maka dai dai shogi

Is anyone anyone familiar with this variant? How do you keep track of that many pieces.

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/Kaine_Eine
📅︎ Jun 14 2021
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TIL about Shogi, a variant of Chess, which itself has another variant Dai Shogi, where you had to capture the opponent's king and, if present, the prince, which counts as a second king.…
👍︎ 46
👤︎ u/calantheSG
📅︎ Jun 15 2020
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Wanting to learn chu shogi and dai shogi

I am fairly new to shogi in general, I recently learned of the existence of larger shogi varieties. Somewhere down the line I would absolutely love to attempt to learn and play Taikyoku shogi. (I know that there is practically no following for it and the rules and moves are subject to lack of knowledge.) But if I want to ever get to that point I figure I need to learn my way up the food chain. The biggest problem I'm having is that I am American with no current ability to read or speak any Japanese. And although I can remedy this down the line, for now I need resources for english speakers. Some sort of guides for chu and dai shogi. Of course, this is all for nothing is I cant find a way online to practice I've been able to find chu shogi online. Dai shogi is where the following just seems to fall off into nothingness. So any suggestions or advice would be amazing.

TLDR: I would like to learn Taikyoku shogi but need resources to learn basics.

Thank you for any information

👍︎ 2
📅︎ May 17 2019
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After marriage by (ΦωΦ)DAI
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jan 20 2022
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Covid, Draghi in conferenza stampa: "Invito gli italiani a vaccinarsi. I problemi che abbiamo dipendono dai No Vax. Scuola, la Dad crea disuguaglianze"…
👍︎ 244
👤︎ u/_Feistt_
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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Ranking the DAI maps from awful to amazing [DAI spoilers]

My ranking of the ten main maps in the game. If you hate my list, that’s fine, tell me yours.

10. Forbidden Oasis. Pretty much the only thing here are shards. I hate shards.

9. Fallow Mire. Don’t you love not being able to walk anywhere without reanimating a corpse? Although we do get the sit-in-judgement with the goat cutscene out of this map, so that’s something.

8. Hissing Wastes. The only reason this is above Fallow Mire is because it has a dragon. Other than that this is a wildly boring map.

7. Western Approach. Earns points for plot relevance and the dragon. Loses points for how many fetch tasks there are to GET to the dragon and the constant animal attacks. I’m also very sick of deserts.

6. Exalted Plains. I like the Dalish clan we run into here, since we really don’t see a lot of them in this game. But this map isn’t a standout to me otherwise.

5. Crestwood. We get a morally gray judgment, a dragon, and a chance to meet the warden. I also like how the map changes from rainy to sunny after you close the rift.

4. Storm Coast. I considered putting this in the top 3 because I love how visually cool it is, but it’s not the most interesting for gameplay. It gives us Iron Bull though, and will therefore earn an honorable mention.

3. Hinterlands. Honestly, I think this is a great map. It’s beautiful, lore-filled, plot-relevant, and it has a dragon! (Can you tell I like fighting dragons?)

2. Emprise du Lion. I almost put this one first. It’s one of the most stunning and unique maps in the game, and I love the mission with the “Choice Spirit.” Plus it has three — count ‘em, THREE — dragons! But…

1. The Emerald Graves is the winner for me. When I think “fantasy,” the emerald graves comes to mind. It’s so lovely, I’m honestly happy just running around in it. My first and canon play-through is as an Elven Mage, so this map holds special significance to me lore-wise.

👍︎ 368
📅︎ Jan 11 2022
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[dai spoilers] To trespasser or to not trespasser?

In your opinion, is trespasser worth it? What about it did you like? I know it’s not expensive but im a broke hoe and undecided if I wanted to pay for the emotional damage I know will come with the dlc😅

👍︎ 171
📅︎ Jan 19 2022
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something feels very off about the enemies in DA Inquisition [dai spoilers]

I'm replaying the trilogy and where the enemies in DA:O as well as other RPGs like Skyrim, mass effect or witcher felt like real NPCs that you would fight and kill, in DA:I they just feel like these utterly mindless lumps of meat that you just whack until their red health bar disappears.

They appear to have little to no AI, and there is very little to distinguish one humanoid enemy from another. They're all like bits of moving scenery that stands in your way to the next objective rather than an actual NPC to engage with. They're just these literal meat-bags.

Does anyone else feel like this? Am I going crazy?

👍︎ 340
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Ce faci cand iti dai seama ca parintii tai sunt idioti?

