José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a., Chino Antrax
👍︎ 91
📅︎ Dec 21 2021
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a., Chino Antrax
👍︎ 157
📅︎ Nov 23 2021
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a, Chino Antrax's House
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Aug 17 2021
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a., Chino Antrax
👍︎ 150
📅︎ Oct 13 2020
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a., Chino Antrax
👍︎ 76
📅︎ Sep 08 2020
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a., Chino Antrax
👍︎ 83
📅︎ Sep 28 2020
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa
👍︎ 44
📅︎ Sep 24 2020
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a., Chino Antrax (2020)
👍︎ 327
📅︎ Dec 01 2020
🚨︎ report
José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa a.k.a., Chino Antrax
👍︎ 70
📅︎ Sep 03 2020
🚨︎ report
Em SP, Lula tem 32% e Bolsonaro, 28%, Ciro, 9% e Doria, 8%, diz pesquisa Ipespe. Na sequência, aparecem o apresentador José Luiz Datena (PSL), com 6%, o ex-ministro Luiz Henrique Mandetta (DEM), com 5% e o presidente do Senado, Rodrigo Pacheco (DEM-MG), com 1%…
👍︎ 30
👤︎ u/Seromelhor
📅︎ Sep 03 2021
🚨︎ report
(PHOTO) Chino Antrax Escapes Custody in San Diego; High level Cartel de Sinaloa (CDS) Sicario escapes; Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa known as “El Chino Antrax” has violated the terms of his federal probation; El Chapo's Top enforcer in the wind (Newer photo)
👍︎ 10
📅︎ May 14 2020
🚨︎ report
🚨 alerta de humor refinado🚨 Viu a brecha e atacou como uma serpente 👏👏 Post de Rodrigo Serrante, José Elias Garcia e Esau Moreira do grupo no FB 😘 #UhVaiMorrer #uvm20K #MMA #UFCnoCombate #UFCBrasil
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Sep 07 2021
🚨︎ report
Raquel Dodge exclui da Lava Jato procuradores que prometera manter. Entre os afastados, está Rodrigo Telles, que liderava as investigações contra o senador José Agripino, aliado do presidente Michel Temer; a nova procuradora-geral nomeou Luciano Maia, primo de Agripino, como seu vice…
👍︎ 254
📅︎ Sep 17 2017
🚨︎ report
My sweet babies José and Rodrigo.
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Aug 16 2019
🚨︎ report
Craque Neto blasts Brazil coach:"Neto,William José,Talisca,Rodrigo Caio,Taisson,the guy scored only two goals this year,Thiago Silva, he is a crybaby, are you joking ?In 06 was a messy, full of caipirinhas,in 10 the players rent a house to prostitutes,we are going to lose another WC because of you.
👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/apa1010
📅︎ Mar 13 2018
🚨︎ report
Uruguay Press reporting uruguay lineup vs Saudi will be Fernando Muslera; Guillermo Varela, Diego Godín, José María Giménez and Martín Cáceres; Carlos Sánchez, Matías Vecino, Rodrigo Bentancur and Cristian Rodríguez; Edinson Cavani and Luis Suárez.
👍︎ 17
👤︎ u/TavlaTiny
📅︎ Jun 19 2018
🚨︎ report
"Let's Talk About: Double Standards" with José Figueiredo, Paul Hudson, Rodrigo López-Romero and Tiago Martinho…
👍︎ 26
📅︎ Jan 08 2019
🚨︎ report
"Let's Talk About: Double Standards" with José Figueiredo, Paul Hudson, Rodrigo López-Romero and Tiago Martinho…
👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jan 08 2019
🚨︎ report
Hay que dar visibilidad a este video : Fórum Europa con José Manuel López Rodrigo .... esencial para la campaña electoral en Madrid y quizá para una imagen de eficacia en las propuestas políticas de PODEMOS.…
👍︎ 58
👤︎ u/ajavier
📅︎ Apr 14 2015
🚨︎ report
Rosa María Artal.- De Guindos, el hombre de los mercados. Alto responsable de la empresa detonante de la gran crisis financiera de 2008, como presidente de Lehman Brothers para España y Portugal. Gran amigo de Rodrigo Rato y de José M. Soria.

"La consigna oficial es echar sobre Luis De Guindos todas las culpas de haber propuesto como Director Ejecutivo del Banco Mundial a José Manuel Soria. Informó erróneamente sobre algunos extremos, argumentan. Aunque, al mismo tiempo, sigue en pie que Mariano Rajoy esté en la presentación del libro en la que su Ministro de Economía explica la versión de su mandato y dado el título, “España amenazada”, cómo la salvó. El fuerte rechazo que el Caso Soria ha producido, obliga a alguna filigrana. Parece claro sin embargo que el Sistema apuesta más por apoyar a Rajoy, de existir la duda. En particular otro clan del PP, "los sorayos" de la vicepresidenta Sáenz de Santamaría, que ganan esta batalla como informa hoy mismo eldiarioes. Contra De Guindos. Las familias de la familia andan revueltas.

Soria forma parte del círculo íntimo de Rajoy. Con García Margallo, Fernández Díaz, Arias Cañete, Wert, Catalá, Tejerina y siempre Ana Pastor, con cuyo marido vemos corretear al presidente en sus veraneos en Galicia. Pretender, otra vez, la ignorancia de Rajoy sobre cuanto concierne a uno de sus mejores amigos es un nuevo fraude. A su vez, Soria fue compañero de promoción de De Guindos, así que casualidades ni una. Las orlas dan mucho de sí. Sin ir más lejos, el agraciado con sustituir a Soria en el Banco Mundial es otro compañero de pupitre de De Guindos.

