A list of puns related to "Convict leasing"
wow, that's a lot of slavery-with-one-extra-step
> Convict leasing was a system of forced penal labor which was historically practiced in the Southern United States and overwhelmingly involved African-American men.
Alabama abolished convict leasing in 1928. I found this old New York Times article on the topic.
It says the abolition campaign began in 1915. Wikipedia says that convict leasing provided Alabama with 73% of its state revenue in 1898. That's enormous! Yet 30 years later, Alabama ended convict leasing and did not go bankrupt. So what happened? I want to know the full story behind this, political and economic. How valuable was convict leasing to Alabama's coffers in 1915? In 1928? Who led the abolition movement?
In The Shawshank Redemption, one of the characters jokingly refers to the use of convicts for outside construction projects as "slave labor" - and while that movie was set in the north and with a mixed race group of prisoners, in reality was it implicitly or explicitly understood as a continution of slavery in the south? What kind of industries would lease convict labor?
Author: Matthew J. Mancini
ISBN-10: 1570030839
ISBN-13: 978-1570030833
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