A list of puns related to "List of Night Gallery episodes"
Seasons ranked: 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 (Back half of S3 is probably the most flawless storytelling of the show, but I think S4 overall was more my jam).
Top 10 episodes:
Top 5 favorite characters:
Feel free to list your favorite episodes/characters as well, Iโm interested to see!
For those who have seen it, what episodes stood out to you? My favorites were "There aren't anymore Macbanes" (recently noticed that a pre-star wars Mark Hamill appeared in the episode), any episode with Vincent Price, "Pickman's Model", "The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes" and "The Messiah on Mott Street".
Unfortunately no fancy images this time! Would love for a set! Though it will probably go the way of Beebo. It looks like only a few were made for the prop binder. MAkes sense to have a few that they could reuse for filler to make the binder look big. Page Four has a few repeats.
The backs of the cards do have text:
Category: (Only one visible is Meta-Human)
If you enjoyed the Pickman Gallery quest in Fallout 4, you might enjoy this old episode of Night Gallery (the follow on show to the Twilight Zone)
Seeing the ever-growing interest in the NFT industry around the globe, a unique idea with immense potential was born. Baby Meta is here to revolutionize the way people view their NFTs and interact with them by creating a VR application that will literally bring people into the NFT world, to be able to see them in 3D in the metaverse, essentially turning it into a virtual art gallery for an overall more enhanced and immersive experience.
Poocoin ads are already running, while a Coinhunt promo spot is also secured. Lots of other marketing plans are in the works and can be found in the roadmap.
Already listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap on day 1!
First preview of how the the VR rooms will look like has been released on their official Twitter account. https://twitter.com/babymetacoin/status/1462424254998269953?s=20
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Initially added liquidity is locked for 1 year on Dxsale. Liquidity from transaction taxes will directly head to a burn address, making it inaccessible by anyone forever!
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Hope you enjoy Episode 1! Give us a follow on twitter over at @fnsCast if you want to hear more! In episode 1, we compare our lists of cards we wish were modern legal and talk a little about why Force of Will and Baleful Strix shouldn't be on these lists. We also break down the modern and standard metagames a bit and talk about what we'd play going into a big tournament in each format. Next episode expect to see us break down our choices for SCG Regionals, including some sweet spice I've been working on for a few weeks.
Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/fnsCast/status/1096973540018900992
Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-709587302/episode-1-top-10-cards-to-reprint-into-modern โฆ
The plot armor is the biggest issue with this episode. This show isnโt like mainstream movies and this whole episode is like them. Thereโs were various times where a character was pretty much dead and were saved immediately by one of he other main characters.
The one thing I wish they did was when Jon ran in and saw everyone being fairly close to death but still ran towards bran. This shouldโve been an important decision that had consequences, but still alll of them live.
Why would greyworm not die with the rest of his army, it makes way more sense for him to be dead right now.
Why didnโt the Dothraki have dragonglass. Why would they lead the attack without it.
In the post episode interviews one of the producers said they had Lyanna Mormont kill the giant cause people liked her. That is not a valid reason to have a small girl kill a giant.
There are barely any people left and somehow almost all main characters survived, it just doesnโt make any sense for how this show has been before.
There were way too many mainstream action movie tropes and thatโs the biggest episode with the last episode. I still love this show so much but I lost a little faith in the writers after this.
Mance: "I showed you everything I had, the whole army, 100,000 strong and what did you do? You fired on us with everything you had. It wasn't much. As soon as I saw that I sent 400 men to climb the Wall, an unmanned stretch five miles west of here."
Daenerys: "I didn't believe it until I saw them. I saw them all."
Jaime: "How many?"
Daenerys: "100,000 at least."
Jon: "The wildling army is only an army because of Mance. He united a hundred warring tribes. Without Mance they lose their leader, they lose their purpose, they go back to fighting each other, scatter back to their homes."
Sam: "Without Mance? You going to kill him?"
Jon: "I'm gonna try."
Sam: "They'll never let you within a hundred yards of him."
Jon: "The Night King made them all. They follow his command. If he falls... Getting to him may be our best chance." Jaime: "If that's true, he'll never expose himself."
Jojen: "If you're trapped in Summer for too long you'll forget what it was to be human."