El nombramiento como ministro de Luis De Guindos resultó sorprendente por cuanto había sido el presidente de Lehman Brothers para España y Portugal, y su Asesor para Europa. Se ponía al frente de la economía española a un alto responsable de la empresa detonante de la gran crisis financiera de 2008. No solo eso, enseguida llamó a Íñigo Fernández de Mesa, su colaborador en el banco de inversión quebrado. Primero como secretario general del Tesoro, luego como Secretario de Estado de Economía.

Un libro de inminente publicación, editado por la sección informativa de la Revista Mongolia, nos da cuenta en su capítulo “La maldición de Lehman Brothers aún golpea España” de cómo llegaron a implantarse aquí antiguos directivos, cuando en el resto del mundo procuraron meterse discretamente bajo las alfombras de Fondos de Inversión o cualquier centro de operaciones especulativas. Lehman Brothers, bajo la dirección de De Guindos, tuvo un papel determinante, nos cuentan, en la emisión de cuotas participativas de la Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (CAM)

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👍︎ 38
📅︎ Sep 09 2016
🚨︎ report
Propuesta de José Manuel López Rodrigo como candidato de Podemos a la Comunidad de Madrid

Creo que no había ningún hilo abierto al respecto. Es casi desconocido, a pesar de ser miembro del Consejo Ciudadano de Madrid. Pienso que por su activismo social y su experiencia en tareas de gestión, en puestos de responsabilidad en organizaciones como Cáritas y varias fundaciones, por su conocimiento del Centro Español de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR), por su conocimiento de la administración pública a nivel político, creo que es un perfil interestante y una apuesta acertada de Podemos. Evidentemente hace falta ahora que se dé a conocer, pero desde ya, vamos.

Respecto a la "número 2" Lorena Ruiz-Huerta, me parece muy buena candidata también, y con cierta presencia mediática además (creo que ha aparecido en Salvados, por ejemplo), pero entrecomillo lo de número de 2, porque entiendo que aunque el consejo autonómico la postule así, eso tiene que ser determinado en las primarias, no???. Agradecería que alguien me aclare esto.

Entiendo que habrá una votación específica para el cabeza de lista y otra para el resto de candidatos, cuyo lugar en la lista dependerá de los votos que obtengan, no?...Si no, no veo el sentido a las primarias, porque parece bastantante improbable que haya una candidatura alternativa a esta de consenso para la Comunidad de Madrid. También me gustaría saber si se ha "desterrado" finalmente el sistema de "voto plancha" o sigue en vigor. Sería una buena noticia que haya desaparecido, porque pienso que existe ya un grado de suficiente de compromiso e ilusión en el proyecto como para confiar en que la gente se va a tomar un tiempo en chequear perfiles si lo necesita y hacer varios clicks de ratón. Os agradecería mucho que me aclararais esto, porque estoy registrado en el extranjero, y no voy a acceder al sitio de votación online.

Por cierto, resido en Oriente Medio, si alguien que también resida allí está interestado o conoce a alguien que esté interesado organizar un círculo ahí queme contacte por favor.

👍︎ 4
📅︎ Mar 11 2015
🚨︎ report
José Manuel López Rodrigo fue uno de los promotores en la creación del Círculo de Podemos Hortaleza. En diciembre de 2014 se presentó al Consejo Ciudadano Municipal de Madrid, donde fue avalado por el propio Círculo de Hortaleza…
👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/ajavier
📅︎ Apr 06 2015
🚨︎ report
Amistades peligrosas o cada palo aguanta su vela. Torres llama como testigos a Felipe VI,Juan Carlos y Sofía por el caso Nóos. Hay 696 testigosr en el juicio por el caso Nóos entre los que también están Corinna, José Ignacio Wert, Rodrigo Rato y Ruiz-Gallardón.…
👍︎ 5
👤︎ u/EPic2015
📅︎ Apr 08 2015
🚨︎ report
Claro como el agua clara. José Manuel López Rodrigo Podemos Madrid.

Fórum Europa con José Manuel López Rodrigo, candidato de PODEMOS a la Comunidad de Madrid .... expone las propuestas económicas, sociales y políticas, eficaces, para mejorar la Comunidad y la vida de sus ciudadanos.

👍︎ 6
👤︎ u/Piruloman
📅︎ Apr 15 2015
🚨︎ report
Chino ANtrax Death made official by Mexico State and Federal Attorney general offices, U.S. Government; Body is handed back to family members

translation by borderland They made sure it was really Chino body

Sinaloa State gave the identification process to PGR, federal AG office. Sinaloa SEMEFO stated they had doubts.However, the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) issued an official statement in which the following was read:

“The State Attorney's Office of Sinaloa made the official identification of José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, Ada Jimena Aréchiga Gamboa and Juan Guillermo Garcia., victims located deceased on Saturday, May 16, 2020, in the Ayuné, Culiacán municipality” This gave way to the true identity of the Chino Anthrax , one of the founders of the armed group that in his time intimidated rival groups with violence.

U.S. Helped Identify Chino

Since Saturday morning, the body of José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, the Chino Anthrax, remained in the amphitheater room of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), where it was taken, after finding him "encobijado" along with the bodies of his sister Ada Jimena and Juan Guillermo Garica.

Sources close to that agency revealed that it had to be certain that he was in fact Chino, who had skipped supervised release from San Diego, California.

Since it was announced that the body of the Chino Anthrax would be taken to the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo), senior security officials have made the decision to protect the facilities against a possible rescue of the corpse. At that time SEMEFO announced identification was “uncertain”.

The National Guard, the Mexican Army and the Mexican Navy set up a security perimeter at the entrance of the Security Complex, guarding the complex 24/7.

There was no confrontation between authority and narcos. Vehicles entering and leaving were checked, drivers were also questioned.

The Mexican government conducted collaboration between diplomatic authorities from the Consulate of the United States of America and the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic of Mexico.