Nu am incercat sa imi vad parintii ca pe niste oameni normali pana pe la 20 de ani, mereu am crezut ca ei sunt parinti si stiu ce fac, eu sunt ala bou.

Totul a inceput cand am plecat pt facultate si am cunoscut oameni noi cu familii functionale.

Aparent nu e ok sa iti iei bataie ca n-ai lipici pentru ora de educatie plastica sau sa te bata ma-ta ca n-ai facut 50 de exercitii la mate in vacanta de iarna si sa petreci 12 ore rezolvand la exercitii cu ma-ta langa tine si rupand foi si luand totul de la 0.

Sau cand venea la mine sa ma intrebe daca am nevoie de ceva, daca imi e foame, daca imi face clatite sau gogosi si ii zic ca da, incepe sa se duca in bucatarie sa sune ceva prietena random si sa se planga cu VOCEA LA MAXIM, ca uite cate facea ea pentru mine si mereu imi scotea ochii pentur orice lucru cu care ma ajuta.

Toata clasa 8 ma facea prost, ca o sa ajung un *pierde-vara* un nimic, ca o sa fiu cioban, ma ameninta ca ma da afara din casa daca nu iau peste 8 la examen, eu copil speriat iti dai seama ca am mancat pe maine tot ce predau aia la scoala. Dupa afisarea notelor incepea sa se laude ca uite ce copil destept are tuca-l mama.

Povestea se repeta si la BAC.

Dar astea nici nu sunt cele mai interesante reactii pe care le avea mama,

Cea mai interesanta trasatura pe care o are e sa le faca pe plac altora, dar la modul extrem, daca un strain ii cere sa ii dea haina de pe ea, nici nu s-ar gandii o secunda inainte sa se dezbrace. Dar cu mine? ar face si ar zice orice ca sa nu ma lase sa fac ce vreau eu si sa incerce sa ma controleze cat mai mult.

Nu aveam voie sa am preferinte, la haine, la comportament la mancare la nimic. Doar eu stiu de cate ori am plans cand ma ducea sa imi cumpere haine si imi dadea chestii care ii placeau ei si aratam ca si avatarul de pe reddit cu outfit randomizat.

Sau cand imi facea de mancare ceva laturi dintr-o retata citita pe net si iti dai seama ca n-a respectat retata ca ea stie mai bine sau daca n-are ingredientul si asa nu era folositor.

Tin minte ca aveam 16 ani si voiam sa dorm la o fata acasa, m-a sunat si a tipat la mine dupaia m-a cautat prin tot orasul, suna si intreba si le zicea ca sunt cu ceva curva. Iti dai seama ca nu mi-a mai raspuns fata aia niciodata.

Dubios ca nu am zis nimic de tata huh? pai ce sa zic toata viata mea a fost background character, abia daca mi-a zis 5 propozitii in total.

Acum ca locueisc singur si pot sa vin cand vreau acasa si sa plec cand vreau mi-a oferit un fel de putere si

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 615
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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I don’t understand how niggas get praised for killing innocent ppl. Niggas scream free Rondo and C Dai but they locked up for killin an innocent man. T Roy allegedly killed an innocent 67 year old. Idc how close we are, u do some lame shit like that u not my potna

Imagine a mfa killing yo uncle or grandpa because they were trigger happy or because they was too scary to get up on they opps and shot from across the street. Y’all b praising cowards

👍︎ 103
📅︎ Jan 21 2022
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Blackwall Appreciation Post [dai spoilers]

At first glance blackwall is the most uninteresting charachter being a pure embodiment of what we the audience thinks a Grey warden should be mostly because of our time playing DAO where we the warden saved Ferelden but Blackwall seems to know almost nothing about the Wardens dodging the Herald's questions in a way no other companion really does and has this extreme reverence for the Greywardens. Then he subverts all of our expectations by not being a Grey warden.

I also think Mr Ranier has the greatest speech of any companion. "The first time I put on this armor I felt like I belonged."

Also Blackwalls tomb in the fade. His greatest fear is himself what a cool hint.

I highly recommend you do a DAI run and look for all the hints as to who Blackwall really is. Blackwall is also one of the easiest party members to use.

👍︎ 363
👤︎ u/RajaSonu
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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[DAI Spoilers] Morrigan Was Going To Narrate the Prologue (Cut Content Transcript)

I was digging around in the conversation files and stumbled upon something interesting.

>!There's (unvoiced) lines of a narration Morrigan was supposed to do of the conclave during the prologue.!<

The file is pro_game_intro_v if anyone wants to check it out for themselves, but I've also written a transcript of what's in the file.

