My GF [33 F] of a year had an affair with a married man who's dead now. I'm [32 M] confused and hurt.

My girlfriend of over a year has confessed to me that before meeting me she had an affair with a married man. According to her, he came out and told her after they hung out once and made out. She was confused and heart broken, but decided to remain in contact and be friends with him. I found this troubling, considering he confessed he was married. Why keep a liar and a cheater around?

Just recently, she came out and told me that he had hung himself. She claimed she saw his gofundme account created by his wife floating around Facebook. I get the sense she was still keeping in touch with him up until the point where he checked out. She expressed to me that she was sad and heart broken and said "anytime someone dies, it's very sad". Fair.

When her and I first started, I had just gotten clean from drug use. However I was very unstable, and in 3 different instances, I attempted to take my own life, while knowing my gf. In all three instances, she was very angry at me and NOT for attempting to end my life. In one instance, we took a trip to a beach town. I was a mess and hanging off the side of the balcony, ready to jump off. She told me "jump, I don't give a fuck". Obviously I didn't jump. The other two times, she was very cold towards me when I came out and told her I seriously contemplated suicide.

On one instance, I went home from work early and made plans to hang myself. I set everything up in my basement and was ready. I broke down, went to my room and slept for the rest of the day. I felt sad and alone. When I told her about it a week later, she was so upset that I lied about being at work that day, and didn't pay any mind to the fact that I was going to hang myself.

This guy she met once, and talked for sometime via online dating/texting, she was sad for and broken hearted over.

My question is, should I leave this relationship? It's been six months of therapy and I've been in a much better space. Thank you for reading.

TLDR; my gf had an affair right before meeting her, didn't tell me, he's dead. She's more sad about him passing than the times I attempted suicide. What to do?

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/gnsillyhack10
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Oct 09 2019
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Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Right after crying over the trauma of being the "bastard children" of a deadbeat dad, Nicole tells her mother, Lidia, her current situation with married man Alejandro is better because "at least I knew from the beginning". The family side piece curse continues.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/DownFromHere
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 30 2021
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I keep having dreams of sleeping with a woman despite being married to a man.

Sooooooo Iโ€™m confused. Last night was my third dream in a week about sleeping with women. Always a different woman, always someone I donโ€™t know. I feels SOOO real but I have never had a relationship with a woman. What does this mean?!?!

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Koalaluvs
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Dec 06 2021
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If a Utah judge declares a woman to be married to a dead man, and she becomes pregnant over a year later, is the dead husband still the presumed father?

It's possible to marry a dead person in Utah; Bonnie Foerster was granted a posthumous marriage to deceased Beverly Grossaint. While that case involved lesbians, I am curious what would happen paternity-wise if a woman became pregnant after being married to a dead husband.

If a relationship is recognized as a marriage after the husband's death, then I would think that the husband's death would not terminate the marriage and the child would be considered born within the marriage.

If the child were conceived by a living identical twin brother to the dead husband, how likely is it that a paternity test recognized by a Utah court would be able to distinguish between the twins?

If it matters, assume that no one would claim that the dead husband had frozen sperm for a possible postmortem conception.

Feel free to apply this scenario to a non-Utah jurisdiction you are familiar with.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/etalasi
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ May 30 2019
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Incels fail to understand that women age even after getting married. If you marry a 29 y/o woman, in ten years she'll either be 39 or dead. They also seem to not understand dying alone is still a better option than they are.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/3KidsInTheTrenchCoat
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Dec 14 2021
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Man, 34, is arrested for 'shooting married couple dead over $30000 debt' and dumping their bodies in a Florida swamp - msnNOWโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Studio10eleven
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Mar 09 2020
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โ€œDivorce everyoneโ€ trophy room update. Adieu Sam my randy little man-child. Hope itโ€™s not too awkward that I marry your bestie next? He didnโ€™t seem that into it when I proposed at the beach. Fun fact - Sam is still touchy about his trash can even if youโ€™re married
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Alarmed-Stage-7066
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Oct 18 2021
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An ex (now friend) just admitted that she was having an affair with a married man but has no remorse, has no feelings of equal blame and said that the moral aspect wouldn't stop her doing it again. I don't know how to think or act about it.

