Is Cthulhu over used in pop culture or the content creators do not understand the mythos?

Well, Del Toro is different type of Lovecraft adapter

👍︎ 67
📅︎ Sep 12 2018
🚨︎ report
[Cthulhu Mythos]The doom that came to Sarnath was a relatively mundane alien invasion, as seen by a culture with no context in which to understand it.

Most ancient cultures viewed the sky as inherently separate from the ground, something akin to two different dimensions that happened to be visible from one another. Though they knew about the various planets visible with the naked eye, they were considered a special kind of star that was able to move along its own unique path rather than rotating with the celestial sphere that held all the normal stars. The idea that these wandering stars were the same sort of thing as the Earth would've seemed absurd, no less the idea that anyone could live on them. Things that exist Down Here do not exist Up There, and vice versa.

So when a group of creatures that were clearly not gods (and who indeed, had their own god that they worshiped) descended from the sky, just to build a city called Ib in which to just live there like people, only not like people, the inhabitants of Sarnath were understandably terrified. As far as they knew, creatures (intelligent or otherwise) living in the sky was against the natural order of the universe, and any creature capable of coming from there was as incomprehensibly Other to them as one of Lovecraft's more noneuclidean beasties would be to modern readers.

That they were said to have come "from the Moon" was likely a half-hearted, after-the-fact attempt to rationalize their origins, since the moon is the only object in the sky that looks to the naked eye like it could conceivably have its own ground. Since their is spoken about only in legends and occurred long before the founding of the city of Sarnath, it's likely that very few humans actually saw it happen, so it's only natural that it might be distorted somewhat in the telling.

The inhabitants of Ib are described as ugly to human eyes and reptilian in appearance, with green skin, "bulging eyes, pouting, flabby lips, and curious ears", but the sight of them isn't incomprehensible or maddening like so many of Lovecraft's abominations, nor do they induce the same level of instinctual revulsion as minor monstrosities such as the Shoggoths or Deep Ones. While obviously not human, they don't really seem to be supernatural in any way. In fact, their physical description sounds an awful lot like the illustrated Bug Eyed Monsters which Lovecraft vocally despised for not looking truly alien enough. Even the idol of their god, Bokrug, doesn't inspire the same level of horror that idols of Dagon or Cthulhu always seem to. It's just ugly.

The city of itself is described as having arc

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 135
👤︎ u/BrokenEye3
📅︎ Jan 22 2018
🚨︎ report
Do you know any Cthulhu Mythos in music?

I'm writing an MA on the Cthulhu Mythos in pop culture in the 21st century and I've got a problem with music. Much as lyrics aren't a problem, do you know any bands whose visual effects during live performances refer to Cthulhu or Lovecraft's fiction? Preferably American artists but others are good too. Musicals are Welcome as well

👍︎ 29
👤︎ u/ByksMan
📅︎ Jan 19 2022
🚨︎ report
Which mythos do you want to intertwined in the next God of War game after Ragnarök. Cthulhu mythos or Egyptian mythos?
👍︎ 11
📅︎ Jan 27 2022
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token is whitelisting for private sale now. 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - FCFS (Whitelisting Phase/ $0.00013)

🟡Public Sale - (Soon / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:



👍︎ 83
📅︎ Dec 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Seriously, why do people actually believe in the Cthulhu Mythos?

I was recently browsing through the internet and went down a thread of reading about people like Khurt Khave and found Youtube channels like Thelchor, and I started wondering why on Earth people would actually believe in this stuff? I can understand believing in the principles of Cosmicism, but there is no evidence at all that any Lovecraftian deities actually exist. Can someone please explain it?

Regards, Dan. Sorry if this was written somewhat incoherently

👍︎ 448
👤︎ u/Syndikatt
📅︎ Nov 08 2021
🚨︎ report
Unpopular opinion here. Why is Cthulhu so popular and considered the ultimate of lovecraft’s creation in pop culture when it is Nyarlathotep who is clearly the most infamous in H.P. Lovecraft’s stories?
👍︎ 4k
👤︎ u/Prs_mira86
📅︎ Mar 24 2020
🚨︎ report
Do exorcisms exist in the Cthulhu mythos?

