A list of puns related to "Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy"
I've played since the release of old gods purchased blackrock, karazhan, explorers, gadget preorder among other expenditures (a pack here and there and some arena) with a pretty fleshed out tournament, old gods and gadgetzan common and rare collection and i got 40 epics and 21 legendaries.
I'm pretty happy regarding my legendaries. I dusted the useless ones so i've got the nzoth, sylvana, ragnaros, finja, tirion, lightlord and others but the epics... The epics are horrendous!
More than half of them are USELESS, some of them decent and the rest ESSENTIAL for most of of competitive decks. And most of the time, when i and everyone else do get an epic, it's one of the useless ones.
crafting fobidden healing, doomsayer, doomhammer, murloc warleader hurts like *********.
I've been a pretty grateful customer and i can't play archetypes because i lack the required epics. I'm fine if archetypes are legendary gated, you work your ass off and get it but when epic cards are dropping almost as slowly as legendaries and you've got fight promoters and meanstreet marshalls, ice blocks, pyroblasts, call of the wild, dragonfire potion, doomhammer, brawl, gorehowl doomsayer, murloc warleader, twilight guardian and others locked behind a 0% drop rate...
It's insane.
Of all the things hearthstone is bad at... this is the worst. And it's the ONLY thing that makes ME reconsider playing.
I can understand legendaries being limited and dust/moniez gated. This brutal epic drop rate is however NOT justified.
I didn't disenchant a single epic and i got 18 of them in gadgetzan. On the other hand i am only missing 6 rares and I DIDN'T CRAFT ANY. I've still got ~35 epics to collect. During the time i filled out my entire rare library by rng i only collected 1/3 of epics The fuck?
And then people wonder why everyone plays shaman and pirate warrior.
Aggro is much more represented because it's not locked behind expensive epics more so than legendaries. Epic drop rate should be doubled by the very least.
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