I went away for a week with an short term ex and have just returned. We had a difficult time when we were dating and learned that we aren't meant for each other but stayed in contact. This has also been difficult at times to be honest.

During our period dating midway through last year she had mentioned that she has been with a married man earlier that year. I didn't want to judge and didn't push for details as I assumed it was her admitting something she felt guilty about and I thought that we all make mistakes and as long as we regret them and learn from them there is no point in further berating themselves.

But when away it came up in conversation. It happened to be a neighbour, and longer term friend, of hers. It turns out it lasted for months and she wanted to be with him long term but he was only wanting sex and saying it was wrong after each time.

I instantly felt weird about the situation and even though it's not my business I pried a bit more. I asked if she felt bad and she shrugged and said "it's not like I did anything wrong". In disbelief I went on to say that it takes 2 to tango and there is shared responsibility for the wrongdoing even if one person stands to lose more. Her reaction was very aggressively defensive and she was telling me how condescending and judgemental I was. She said he was the one that was married so he was the one cheating and not her. I said it was equal blame but she scoffed at the idea that she was in the wrong. She admitted it wasn't a nice thing to do but added it was his fault and his problem.

I said she was being a homewrecker and did she not feel guilty about ruining a marriage? She hated that I called her that and said it was sexist to blame the woman who wasn't married and call her a homewrecker (i don't know where she got this from. I didn't bring gender into it at all and said it's the same for whoever is wrecking the home and yes he should be called that too).

She was completely cold and dismissive and when I asked about the poor wife she just said that she didn't really know her and as long as she didn't find out it wasn't a problem. (After further discussion she said it might be a problem if she found out as she might get a brick through the window or her car smashed up or something. Further proof she was only thinking of herself). I was blown away and actually quite sickened by this callous heartlessness and she completely changed in my eyes at that moment.

I asked her if she had been with him whilst

... keep reading on reddit โžก

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/kangamooz
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jun 10 2021
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The look of a man that can't wait to get married
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/miss_night_owl
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 07 2021
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BBC Two - Victoria Derbyshire, 13/09/2016, Tax credit payments stopped 'unfairly'. a 19-year-old mum had her child tax credits stopped by a private firm used by HMRC, after she was accused of being married to a dead 74-year-old man.โ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/veritanuda
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Sep 13 2016
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TIL that Stephen Sondheim, who passed away last week, was married to a man 50 years his juniorโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/daddybearsftw
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Dec 04 2021
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if a trans man gets married to a trans woman, would it be considered straight or lgbtq?

I've been thinking about this for a long time, I asked my friends this question but they don't know. So I thought of going on reddit and ask this because I've heard that most unanswered questions can be answered here.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/YourSuicidalAsian
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 15 2021
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I have a question and I would like someone to answer me: is there any time jump in the last chapter in the stars story arc where usagi is already 22 and marries mamoru? and what happened to the people of the earth? still *SPOILER* dead even with the power of the cosmos lambda?
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/EternalMemes30
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021
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This is why I refuse to get married, you just canโ€™t trust women nowadays. This man was about to put 50% on the line and get married.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/JaymGtow
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Oct 24 2021
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Renee Young on Moxley: "When you're married to Jon Moxley, that man likes to talk about wrestling. Sometimes I need to cleanse my pallet like, 'Can we just put on 'This Is Us' and not talk about wrestling for a minute? That would be great.' He's a big 'This Is Us' fan."โ€ฆ
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ 4k
๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Strike_Gently
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 05 2019
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A man posting about his dead dog
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/TheAmazingEggHead
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 16 2021
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What is the best way to tell my homophobic foster family that I am not a single hetero gay man but a married gay man with a kid?