The identification was made with the assistance of the US collaborating with the Mexican attorney general’s office, as Borderland Beat reported on Saturday.

The U.S. had already, independently, made the identification on Saturday.

Late Sunday night the family of Chino was finally allowed in to view the bodies of him and his sister.

Just past midnight today, the bodies were finally released and handed over to their families.

How El Chapo and CDS became #1


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👍︎ 76
📅︎ May 20 2020
🚨︎ report
Match Thread: Estoril vs FC Porto | Portuguese Liga

#FT: Estoril 2-3 FC Porto

Estoril scorers: Arthur Gomes (38'), André Franco (43' PEN)

FC Porto scorers: Mehdi Taremi (49'), Luis Díaz (84'), Francisco Conceição (89')

Venue: Estádio António Coimbra da Mota

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Thiago, Nahuel Ferraresi, Bernardo Vital, Racine Coly (Joãozinho), Carles Soria (David Bruno), Joao Gamboa, Rosier Loreintz, André Franco, Bruno Lourenco (Rodrigo Valente), Arthur Gomes (António Xavier), Chiquinho (Rui Fonte).

Subs: Ryotaro Meshino, Volnei Feltes, Patrick, Daniel Figueira.


FC Porto

Diogo Costa, Fabio Cardoso (Francisco Conceição), Chancel Mbemba, Wendell, Jesús Corona (Pepê), Vitinha (Fabio Vieira), Mateus Uribe, Luis Díaz, Otávio, Mehdi Taremi, Evanilson (Antonio Martínez).

Subs: Marko Grujic, Agustín Marchesín, Sérgio Oliveira, João Marcelo Messias Ferreira, Bruno Costa.


38' Goal! Estoril Praia 1, FC Porto 0. Arthur Gomes (Estoril Praia) right footed shot from outside the box to the high centre of the goal. Assisted by Racine Coly.

43' Goal! Estoril Praia 2, FC Porto 0. André Franco (Estoril Praia) converts the penalty with a left footed shot to the bottom right corner.

48' Arthur Gomes (Estoril Praia) is shown the yellow card.

49' Goal! Estoril Praia 2, FC Porto 1. Mehdi Taremi (FC Porto) right footed shot from very close range to the high centre of the goal.

60' Substitution, Estoril Praia. Rui Fonte replaces Chiquinho.

62' Rui Fonte (Estoril Praia) is shown the yellow card.

64' Yellow Card

69' Substitution, FC Porto. Pepê Aquino replaces Jesús Corona.

76' Substitution, FC Porto. Fábio Vieira replaces Vitinha.

77' Substitution, FC Porto. Toni Martínez replaces Evanilson.

80' Substitution, Estoril Praia. António Xavier replaces Arthur Gomes.

81' Substitution, Estoril Praia. Joãozinho replaces Racine Coly.

81' Bruno Lourenç

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👍︎ 26
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
🚨︎ report
Match Thread: Toluca vs Necaxa | Liga BBVA MX

#FT: Toluca 1-1 Necaxa

Toluca scorers: Oscar Vanegas (56')

Necaxa scorers: Alejandro Zendejas (52')

Venue: Estadio Nemesio Díez Riega

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Gustavo Gutiérrez, Oscar Ortega, Oscar Vanegas, Diego, Raúl López, Kevin Castañeda (Jorge Torres), José Vázquez, Claudio Baeza, Ian González (Diego Chávez), Rubens Sambueza, Pedro Canelo (Braian Samudio).

Subs: Antonio Ríos, Alfredo Saldívar, Pablo González, Michael Estrada, Juan Gamboa, Brandon Sartiaguin, Jorge Rodriguez.



Luis Malagón, Luis Quintana, Agustín Oliveros, Julio González (Alonso Escoboza), Alejandro Zendejas, Fernando Gonzalez, Luis Arcadio García (Heriberto De Jesus), Brian García, Rodrigo Aguirre (Sergio Bareiro), Maximiliano Salas (Mauro Quiroga), Alan Medina (Facundo Batista).

Subs: Edgar Hernández, Jonathan Gonzalez, Fernando Arce, Raúl Sandoval, Arturo Palma.


5' Julio González (Necaxa) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

26' Maximiliano Salas (Necaxa) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

37' Oscar Ortega (Toluca) is shown the red card.

43' Substitution, Toluca. Jorge Torres replaces Kevin Castañeda.

45' Substitution, Necaxa. Mauro Quiroga replaces Maximiliano Salas.

45' Substitution, Necaxa. Jesús Escoboza replaces Julio González.

45'+1' Alan Medina Yellow Card

52' Goal! Toluca 0, Necaxa 1. Alejandro Zendejas (Necaxa) left footed shot from the left side of the six yard box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Rodrigo Aguirre with a cross.

56' Red Card

56' Oscar Vanegas Goal - Header

67' Oscar Vanegas Yellow Card

71' Substitution, Necaxa. Heriberto De Jesus replaces Luis Garcia.

74' Substitution, Toluca. Diego Chávez replaces Ian González.

85' Substitution, Necaxa. Sergio Bareiro replaces Rodrigo Aguirre.

