Anybody else just waiting for the horny to cum (pun intended)
👍︎ 4
📅︎ May 15 2021
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cum puns
👍︎ 62
👤︎ u/fruitonic
📅︎ Apr 08 2021
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[GânduriSubDuș] Oare ce muzică o să pună copiii și nepoții noștri la nuntă ca să dăm noi bani mai mulți așa cum pun tinerii din ziua de azi muzică populară să marce banul bătrânetul?

A început sezonul nunților și am coloană sonoră în fiecare sâmbătă seara de la restaurantul din apropiere (în surdină, ce-i drept, că nu e foarte aproape).

Azi-noapte au dat cu populară d-aia hardcore până dimineața, mi-a trăsnit întrebarea asta și mi-am imaginat cum o să îi zică nepotă-miu DJ-ului peste 50 de ani: "bă, să puneți și niște Deliric că vine bunicu plm...".

👍︎ 34
📅︎ Jun 11 2017
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Cum pun ţara la cale iubita şi cumnata lui Orlando Teodorovici. Adevăratele eminenţe roz-cenuşii ale PSD…
👍︎ 46
📅︎ Sep 30 2019
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[Cum Pun] (Part 2)
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Mar 01 2019
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my favorite time of year has cum, pun intended
👍︎ 56
📅︎ Dec 01 2019
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[Cum Pun] (See comments for continuation of post + the pun).
👍︎ 4
📅︎ Mar 01 2019
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Cum pun adblocker pe digi24 live


👍︎ 4
📅︎ Feb 01 2017
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Pink Floyd cum puns…
👍︎ 13
👤︎ u/silentmage
📅︎ Dec 19 2012
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Is the Cum Fever Over? Or is there More to 💦CUM💦 - Looking for my First Moonshot 💣 🌮

Well, ever since Elon Musk tweeted those 3 magic letters C U M, everyone thought (at least me) that the fate of cumrocket was sealed and it did moon, but i bought at 300M right at the top (ATH was 330M) and now it's down to 60M and i don't think it's gonna recover that hard, unless Elon decides to do something similar again.

I have been investing in this space, but since the recent BTC crash (good thing that it's rising again as we talk), i haven't seen any of the coins really pop up!

I have also invested into Cuminu, PornRocket and most recently Meinu, which is another interesting project, as it's powered by Cam4, a leading European cam site, and they seem to have a working product, but still it's going sideways.

I see them spend marketing dollars, but in the current state, not many holders are increasing, but it's a great thing that they've formed a floor at 2.5M MC, and can go parabolic on a good day and grow to 20-30M and eventually touch 100M with their NFT marketplace

Most important part that i love is their live stream, and models like Krista dropping by daily on Telegram, and their dev hour from 6-7 pm UTC, where they answer all questions.

They did first presale on June 18, I bought 5 BNB and it took them 5 hours but they did fill 90%

Next, they discovered some issue with contract and decided to refund everyone and won many hearts over and then again did presale on June 21, which got sold out in 13 mins

I aped in 5 BNB again & it took off but due to circulating supply being calculated differently the marketcap was 3M or so and it went up to 4.4 and then came down and now settled around 2.6M and trading sideways, and I’ve bought another $2200

I usually see mods and admins trying to ban people & just drop marketing but I see Dev & owners on that group all the time (I can make out when the mod talks & when the owner talks) and see lots of even voice message (which is again unique) so I’m down by like 18% but I think when it takes off, it can 10-20x easily because daily they’re dropping marketing & testing new stuff!

Their NFT marketplace teaser looked super hot & daily I see new YouTube & tweets dropping but not seeing volumes yet - let’s see - if shit goes down I lose a few BNBs & dump it, but if it takes off it might even give me my first big moonshot, and my $5k may turn into $200-250k by end of this year

Heck even if not $250k, I feel it can become $5k easily with Cointiger, Coinmarketcap & Coingecko

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 498
📅︎ Jun 25 2021
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Cum kissing advice?

Hey everyone!

Not sure if this is the place to post but I figure if anyone has advice on the topic, it would be here!

My wife (37) and I (33) have gotten into the routine of bondage blowjobs. For her it's about the control and slapping and for me I just love that she's got her kink.

The main problem is, whenever I get off, she always wants to spit or make out with my semen. I find the idea hot, but when the time cums (pun intended) I either panic or try it and then can't commit due to the sheer amount she shares.

I've tried asking her to swallow some so that I don't feel overwhelmed and I've tried being more open.

Any advice?

👍︎ 147
📅︎ Jun 09 2021
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Papyrus Semi's JJJ2 Log, Day 0: Here We Go Again

(I punch the door, it goes flying extremely clumsily, like in Windows 3D Movie Maker)

Sup, everyone?