Gotta do my yearly ditties and visit them this summer. Usually I just show up for a few hours and be hetero and leave.

But they want to know why I haven't settle down and married a nice lady and had a few kids.

Truth is, I been married to a man for the last 6 years. We have a kid together and a life together.

And they are against gay marriage and interracial marriage. I'm Italian and my husband is super duper white. And they assume they are entitled to my life despite only being my foster parents for the last few years before my 18th birthday. Narrsistic people. Rude. Religious.

Shout out to rasiedbynarrsitc and entitledparents subbreddit by the way.

Also these are the same people that firmly believe my gay was a phase. They sent my a gay-away camp. I ended up getting caned and two of my ribs are no longer attached to my rib cage due to the canning. They believe that the canning helped cure me and so it was a just beating.

Btw I lived in America during this time, so please vote every November to end conversion camps.

So yeah. Seeing them mid July. What is the best way to tell them that I am still gay, happily married, and a proud dad?

Edit: I'm 100% southern Italian. I have the Olive skin tone. I'm a little on the toasted side.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/dinosaregaylikeme
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jul 01 2019
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Ye Olde Bait & Switch! She sex-bombs him year 1 to get him committed & then dries up like the Sahara Desert. He's not married so it's not too late for him to resign himself to a life of drought. Run, my man! Run to the land where the women drip like the summer rain!
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/NoMarriageNoKids
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Dec 02 2021
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I will date any man as long as he is not dead!
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/brwneyedgyrl
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Oct 14 2021
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Lost my mother the day after I was married, 3 years ago. Lost my daddy a year ago right after my birthday. Lost a baby earlier this year. And today, I am finally able to begin cleaning out my parents house of all their things. Tired of living in a shrine to the dead. A toast might help.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/spacitymedic
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jan 17 2019
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Utah supreme Court says woman can be married to a dead manโ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Leavinonanairplane
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Dec 09 2014
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Any well endowed bi or married man looking for a nice clean hole? All safe. Open to m/f couples where she likes to see this as well.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/qbantony69
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Oct 28 2021
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A dead mans journal from the apocalypse

It all started on Saturday, it was my day off so I was sitting at home drinking beer while watching tv like I have done for for every other Saturday for the last 5 years. I was beginning to get hungry so I got up to get some trail mix I stored in my bag, as I picked up my food I heard my tv make a horrible noise, the eas alarm, immediately I went to my tv to get a look on what was happening, a mans voice began to speak, โ€œthis is not a drill there have been riots throughout America that has lead to the death of 1000s of people, the cause of this virus is believed to be blamed onโ€, boom a gunshot was right outside my window, screams immediately up-roared from the outside world.

I knew this was serious so I immediately went to my front door and locked it immediately. I only have one friend and I had to check if he was ok, I grabbed my phone and called him, โ€œwtf is going on Darenโ€ I said โ€œI donโ€™t knowโ€, โ€œthere are people outside my house should I go to yoursโ€, โ€œyes you should come now while you still have a chance to goโ€ and I hung up to get ready, I canโ€™t afford to make noise from now on.

I went to my kitchen and grabbed my biggest knife, all of my canned food and water, a bike helmet for protection and a big bag to carry all my supplies. While going to my room to get my bag I heard my downstairs windows breaking so I opened my bedroom window and hopped out. Once outside I threw my bag onto the bushes in my garden to reduce the noise, I grabbed the ledge of my window and crawled to the ground and picked up my bag.

I crawled asked on all fours till I reached my fence, I carefully manoeuvred my way over it into my neighbourโ€™s garden. What I saw there was my first true taste of what was going on, a bloody and bruised corpse was laying on the ground, with what looked like bite marks taken out of it, I struggled to keep back tears once I realised who it was,that damn good old lady that used live down the street. but I had to move on. After a gruelling 20 minute crawl through what feels like 1000 gardens I made it to my friends house.