85' On: Braian Samudio|Off: Pedro Canelo

85' [](#

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👍︎ 6
📅︎ Oct 21 2021
🚨︎ report
[Match thread] Serie A AS Roma vs Juventus January 09, 2022

#[Serie A - 2021/2022] #FT: 90' AS Roma 3-4 Juventus

Match Info:

Date: January 09, 2022

Time: 18:30 (Europe/Paris)

Venue: Stadio Olimpico

Recent form


Juventus: LLDWWW


AS Roma - 4-2-3-1

Starting XI: Rui Patrício, Ainsley Maitland-Niles, Chris Smalling, Roger Ibañez, Matías Viña, Bryan Cristante, Jordan Veretout, Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Felix Afena-Gyan, Tammy Abraham

Substitutes: Davide Mastrantonio, Pietro Boer, Marash Kumbulla, Riccardo Calafiori, Bryan Reynolds, Edoardo Bove, Gonzalo Villar, Nicola Zalewski, Borja Mayoral, Carles Pérez, Eldor Shomurodov

Coach: José Mourinho

Juventus - 4-3-3

Starting XI: Wojciech Szczęsny, Juan Cuadrado, Matthijs de Ligt, Daniele Rugani, Mattia De Sciglio, Weston McKennie, Manuel Locatelli, Rodrigo Bentancur, Paulo Dybala, Moise Kean, Federico Chiesa

Substitutes: Mattia Perin, Zsombor Senkó, Giorgio Chiellini, Adrien Rabiot, Arthur, Dejan Kulusevski, Luca Pellegrini, Federico Bernardeschi, Álvaro Morata, Marley Aké, Kaio Jorge

Coach: M. Allegri

Match Stats:

AS Roma 3 - 4 Juventus
51% Ball Possession 49%
18 Total Shots 14
7 Shots On Target 5
3 Shots Off Target 3
8 Blocked Shots 6
11 Shots Inside Box 6
7 Shots Outside Box 8
7 Corner Kicks 1
1 Offsides 0
10 Fouls 12
3 Yellow Cards 4
0 Red Cards 1
1 Goalkeeper Saves 4
389 Passes 371
314 (81%) Accurate Passes 317 (85%)

Match events


11' GOAL! Scored by T. Abraham (AS Roma)

18' GOAL! Scored by P. Dybala (Juventus)

32' Substitution: D. Kulusevski for F. Chiesa (Juventus)

45' Yellow Card for J. Cuadrado (Juventus)

48' GOAL! Scored by H. Mkhitaryan (AS Roma)

50' Yellow Card for J. Veretout (AS Roma)

51' Yellow Card for Ibañez (AS Roma)

52' Yellow Card for M. de Ligt (Juventus)

53' GOAL! Scored by L. Pellegrini (AS Roma)

64' Substitution: Morata for M. Kean (Juventus)

64' Substitution: Arthur for R. Bentancur (Juventus)

65' Yellow Card for M. Locatelli (Juventus)

70' GOAL! Scored by M. Locatelli (Juventus)

71' Substitution: E. Shomurodov for F. Afena-Gyan (AS Roma)

74' GOAL! Scored by D. Kulusevski (Juventus)

76' Yellow Card for B. Cristante (AS Roma)

77' [GOAL! Scored by M. De

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👍︎ 46
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
Post Match Thread: FC Barcelona 0-1 Real Betis [La Liga | Matchday 16]

#FT: Barcelona 0-1 Real Betis

Real Betis scorers: Juanmi (79')

Venue: Camp Nou

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Marc-André ter Stegen, Clément Lenglet (Luuk de Jong), Ronald Araújo, Jordi Alba, Sergiño Dest, Sergio Busquets, Nicolas Gonzalez (Frenkie de Jong), Gavi (Ricard Puig), Memphis Depay, Philippe Coutinho (Ousmane Dembélé), Abdessamad Ezzalzouli (Gerard Piqué).

Subs: Yusuf Demir, Neto, Arnau Tenas, Eric García, Óscar Mingueza, Samuel Umtiti, Álex Balde.


Real Betis

Rui Silva, Víctor Ruiz, Marc Bartra, Álex Moreno, Héctor Bellerín, Sergio Canales, Andrés Guardado, Guido Rodríguez, Willian José (William Carvalho), Juanmi (Borja Iglesias), Aitor Ruibal (Cristian Tello).

Subs: Joel Robles, Roberto González, Germán Pezzella, Joaquín, Juan Miranda, Paul Akouokou, Diego Lainez, Edgar González, Rodrigo Sánchez.


12' Willian José (Real Betis) is shown the yellow card.

36' Substitution, Barcelona. Riqui Puig replaces Gavi because of an injury.

42' Nicolás González Iglesias (Barcelona) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

59' Substitution, Barcelona. Ousmane Dembélé replaces Philippe Coutinho.

59' Substitution, Barcelona. Frenkie de Jong replaces Nicolás González Iglesias.

63' Substitution, Real Betis. Cristian Tello replaces Aitor Ruibal.

71' Substitution, Real Betis. William Carvalho replaces Willian José.

73' Guido Rodríguez (Real Betis) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

79' Goal! Barcelona 0, Real Betis 1. Juanmi (Real Betis) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Cristian Tello.

81' Substitution, Real Betis. Borja Iglesias replaces Juanmi.

82' Substitution, Barcelona. Luuk de Jong replaces Clément Lenglet.

82' Substitution, Barcelona. Gerard Piqué replaces Abdessamad Ezzalzouli.

*^(Don't see a thread for a match you're watching?) [^(Cl

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👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Dec 04 2021
🚨︎ report
Match Thread: Villarreal vs Atletico Madrid | LaLiga

#FT: Villarreal 2-2 Atletico Madrid

Villarreal scorers: Pau Torres (29'), Alberto Moreno (58')

Atletico Madrid scorers: Ángel Correa (10'), Geoffrey Kondogbia (67')

Venue: Estadio de la Cerámica

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Gerónimo Rulli, Pau Torres, Raúl Albiol, Pervis Estupiñán (Nicolas Jackson), Juan Foyth, Dani Parejo, Étienne Capoue (Vicente Iborra), Alberto Moreno (Yeremi Pino), Moi Gómez, Manu Trigueros (Alfonso Pedraza), Gerard Moreno.

Subs: Raba, José Manuel Cabrera, Nikita Iosifov, Mario, Carlo Adriano García, Sergio Asenjo, Filip Jorgensen, Antonio Pacheco Ruiz.