That's right, it's me, the one and only Papyrus Semi. I'm still continuing my plan to run the No-Nut Half-Marathon by showing up for every odd-numbered month. And, well, July is an odd-numbered month, so here we are.

Like usual, I will be writing logs every night (Well, closer to evening, due to summer) at 7 PM EST. Granted, this is the one no-nut challenge that I don't have school for this year, so I may go into excruciating detail about mundane things so I have a suitable amount of content.

So, yeah. Right now, I'm preparing to hack my Wii U. I'm currently trying to get it to format to FAT32, but Windows 10 does not like formatting bigger SD cards to it, so I'm jumping through all sorts of hoops.

And, I know that this is technically the third month that abbreviates to JJJ, but I never did June, so JJJ2 it is.

See you all when the games begin, cummandos. Yes, I'm calling you all "cummandos" this time. Every month, I need to come up with a new com/cum pun.

Papyrus Semi, over and out.

👍︎ 8
📅︎ Jun 30 2021
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Why Do My Roomies ALWAYS Try to Come Into My Room When im Self Loving

Like it happens EVERY TIME like clock work.
As if either theres a hidden cam in my room or they are monitoring my net activity.
Whenever i try to, you know, charm le snake <_<.
My annoying roomies find some eXcuse to barge into my room.
i live in an eXtended family so this looks anything like.
My Uncles cumming (pun intended) upstairs right behind my door to "clean" some shit
Or my bros and sis knocking on my door asking for some shit they dont really need.

Are they jealous im not spending my quality time w/ them or something?? <_<
Are they mad cuz im happy w/o them???
Someone make it make sense XD

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/coyocat
📅︎ Mar 14 2021
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Short-Cummings ;) During handjobs/blowjobs.

Though the title says it all, i'll give a bit of my self-diagnosis.

  1. I have a fetish for facials/cumshots. A very STRONG fetish. I love cumming on my girlfriend, but it seems to me she's expressed a general non interest for it. I think the fact that she doesn't seem interested in my cum makes me a little self-conscious.

  2. During handjobs, I love when she rubs my head. She uses her palm and just runs quick circles, it gives this unbearable feeling, my legs lock up, and it makes me want to scream bloody murder. Phenomenal. Could this be desensitizing me for the remainder of the handjob? Her general technique is pretty okay, I just only recall cumming from one handjob.

  3. During blowjobs, after a while it begins to feel repetitive, even if my girlfriend is tossing it up.

  4. Not being able to cum seems to make it harder for me to cum (if that makes sense to y'all.)

That's all I got, I don't think it's anything medical and I'd like to get to the root of this sexxit. Cum on, Any opinions/similar cirCUMstances? Cum puns and wordplay all intended.

In all serious though, thanks in advance guys, I'm really looking forward to some help :/ It makes my girlfriend feel bad that she can't make me cum.

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Aug 26 2012
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Sunt paramedic voluntar la SMURD AMA

Cum pun painea pe masa?

Cum o resuscitezi pe bunica?

ask me anything

👍︎ 164
📅︎ Sep 24 2019
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me and some friends have decided to make a discord server so dm me if u want a invite

also there are lots of cum puns but join if u want

👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/overshaped
📅︎ Dec 14 2020
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Student Protests May Put Stony Brook's Ambitious New Project on Hold

Increasingly, students have been expressing their discontent with Stony Brook's new Cigarrette-Friendly Undergraduate Mingling Center.

"It's just a massive health risk", says Laura Abraham, a third-year seed production student. "Every time I open r/SBU, my blood pressure spikes due to the repetitiveness of the 'CUM on now' joke."

Other students have expressed similar concerns. "I didn't think much of it when it was announced. I was a little annoyed at the new $1500 CUM center fee, but not suprised given Stony Brook's history with fees." says Boomer Kingsly. "But I asked an honest question on the sub, and the responses were all shitty CUM puns by the same person. Now I feel the CUM center has to go."

Medical experts at from the CDC have been watching this phenomenon with an increasing sense of worry. "We're calling it CUM Brain" says an expert at the CDC who preferred to remain anonymous. "We believe it's a new disease. The origins and workings are mysterious, and admist a global pandemic we're watching this phenomenon for signs of spread very closely. If Stony Brook re-opens in the Fall, it must take strict measures to prevent the potential spread of this disease."

The University has not responded to these increasing protests against the CUM center. The architect of the project, cum-percenter, refused to comment saying he "...was to busy smoking and working on his Orthodox priesthood" to worry about bad CUM puns.