I just got some beautifully well-crafted pages from the Necronomicon and one of them was this one. And that got me thinking. Do exorcisms even exist in the mythos. I mean there are a lot of stories where an entity or person body swaps with someone like in the shadow out of time. But do real possessions or exorcisms get an appearance in Lovecrafts writings, because I can´t remember any story where something like that happened?

👍︎ 25
👤︎ u/SaCoMi
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
Short stories collection like the Cthulhu Mythos but set in medieval times?

These past months I've been digging Lovecraft's mythos and other horror short stories collections, I'm very much liking the cosmic horror setting and interconnection that comes from having all stories set on the same universe and I've been wondering if there's something like that but in medieval times.

Specifically a compendium of short stories that build a mythos and expand the world little by little. It doesn't have to be cosmic horror but I'd like it to be something more than just dark fantasy.

👍︎ 9
👤︎ u/geargate
📅︎ Jan 16 2022
🚨︎ report
I watched a video explaining the Cthulhu mythos.

I Loved the Craft that went into it!

👍︎ 10
👤︎ u/DoomRulz
📅︎ Dec 14 2021
🚨︎ report
A Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed Scenario set in the Monument Mythos! HOOVERHIPPOGRIFF

This is a Rough Draft which I'm still in the business of working on!

👍︎ 14
📅︎ Dec 16 2021
🚨︎ report
"Rainy in R’lyeh": a steampunk style umbrella inspired by Cthulhu Mythos
👍︎ 16
📅︎ Dec 06 2021
🚨︎ report
The Complete Cthulhu Mythos Tales, compiled in ebook format!…
👍︎ 19
📅︎ Nov 27 2021
🚨︎ report
The Good Friends of Jackson Elias continue our series on Mythos deities with two of Ramsey Campbell's creations, Daoloth and Eihort, exploring their origins and how we might use them in Call of Cthulhu…
👍︎ 45
📅︎ Nov 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Kirby VS. The-One-Above-All, The Presence, The Creator, and Azathoth (Kirby VS. Marvel, DC, Umineko, and Cthulhu Mythos) - Kirby has defeated gods, but can he handle some of the most powerful ones in fiction?
👍︎ 12
📅︎ Oct 19 2021
🚨︎ report
Exploring the Cthulhu Mythos: The Cthulhu Mythos in Teletubbies…
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
🚨︎ report
What cosmic entities in Lovecraft Mythos are against Cthulhu's Awakening?


I'm writing a story set in the Lovecraft Mythos world and was just wondering whether any old gods or cosmic entities would be against Cthulhu's awakening? For example, I know the Order of Dagon are for it but I'm having trouble remembering whether there are any groups or gods who are explicitly against it - perhaps one that would be challenged by this event?

Thanks in advance for any replies!

👍︎ 35
📅︎ Oct 15 2021
🚨︎ report
ARC: Doom Tabletop RPG will be published in Japanese by Hobby Japan, alongside Cthulhu Mythos 5e and Cyberpunk Red in 2022

Full disclosure that I'm the creator of ARC. Another disclosure that I still find the news hard to believe and I'm trembling with excitement.

👍︎ 20
👤︎ u/maruya
📅︎ Nov 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of The Earth. Fan art by me. Although it hasn't aged well, it's still a fun game if you're into horror, mysteries and Cthulhu Mythos. I sure hope Bethesda will remaster it one day. Let me know in the comments if you have played this underrated gem before.
👍︎ 3
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of The Earth. Fan art by me. Although it hasn't aged well, it's still a fun game if you're into horror, mysteries and Cthulhu Mythos. I sure hope Bethesda will remaster it one day. Let me know in the comments if you have played this underrated gem before.
👍︎ 2
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Is there a single character in all of fiction able to beat or rival Azathoth (Cthulhu mythos)

Is there any character who has a feat any where near wiping out multiversal+ beings by just waking up?