Note: I've put double slash // before lines I believe to be optional/an alternate line. Some of the lines branched onto different ones and I wasn't sure in which order or manner they were supposed to be read.

TEMP: Opening scenes of the conclave gathering, narrated by Morrigan. Leads up the explosion that wipes out the valley. Smash cut to black.

Morrigan: The dragon age began with the return of beasts long thought lost to the world.

An omen, they said, of great change to come.

And they were right.

Mages have slipped the chains that bound them for a thousand years.

Abandoning their sacred duty, templars now war with mages in the streets.

Chaos reigns. Empires burn.

Oh, there are those who cling to hope, who host their Divine Conclave in search of peace.

Come together, they say. Let us find the answer before it is too late.

But it is already too late.

//And they will fail.

We are at war.

Faith against magic.

Order against chaos.

The old world against the new.

Take a stand.

Leap into the abyss.

Or watch the world be consumed by flames.

//The time has come to take a stand.

The return of the dragons was said to be an omen of great change to come.

And so it was.

//And that change is now.

Rise up.

Now it begins.

//The war begins.

Make your mark.

Change the world.

Don’t fuck it up.


👍︎ 303
👤︎ u/Dmitrias
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
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[dai spoilers] does anyone have an issue with the questions you can ask Krem?

I feel like the questions are so….targeted lol. Why would my elf who knows spirits are real and have stupid names such as a “Command” spirit care about Krem’s gender? 😭

When he made the binder joke to Bull I was like that’s a lil funny and moved on but the completionist in me likes to see all dialogue options, but I just didn’t appreciate some of the questions that were available because it just made me feel like a medieval bigot

👍︎ 247
👤︎ u/efiality
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
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[no spoilers] Dao Genlock > DA2/DAI Genlock

I gotta say it I prefer dao version of Genlock over the ones seen in da2 & dai. Just the change between titles seemed so drastic.

👍︎ 187
👤︎ u/AceSoul9k
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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Ranking companions based on how fun they’d be at parties [DAI spoilers]

Not including DLC companions because a) I haven’t played all of them and b) we’d be here all night. Anyway, without further ado, here is the official and infallible ranking of how fun each companion would be at a party.

23. Sten is…not exactly a conversationalist. In all honesty he probably wouldn’t attend.

22. Oghren gives drunk uncle vibes. He’d make everyone uncomfortable by getting absolutely shitfaced, then get his ass handed to him by Cassandra for making a move on her

21. Anders would be the kinda cute guy you flirt with for two minutes who then proceeds to trap you in a 2-hour conversation about his political views

20. Solas would probably be really fun to gossip with in the corner. Or to have on a trivia team. But he’d kill the vibe by murdering everyone you know and love after the party’s over, so that’s kind of a bummer :/

19. Bethany isn’t bad, but she’d leave fifteen minutes in, never to be seen again

18. Carver would keep losing to Hawke at stack cup, get mad, slip on a puddle of beer, and end up in the ER for a concussion. He would then proceed to become an EMT.

17. Sera thinks she’s hilarious but is actually just really annoying. She gets kicked out after dropping a bucket of fruit punch on Vivienne’s head

16. Aveline will claim she was just dragged along, but secretly she’s having a great time. She will, however, complain that the music is breaking the sound ordinance

15. Blackwall will show up and insist he has an invitation, but literally no one knows who he is. Whatever, he brought vodka, I’m sure he’s fine

14. Merrill is down to play literally any game, but would end up getting a little too drunk, and someone would have to babysit her half the night

13. Cole would take a few minutes to warm up. He learns to blend into the crowd for the most part, only occasionally making an unsettling comment

12. Morrigan will lean against the wall sipping her drink and ignoring everyone, but she’ll be positively delighted when you ask her to dance. You’ll think about that smile on her face for days to come

11. Vivienne is hosting the party, and she keeps it going. But she’ll talk shit about you the moment you’re out of earshot.

10. Cassandra is the one who planned the party and doesn’t even get mad when someone else takes credit and steals the spotlight. Once she’s had a few drinks, she’s a blast

9. Wynne is absolutely the mom-friend taking care of Merrill (and eve

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 284
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
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[DAI Spoilers] Iron Bull Romancers: What is your Inquisitor like?

I love Iron Bull so I'm curious! Race, sex, age, height, class, personality type, Inquisition decisions, etc.? What type of person are you pairing with the Iron Bull?

👍︎ 78
📅︎ Jan 20 2022
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[dai spoilers] Solas the Golden God

So I just finished replaying DAI for the holidays with my female elf Inquisitor and I have to say the Solas romance option began to feel familiar. I had seen this somewhere before, it was only right at the very end of Trespasser that I saw what he was doing.