Atletico Madrid

Jan Oblak, Mario Hermoso, Felipe, Renan Lodi (Sime Vrsaljko), Marcos Llorente, Geoffrey Kondogbia, Rodrigo De Paul (João Félix), Thomas Lemar, Yannick Carrasco, Ángel Correa, Matheus Cunha (Koke).

Subs: Benjamin Lecomte, Joan Rojas, Javier Serrano, Giuliano Simeone, Héctor Herrera.


10' Goal! Villarreal 0, Atletico Madrid 1. Ángel Correa (Atletico Madrid) right footed shot from more than 35 yards to the top left corner.

23' Penalty saved! Gerard Moreno (Villarreal) fails to capitalise on this great opportunity, left footed shot saved in the centre of the goal.

29' Goal! Villarreal 1, Atletico Madrid 1. Pau Torres (Villarreal) left footed shot from very close range to the bottom left corner following a set piece situation.

58' Goal! Villarreal 2, Atletico Madrid 1. Alberto Moreno (Villarreal) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Gerard Moreno with a through ball.

62' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. João Félix replaces Rodrigo de Paul.

62' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Koke replaces Matheus Cunha.

63' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Sime Vrsaljko replaces Renan Lodi.

67' Goal! Villarreal 2, Atletico Madrid 2. Geoffrey Kondogbia (Atletico Madrid) left footed shot from outside the box to the bottom left corner.

71' Geoffrey Kondogbia

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👍︎ 29
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
Match Thread: Cruz Azul vs Tijuana | Liga BBVA MX

#FT: Cruz Azul 2-0 Tijuana

Cruz Azul scorers: Carlos Rodríguez (43'), Rafael Baca (66')

Venue: Azteca Stadium

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Cruz Azul

José Corona, Julio Domínguez, Pablo Aguilar, Adrián Aldrete, Juan Escobar, Erik Lira, Rafael Baca (Mauro Zaleta), Ignacio Rivero, Uriel Antuna (José Joaquín Martínez), Brayan Angulo (Edgar Emmanuel Gutiérrez), Carlos Rodríguez (Rómulo Otero).

Subs: Rafael Guerrero, Jesús Martínez, Sebastián Jurado, Rodrigo Huescas, Cristian Jiménez.



Jonathan Orozco, Víctor Guzmán, Yonatthan Rak, Brayan Angulo, Vladimir Loroña, Marcel Ruiz (Cesar Castillo), José Vázquez (Facundo Ferreyra), Christian Rivera, Lucas Rodríguez (Christian Castillo), David Barbona (Christian Ortiz), Mauro Manotas.

Subs: Abraham Flores, Eduardo Tercero, Gil Alcala, Edgar López, Rodrigo Parra.


31' Uriel Antuna (Cruz Azul) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

43' Goal! Cruz Azul 1, Club Tijuana 0. Carlos Rodríguez (Cruz Azul) header from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Adrián Aldrete with a cross.

53' Juan Escobar (Cruz Azul) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

61' Yonatthan Rak (Club Tijuana) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

66' Goal! Cruz Azul 2, Club Tijuana 0. Rafael Baca (Cruz Azul) right footed shot from outside the box to the high centre of the goal. Assisted by Bryan Angulo with a headed pass.

68' Substitution, Club Tijuana. Facundo Ferreyra replaces José Vázquez.

69' Substitution, Cruz Azul. Rómulo Otero replaces Carlos Rodríguez.

76' Substitution, Cruz Azul. José Martínez replaces Uriel Antuna.

77' Substitution, Cruz Azul. Edgar Gutiérrez replaces Bryan Angulo.

78' Substitution, Club Tijuana. Christian Ortíz replaces David Barbona.

87' Substitution, Club Tijuana. César Castillo replaces Marcel Ruiz.

87' Substitution, Club Tijuana. Christian Castillo repla

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👍︎ 40
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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Post Match Thread: Atletico Madrid vs AC Milan | UEFA Champions League

#FT: Atletico Madrid 0-1 AC Milan

AC Milan scorers: Junior Messias (87')

Venue: Wanda Metropolitano

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Atletico Madrid

Jan Oblak, José Giménez, Mario Hermoso (Renan Lodi), Stefan Savic, Koke, Thomas Lemar (Ángel Correa), Rodrigo De Paul (Sime Vrsaljko), Yannick Carrasco, Marcos Llorente, Luis Suárez (Matheus Cunha), Antoine Griezmann (Geoffrey Kondogbia).

Subs: Benjamin Lecomte, Héctor Herrera, Fran González.


AC Milan

Ciprian Tatarusanu, Alessio Romagnoli, Simon Kjaer, Theo Hernández, Pierre Kalulu (Alessandro Florenzi), Brahim Díaz (Ismaël Bennacer), Franck Kessié, Sandro Tonali (Tiemoué Bakayoko), Olivier Giroud (Zlatan Ibrahimovic), Rade Krunic (Junior Messias), Alexis Saelemaekers.

Subs: Antonio Mirante, Daniel Maldini, Sebastiano Desplanches, Fodé Ballo-Toure, Rafael Leão, Matteo Gabbia.


27' Olivier Giroud (AC Milan) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

60' Marcos Llorente (Atletico Madrid) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

64' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Ángel Correa replaces Thomas Lemar.

64' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Renan Lodi replaces Mario Hermoso.

65' Substitution, AC Milan. Tiemoué Bakayoko replaces Sandro Tonali.

65' Substitution, AC Milan. Junior Messias replaces Rade Krunic.

65' Substitution, AC Milan. Alessandro Florenzi replaces Pierre Kalulu.

66' Substitution, AC Milan. Zlatan Ibrahimovic replaces Olivier Giroud because of an injury.

67' Tiemoué Bakayoko (AC Milan) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

77' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Matheus Cunha replaces Luis Suárez.

77' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Sime Vrsaljko replaces Rodrigo de Paul.