He was at the door holding his pistol out ahead of him ready to shoot, I told him to not shoot me when I come out, when he saw him his smile lit up like a light bulb he ran to open the door for.

Iโ€™m gonna end this here if enough people like it Iโ€™ll do part 2 and sorry for bad englich

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Adventurous-Range494
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 08 2021
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A married Muslim man is hitting on me. Iโ€™m non-Muslim. What should I do? Please help!

Hey everyone! Long story hoping you could hear me out and offer some advice. Iโ€™m a non-Muslim living in Australia. My next door neighbors is a Muslim family. Even though we have been neighbors for a number of years we donโ€™t interact a lot. I do see the man out in front more than his wife and kids because heโ€™s a mechanic and works on his cars outside so we say hello whenever we see each other. Recently my old car has played up a bit so he has helped me a few times. I said my thanks and offered him fruits as my gratitude as he didnโ€™t want to take money.

A few weeks ago he offered to help fixing the front cosmetic of my car as he had seen it previously. His English isnโ€™t very good and he said although he has been in Australia for 20 years he didnโ€™t learn English. Through broken English and Google translate we chatted while he fixed my car and one conversation led to another he told me that he liked me years ago when they first moved to the area but he wasnโ€™t sure if I had a boyfriend, and that if I needed any help with anything just let him know.

I havenโ€™t interacted with Muslims a lot in my life, didnโ€™t want to offend him so I politely told him that in my Asian Buddhist culture it is very wrong to be involved with a married man in any shapes or forms. He didnโ€™t budge and said heโ€™s a Muslim so he can have four wives and joked that I could be his second wife or girlfriend.

I was beyond shocked and wasnโ€™t sure what to respond in a way that he would understand so I just waited until he finished the car but ever since then he started messaging me a few times a day (we had exchanged numbers previously when he told me he could help with any car issues and before the incident) and calling me โ€œbabyโ€. He also started saying the L word whenever he saw me and gave me gifts like flowers, perfume and a teddy bear. I rejected them but he just left them in my garage. His eldest daughter is living in the house with him and I donโ€™t want her to think something is happening between us so I didnโ€™t dare coming to his house to return them.

I have been ignoring his messages but if he doesnโ€™t hear from me then every few days heโ€™d find excuses to come over to talk to my mum and find a way to come into our place.

Just today he was fixing his house and somehow fell over to our house so my mum took him in as he was bleeding a little bit, we gave him band aids, and he had lunch with us and stayed a little. Unbeknownst to me he saw my mum trying to manually remove lint from her clo

... keep reading on reddit โžก

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/wazplmwsx
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Apr 19 2020
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Every time I watch S3E2 Dead Manโ€™s Party

Xander literally makes me want to punch him in the face. His character is the quintessential loser who thinks women owe him any/everything. Did no one know the circumstances surrounding Angelโ€™s death? Or Joyce kicking Buffy out because she literally could not stop saving the world just to have a conversation with her mother despite the fact that she just slayed a vampire directly in front of her?

I genuinely hate Xander as a character.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/jb1649
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Oct 11 2021
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[TOMT][VIDEO]A youtube video where a man is dead looking back on his life, asking questions arbitrary questions such as "how many people did I kiss" which eventually turns into "who was I going to marry".

Really need this youtube video, I think it was pretty well known at the time of viewing.

As the title states, it is a man against a white background asking questions to an unknown recipient.

Questions start initially as very arbitrary/irrelevant: how many eggs did i crack? how many times did I masturbate?

progressing to "who was I going to marry?" (or something to that effect)

Throughout the video, a blonde girl makes numerous appearances in some of the answers.

Answers come in flashbacks of his life.