👍︎ 3
📅︎ Oct 20 2021
🚨︎ report
Using other Popular culture creatures in CallOf Cthulhu

hey so my group has recently come out of a run in with the king in yellow and have fled the city and have been contacted to be sent on their next assignment in salem.

my question is how do you go about implementing other creatures I.E witches, werewolves, vampires so as to create a smaller scale scenario so that its not always the end of the world scenario

👍︎ 4
👤︎ u/Zaelfilyn
📅︎ Jul 04 2020
🚨︎ report
would it be a good idea to continue to develop Iain M Banks's Culture mythos like writers continued Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos
👍︎ 17
📅︎ Jan 27 2014
🚨︎ report
SCP Foundation (SCP Mythos) VS Cthulhu Mythos (Cthulhu Mythos) VS Marvel Universe (Marvel Comics) VS DC Universe (DC Comics) vs Anime (Anime genre)

Also who goes out first and who goes out second and so on

Everyone can use their powers and can go all out

Battle Location : An alternate universe in which every character can use their powers

SCP Foundation :

All The SCPS

Cthulhu Mythos :

All The Beings

Marvel Universe :


(Ranging from Superheroes to God level beings)

DC Universe :


(Ranging from Superheroes to God Level Beings)

Anime :

Every Cosmic Level up being

👍︎ 42
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
🚨︎ report
[Poll] So I've been wondering... most popular Cthulhu Mythos deities? (besides Cthulhu)…
👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/kaymaerin
📅︎ Mar 02 2017
🚨︎ report
They Took Our Myths - Why The Cthulhu Mythos Is Still So Popular With Authors…
👍︎ 48
👤︎ u/cairmen
📅︎ Jun 08 2015
🚨︎ report
Part of my Lovecraft and Cthulhu mythos collection with an antique whale harpoon tip, actually used on Cthulhu.
👍︎ 531
📅︎ Nov 30 2021
🚨︎ report
What creators are there in the Cthulhu mythos?

Azathoth obviously. But I'm thinking of beings that reside inside of the universe. I know the Elder Things spawned a few races to serve them, but are there beings that could create entire planets? Realms?

More specifically, if there was an inbetween realm that is somewhat between the Waking World and the Dreamlands, who could have created that? Or would it have to have been part of what Azathoth dreamt up?

👍︎ 7
📅︎ Sep 11 2021
🚨︎ report
When did you become interested in the Cthulhu Mythos?

My apologies for the wall of text.

First off, I recognise that for some of you the mechanics of Arkham Horror: The Card Game are what interests you. You would be just as happy (and possibly even happier) to play this game with a different theme. There is, after all, no shortage of Lovecraftian themed board games out there almost to the point of over saturation.

Personally, my first real encounter with the Mythos was with the Arkham Horror board game (2nd ed.) about 12-years ago. I had just started to get into modern boardgames with a spur-of-the-moment purchase of A Game of Thrones (2nd ed. ) and soon after discovered BoardGameGeek (BGG).

That eventually led me to Arkham Horror which I tried out for the first time using Vassal (an online game engine). I wasn't overly impressed. The rules where difficult to wrap my head around, the encounters seemed very random and given my general lack of knowledge regarding the Mythos it lacked context. I probably would have forgotten all about Lovecraft after that except FFG (and other companies) continued to put out Mythos based games at pretty regular intervals.

A few years later I decided to delve back in to the Mythos with Eldritch Horror. By this time I had come of realise that if I wanted to play boardgames more than a few times a year I would need to buy games that could be played solo. Maybe I was just more used to reading boardgame rules by this point but Eldritch Horror made a lot more sense to me than Arkham Horror ever did and I found the game to be very enjoyable. I still lacked a through understanding of the Mythos universe though.

I live in Toronto and have a pretty long commute to and from work (pre-pandemic). I started off listening to the radio, then my personal music collection until I was sick to death of both. Then I moved on to audiobooks. That was great. I am not much of the reader normally so it was nice to get the chance to read (listen) to a lot of books that I wouldn't have had time for otherwise. I listened to quite a few books and eventually the Complete works of Lovecraft came up in the rotation. I listened to some but not all the stories. Some where really great (Shadow over Innsmouth) but others were a bit hard to get into. The works of Lovercraft are not exactly light reading. They can be quite archaic.

