A list of puns related to "M79 grenade launcher"
I know, in theory, how this works, but I can't quite grok how it works. Ok, so there's a chamber behind it that makes it so that the entire expansion high-low, but I don't get what makes this unique. Isn't the amount of energy at once the same?
A bullet has all the kinetic force being applied at once, which means that it gradually loses energy as it travels through the air. A rocket has the kinetic energy being applied as it travels, so it gains velocity while it moves. What changes in the high-low system that gives that weird 'thump' sound and makes it special
You're a Super Mutant, chilling near West Tek doing super-mutant stuff like watching over the edge of the junkyard fortress or walking with the Mutant Hounds. Inbetween yelling "Appalachia Belongs To Super Mutants" and laughing, you hear it.
You have no time to react. 3 super mutants died at the same time and in the distance, you see him. A pathetic little human about 50 feet away and he is killing everything easy peasy. More whewew and shhhump, clunk sounds and it is just you who are left. He shoots his shot at you and hits but does barely any damage. You laugh at him and he points at you.
Omae wa mΕ shindeiru
"What?" You say.
You crumble into bits and pieces in a split second afterwards. He collects your 5 caps, a tibia, 12 5.56, and keeps moving inside to destroy the rest of the mutants.
The M79 Grenade Launcher defies the current meta and is the prime reason you should have fun and experiment. It shoots 2 shots but if you run 50 vats hit chance, you can fire from a super far distance and hit enemies. But they act differently when hit; when you swore you killed them, they take one step and literally crumble to pieces. M79 grenade launcher in VATs delays the death by like a split second and even when their health bars are barely down, it goes straight to 0. I run Demo Expert 5 and thr gun does 749 damage and thats excluding when you aim at legs in VATs which causes even more splash damage.
This gun is stupid fun to mess with, even if you're literally putting yourself at a disadvantage at every possible moment.
So I made a new character a few days ago with the intention of making him main explosives. I didnt want him to be a grenade chucker so I wanted him to use an explosive type gun. I intended for him to main the M79 grenade launcher but that gun is kinda crappy. The Missile launcher is heavy and the ammo is heavy ad well. Are there any other explosive weapons that are good? I know about getting the explosive legendary effect on a gun but I dont want to go that route. I want to use a true explosive type gun.Im lvl 25 now and if I cant find a viable solution I'll go laser weps because he has high INT
Jw what it would take to get one of these bad boys thanks π
LEGACY Unique IE25 Harpoon, JE250 Flamer, AAE50 Laser, IE range 419 The Dragon, AAEFMS range 395 Black Powder, TSE Guass Rifle,
Assault Rifle: AAE25lvc AAE15vf QE15r IEFMS E50vc25lvc I50vc15vf JE15vf J25ffr+P TS50lmd+P
Handmade: QE25lvc Q25ffr90 Med25ffr15r QBD25lvc Mut50vc25lvc Jug ReplenishAP 15vf F25ffr+P SupE25lvc Stalkers25ffr25lvc J50lmd15r MutE+A BE IE
Laser Rifle: V25ffr15r Jug50vc15vf
Laser Rifle (ultracite): V25ffr25lvc V50vc25lvc V50vhc15vf TS50vhc25lvc M25ffr50dr
Tesla: Q25ffr15r TS25ffr15r F25ffr25lvc V25ffr+A V25dwa50dr Q25dwa+A
Railway: AAE+P Q25ffr50dr ME250 M50vcFMS MedE15vf
The Fixer: Q25+P IEG J ReplenishAP 15vf J25dwa50dr V25dwaFMS F25ffr50dr G50vhc15vf Stalkers25ffr15r AA50vc V50vhc+P AABD15r AA50vhc50dr J50cFMS
Raidum: F50vc25lvc J50lmd25lvc
Hunting Rifle: AAEFMS AE15r AA25ffr15r B50vc15r BerE15vf Med50vc15vf FE25lvc J50vc25lvc B LEVEL 10
10mm Subbie: V25ffr15r V50vhc15r F25ffr15r E25ffr25lvc
Tommy Gun: AA25ffrFMS AAE V25ffr25lvc JE250 F25 Med50vc+A
Lever Action: Q50vc25lvc B50vc+P F25ffr250 Med50vc250
Pipe guns: TSE50dr bolt-action QE+A bolt-action QE15vf LEVEL 1 bolt-action QE+A Pipe Revolver F25ffr15r rifle
Black Powder Rifle: BerE15vf range BerE range I25dwaFMS range: 395
Gauss Rifle: AA50vc25lvc
Plasma Rifle: Stalkers50vc15r
50 Cal Machine Gun: AA25ffrFMS BerE15r IE J25dwa15r J25dwa50dr V25ffr25lvc V50BD90 ZE50dr
Gatling Laser: B25ffr50dr TS25ffr50dr J25ffr250 F25ffr15vf
LMG: TSE15r TS25dwa50dr F50vhc15r IE25lvc
Minigun: FE15r F25+A
Cryolators: Q25dwa15r V50vhc15r V25ffr+P V25dwa250
Flamer: Q25dwaFMS F25
Missile launcher: TS25ffr90
Auto Grenade Launcher: V25ffr250 J25dwa90
Fat Man: TS50vhc15vf
JE50dr combat BE250 combat TSE pump AA50vc15vf pump AA25ffr15vf QE+A pump QE250 pump TS ReplenishAP 15vf pump ME+P double AA50vc50dr combat Med50vc90 pump FEFMS pump I50vcFMS pump J50vc+A pump
Head: J LAST SHOT(it works on head) 15vf
Gamma Gun: Q50vc15vf
Melee: E ReplenishAP 25v Super Sledge
Looking for an M79 to complement a loadout I'm working on. Full stock version only, I have no interest in the sawed off version.
Before I start rolling for a Two-shot, Last Shot M79 I want to know if it is possible or not. Thanks for your time.
Mainly looking for other weapon offers as I don't use this version anymore. Thanks!
It's a double legacy no?
Thatβs it just an m79 grenade launcher from Vietnam
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