In the end it is revealed that he was destined to fall in love with his ex-girlfriend (blonde girl) if he had not died and it becomes a message of 'making the most of life'.

edit: woops typo in the title

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/imoneyslice
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Mar 15 2016
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Missing Ontario man Tim Bosma is dead, police say | Hamilton police have recovered charred human remains they believe belong to missing man Timothy Bosma. The married father of a two-year-old had been missing since last Monday when he left with two men who showed up to test drive his 2007 Dodge Ram.โ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/douglasmacarthur
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ May 14 2013
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(Update: i married a man i met on muzmatch 2 wks ago) itโ€™s been 5 weeks, every time i think heโ€™s run out of pictures of bashar, he pulls stuff like this.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/saveboykings
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Feb 26 2020
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I haven't had a good night's sleep since March 31st, 2012. I wake up every night with the cold, dead eyes of a man intent on destroying a beloved franchise burned into my mind all the while hearing "squad-based gameplay" as if whispered by the ghosts of Bungo's past. I am a sufferer of PT343SD.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/-BF-
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jun 01 2021
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Asked on a date by a married man should I tell his wife?

I (44F) worked with a woman several years ago. Her son and mine ended up playing on the same team. Her husband (48M?) was very involved in their sonโ€™s sport activity. They were on the same team (my son & theirs) for about 5 years before this couple moved away.

About a year after they moved; my husband passed away. I received condolences from their family via the husband texting me on facebook. He asked for my number as he was driving and would rather speak than text. We had a brief conversation about our children and families in general and how my kids were coping with the loss of their Dad.

A few months later he text again asking how I was doing and I just ignored it. I find this man extremely annoying and avoided him when he lived here.

Yesterday he text me again asking how I and the kids were doing. He was very persistent even after telling him I was busy at the time. He kept sending texts and if I didnโ€™t answer would send โ€œ??โ€ within minutes.... like I said; annoying. Anyway, over the course of about 15 texts he proceeded to dig into my personal life asking if I was dating anyone.

Then he said โ€œIโ€™d take you on a dateโ€ to which I replied โ€œare you not still married?โ€ Then he said he was but โ€œitโ€™s just a dateโ€ and I responded with โ€œI wouldnโ€™t date anyone who wasnโ€™t divorced for at least a yearโ€ and THEN he went on telling me thatโ€™s a good idea if I wanted a relationship but what about just a little fun. He also asked me if I thought I was ready for a relationship or maybe Iโ€™d just like to get my feet wet?! I told him I wasnโ€™t interested in having this conversation and blocked him.

My question is, should I send that conversation to his wife? I worked with her years ago but honestly donโ€™t know her very well. Also, might take a bit of work to find her number. Iโ€™m willing to do that but would you want to know? There was no cheating but he was certainly being a total creep.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/lighteningproducer
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Aug 25 2019
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I married a 40 year-old man when I was 19 AMA
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/EarlySquash
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Feb 12 2019
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โ€œSince leaving the church, my life has become something that I now value and love, rather than something I survived...this is how my life should be. Married to a beautiful man, living our lives in a way that respects humanity in all its forms.โ€
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ 4k
๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Lifestyle_AfterMorm
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Apr 06 2019
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I married a man who was raised by a narcissist. What are some things that I can do in my relationship that may address some common emotional scars that being raised by a narcissist may cause?

For example my husband compulsively apologizes for everything no matter how small it is. Whenever he does that I remind him that he did nothing wrong and that I am happy with him.

I also notice that he has a hard time giving people bad news and so gets very wish-washy about it and has a hard time giving a straight answer in response to how much abuse he would get for that growing up. Iโ€™ve been trying to help him with that and help him to feel safe in that regard but I wonder how many other emotional wounds he has underneath the surface that I may not be able to pick up on as easily.

I guess another way to ask this question would be, how did being raised by a narcissist impact you and how can someone who loves you best support you and help you to be emotionally healthy? What specific issues might not be readily visible to people who love you that I could help to lessen?

