A list of puns related to "MICA (missile)"
Am on standalone, latest open beta build, curious if anyone else is seeing this, if this a known thing or something
Was tinkering around with some of the AI aircraft. I had never really seen the Mirage 2000-5 or the Mica RF in a mission so wanted to see how it compared to some of the other modern missiles.
Setup is Jets nose hot, 20k feet, mach.8. Max range launch enabled. Target aircraft setup as a drone basically. Will not evade or engage, just fly straight and level.
Initial launch is at about 25-30NM (Basically identical to R27), but the missile just bleeds energy like crazy, even against a non maneuvering target.
To compare with the R27ER, the ER gets fired just a couple seconds before the Mica.
The R27 gets accelerated up to about 2500 knots when the motor turns off, the Mica 2600. When the R27 is at about 2000 Knots, which is not long after the rocket motor shuts off, the Mica is at 1350. R27 ~1500, the mica was at about 800. When the R27 is at 1000 knots, the Mica has already despawned from the game.
DCS Forum thread with a couple miz files: https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/288773-mica-rf-on-the-mirage-2000-5-bugged-bleeds-energy-like-crazy-less-then-10-nm-range/
TLDR: Braca Bogdanov, poznati francuski TV voditelji su dosli do doktorata bez ikakvog znanja i cinjenica koji podrzavaju njihove nalaze (kvazinauka). Mica Jovanovic je jedan od "akademika" koji ih je podrzavao i 2005. ih je postavio za sefove katedre za "kosmologiju" na Megatrendu.
Znao sam da je Megatrend glupost, ali ovo je skroz novi nivo, prosto da ne poveruje covek.
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