[25F] girl bossing today. exhausting & exhilarating.
👍︎ 50
📅︎ Dec 18 2021
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Wild Hunter Mobbing & Bossing Skill Wheels (by request) reddit.com/gallery/qpmma4
👍︎ 10
📅︎ Nov 08 2021
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Two things I like on my steelbook: Nice art & some bossing
👍︎ 121
📅︎ Sep 04 2021
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Made it to the 2k total worlds! I'm excited to get back into wildy content and bossing now that I have my Smithing grind out of the way [Rank 26k for Ironman & 713 for UIM]
👍︎ 146
📅︎ Aug 08 2021
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Mercedes Skill Preset Help! Just hit lvl 170! Need help organizing my Skill Preset options for Training & Bossing! Any one can help?!
👍︎ 5
📅︎ Oct 17 2021
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I always thank Siri and Alexa because I feel bad bossing them around and also I want the AIs to remember my kindness once the robot uprising is upon us.
👍︎ 9k
👤︎ u/WistfulLi
📅︎ Apr 01 2018
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Allistic walks into an Autistic safe space & starts bossing people around for???? Reasons?????
👍︎ 676
📅︎ May 14 2021
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Uchi bossing around Mr K & Ramee youtu.be/vkuxqP2d5bE
👍︎ 56
📅︎ Sep 16 2021
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Nova bossing Minna & Deeds from across the room, leaving Minna in full derp mode. v.redd.it/s95398xmo2s71
👍︎ 9
📅︎ Oct 07 2021
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【Free Preview】Villainess Level 99 ~I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord~ #02【Special Edition w/ Drama CD】[Feat. Fairouz Ai, Uchida Yuuma, Waki Azumi & Yashiro Taku] youtu.be/---vH6M_zTA
👍︎ 8
👤︎ u/SeijiWeiss
📅︎ Oct 22 2021
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Gabe Clarke Interviews Phillips Ahead of England vs Scotland: His Family’s ‘Astronomical’ Impact, Learning From Bielsa, & Bossing It at Euro 2020 twitter.com/itvfootball/s…
👍︎ 61
📅︎ Jun 17 2021
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Burning out from solo slayer & farming constantly, really wanna try some basic bossing, bandos, zam etc. Need more friends in this game. Any takers? I'm mobile only btw
👍︎ 16
📅︎ May 30 2021
🚨︎ report
The Brotherhood Esseker Adventure - Story Missions - AI camps & bosses - Custom content - EU

Esseker - It was once a vacation resort for gun enthusiasts, treasure hunters and thrill seekers, then the virus hit and now it's a fucked up, apocalyptic Zombie wasteland. Overgrown but not forgotten... A group that call themselves The Brotherhood have setup a sanctuary in an old sawmill for all survivors to take refuge, reload and restock... How will your story be told?

Connection Info:


Or search for - BoS Esseker

Discord - Website - YouTube


Combat - Our server forces first-person perspective (1PP) during combat. You can enter third-person perspective (3PP) by holstering any guns.

Traders - The majority of our Traders are located at the centre of the map at the Pilana Sawmill. Basic items such as guns, ammo, clothing, base items, cars and helicopters can be purchased there.

There are also several specialist Traders around the map including a Hunting Supplies Trader, Boat & Fishing Trader, and a Black Market Trader which you can buy Raid equipment and other special items from. You can check position of Traders and other important locations on the map by pressing the M key or by toggling map markers with the K key.


Players can create a clan and invite other nearby survivors to it and their territory by using the in-game Book (B key).

Building: Our server uses Expansion Base Building. In order to build a base or place base items a Territory Flag is required. Territories can only be placed outside towns and zones on the map with a name or marker. A single Territory has a radius of 30 metres and only one Territory Flag can be placed per player. You can dismantle your own territory flag by un-equipping any items from your hands and interacting with the base of the flag. Players can only dismantle their own flags and base items.

Base items, defenses and decorations are available from the Hardware Trader at the Pilana Sawmill. All core base structures are crafted in the same way.


Our server utilises automated Raid Scheduling. Raiding is weekend only. (Friday Midnight/Saturday 00:00 -> Sunday Midnight/Monday 00:00)

Players can use Satchel Charges and various tools for raiding. The main supplier of raid equipment is the Black Market Trader.