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/Vonri
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Apr 28 2020
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I'm a lesbian who's married to a gay man. AMA
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/lavendermarriage
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Apr 09 2019
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Christians lectured the nation for decades about the โ€œsanctity of marriage,โ€ then turned around and voted for a man who fucked a porn star while married to his 3rd wife. You canโ€™t make this shit up. I hope theyโ€™re proud of themselves. I know Republican Jesus sure is. #christianvalues

For real. Three decades of culture wars and screaming about the sanctity of marriage, and Christians throw all of that to the side to vote for a man who plowed a porn star 40 years his junior.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ 7k
๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/relevantlife
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ May 04 2018
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I married the man of my dreams for under $5,000! We had the ceremony at the park followed by a reception at my mother in laws house! It was perfect :)
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/siennaella
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Dec 16 2019
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"I don't roll with women, I'm a married man." - Firas Zahabi

I heard him say this in a podcast and he says he's addressed this in the past but I searched for it for clarification and nothing came up. He says if anyone else does this, it's their prerogative but he won't because he's married.

I guess what I want to know is, does anyone understand his logic here? Has anyone heard him address it in more detail?

I understand that he's a really conservative guy but if his reasoning is that there's a sexually inappropriate implication in rolling, then what about rolling with men?

I like Firas but damn, every time he says some weird puritanical ass shit like this it makes me lose respect for him.

EDIT: for clarity.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/obiobi19
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Feb 07 2019
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I talked to a guy on tinder for awhile, and then found out he was married. I messaged his wife. I got this message from him yesterday... And they say sexism is dead. (Full story in comments.)
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/twelvedayslate
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jun 09 2017
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Are you excited for the day that a hairy old man breaks into your home with a sack in the dead of night mainly because of children?
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/nobody3_5_4
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Dec 17 2021
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Marrying a dead man's wife

So, hypothetically, if I were to enable hero death and kill Unqid, would it be possible to marry Jinda, asking for a friend.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/leviwulf
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Apr 01 2020
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A partial explanation for how I, an LDS gay man, ended up married to a woman.

I feel guilty about it, and I have spoken with other LDS gay friends who have told me that one of the reasons they knew they had to come out of the closet before marriage, despite the difficulty of doing so, was that they realized that they could not do that to a woman. There is so much social pressure for Latter-Day Saints to marry, that they felt that coming out was the only option they had. Now, I consider myself morally sensitive, so that caused me to wonder why it had literally never occurred to me at the time of my marriage that I could be harming my wife.

Part of the reason seems to be that I had practiced ignoring the gayness for so long, since I was a small child, that I had developed an unconscious habit of ignoring it. Of course, I knew that I was attracted to other guys. But that's as far as I let that go. I would quash any thoughts or feelings in that regard the instant they arose. That's what we were taught to do by the Church. Therefore, given that longstanding, unconscious habit, and given the intensely negative way that the Church and its people treated (treat) gay people, I couldn't, and didn't, accept myself as gay. In that case, having not admitted it to myself, there was no way that I could admit it to someone else, including my wife.

But I think that a bigger part of the reason is that, because of this habit, I had never experienced romantic feelings. I literally did not know what it was to be in love, so when I met my wife and enjoyed her company more than that of other women, I thought that must be love. I just didn't know there was anything else to experience. I do now, but I didn't then. And learning that there was something else was a shock and a revelation. What most people learn as teens, I didn't learn until I was about forty years old. I think that if I had been allowed, as are most people, to experience romantic love as a kid, I would have known what it was, and would have known that I was cheating my wife of a partner who could give her that in return. As incredible as it may seem, I just didn't know.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/anonymousharold
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jan 04 2020
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When I got married in '82, my brother was completely missing when it came time for him to give the best-man speech. Later I found out he had been next door on a personal high-scoring run of Pac-Man and didn't want to quit.

Arcade during our catering.

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/blindtourist
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Oct 22 2019
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AITA for refusing to pay back my sister the rest of the money I stole from her because sheโ€™s now married to a super rich man?

Back when I was using, I stole a couple hundred dollars from my sister. Iโ€™m not proud of it and have tried my best to repay her back.