The status of the project remains to be seen. One world leader has also been watching the project closely. "Russia has always been the homeland of smokers", Putin commented in a press briefing a few days ago. "We will gladly welcome smoker-refugees with open arms." Political pundits have commented that they believe Putin feels that the ambitious CUM center would threaten Russia's dominance on the smoking front.

👍︎ 58
📅︎ Jun 21 2020
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Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi isi alunga studentii inainte sa ii aiba.

Brace yourself, vibe un post lung. Putin background: sunt din Suceava si vreau sa dau la psihologie. Bun, UBB din cluj e prima varianta si am 99% sanse sa intru, dar am zis sa ma inscriu si la Iasi unde se intra cu dosar si unde cu media mea as fi fost ca intrat. Acum, ca sa fie treaba eficienta am zis ca ma duc la Iasi, ma inscriu si dupa ma duc la Cluj si ma inscriu si acolo si rezolv toata problema repede si eficient...sau nu.

Pe formularele de inscriere la iasi zicea clar ca pot sa dau si copiile actelor (diploma bac, foaie matricola, alea alea) daca prima optiune e in alta parte. Foarte bine, bifez acolo ca la anumite acte pun copia si mentionez clar ca prima mea opțiune e la UBB. Ma duc sa ma inscriu si întâi trebuie obligatoriu sa platesc inscrierea (200 de lei). Ma duc la zona de inscrieri si din prima sunt trimis la plimbare pentru ca, ghiciti ce, nu le placea culoarea dosarului (nu mentionau nicaieri ca vor de anumita culoare) dar ma conformez, fug la un copy shop si iau un dosar pe placul lor.

Deschide tipa dosarul si incepe sa se ia de mine ca de ce nu am pus originalele. Explic calm ca prima mea optiune este in Cluj. Apoi imi zice ca ar fi trebuit sa ma duc la Cluj intai, sa depun acolo originalele si sa imi dea o adeverinta ca originalele sunt la ei si abia asa pot sa ma inscriu cu copii (fapt care iar nu este mentionat niciunde). O intreb daca pentru o simpla i scriere la facultate trebuie sa fac mai multe tururi de tara si femeia imi raspunde cu o seninatate dega dreptul iesita din comun ca "Da, asa trebuie."

Problema sta altfel, ca la Cluj, ghiciti ce, la inscriere NU se depunde vreun act original, ci ele se depun dupa admitere cand se confirma locul. Minunat, nu? Ce inseamna asta? Nu exista timp fizic sa ma pot inscrie la ambele. Daca m-as duce acum la Iasi sa ma inscriu, lasand acolo originalele si dupa admitere ar trebui sa confirm locul la Cluj ar trebui sa imi iau inapoi actele de la Iasi. Ce e mai frumos? La Iasi trebuie sa depun o cerere care se proceseaza in cam 2 zile ca sa pot sa imi iau actele. Mi-ar mai lua in plus inca o zi, o zi si ceva drumul dus-intors. Timpul dintre admiterea de la Cluj si confirmarea locurilor este de...2 zile. Am luat problema pe toate fetele, este imposibil sa ma inscriu la ambele, oricum o dau. Doar dacă mai pot baga cumva in calendar zile gen 24.5 sau 24.75 iulie.

Concluzia? Imi asum acel mic risc sa nu intru la Cluj decat sa ma complic cu asemenea specimene. Modul cum pun ei problema e deja sufi

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 104
📅︎ Jul 16 2019
🚨︎ report
Maine merg la vot din Bucuresti in Iasi cu ajutorul unui redditor. Multumesc!

Povestea începe aici și se termină mâine seară, după un roadtrip de peste 800 de km și 4 buletine de vot.

TLDR: /u/Ganymede07011610 a facut un gest frumos de ziua lui. Mi-a trimis bani pentru benzină pentru ca eu și 3 prieteni de ai mei să mergem la vot.

Mulțumesc mult, /r/Romania și Gany!

UPDATE 1: Plec mâine dimineață la 7 de acasă și trec să-i iau și pe ceilalți. Suntem 4 persoane, dar la întoarcere o sa fim doar 3 (unul rămâne acolo). Dar o să luăm oameni de pe drum gratis. Să facem fapte bune și noi.

O să fie drum lung: București - Buzău - Bacau - Iasi - my hometown (si retur). În total peste 1000 km. EDIT: Aparent pot sa votez de oriunde in județ, poate e util pentru cineva.

Să fie drumul bun și traficul ok că am ceva treabă. Văd că vremea și Clujul țin cu noi. Deci e bine. Yey!

