A list of puns related to "Indus River Delta"
It seems empires in the Old World were lower in elevation, I'm sure there are several exceptions, I just want to know why the mountains were so important in the New World.
Even the combined forces that could have been mustered from Macedon and Greece at the start of Alexander's conquests, surely would not have lasted throughout the entirety of the Egyptian and Persian campaigns.
Reinforcements must have taken an incredibly long time to travel from Macedon all the way to Persia or Bactria when Alexander was nearing the end of his conquests. How much of his army was actually made up of Macedonians after the first few years? Did some soldiers accompany him all the way from Macedon, and then die in Bactria never having seen their families or homeland again?
Not to mention that Alexander didn't just blitzkrieg his way around Asia, he established an empire as well - which means not only losing soldiers in combat, but also leaving portions of his army in recently-conquered territories while the rest of them marched on. How did he even manage to maintain an empire if he just quickly departed after conquest?
Do we know when and where exactly or at least approximately in history did Westerners (west of Indus river) begin to worship Mithra and asuhras (Ahura MazdΔ) as an inversion to the Hindu Sanatana Dharma and MitrΔΜ-VΓ‘ruαΉΔ tradition ?
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