Again, I probably would have lost interest in exploring the Mythos further except I was starting to get tired of listening to Audiobooks and was looking for something

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 16
📅︎ Jul 20 2021
🚨︎ report
I just finished the audio-book of 'Penitent' and I'm struck by how often I felt like I was listening to a new Cthulhu Mythos novel (which I mean as a compliment). [SPOILERS]

Minor Context: I was invested in the works of H.P. Lovecraft long before I got into Warhammer 40K.

I know the setting already draws on the tropes of Lovecraftian Horror, especially when it comes to the unknowable-ness of daemons and the Warp, and to an extent the Tyranids. You even get occasional Easter eggs, like the name-dropping of the Book of Eibon in 'Malleus'.

But Dan Abnett's 'Pariah' and 'Penitent' felt different to me. They felt it felt like an pastiche in the style of early 20th century writers rather than simply borrowing their tropes.

Off the top of my head what I noticed was:

  • The consistent French references.
    • Many of Robert W. Chambers' 'King In Yellow' stories are set in France (I believe Chambers studied in Paris).
  • The Maze Undue (or Maison Dieu) where Beta was raised is referenced multiple times to have been a theater in the past, a reference to the fact that the namesake of the character, "The King In Yellow", was originally a play.
    • Plays, performances, and masks feature throughout stories associated with the King In Yellow and the same is true in 'Pariah' and 'Penitent'.
  • Bequin's narration style:
    • Bequin's story is told from a First-Person perspective, the same as Eisenhorn and portions of Ravenor's stories. But Bequin's story is a bit more... affected in its use of language*.* As someone used to the grandiloquent writing of Lovecraft, this felt very familiar.
  • Theme of Urban Decay
    • The city of Queen Mab is consistently described in ways akin to descriptions of the fictional towns of Arkham or Innsmouth: old, past their prime, and falling apart.
  • Underground world with degenerate inhabitants.
    • In 'Penitent' when they are in the Ossuary being harassed by the degenerate tribe of crypt keepers and later discover a vast cavernous realm, it immediately brought to mind stories about underground worlds and their inhabitants such as 'The Lurking Fear', 'The Rats in the Walls', and 'The Mound'.
  • The one who's already glimpsed the truth but no one believes them.
    • The mathematician and astronomer Freddy Dance glimpsed the King In Yellow's realm and suffered for it.
  • Going mad from learning the truth.
    • When she reaches the City of Dust and receives several distressing revelations, both regarding the city and herself, Bequin almost goes mad.
    • "I think I went mad then." - 'Dagon'.

Side Note: I felt so bad for Renner Lightburn; man's just trying to live his cursed life and gets dragged so far out

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 97
📅︎ Dec 30 2021
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token Private Sale Round 1 has already filled its HARD CAP 💫Staking - NFT Marketplace - Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs and many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀 BSC Token

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token (CTHL) in a Nutshell⏹



Will be used as main currency while buying/selling NFTs from Cthulhu NFT marketplace


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see about Lovecraft Mythos 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - Round Based FCFS (Round 2 Ongoing/ $0.00012 - $0.00015)

🟡Public Sale - (25 January 2022 / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:

**Private Sale Platfor

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 10
📅︎ Jan 06 2022
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token PRIVATE SALE has been started. 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - Round Based FCFS (Ongoing/ $0.00012 - $0.00015)

🟡Public Sale - (25 January 2022 / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:

Private Sale Platform:

Twitter: [](

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 28
📅︎ Jan 04 2022
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token PRIVATE SALE Round 1 has nearly filled HARD CAP 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀 BSC Token

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - Round Based FCFS (Round 1 Ongoing/ $0.00012 - $0.00015)

🟡Public Sale - (25 January 2022 / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:

Private Sale Platform:

Twitter: [](https://twit

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 21
📅︎ Jan 05 2022
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token is whitelisting for private sale now. 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - FCFS (Whitelisting Phase/ $0.00013)

🟡Public Sale - (Soon / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:



👍︎ 12
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token is whitelisting for private sale now. 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - FCFS (Whitelisting Phase/ $0.00013)

🟡Public Sale - (Soon / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:



👍︎ 4
📅︎ Dec 17 2021
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token PRIVATE SALE has been started. 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - Round Based FCFS (Ongoing/ $0.00012 - $0.00015)