78' Substitution, AC Milan. Ismaël Bennacer replaces Brahim Díaz.

81' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Geoffrey Kondogbia replaces Antoine Griezmann.

87' [](#i

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👍︎ 795
👤︎ u/Samkazi23
📅︎ Nov 24 2021
🚨︎ report
Post-Match Thread: Juventus 0-1 Atalanta | Serie A

Juventus 0 - 1 Atalanta

Atalanta scorers: Duván Zapata (28')

Venue: Allianz Stadium, Turin, Italy

Referee: Giovanni Ayroldi


Starting XI Notes Subs Notes
Wojciech Szczęsny Mattia Perin
Juan Cuadrado 51' Carlo Pinsoglio
Leonardo Bonucci Giorgio Chiellini
Matthijs de Ligt Koni De Winter
Alex Sandro Daniele Rugani
Federico Chiesa 46' Arthur
Weston McKennie 61' Rodrigo Bentancur
Manuel Locatelli 88' Dejan Kulusevski
Adrien Rabiot 66' Luca Pellegrini
Álvaro Morata 85' Federico Bernardeschi 46' 80'
Paulo Dybala Kaio Jorge 85'
Moise Kean 61'

Manager: Massimiliano Allegri (Italy)


Starting XI Notes Subs Notes
Juan Musso Francesco Rossi
Beram Djimsiti 85' Marco Sportiello
Merih Demiral 70' Giuseppe Pezzella
Rafael Tolói Giorgio Scalvini
Joakim Mæhle José Luis Palomino 71'
Marten de Roon Hans Hateboer
Remo Freuler 32' Teun Koopmeiners 87'
Davide Zappacosta 43' 71' Aleksei Miranchuk
Matteo Pessina 59' Mario Pašalić 59'
Ruslan Malinovskyi 37' 87' Luis Muriel
Duván Zapata 28' Roberto Piccoli
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👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Match Thread: Estoril vs FC Porto | Portuguese Liga

#FT: Estoril 2-3 FC Porto

Estoril scorers: Arthur Gomes (38'), André Franco (43' PEN)

FC Porto scorers: Mehdi Taremi (49'), Luis Díaz (84'), Francisco Conceição (89')

Venue: Estádio António Coimbra da Mota

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Thiago, Nahuel Ferraresi, Bernardo Vital, Racine Coly (Joãozinho), Carles Soria (David Bruno), Joao Gamboa, Rosier Loreintz, André Franco, Bruno Lourenco (Rodrigo Valente), Arthur Gomes (António Xavier), Chiquinho (Rui Fonte).

Subs: Ryotaro Meshino, Volnei Feltes, Patrick, Daniel Figueira.


FC Porto

Diogo Costa, Fabio Cardoso (Francisco Conceição), Chancel Mbemba, Wendell, Jesús Corona (Pepê), Vitinha (Fabio Vieira), Mateus Uribe, Luis Díaz, Otávio, Mehdi Taremi, Evanilson (Antonio Martínez).

Subs: Marko Grujic, Agustín Marchesín, Sérgio Oliveira, João Marcelo Messias Ferreira, Bruno Costa.


38' Goal! Estoril Praia 1, FC Porto 0. Arthur Gomes (Estoril Praia) right footed shot from outside the box to the high centre of the goal. Assisted by Racine Coly.

43' Goal! Estoril Praia 2, FC Porto 0. André Franco (Estoril Praia) converts the penalty with a left footed shot to the bottom right corner.

48' Arthur Gomes (Estoril Praia) is shown the yellow card.

49' Goal! Estoril Praia 2, FC Porto 1. Mehdi Taremi (FC Porto) right footed shot from very close range to the high centre of the goal.

60' Substitution, Estoril Praia. Rui Fonte replaces Chiquinho.

62' Rui Fonte (Estoril Praia) is shown the yellow card.

64' Yellow Card

69' Substitution, FC Porto. Pepê Aquino replaces Jesús Corona.

76' Substitution, FC Porto. Fábio Vieira replaces Vitinha.

77' Substitution, FC Porto. Toni Martínez replaces Evanilson.

80' Substitution, Estoril Praia. António Xavier replaces Arthur Gomes.

81' Substitution, Estoril Praia. Joãozinho replaces Racine Coly.

81' [](#icon-yel

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👍︎ 22
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
🚨︎ report
[Match thread] AS Roma vs Juventus

#[Serie A - 2021/2022] #FT: 90' AS Roma 3-4 Juventus

Match Info:

Date: January 09, 2022

Time: 17:30 (UTC)

Venue: Stadio Olimpico

Recent form


Juventus: LLDWWW


AS Roma - 4-2-3-1

Starting XI: Rui Patrício, Ainsley Maitland-Niles, Chris Smalling, Roger Ibañez, Matías Viña, Bryan Cristante, Jordan Veretout, Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Felix Afena-Gyan, Tammy Abraham

Substitutes: Davide Mastrantonio, Pietro Boer, Marash Kumbulla, Riccardo Calafiori, Bryan Reynolds, Edoardo Bove, Gonzalo Villar, Nicola Zalewski, Borja Mayoral, Carles Pérez, Eldor Shomurodov

Coach: José Mourinho

Juventus - 4-3-3

Starting XI: Wojciech Szczęsny, Juan Cuadrado, Matthijs de Ligt, Daniele Rugani, Mattia De Sciglio, Weston McKennie, Manuel Locatelli, Rodrigo Bentancur, Paulo Dybala, Moise Kean, Federico Chiesa

Substitutes: Mattia Perin, Zsombor Senkó, Giorgio Chiellini, Adrien Rabiot, Arthur, Dejan Kulusevski, Luca Pellegrini, Federico Bernardeschi, Álvaro Morata, Marley Aké, Kaio Jorge