This son of a bitch just Dennis'd me.

D- demonstrate value: he swoops in and saves my life from an explosion he caused and becomes the 'inquisitions expert' in his own rifts.

E- Engage Physically: a tentative one here but that son of a bitch holds me in his arms in the fade. Offering a glimpse of romance and secret knowledge.

N- Nurturing Dependence: he works as your go-to expert, no one knows more about the rifts he made than him and he exploits it shamelessly. All the while promising my young dalish elf hidden truths about the origins of her people only he can possibly tell her. Leading right up to telling me the truth about and then removing my Vallaslin, by basically neg-ing me about them.

N- Neglect Emotionally: Immediately after this most permanent and intimate of moments he pulls away hard and refuses to engage. Eventually, he even vanishes without a trace in what is supposed to be my hour of triumph.

I - Inspire Hope: Trespasser, hints and clues over my lost ex litter the missions could he be back? Could I finally be getting the answers he promised but never really delivered?

S- Separate Entirely: He took this one a bit literally, at my god damn elbow. He shuts you down, won't reason with you or even let you join. He turns and walks through that mirror, mission accomplished.

I will never forgive Solas and I will have my revenge.....

👍︎ 626
👤︎ u/Whightwolf
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
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Quanto il folclore norreno è tornato in auge nei dintorni di Hollywood? Dopo Valhalla Rising di Refn ecco che il regista Robert Eggers traspone un'altra pellicola per il genere. Dai videogiochi, passando per le serie TV sembra che i vichingi abbiano invaso di nuovo l'immaginario collettivo.…
👍︎ 38
👤︎ u/elf0curo
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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[dai spoilers] I just feel like I want to cry...

So, I knew about the Dread Wolf beforehand 'couse... Inq is almost 8 years old, there are some spoilers I couldn't pass over but, that was all I knew. Now I just finished the main story and... I just want to f*cking punch Solas in the face so hard, like... BRO WTF!

He GAVE the orb to Coryphex? He lied THAT HARD on us? On me? I said that I loved him, and he just spited on my face like nothing, I didn't know I would hate Solas this hard like... literally, he broke my heart. I'm a guy, I played a female Levallen because I wanted to romance my bald babe, I wasn't particularly in loved with him at the start but, he grew on my a little, and he just... destroyed my and Levallen's heart with just one hit.

I don't know what I would do in Tresspasser or what will happen either, but I know one thing... I'll punch that bald sucker right in his Ancient Elven God-ish face, and I'll enjoy it.

👍︎ 102
👤︎ u/Valenisse
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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DAI: worth collecting all the shards? [dai spoilers]

I'm playing through DAI for the first time. I'm into the meat of the game at this point (party level 11-12), so lots of different areas to explore. I have now also gotten to the caves in the oasis with the locked doors that are opened with shards.

I unlocked all the spirit doors, but did not have enough shards to do the ice or fire doors.
My question is, how worth it is it to be completionist with the shards? In hinterlands I enjoyed tracking down all the shards, it was fun. But in the oasis and now in exalted plains it feels very tedious. Almost every one requires some sort of climbing puzzle, which takes a lot of time, and honestly is not very fun.

So - great benefit to tracking them all down?

👍︎ 63
👤︎ u/caluke
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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[A te che vivi lontanto dai tuoi] Ma i tuoi genitori ti vengono mai a trovare o sei sempre TU a doverci andare?

Ciao a tutti,

scrivo perché ho appena avuto l'ennesima discussione riguardo i miei genitori.

Vivo all'estero, ma da sempre è completamente normale che io torno a casa a Natale e in Estate, sacrificando le mie vacanze. Loro invece se le spassano andando in Grecia etc.

Ma è una cosa comune questa, che i figli devono sempre andare a visitare i genitori e non può essere mai viceversa? o come funziona per voi?

Se non vado io a casa, viene semplicemente accettato il fatto che quest'anno allora semplicemente non ci si vedrà... a loro non passa neanche per la testa che potrebbero essere loro quelli che per una volta si spostano o che, magari, ci si può anche organizzare per trovare una soluzione comune.

Volevo capire se questa è semplicemente una cosa generale e tipica di tutti i genitori italiani o se i miei sono un caso particolare.

Ps: stessa cosa per quanto riguarda sentirci via telefono, in quanto a chiamare sono sempre e solo io, mai loro.

Per piacere rispondete in modo serio.