Base defenses

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Sinjin1991
📅︎ Sep 24 2021
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Portrait of Jesus using AI incorporating what we know of his ethnicity & culture for time and region
👍︎ 118k
👤︎ u/ohnoh18
📅︎ Oct 02 2021
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The Birthday Card I received from my girlfriend, keep in mind she knows nothing about rs other than the fact I like bossing
👍︎ 772
📅︎ Jan 14 2022
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Dear jagex, I've had this item since 2016 and I am hoping that you finally make it bankable (keepsakeable). I've been playing with it in my inventory since the day I began. It's been difficult while bossing and skilling. I am hoping you make my day since I am about to hit 2k total level. Thank you.
👍︎ 1k
👤︎ u/Mot_Eshu
📅︎ Dec 23 2021
🚨︎ report
Bossing leaguestarter with okay mapping ?


I'm already starting to think about the build I'm going to play next season. I know we don't have the patchnotes for 3.17 yet, but I just want to get a general idea of what kind of builds I'm looking for.

My goal : bossing asap on leaguestart. I'm playing SC trade.

Criterias :

- great bossing (Sirus hopefully, Shaper, conquerors, possibly new atlas boss)

- decent leveling experience/decent mapping (doesn't need to zoom zoom everywhere, but I still need to clear the atlas and get to a decent level reasonably fast)

- obviously, leaguestart friendly

- doesn't need to be beginner friendly, but if you have a guide attached to the PoB in the case it is a very specific kind of build it'd be appreciated

What I have in mind so far : poisonous concoction?, traps (big if, considering how op that one trap was this league), minions (skellies?), some kind of totem (forbidden rite?), some kind of melee (cyclone? boneshatter?)

Any ideas are welcome, and if you have any experience in any of the builds I just mentioned as a leaguestarter, feel free to share too.

Thanks !

EDIT : Thanks everyone for all of your ideas ! I have compiled them below. I have NOT tried anything in this list, this is just a quick reference to what everyone listed.

If you want more info about a specific build or what people think of it, check in the answers below. I will still provide PoB/whatever links people have posted along the suggestion.

  • Exploding SRS
  • Seismic Trap (big nerf potential /!\)
  • Explosive trap (if Seismic gets nerfed)
  • Rage Vortex berserker
  • Exploding golems w/ Maw of Mischief
  • Poison concoction (apparently not so good for bossing)
  • General Cry Shield Crush berserker (TriPolarBear on YT / https://pastebin.com/4WFV4fQB provided by /u/Lewrdy)
  • Ice Crash berserker/inquisitor (unarmed or staff)
  • Eye of Winter miner
  • TR Champion ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nNguBo4JjQ / https://pastebin.com/J7fgDz6h provided by /u/TheHappyEater)
  • RF inquisitor
  • Siege Ballista (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3210813)
  • Scourge Arrow (...I don't know about that one, ngl, at least for bossing)
  • Impale 2H Spectral Helix champion/berserker (needs a unique helmet to work from what people have said)
  • Dancing Dervish occultist - see post by author since they provided a lot of deta
... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 80
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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Scythe & Melee Bossing

I have been doing Rax for a week now with range and managed to get my first fang yay :D

Now that I have got 1 part of a possibly upcoming Nox Scythe I was thinking about what to do..

I have 2 things in mind I could do:

Option 1: Keep the fang and just grind Rax to get the leg pieces and make myself a Scythe

Option 2: Buy a Spider leg in the GE, would cost me 150M but having a Scythe.

If option 2 is the way to go:

Should I keep the Scythe and use it to get a decent melee set (cause I don't have any) or should I sell it and make around 250M profit and use it on different things?

I do have 99 pray and herb and using curses and ovls.

My range setup:

Pernix Helm
Pernix Body
Pernix Legs
Cinderbane Gloves
Fleeting Boots
Souls Amulet
Luck Of The Dwarves
2 Ascension crossbows


👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Nielszxz
📅︎ May 31 2021
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Can realistic enemy AI in "boss-killer" games be fun?

Hey All,

Currently (slowly) making my way through MH Rise, and I've been thinking something about games in the "boss-killer" genre.

I've played Hollow Knight, Bloodborne and MH Rise, and the primary approach to dealing with bosses in all these games revolves around learning all their moves, and then developing the reflexes to react to those moves accordingly (And I don't mean this dismissively, just that this is the mindset one has to go into these games with). Now, thinking about it, in real life there's no reason a Bishaten would continue sitting on its tail and hurl fruits to its front while I'm whacking it from the behind. More realistically, it would stop and turn around to take me out. The closest I've seen to this kind of "reactive" boss moves so far is in Hollow Knight, where some bosses (>!Troupemaster Grim!<) will interrupt their move to teleport away if the Knight gets too close.

However, I expect this kind of reactive gameplay would make the game VERY frustrating. It might turn every encounter effectively into a PvP match, and that might be just waay to stressful for some players to get into.