Meera: "You'd forget us, Bran. You'd forget your mother and father, you'd forget your brothers and sisters, you'd forget Winterfell. You'd forget you, and if we lose you, we lose everything,"
Archmaester Ebrose: "In the Citadel we lead different lives for different reasons. We are this world's memories, Samwell Tarly. Without us, men would be little better than dogs."
Bran: "He'll come for me. He's tried before, many times, with many three eyed ravens."
Sam: "Why? What does he want?"
Bran: "An endless night. He wants to erase this world, and I am its memory."
Sam: "That's what death is, isn't it? Forgetting, being forgotten. If we forget where we've been and what we've done, we're not men anymore. Just animals.
Three Eyed Raven: "He touched you. He knows you are here. He'll come for you."
Tyrion: "How will he find you?"
Bran: "His mark is on me. He always knows where I am."
Mance: "When I give the signal, hit them in the night. They've got a big old wall to hide behind, but it only guards one side."
Orell: "How will we see your signal?"
Mance: Send your eagle above the Wall every night. **When it's time
... keep reading on reddit โกI canโt believe this show never gets any love. No longer on NBC app, not on nbc.com, not on peacock, itโs like they want this show to disappear lol
So over winter break, I plan to binge a bunch of romance anime and to binge scooby do, however I need a list of all the winter and Christmas episodes and movies, i could search for them manually but I would like to save the time for my scooby do
Mr Jefferson as Peter Pan, Cartman giving aids, turning Cartman into a Ginger,โฆโฆetc.
There was a painting behind the check-in desk. It was a bedroomโฆ
I donโt know why, but I was captivated by this. Anyone know what the name of that piece is? Or even something like it??
If you area Lovecraft fan an have not seen the Pickman's Model episode of Night Gallery, you need to! It is fantastic, easily 10/10. The screenplay is excellent, the acting top notch, the sets believable and there is enough of a Lovecraft vibe throughout the whole thing to feed the apitiite of the hungriest Lovecraft fan. The representations of Pickman's art (including the classic "Ghoul Feeding!) are right on the money. The only possible drawback is the main creature looks a little hokey, as you might imagine as it is the product of a low-budget early 70s TV show. I kind of like it because I'm a fan of man-in-a-suit type monsters.
If this has already been discussed here,please forgive me, but I'm ridinga high right now.
I've tried to google it and I can't find anything...I can't even buy just the episode so I can listen again.
sober, drunk or high i enjoy this episode. i hope you do too. just wanted to shout-out this episode haha.
... of known valyrian steel blades and whose possession they are currently in.
The ones I remember
u/Spiel88 provided this list; doesn't have any spoilers
Can anyone help fill in the rest?
my holy grail is 'how i met your mother'. the series has been with me for little over a year, but it's grown closer to me than any human being. I watch it all the time. I watch it in school, I watch it when I get home, during the day, and I fall asleep to it. the soundtrack is so utterly comforting and even on my worst nights (today being one of them, hello there!) the show always manages to make me smile and to give me the comfort that nobody else can. I rarely watch anything else. it has become so familiar (and not at all boring) that I can leave it playing in the background while studying and it actually helps me concentrate. in the past, music did this for me, but music rarely made me laugh again.
get something that gets to you and your emotions, but can make you laugh too. just something that disconnects you from the world and makes the imagination of it a better place. dedicate your bad times to this and you might be able deal with them better.
[himym is an exceptional pick for that, actually, just recommending. I can't safely say that this will work for everyone, but as somebody who has been suicidal ever since the age of 5 and always needed a reliability, this has been the most important and impacting thing for me and I hope it will help just one person out there. it's not worked every time and I've had some attempts still, but, you know, you gotta try.]
'12' repeating 4's nose touch.
Capaldi's opening statement was similar to one Tennant made.
And before Smith started to regenerate I felt like he was very similar to 1, even in appearance.
I know I thought of more last night, but I'm drawing a blank. Will add more later if others haven't already added them.
-Kilroy Was Here (Before)
-Be Here Now (Before)
-Van Halen III (After)
-Mardi Gras (Before)
-Cut The Crap (Before)
-Summer In Paradise (After)
-Two The Hard Way (Before)
-Funstyle (After)
-St Anger (Before)
-Turn It Upside Down (After)
-Passage (After)
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