A list of puns related to "Enrico Dandolo"
Hi ALl,
I wanted to write as it looks like CK3 is out, and there's at least the potential for me to enjoy the game as a totally blind player. I've done similar things before with other Paradox titles, but CK always eluded me, partially because of the peculiar choice of font, which made OCR a little difficult, even with mods.
The new game appears to have remedied that problem at least somewhat. I wanted to create this thread as a place to chat about the practical mechanics of making this game playable for me, or at least enjoyable.
I know from my previous forays into Paradox titles that i'll need to create bookmarks for parts of the screen. I also have read that the new "tooltips within tooltips," feature is designed to make things a little more straight-forward in terms of discoverability, though I can't tell the color of the text on screen due to my particular software's limitations.
Has anyone compiled a full hotkey list yet? I got a lot of mileage out of the ones for Stellaris and EU4, and hope that one ill be forthcoming soonest if it doesn't already exist.
I'd love to engage with the development team if at all possible, since it is still early days, and there's more potential for accessibility changes than there would be in older titles. I believe that the stats-heavy nature of the Paradox games in general makes them ideal for blind players to enjoy, and in fact have proof of this being the case with Stellaris, at least, which I've introduced successfully to friends. I've always wanted to enjoy the emergent stories in CK, however, and thus why I keep coming back in hopes of being able to do so.
Any practical input on ways to make this experience a little smoother would be very much appreciated. At the moment I'm still trying to get used to the way the interface works, and the font is giving me some trouble, though I hope a mod might be forthcoming to fix that. If not, I'll have to try making one myself.
Two major Mediterranean naval powers, whose nations were fierce rivals (despite a few centuries separating those particular figures' reigns), plus we could throw in a Civ reference or two.
So qua risorto dai ossi butà in mezo ai campi de chei quatro ebeti coe strasse sua testa dei otomani par el scambio culturae con /r/serenissimiteritorid'oltremare.
Sicome e domande par luri le gò assà scrite su un foietto casa de queo che me ospita le farò apena che ghe torno, intanto fasso sta roba qua.
Vedo che e robe le se cambià tanto, che ghe xe n'artra volta l'impero roman che desso se fa ciamare Union Europea (e prima ancora de questa ghe gà provà on mato ciapandoea in cueo), un cancaro de nome Napoleon Bonaparte gà conquistà a Republica el la ga dà ai striaci che i ga fatto dee merdade, come el spriss e a Red Bull. Ma come se fa a slungare el vin bianco con chea roba là rossa? Pitosto ghe do fogo ae vigne.
Va beh, dai desso tocca a vuialtri parlare che se el soe magna e ore e finio el scambio culturae gò da tornare indrio.
And why can't I directly share links?
There was once a man named Enrico Dandolo, the 41st Doge of Venice, Italy in 1192. Unfortunately for him, in 1171, 21 years prior to his election, he was on a trip to Constantinople where he ended up being physically blinded. A lot of speculation followed the incident as to how he was blinded. Some say the Byzantine Emperor had him blinded. Others say he was blinded from a strike to the head during a fight. Enrico never actually stated the cause. Ultimately, no one truly knows what happened. However, Enrico blamed the Byzantine Empire for his loss of eyesight and after years of living as an elderly blind man, he finally got his revenge.
In 1202, Enrico aided the French envoys with reinforcements and supplies during the 4th crusade which lasted until 1204. In the end, they had successfully conquered Constantinople leaving over 15,000 Byzantines dead. It was only a partial victory but a well earned one. And Enrico had avenged the loss of his eyesight in the most brutal way possible. He later died in May of 1205 at the age of 98. He is now buried in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey which is formally Constantinople, the city he helped conquer over 800 years ago.
Having an extremely fun time playing as this leader, just wanted some insight.
I began a new game of Civ easily enough. I'm not too experienced at the game having discovered my undying love for Civ 5 just this past year, and I always make it a point to try out a new civ leader every once in awhile.
Enrico Dandolo (Venice) had always intrigued me with his inability to settle new cities, ability to purchase City-States with his Merchants of Venice, and because I found it amusing his title is "Doge" (much Civ, very wow). I thought it would be a nice change of pace to focus on growing a singular city and focus on trade, diplomacy, and science rather than my default warmongering self, so - ENRICO DANDOLO IT WAS!