Edit1: Al mio compleanno devo sempre chiamare solo io; un'anno mi sono stufato e cmq niente. Non mi hanno chiamato.

Edit2: A sto punto penso sia proprio un discorso generazionale (e scusate se generalizzo): loro hanno avuto tutto; pagano e pretendono. Invece la nostra generazione ha dovuto farsi il mazzo per provare a crearsi qualcosa, spesso dovendo andare a vivere all'estero. Penso che è per questo che loro pretendono che i figli vengono. Prendere un treno o un'aereo sarebbe troppo scomodo per loro ma pretendono che gli altri lo fanno;

👍︎ 245
👤︎ u/teggile
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Here's my latest Malazan illustration, a real doozy. "Dais / Never to Fall" let me know what you think!
👍︎ 165
📅︎ Jan 19 2022
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I think I know why Vivienne irked me so much. [Dai spoilers]

I'll concede, that, like many people, i initially found Vivienne insufferable, like Anders. But as I played the game, I found that she was a very effective and well written character.

Yes, she is divisive, but that's by intention. She's a Circle mage who managed to do very well for herself. She supports the Circle, and makes valid points doing so. I like that.

So why did she still bother me?

Well, because it's like she's Batman when he's in a team-up.

Let me explain.

Superman and Wonder Woman are very intelligent, reasonable people. They are very clever and don't solve all their problems by punching them. They can outsmart a lot of people. And they are both capable of preparing for enemies.

And yet, when they're with Batman, suddenly they don't think as much. Why? Because Batman is supposed to be smart. If everyone else was smart around him, he is less special, his niche less important.

In Vivienne's case, nobody is allowed to be smarter than her. It doesn't matter how smart they all elsewhere, if they can make smart comebacks, make valid arguments, and give points that can't be countered easily, it makes Vivienne look bad.

Even the player can't counter her points effectively when talking to her!

She's supposed to be a master game player, but if she can be outsmarted or left unable to have the last word, it makes her look bad.

And her entire shtick is that she has mastered the art of a not losing control. Of herself, of the situation, of anything.

And I'll concede, I'm not sure how to balance the two, keep Vivienne awesome, while allowing the player and their companions to make strong counterarguments against her.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

👍︎ 416
👤︎ u/bookist626
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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[dai spoilers] My biggest disappointment with Inquisition

I played through Inquisition and I LOVED IT. The character customization was fun, the variety of regions to explore was crazy, and the banter between companions was great.

However, I was so underwhelmed by Val Royeaux. It was so disappointing to see that it was just a tiny square, after being hyped up as a giant city. Beauclair in the Witcher 3 felt like what Val Royeaux should've been.

👍︎ 204
👤︎ u/Succ425
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
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[DAI Spoilers] Playing as a Mage, but I don't really care for any of their Specializations. Which one has passives that are worth going for?

(Don't have any DLC, if that matters at all)

Reason I ask is because I haven't really played Mage in this game, so I'm not sure what goes into making a "good" Mage.

Was originally going to play a Necromancer, but was MASSIVELY disappointed by the lack of actual necromancy. Their explosion ability reminds me of Diablo 3 Necro's Corpse Explosion, which is neat, but I digress.

Thought of Knight Enchanter because playing a Melee Mage sounded like fun, but I really don't like the "one and done" charge mechanic for their magic sword.

Rift Mage is "I cast Fist", which is cool, but I don't want to be another Solas (petty, but he rubs me the wrong way, even when I'm NICE to him.)

👍︎ 77
📅︎ Jan 20 2022
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[dai spoilers] “Get Varric killed, and I’ll feed you your own eyeballs.”

..Bianca don’t force me to squish you with my foot and then write a sincere apology to Varric.

You’re gonna death threat a person who survived at the hands of a fucked up Franken-Slender-Witch hybrid lookin’ ass with his giant green butthole in the sky.

And remember I’m not the one who decided to mess with red lyrium.

👍︎ 322
👤︎ u/duketrave
📅︎ Dec 28 2021
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Per entrare in Italia dai paesi dell'UE servirà un test COVID-19 negativo - Il Post…
👍︎ 211
👤︎ u/kaesos
📅︎ Dec 15 2021
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But seriously, why would the Dai Li join Azula because of a 30 second speech?
👍︎ 4k
📅︎ Dec 08 2021
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[Dai spoilers] opinion rant: Letters would have been a nice touch.

So, call me crazy, but I don't like romancing any companion that you cannot have with you when out in the field. To me, the idea that you fight side by side is a pivotal part of the romance. Especially when you consider that the inquisitor probably spends months away from Skyhold - especially in places like the Western Approach (insert space balls "combing the desert" here).