🟡Public Sale - (25 January 2022 / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:

Private Sale Platform:


Telegram: [https://t.m

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Jan 03 2022
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token PRIVATE SALE has been started. 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - Round Based FCFS (Ongoing/ $0.00012 - $0.00015)

🟡Public Sale - (February 2022 / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:

Private Sale Platform:


Telegram: [

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 2
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
[Cthulhu mythos] How are the lovecraft made locations (on earth) doing in the modern world?

like is innsmouth now a fish city or something does dunwich have anything new ect

👍︎ 24
📅︎ Nov 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Meet a GOD as your meme token! Cthulhu Token is whitelisting for private sale now. 💫 DOXXED / KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract ✅

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - FCFS (Whitelisting Phase/ $0.00013)

🟡Public Sale - (Soon / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:



👍︎ 4
📅︎ Dec 13 2021
🚨︎ report
Meet a GOD as your meme token! Cthulhu Token is whitelisting for private sale now. 💫Holder Rewards - KYC Devs - NFTs - And many more about Cthulhu Mythos in the future ! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token in a Nutshell⏹

1️⃣Ticker: CTHL


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

3️⃣Project Goals:

Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2% Burned

🗝 2% Locked in liquidity

⛓ 1% To The Altar of Cthulhu (Community controlled funds for development and marketing)

🐳 Anti-whale mechanisms :

❗️Max transaction limit: 1%

❗️Max wallet size: 3%


🔵Private Sale - FCFS (Whitelisting Phase/ $0.00013)

🟡Public Sale - (Soon / $0.00016)


Will be on Pancake Swap after public sale ($0.00018)

Web Site:



👍︎ 2
📅︎ Dec 16 2021
🚨︎ report
🔥Meet a GOD as your meme token! 🔥Cthulhu Token Private Sale Round 1 ,2 & 3 filled with HC and on Round 4 50% now💫Staking - NFT Marketplace - Holder Rewards - KYC & Audit - Anti-Rug Functions - 💫NFTs and many more about Cthulhu Mythos! 🚀

>Cthulhu has awaken from his eons of slumber to devour the crypto world! Aren't you bored of meme coins who imitate other meme coins, which have all the dog breads and lots of animals as their mascots? Meet a GOD as your new meme coin!

We are building a community around H.P. Lovecraft's dreadful elder God, the Cthulhu Himself. We love the dark lord so much and want to introduce him to the new generation, make horrible NFTs about him, create games, animated movies and all the other stuff we want to see which includes Cthulhu. After making Cthulhu Token ecosystem sustainable, we will support any artist, writer, designer and software developer who are willing to work on the Cthulhu mythos and encourage them to keep creating. Let's bring some darkness to the shiny meme coin world!

We don't want to go in boring details, so here is the Cthulhu Token in a nutshell:

⏹Cthulhu Token (CTHL) in a Nutshell⏹


Staking (

Will be used as main currency while buying/selling NFTs on Cthulhu NFT marketplace


Verified contract

Team KYC 🕵️‍♀️

Audit CoinScope 🕵️‍♀️

Tokens Locked🔐

Hard-Coded anti rug functions:

The taxes are limited to maximum 10%. Even If dev wants to raise it more, it is not possible.
No pause function.
LP is burned and cannot be rugged.

3️⃣Project Goals:

  • A NFT MarketPlace that users can mint and sell( /w auction, royality fees) or buy NFTs using Cthulhu Token
  • Cthulhu NFTs, Games, Animated Movies and everything our cult wants to see about Lovecraft Mythos 🚀


10 Billion Total Supply 💲

50% to Burn 🔥

40% to Sell 💸

8% to Marketing / Development / Community 🛠

2% to Devs 🧑‍💻

❗️ Burn, Marketing, Dev allocations are all vested. The amount that will be burned will be unlocked 10% every 40 days and burned immediately. Marketing/Development and community funds will be vested and we will get 10% every month. Dev share will be locked for 1 year, then will be unlocked gradually.

💲10% Taxes on selling :

🏆 5% Rewards to holders

🔥 2%

... keep reading on reddit ➡

👍︎ 5
📅︎ Jan 26 2022
🚨︎ report

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