Coach: M. Allegri

Match Stats:

AS Roma Juventus
7 Shots On Goal 5
3 Shots Off Goal 3
11 Shots inside box 6
7 Shots outside box 8
18 Total Shots 14
8 Blocked Shots 6
10 Fouls 12
7 Corner Kicks 1
1 Offsides 0
51% Ball Possession 49%
3 Yellow Cards 4
0 Red Cards 1
1 Goalkeeper Saves 4
389 Total passes 371
314 Pass accuracy 317
81% Passes % 85%

Match events


11' GOAL! Scored by T. Abraham (AS Roma)

18' GOAL! Scored by P. Dybala (Juventus)

32' Substitution: D. Kulusevski for F. Chiesa (Juventus)

45' Yellow Card for J. Cuadrado (Juventus)

48' GOAL! Scored by H. Mkhitaryan (AS Roma)

50' Yellow Card for J. Veretout (AS Roma)

51' Yellow Card for Ibañez (AS Roma)

52' Yellow Card for M. de Ligt (Juventus)

53' GOAL! Scored by L. Pellegrini (AS Roma)

64' Substitution: Morata for M. Kean (Juventus)

64' Substitution: Arthur for R. Bentancur (Juventus)

65' Yellow Card for M. Locatelli (Juventus)

70' GOAL! Scored by M. Locatelli (Juventus)

71' Substitution: E. Shomurodov for F. Afena-Gyan (AS Roma)

74' GOAL! Scored by D. Kulusevski (Juventus)

76' Yellow Card for B. Cristante (AS Roma)

77' [GOAL! Scored by M. De Sciglio](https://stre

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👍︎ 18
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
Post Match Thread: Villarreal 2-2 Atlético Madrid [La Liga | Matchday 20]

#FT: Villarreal 2-2 Atletico Madrid

Villarreal scorers: Pau Torres (29'), Alberto Moreno (58')

Atletico Madrid scorers: Ángel Correa (10'), Geoffrey Kondogbia (67')

Venue: Estadio de la Cerámica

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Gerónimo Rulli, Pau Torres, Raúl Albiol, Pervis Estupiñán (Nicolas Jackson), Juan Foyth, Dani Parejo, Étienne Capoue (Vicente Iborra), Alberto Moreno (Yeremi Pino), Moi Gómez, Manu Trigueros (Alfonso Pedraza), Gerard Moreno.

Subs: Raba, José Manuel Cabrera, Nikita Iosifov, Mario, Carlo Adriano García, Sergio Asenjo, Filip Jorgensen, Antonio Pacheco Ruiz.


Atletico Madrid

Jan Oblak, Mario Hermoso, Felipe, Renan Lodi (Sime Vrsaljko), Marcos Llorente, Geoffrey Kondogbia, Rodrigo De Paul (João Félix), Thomas Lemar, Yannick Carrasco, Ángel Correa, Matheus Cunha (Koke).

Subs: Benjamin Lecomte, Joan Rojas, Javier Serrano, Giuliano Simeone, Héctor Herrera.


10' Goal! Villarreal 0, Atletico Madrid 1. Ángel Correa (Atletico Madrid) right footed shot from more than 35 yards to the top left corner.

23' Penalty saved! Gerard Moreno (Villarreal) fails to capitalise on this great opportunity, left footed shot saved in the centre of the goal.

29' Goal! Villarreal 1, Atletico Madrid 1. Pau Torres (Villarreal) left footed shot from very close range to the bottom left corner following a set piece situation.

58' Goal! Villarreal 2, Atletico Madrid 1. Alberto Moreno (Villarreal) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Gerard Moreno with a through ball.

62' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. João Félix replaces Rodrigo de Paul.

62' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Koke replaces Matheus Cunha.

63' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Sime Vrsaljko replaces Renan Lodi.

67' Goal! Villarreal 2, Atletico Madrid 2. Geoffrey Kondogbia (Atletico Madrid) left footed shot from outside the box to the bottom left corner.


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👍︎ 151
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
Match Thread: Villarreal vs Atletico Madrid | LaLiga

#FT: Villarreal 2-2 Atletico Madrid

Villarreal scorers: Pau Torres (29'), Alberto Moreno (58')

Atletico Madrid scorers: Ángel Correa (10'), Geoffrey Kondogbia (67')

Venue: Estadio de la Cerámica

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Gerónimo Rulli, Pau Torres, Raúl Albiol, Pervis Estupiñán (Nicolas Jackson), Juan Foyth, Dani Parejo, Étienne Capoue (Vicente Iborra), Alberto Moreno (Yeremi Pino), Moi Gómez, Manu Trigueros (Alfonso Pedraza), Gerard Moreno.

Subs: Raba, José Manuel Cabrera, Nikita Iosifov, Mario, Carlo Adriano García, Sergio Asenjo, Filip Jorgensen, Antonio Pacheco Ruiz.


Atletico Madrid

Jan Oblak, Mario Hermoso, Felipe, Renan Lodi (Sime Vrsaljko), Marcos Llorente, Geoffrey Kondogbia, Rodrigo De Paul (João Félix), Thomas Lemar, Yannick Carrasco, Ángel Correa, Matheus Cunha (Koke).

Subs: Benjamin Lecomte, Joan Rojas, Javier Serrano, Giuliano Simeone, Héctor Herrera.


10' Goal! Villarreal 0, Atletico Madrid 1. Ángel Correa (Atletico Madrid) right footed shot from more than 35 yards to the top left corner.

23' Penalty saved! Gerard Moreno (Villarreal) fails to capitalise on this great opportunity, left footed shot saved in the centre of the goal.

29' Goal! Villarreal 1, Atletico Madrid 1. Pau Torres (Villarreal) left footed shot from very close range to the bottom left corner following a set piece situation.