That said,

Something that would have sweetened the romance for me is if they would have written you letters.

You know how it be, gotta bust out the ole ink n' quill and jot down a few saucy lines for the boo. Slip in a few salacious illustrations here and there. Nothing too crude, of course.

Think how cute the banter would be when you ask Varric for help writing a reply.

👍︎ 82
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
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Let's argue - The Fabulous Rebirth of Dwarven Masculinity; from Oghren to Varric. [Dao spoilers] [dai spoilers].

He's like the creepy uncle we all want to forget that we have.

You love him, but you wish you didn't.

That's right, we're gonna talk about the dwarf, the myth, the legend.

Oghren - the thing that probably keeps Bioware awake at night.

I wanna be clear that I love Oghren, but I also think that when we show these games to our kids; we will be embarrassed. Not all of his jokes will have aged well. Or they will have aged like gold, fight me, I dare you. Make me be wrong.

Anyway, I feel like any minute now, a young new player is going to pick up DA Origins, meet Oghren and be disgusted. Or maybe they'll be amused by him? I don't know. Children, if you're reading this, how do you feel about the perv man? What's that? I'm a big old naggy prude? Welp, I'll be Johndarned Mellencamped.

If I recall correctly, Oghren goes back to Felsi and raises his baby for as long as he is able. But does conventional masculinity make him more worthy of respect in our eyes? Why or why not? Does that redeem him? Does that completely redeem that pervy little chuckle that made you want to take a shower? You know the one. barf

This becomes especially interesting when you compare him to Varric Tethras - the original short king. Varric is like if Han Solo weren't also an obnoxious scruffy nerfherder. He's sauve, stylish, articulate, a scoundral with a heart of gold. He's the friend, in need, who was a friend indeed. Varric is redefining not only dwarven masculinity but masculinity as a whole.



I mean, thank you for coming to my completely pointless tedtalk.

TL:DR - I have no good answers for you.

👍︎ 141
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
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Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken - Episode 64 discussion

Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken, episode 64

Alternative names: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai

Rate this episode here.

Reminder: Please do not discuss plot points not yet seen or skipped in the show. Failing to follow the rules may result in a ban.


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Episode Link Score Episode Link Score Episode Link Score Episode Link Score
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👍︎ 83
📅︎ Jan 08 2022
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Varric line in DA2 Legacy [DA2 Spoilers] [DAI Spoilers]

I was just doing another playthrough of DA2 and just happened to hear this battle banter line from Varric in Legacy during the Coryphueus battle. “If he pulls a dragon out of his ass I’m leaving” or something to that effect.

Given what happens in Inquisition during the battle of Haven it’s just so, so good. I once again bow to the great writers at BioWare.

👍︎ 134
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
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[dai spoilers] what was your impression on a romance with Solas?

I personally believe their relationship has the most in depth romance, at first he was just this dreamy magician who knew his way of words to impress the inquisitor and even in the ending after breaking up when the orb broke he reassured that everything what was between them was real, he knew the inquisitor would be his enemy from the start and even then he let himself catch feelings and it was so obvious he still had them after meeting two years after. It was also mentioned he visits inquisitor in the sleep but disappears once she notices him. I just think it’s beautiful how it’s obvious that they’re still in love when they have to be enemies. I would love to hear other opinions and discuss this

👍︎ 43
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
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Robes (”Quju”) of silk, cotton and gauze from the Mawangdui Tombs belonging to Xin Zhui, Marquess of Dai - c. 217 BC-168 BC, Western Han Dynasty, China [1636x1774]
👍︎ 260
👤︎ u/ting-en
📅︎ Jan 19 2022
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El cashback en Buenbit ahora es solo en ETH, DAI o Bitcoin

No vi que nadie hable de esto. Me llego el mail que solo el cashback es en estas tres criptomonedas porque son las 3 que ellos tienen para invertir. Que les parece?

"Porque en Buenbit nos importa tu voz, tomamos una decisión basada en la opinión de la comunidad: a partir de ahora, todos tus reintegros son en bitcoin, ether y Dai.

Con este cambio, recibís reintegros en cripto por usar tu tarjeta, ¡los ponés a invertir y generás ganancias!"

👍︎ 25
📅︎ Jan 19 2022
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[dai spoilers] Am I the only one who thinks the choices for the new divine are kinda ridiculous?

None of the three options really have any theological education (maybe leliana?).

Leliana has more experience killing people than talking to them or convincing them to do anything.

