate to Jordan as we feel they are overdone, uncreative, and not interesting to make it to the top 19, due to leaving Cap out of the fun. A subreddit video where he stares at a meme he does not understand for every post is not interesting.

Perhaps in the future we can allow them back once Jordan has watched the show, but for now we must put a block on all of them. If your post was slated for the top 19 and removed, we understand your frustration, but please know that this decision was made by the mod team and Jordan himself, along with an effort to restore the theme of this Subreddit back to its roots.

Thank you very much for understanding dudes, and as always, please make sure to review our Posting Guide to see what is allowed on your posts. We will be updating it shortly to add P&F memes.

👍︎ 608
👤︎ u/frostedair
📅︎ Jan 29 2020
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Phineas and Ferb memes are on the rise!!!
👍︎ 18k
👤︎ u/ajamil-
📅︎ Apr 15 2019
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Pewds’ meatball was so popular they put it into Phineas and Ferb!
👍︎ 16k
📅︎ Aug 13 2019
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Found in the first episode of Phineas and ferb
👍︎ 5k
👤︎ u/Squee-z
📅︎ Mar 29 2020
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How many of you learned the word aglet from Phineas and Ferb.

Honest answers only, please.

👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/Malman03
📅︎ Sep 17 2019
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Another phineas and Ferb meme
👍︎ 18k
📅︎ Aug 16 2019
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Pewdipie should watch phineas and ferb ngl quite a good show
👍︎ 11k
👤︎ u/TrashCan28
📅︎ Aug 22 2019
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We're gonna leave our mark with that A2C Phineas and Ferb song

I swear this is the last post about our A2C Phineas and Ferb song compilation project, at least until we're done with everything.

We've all been screwed over by Corona after applications and rejections just passed us through a tumbler. We've been through so much together even though I probably only know what 5 or 6 of you look like. And it just feels wrong for us to not leave a mark behind. That's what gave birth to this.

Now hear our update: we've gotten the lyrics set, the sheet music is done, all that's left is recording the lines. And we can't have a party without enough participants for a party.

Quick recap of what we're doing: each person will have 1 to 2 lines to sing, then I'll then compile the recordings of yourselves singing into a full video. Details are, again, in the linked post.

Feel free to ask about our project details in the comments. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join, so don't be shy! You don't even need to worry about not having the best singing voice because mine is definitely worse. If you're interested, leave a comment or pm me and I'll add you to our group chat!

Finally, good luck to us with our remaining decisions. Peace out!


Edit: just a quick addendum before I go to bed. We're assigning lyrics to participants on or slightly after Ivy Day, so until then just chill and chat. It's never too late to join, so don't hesitate!

👍︎ 263
📅︎ Mar 22 2020
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Agent.P is not the only reference of Phineas and Ferb in this update.
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Feb 03 2020
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Phineas and Ferb

Hey, are the Phineas and Ferb episodes out of order? I am trying to rewatch the entire series and normally the first episode is "Rollercoaster" but now that is episode 8. Sorry if this has been asked before.

👍︎ 11
📅︎ Mar 22 2020
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We almost literally have the summer from phineas and ferb

Months off school so lets go build a rollercoaster or something.

👍︎ 34
📅︎ Apr 02 2020
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The protagonist(s) of the last TV show/movie you watched comes to Phineas and Ferb for help.What happens next?
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Feb 03 2018
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Mom! Phineas and Ferb did _____!
👍︎ 467
📅︎ Jan 18 2020
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