58' Goal! Villarreal 2, Atletico Madrid 1. Alberto Moreno (Villarreal) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the centre of the goal. Assisted by Gerard Moreno with a through ball.

62' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. João Félix replaces Rodrigo de Paul.

62' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Koke replaces Matheus Cunha.

63' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Sime Vrsaljko replaces Renan Lodi.

67' Goal! Villarreal 2, Atletico Madrid 2. Geoffrey Kondogbia (Atletico Madrid) left footed shot from outside the box to the bottom left corner.

71' G

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👍︎ 44
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
[Post-Match thread] AS Roma vs Juventus

[Serie A - 2021/2022]

#AS Roma 3-4 Juventus

Match Info:


AS Roma - 4-2-3-1

Starting XI: Rui Patrício, Ainsley Maitland-Niles, Chris Smalling, Roger Ibañez, Matías Viña, Bryan Cristante, Jordan Veretout, Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Felix Afena-Gyan, Tammy Abraham

Substitutes: Davide Mastrantonio, Pietro Boer, Marash Kumbulla, Riccardo Calafiori, Bryan Reynolds, Edoardo Bove, Gonzalo Villar, Nicola Zalewski, Borja Mayoral, Carles Pérez, Eldor Shomurodov

Coach: José Mourinho

Juventus - 4-3-3

Starting XI: Wojciech Szczęsny, Juan Cuadrado, Matthijs de Ligt, Daniele Rugani, Mattia De Sciglio, Weston McKennie, Manuel Locatelli, Rodrigo Bentancur, Paulo Dybala, Moise Kean, Federico Chiesa

Substitutes: Mattia Perin, Zsombor Senkó, Giorgio Chiellini, Adrien Rabiot, Arthur, Dejan Kulusevski, Luca Pellegrini, Federico Bernardeschi, Álvaro Morata, Marley Aké, Kaio Jorge

Coach: M. Allegri

Match Stats:

AS Roma Juventus
51% Ball Possession 49%
18 Total Shots 14
7 Shots On Goal 5
3 Shots Off Goal 3
11 Shots inside box 6
7 Shots outside box 8
8 Blocked Shots 6
10 Fouls 12
7 Corner Kicks 1
1 Offsides 0
3 Yellow Cards 4
0 Red Cards 1
1 Goalkeeper Saves 4
389 Total passes 371
314 Successful passes 317
81% Pass success rate 85%

Match events


11' GOAL! Scored by T. Abraham (AS Roma)

18' GOAL! Scored by P. Dybala (Juventus)

32' Substitution: D. Kulusevski for F. Chiesa (Juventus)

45' Yellow Card for J. Cuadrado (Juventus)

48' GOAL! Scored by H. Mkhitaryan (AS Roma)

50' Yellow Card for J. Veretout (AS Roma)

51' Yellow Card for Ibañez (AS Roma)

52' Yellow Card for M. de Ligt (Juventus)

53' GOAL! Scored by L. Pellegrini (AS Roma)

64' Substitution: Morata for M. Kean (Juventus)

64' Substitution: Arthur for R. Bentancur (Juventus)

65' Yellow Card for M. Locatelli (Juventus)

70' GOAL! Scored by M. Locatelli (Juventus)

71' Substitution: E. Shomurodov for F. Afena-Gyan (AS Roma)

74' GOAL! Scored by D. Kulusevski (Juventus)

76' Yellow Card for B. Cristante (AS Roma)

77' GOAL! Scored by M. De Sciglio (Juventus)

78' Substitution: Carles Pérez for J. Veretout (AS Roma)

81' Yellow Card for M. de Ligt (Juventus)

81' Red Card for M

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👍︎ 27
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
Match Thread: Liverpool vs Atletico Madrid | UEFA Champions League

#FT: Liverpool 2-0 Atletico Madrid

Liverpool scorers: Diogo Jota (13'), Sadio Mané (21')

Venue: Anfield

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Alisson, Virgil van Dijk, Joël Matip, Konstantinos Tsimikas, Trent Alexander-Arnold (Nathaniel Phillips), Fabinho (Thiago Alcántara), Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain (Takumi Minamino), Jordan Henderson, Diogo Jota, Sadio Mané (Roberto Firmino) (Divock Origi), Mohamed Salah.

Subs: Andy Robertson, Adrián, Ibrahima Konaté, Caoimhin Kelleher, Neco Williams, Tyler Morton.


Atletico Madrid

Jan Oblak, José Giménez, Mario Hermoso, Felipe, Rodrigo De Paul, Koke (Matheus Cunha), Yannick Carrasco (Sime Vrsaljko), Kieran Trippier, Luis Suárez (Héctor Herrera), João Félix (Renan Lodi), Ángel Correa (Javier Serrano).

Subs: Benjamin Lecomte, Fran González, Carlos Martín, Alejandro Iturbe.


8' Mario Hermoso (Atletico Madrid) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

13' Goal! Liverpool 1, Atletico Madrid 0. Diogo Jota (Liverpool) header from very close range to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Trent Alexander-Arnold with a cross.

15' Sadio Mané (Liverpool) is shown the yellow card.

21' Goal! Liverpool 2, Atletico Madrid 0. Sadio Mané (Liverpool) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Trent Alexander-Arnold.

36' Felipe (Atletico Madrid) is shown the red card.

38' Luis Suárez (Atletico Madrid) is shown the yellow card.

38' Koke (Atletico Madrid) is shown the yellow card.

45' Substitution, Liverpool. Roberto Firmino replaces Sadio Mané.

52' João Félix (Atletico Madrid) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.

59' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Héctor Herrera replaces Luis Suárez.

59' Substitution, Atletico Madrid. Renan Lodi replaces João Félix.

60' Substitution, Liverpool. Thiago replaces Fabinho.

69' [](#ico

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👍︎ 264
📅︎ Nov 03 2021
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