The game began innocently enough. I chose a small random map (I believe I ended up on fractals), with --- random AI leaders:
Pedro II (Brazil) - pretty chill guy, started on a continent south of my starting area.
Bismarck (Germany) - usually bane of my existence, but we became BFFs.
Askia (Songhair) - started out innocently enough...
Kamehameha (Polynesia) - one of my favorite civs to play with - very friendly and cooperative.
Haile Selassie (Ethiopia) - FUCK THIS GUY! Every game I've ever played with Haile AI, he is the biggest asshole this side of Attila! Things did not start well between us.
Hiawatha (Iriquois) - meh... at least he's not Pocatello.
Sejong (Korea) - awesome guy, but between Pedro and Sejong, I knew they'd be my stiffest competitors for a win. Still a great leader though.
The world began!
Enrico (me) got a great start on a fairly large fractal continent with no civs in direct competition. I started right next to two gold sources - winning! I was the first civ to be able to explore over water and ended up discovering each of the above-mentioned civs. And much to my surprise, with everyone more or less on their own islands, every civ was immediately cool and wanted to be friends and trade - which I obliged, and everyone loved me!
Except Haile Selassie... Haile started off nowhere near me, and yet coveted my lands. Now, I'm talking he is literally on the other side of the world from me. So, after awhile of playing and snubbing Haile, I ended up making friends with each civilization, and they all made friends with each other (Haile was only friends with Hiawatha). Before I knew it, Venice was a burgeoning trade hub, nearly covering my entire fractal...
Haile settled right at the northern tip of my fractal... an entire fucking world away, and Haile pulls this crap. I denounced him and told him not to s
... keep reading on reddit ➡Specifically, did other business men think one way or another about the blind ruler? Did his blindness play a major role in the siege of Constantinople?
Proveniente de una importante familia de oligarcas venecianos, Enrico Dandolo fue elegido dux de Venecia en 1192, cargo que ocupó hasta su muerte en 1205.
Se trató de la máxima figura de la extinta República Serenísima de Venecia, la cual duró 1000 años (697-1797) y acuñó algunos nombres que pasarán a la posteridad por sus arrojos de heroísmo, gestión de crisis e inteligencia. El propio Dandolo era una figura muy respetada en vida, tanto por sus compatriotas como por los mandatarios extranjeros, quienes valoraban su sensatez, sabiduría y prudencia. Como detalle pintoresco, cabe destacar que Dandolo se fue quedando ciego a lo largo de su adultez, y prácticamente ya era ciego a la hora de ser elegido dux de Venecia, así que durante todo su mandato tuvo que convivir con esa discapacidad, lo cual generaba un raro clima de cara a sus aliados y a sus enemigos.
En el año 1201 se llamó a una IV Cruzada en Oriente Medio y se pidió formalmente la participación veneciana. El estado veneciano debía transportar a unos 35.000 hombres desde Venecia hasta Tierra Santa, servicio por el cual estaría trabajando todo un año hasta 1202 para construir y adaptar las galeras necesarias. El presupuesto pasado por Venecia a los príncipes cruzados constaba de un servicio de un año de acarreo a lo largo del Mediterráneo Oriental, más comida y suministros durante, más galeras de protección, además de los transportes y sus respectivas tripulaciones. El precio era altísimo, equivalente a los ingresos por impuestos de todo un año de Francia. Los cruzados aceptaron, y Venecia entonces puso todos sus recursos humanos y materiales a disposición de la IV Cruzada. De fracasar la empresa el estado veneciano -es decir las familias oligárquicas que lo componían- hubiera quedado literalmente en bancarrota.
Llegada a la fecha pautada Venecia tenía todo listo; no así los cruzados, quienes fueron llegando de a tandas desorganizadas y no alcanzaron a reunir ni los soldados ni el dinero necesario para pagarle a Venecia. A partir de entonces todo fue un juego de gestión de crisis, en donde el dux tuvo que negociar y renegociar cada detalle para que la empresa no se viniera abajo. Demás está decir que tener unos 20.000 soldados apostados en las inmediaciones de Venecia no ofrecía ninguna garantía de seguridad nacional, en caso de que se cancelara la cruzada y hubiera tenido que explicarle a esos hombres que habían dejado su vida en pos de una aventura que los haría
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