While Cassandra bless her heart i love her but she is not charismatic at all, and i don't think she would be the perfect fit for such position because of it. it's like making Alistar king, you want to do it but you know it's not the best decision.

Now Vivienne, charm and charisma? check. Has experience playing the court? check. divine being a mage will obviously send a big message that the chantry wants to reform and get shit right when it comes to the templar mage conflict.

BUTTTTT for some fucked up reason Vivenne wants you to take the mages as prisoners? With everything that happened? while SHE'S A MAGE? I can't push myself to be complicit like that in injustice. or vote someone who believes that way.

All choices are really bad, except maybe a softened Leliana? I don't know what do you guys think?

👍︎ 279
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
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Just Finished Dragon Age Inquisition.....Here Are My Thoughts [dai spoilers]

Ok, so ill start by saying that this game is my favorite entry in the series despite its many flaws.

The game really shines on its dlc's (The Descent Trespasser come to mind). The main story could have done a lot better for example there were too many unnecessary side quests (astariums, shards etc), open world maps with not alot going on, too many desert maps and the main villain could have been MUCH MUCH better....Because even though he was a threat he was still a bit mediocre.

Another issue was that this game was a bit glitchy, i remember not playing it for a long time because my save file got corrupted, sometimes in battle your characters will just not move, also the A.I is really dumb, but besides these short comings the game was a great experience for me due to the rich world and the cast of characters.

While some (Sera) could be annoying and immature she is outclassed by characters like Thom Rainier, Vivienne, Cassandra, Leliana, Varric, Solas etc etc. I really love doing their personal quests and getting to know these characters better and affecting decisions of later parts of the game.

Anyways i love how this game sets up the following game which i hope is a masterpiece i personally rate this game a 7.5/10 because it could have been much better.

What are your thoughts?

PS The music is really fantastic in this game.

👍︎ 43
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
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Dai Shi is really cool (1520dmg combo)
👍︎ 67
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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[dai spoilers] Anyone else feels defeated at the end of Trespasser DLC?

I am speechless after beating the game, and the Trespasser DLC caught me off guard. My companions and I were killing hordes of Qunari, solving mysteries of Eluvians--you know, just typical inquisition stuff. Then I find out Solas is involved, one of my former companions who always treated me with respect, has been a valuable friend, and even helped me heal my hand. Without a second thought, I am rushing to get to him first to help him against the Qunari. In the meantime, my arm is going out of control, and I have no understanding of what is happening.

Then, I reach Solas, which is a surprisingly calming moment. His presence is soothing as he radiates resolve and heals my pain. He explains what he is and what he will do with just enough information. And that's the moment when I feel defeated since I realize that I can't get to harm an old friend, and not sure I am capable even if I wanted to. I also know that I can't change his mind; damn, I don't even know if I want to since he seems to know so much more than I do. So this is it--one thing that the inquisitor cannot achieve. So I go back and disband the inquisition, which is arguably not mine anymore considering all the spies within.

Just superb storytelling overall. It is rare for a game to make you feel so defeated and confused after 150 hours of defeating the most potent entities. Wanted to give a shoutout to devs who pulled this off and share my feelings with the community. I wonder whether others felt a similar sense of defeat/helplessness at the end of the DLC.

👍︎ 394
👤︎ u/onour11
📅︎ Dec 22 2021
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[DAI Spoilers] In DAI, what was the most funniest thing you’ve seen/heard in the game?

Mine was during the trial of Chief Movran in Skyhold.

I’ll always giggle at the sight of one goat casually eating snow at the edge of death of Skyhold while his brethren joins in flying into a wall.

👍︎ 146
👤︎ u/duketrave
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Best “Deadwood”Sayings……T-shirts and such…..want to have them at Wu’s Casino in Deadwood for sale. Happen to know somebody. Hang Dai! Want a top 20 list. Let it Rip, Reddit!
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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[DAI spoilers] What could Dragon Age 4 do better than DA:I?

So I decided to re-play Dragon Age inquisition this time alongside the DLCs I hadn't played before and it got me thinking on what Dragon Age 4 could improve on this one. I think that there have already been some discussions around this (the game is over 7 years old, for gods sake), but wanted to give my take on it and get some feedback on what people think are the biggest improvement areas we want DA4 to have.