UPDATE 2: Suntem pe drum. Avem 126 km făcuți. Ora 09.23. Hm... ia sa vad cum pun poze de pe mobil. BRB :)

UPDATE 3: 19.49, ne întoarcem. Suntem la km 526. Am votat in Iasi, trecut pe la parintii prietenei mele si apoi iar la drum. Suntem obosiți si cam dezamăgiți. Am luat si o mică amenda... Hai ca mai avem mult pana in București. Sa ne auzim cu bine!

UPDATE 4: 23:53, am oprit la un prieten la Buzău. Mai avem o ora si 25 minute pana in București, plus un mic ocol pentru un prieten care sta in centru. Maine la 10 trebuie sa fim la birou. A meritat drumul? A meritat "investiția" prietenului din Cluj? Noi speram ca da.

UPDATE 5: 08.31, suntem bine, suntem acasa. Am ajuns in Bucuresti ok, pe la 02.30 eram in pat. Am o intalnire la munca la ora 10.00. O sa revin zilele astea cu mai multe detalii. Multumim inca o data, /u/Ganymede07011610!

UPDATE 6: Foto dovada

👍︎ 99
👤︎ u/sylverr_47
📅︎ Dec 10 2016
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Cumming and orgasms are different
👍︎ 14k
📅︎ Jul 01 2021
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Boris Johnson wanted to be infected with Covid on live TV 'to show it's nothing to be scared of' Dominic Cummings is set to testify…
👍︎ 61k
📅︎ May 26 2021
🚨︎ report
TIL about Alexander Cumming, an inventor and the first person to patent a flush toilet in 1775. Cumming included an s-trap in the design to prevent sewer gasses from entering the building through the toilet. Modern toilets still incorporate this design.…
👍︎ 52k
📅︎ May 26 2021
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Hi Cumming, I'm dad.

👍︎ 7
📅︎ May 16 2021
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[Dominic Cummings Substack] The PM on Hancock: 'totally fucking hopeless' dominiccummings.substack.…
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/sanszooey
📅︎ Jun 16 2021
🚨︎ report
Rosena Allin-Khan: Hancock won’t get sacked. It’s Cummings all over again. One rule for them and one for the rest of us. Just imagine what they both must have on Boris Johnson for him to give them such an easy ride… Spineless and scary.…
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jun 25 2021
🚨︎ report
Boris Johnson called Matt Hancock 'totally f****** hopeless' in WhatsApp message, Cummings says…
👍︎ 1k
📅︎ Jun 16 2021
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Puro cumming out of Furry fat inflation Dixcord
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
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Today Cummings basically stated outright that the leave campaign targetted uneducated voters

>> There's literally a BIG realignment in UK/US over years which is why e.g pollsters now must do as Vote Leave did in 2016 & weight by education

The only reason they would be polling by education level is if they knew that only 'thick' people were going to support their campaign... Surely?

👍︎ 376
👤︎ u/chowieuk
📅︎ Jun 18 2021
🚨︎ report
Dominic Cummings claims Boris Johnson only let Hancock go after ‘89 texts an hour’ from wife Carrie Johnson…
👍︎ 325
👤︎ u/bethashton
📅︎ Jun 28 2021
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Whitney Cummings & Tommy Buns said what I’ve been saying all along. Teddy Fresh is not “merch” & ppl gotta stop calling it that. It’s fashun
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jun 24 2021
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It’s cumming home 🇬🇪🇬🇪🏆⚽️
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/PureOkra2
📅︎ Jul 03 2021
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Thanks I hate squirrel cumming
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ Jun 29 2021
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Coked out whitney cummings talking with tim dillon
👍︎ 170
👤︎ u/need4nswer
📅︎ Jul 05 2021
🚨︎ report
Boris Johnson called Matt Hancock 'totally f****** hopeless' in WhatsApp message, Dominic Cummings says…
👍︎ 463
📅︎ Jun 16 2021
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Dominic Cummings says a Labour PM is 'probably' needed for the NHS to improve…
👍︎ 437
📅︎ Jun 21 2021
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oooooof burn! well, this guy had that 'cumming'.
👍︎ 39k
📅︎ May 10 2021
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Dominic Cummings says Matt Hancock should have been sacked for lying…
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/JoCoMoBo
📅︎ May 26 2021
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Here is video of the BBC coverage of the moment Dominic Cummings names Laura Kuenssberg as the media person he kept leaking to.
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ May 27 2021
🚨︎ report
BBC Politics: The director of communications said to the PM twice: ‘Do not pick a fight with Rashford’” about school meals. Dominic Cummings says Boris Johnson “decided to pick a fight, and then surrendered twice”.…
👍︎ 2k
📅︎ May 26 2021
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Dominic Cummings says government failed public in early pandemic days - and apologises for deaths…
👍︎ 688
👤︎ u/topotaul
📅︎ May 26 2021
🚨︎ report

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