Iโ€™ve currently been sober for a year.

Recently, my sister got married to a very wealthy man. Since then, she hasnโ€™t wanted for anything. Iโ€™m happy for her.

Since she got married though, Iโ€™ve sort of slowed down how much Iโ€™ve been paying her back and I havenโ€™t sent her any money in a couple weeks. She has so much money now that anything I could ever give her wouldnโ€™t matter and paying her back honestly makes me even more broke than I already am and I need every penny I can get.

My sister was over at my house this week helping me just clean and get my stuff together (Iโ€™ve recently moved).

At one point, while we took a break, she turns to me and asks me when Iโ€™m going to give her the rest of the money I owe her.

I kind of looked at her incredulously and said that she couldnโ€™t really expect me to pay her back when she now has so much money already.

She got pissed at me and said that it was the money I owed her and that I need to pay her back. I told her she was being greedy and that she had enough money.

She told me I was still acting like her junkie thief brother and left my place after that.

She wonโ€™t respond to my calls or texts asking her to meet up with me and talk about it since then.

I worked so hard getting myself to the point Iโ€™m at and I have so little money already and she had so much, that I donโ€™t really know if I actually am the asshole for not wanting to pay her back.


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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/qpfbenfonpno66
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jan 19 2020
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โ€œEver curious about her romantic life, reporters in Tokyo asked if she had marriage plans, to which she replied, โ€˜No, I am wedded to my art.โ€™ The following day, however, Japanese newspapers reported that she was married to a wealthy man named Art.โ€โ€ฆ
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/dotdapple
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Jan 23 2020
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I (40F) feel like I am dating a married man (40M)

I've been dating my boyfriend, Nick, for 9 months. I divorced 3 years ago and have one kid; he divorced last year and also has a kid. In his dating profile Nick had put that he was still friends with his ex-wife and that emotional maturity and commitment to putting his kids first was the key thing that made me want to message him. I had considered living with my ex-husband after we divorced because it would be less expensive and make it easier for him to see our kid. So it didn't bother me at all when, a couple of months into the relationship, I learned that he still lived with his ex-wife. He explained that, as a part of their divorce plan, they are living together while they pay off debt they accrued while married.

Nick is amazing. He is a great father to his kids, great at his job, and he is really nice to me. He takes me out for dates, is usually up for anything I suggest, asks if I need anything when I'm sick. He is amazing in bed. Like it's hard to picture better sexual chemistry. Actually great chemistry overall, too. It just feels good being with him.

A few things have happened during the relationship, each of which didn't bother me at the time, but that, when I look at them all together, make me feel uncomfortable... like I'm dating a married man.

- I flew out to his home state and we went on a roadtrip together around month three of dating and he didn't tell anyone. He took a call from his ex-wife during that time and I only heard his end of the call but he seemed to be explaining why he sounded different on the phone.

- He's woken me up at 4 am so he could leave my house and get to his house so he could take his ex-wife to the airport. He's also done this so he can get back to his house so she can go to the gym.

- I haven't met anyone in his life. Not a colleague. Not a friend. On a week when my kid was with my ex, Nick cancelled/forgot about our plans to go to an event and went to see a friend and the friend's wife who had just moved back in to town. He didn't invite me. He also didn't invite me to meet his brother while his brother was in town. To be fair, his family all lives in other states and his closest friends live in his home state. He doesn't really have friends here.

- Honestly, when I put everything together, I might actually wonder if he were still married, except that his ex-wife is an acquaintance of a very close friend of mine, Becca, and his ex-wife spoke to Becca when she saw her in a pa

... keep reading on reddit โžก

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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/throwaway9375673820
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Nov 18 2019
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Iโ€™m AFAB and married to a cis man. I think this is why it took me so long to come out as enby. But now that I have I finally feel like I have language to describe my authentic self.
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๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ u/SOS_Pants
๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ Feb 06 2020
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