1- Side quests and progression: Areas are huge, side quests are almost exclusively boring fetch quests that often increase in difficulty to force you to either do some lengthy movement around the map or climbing which unless you know the exact path you should take ends up in jumping repeatedly trying to get one small point in which you don't slip so you can reach the top of the mountain. There are far too many of those and too many huge areas with no actual resemblance to what you do with the main quests or anything that is relevant enough and to make things worse they are presented to you all over the same time with no indication of which order you should tackle them. We could definitely benefit from a better paced smallrd areas with better side-quests and a bit of influence in the main plot by completing those areas alongside with a level suggestion for them so you can at least know the best time to tackle them other than searching for guides.

2- Loot and crafting: Harvesting materials is a chore. You basically spend the whole game pushing the search button (this actually made my thumb hurt for over a week) to search for things that you didn't see and in around 9 out of 10 times there will be a crafting material nearby taking your attention off of the area. If you keep on picking EVERYTHING, you can still run out of them pretty quickly if you decide to craft new items on each time you get new schematics or find new materials. This would also not be so much of a problem if the loot you get from drops was so massively underwhelming and it kinda doesn't progresses in a steady pace. You probably would find yourself using the same items you found over 5 levels ago (which means like 25% of the game almost) just because everything you get from enemies and chests are complete junk and once you find something good it's not even close to anything you've ever seen so it's not easy to replace. If you also think about high-level crafting materials like dragon drops, they're so rare that you keep them forever expecting to find the best craftable recipes and

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 27
👤︎ u/rogervn
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
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[Maker Relay] The State of DAI | 1/11/2022-1/17/2022
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
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Am I the only one who felt Morrigan’s child would have a much bigger role in Inquisition? [dai spoilers]

After the disaster that was DA2 I was so excited to play DAI. And don’t get me wrong it was a phenomenal game. But fuck in either of my head canons either the warden or Alistair laid with Morrigan in DAO and the soul of the dragon passed to her child, who became Kieran. I really thought the third game was leading to that child being a grave threat to the world and I would see a sub plot of the warden and/or Alistair consumed with grief when they realized what their decision had cost the world.

Instead Morrigans child was not even relevant to the main story of DAI.

Sorry but that’s been bothering me for years and after watching the witch hunt trailer while a little tipsy I had to get it off my chest.

Peace Reddit

👍︎ 347
📅︎ Dec 12 2021
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[Spoilers All] If race selection is coming back, it should be handled better than it was in DAI

Now, I personally really like how certain aspects of it were handled in DAI, and I recognize that a lot of work went into it. There's a lot of unique dialogue and content that's tied to your race (particularly elves), and you see first-hand how being a member of a specific race grants you unique treatment in a society that's mostly based around humans.

I also noticed, however, that when it came to interacting with things or people from your own culture, BioWare raised NPCs to be better than you at something you should be good at. Let me make a few examples: Morrigan being better than Lavellan at handling the Well of Sorrows, Cadash lacking stone sense and having to rely on what Valta and Renn say, Adaar not knowing Qunlat and letting Leliana translate for them, etc. In all these scenarios, not only is your character worse than the NPCs but they are also treated in the exact same way a Human Inquisitor is: Lavellan makes out the same things out of the Well of Sorrows than Trevelyan (aka 'vague whispers'), Cadash is lacking one of the few innate features of their race, and Adaar is basically treated as a human mercenary.

Now, I know that lore-wise it makes perfect sense for these NPCs to outshine your character. As a player, however, I can't help but feel bad that an NPC effectively stole my character's thunder, and the fact that in these instances the Inquisitor is basically treated the same regardless of their race doesn't help. Like, I didn't pick to be an elf just to be called "knife-ear" every second, I didn't pick to be a Dwarf or a Qunari just so I could have a criminal or mercenary background. Throw me a bone, y'know?

It would be wrong of me not to mention one of the best instances of your race actually mattering, however. The Crossroads looking different to elf Inquisitors is an absolutely amazing detail. More of that, please.

👍︎ 451
📅︎ Nov 30 2021
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[dai spoilers] some one convince me of the other alternative for Cole’s personal quest

I always made Cole more into a human. Just replayed DAI and decided to do something different. During trespasser, he’s invisible to the bard saying she deserves a good guy. Granted she ends up with Krem and I ADORE Krem, but seeing Cole end up with her is so much more satisfying. Anyone enjoy him as a spirit better? Please tell me!

👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/ramboans30
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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[DAI Spoilers] What would your HOF think of Blackwall and his lie?
👍︎ 109
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
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Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken - Episode 65 discussion

Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken, episode 65

Alternative names: Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai

Rate this episode here.

Reminder: Please do not discuss plot points not yet seen or skipped in the show. Failing to follow the rules may result in a ban.


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👍︎ 74
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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