So, I wonder if you folks have ideas/recommendations for games which can incorporate reactive boss moves while still making the game fun? Or is this trade-off between realistic, reactive enemies and fun just the nature of the ahem game?

👍︎ 192
📅︎ Jan 24 2022
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Instead of 4 dxps a week, make every other “DXP” time slot a free bossing period.

I think 4 DXPs a year is way too much and making this change would give people a chance to just fight some bosses they didn’t have the courage to fight before or even try out a boss just because.

Yes I know we had a whole month of it last year. And it was a success that got a lot of people hype. Why not try again but make it official?

Once death costs get fixed, we could always review this decision.

Edit: Sorry all, I meant for my title to say “Instead of 4 dxps a year” not “week”. Oops.

👍︎ 105
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
🚨︎ report
Unpopular Opinion: The best money maker in OSRS is bossing in RS3 then swapping.

Let's assume you are swapping with the current rates which are 8.8M RS3 to 1M OSRS.

You can do Telos 2449 for 200M-250M + hr, that equals to **22M-28M/**hr OSRS. But some people argue that this is the highest pvming in rs3 and is not attainable by everyone. Do not worry there's other methods out there.

Inferno rs3 and kerapac are 150m/hr and are way easier than 2449 enrage telos, achievable by merely equipping Cryptbloom with animate dead which is litterally "click and wait" and lower it to 100M/hr if you are very slow and you are missing a few fingers.

150m rs3 = 17m OSRS

100m rs3 = 11.3m OSRS

The best money maker in OSRS like phosani or trio TOB can probably reach 11M to equal the easiest money in rs3(if you are litterally playing with top caliber pvmers).

Fun Fact: IN OSRS YOU NEED TEAMMATES FOR MOST THE BEST MONEY MAKERS. In RS3 you litterally need no-one. That is time to set up teams therefore lowering even more the money potential.

Conclusion: Go boss RS3 if you want consistent and quick money and swap.

👍︎ 151
👤︎ u/Jagazor
📅︎ Dec 27 2021
🚨︎ report
Two QOL Suggestions for Bossing and Slayer: (Temporarily) Pause Aura Timer & Quick Stack Feature for BoBs

During Slayer and Bossing I came up with two Quality of Life ideas:

The first one is a possibility to (temporarily) pause Aura Timers. Most of us probably know this situation: You have just extended and activated an Aura. And short time after, someone in real life or ingame needs some help from you. Or when you still live with your parents, it’s time for dinner. And when you return to your pc, you basically wasted 20-30 Minutes of your aura and the Vis Wax or maybe need to use an Aura Refresh Token. Therefore it would be quite nice to be able to pause aura timers.

Of course we would also need to implement a way to prevent abusing. I came up with the solution that there could be a cooldown for pausing again, just like we already have it for the dxp timer.

The second idea is a little „Quick Stack“ feature for your BoB (just like the „Quick Stack“ in Terraria, if you have played that game). In that game if you are next to chests, you can press the quick stack button and if there is an item X in the chest and you have another item X in your inventory, it will take that item from your inventory and put it into the chest. Same could be possible for BoBs in Runescape. If you have for example Dwarf weed seeds in your BoB and inventory, it would be nice to quick stack from your inventory into the bob without dragging manually or put your entire inventory into your bob. That would be a really nice improvement for slayer monsters where you still struggle with inventory place even with the spring cleaner, such as wyvern for example.

What do you guys think about these ideas?

👍︎ 18
📅︎ Apr 23 2021
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Sick of my landlord raccoon and his bossing,
👍︎ 5k
📅︎ Dec 21 2021
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might not count but i typed "terraria boss" into an ai art generator, what do i name my son?
👍︎ 614
📅︎ Jan 15 2022
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I was approved for a few FFS procedures, (brow lift, genioplasty, rhinoplasty, and fat graft to cheeks) but now I’m wondering if I should’ve looked into forehead contouring and/or brow bossing? I noticed my forehead today (pic with mask) and I’m having second thoughts. any advice would be helpful. reddit.com/gallery/s6hbqy
👍︎ 120
📅︎ Jan 17 2022
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Boss AI have no weapon recoil, will shoot you through objects with no visual, and lock on from 150+m away.

This wipe boss scav's have been virtually impossible to fight except at 200+ m ranges, and very close quarters. Bosses and raiders will lock on to you from over 150m away, and they have 0 recoil. 50% of the time I've run into them, the first bullet from their gun hits me in the face. Had a fun little close range altercation in dorms too.

I have no problem with AI being harder, I've really enjoyed normal scavs being harder. But having a boss lock on to you at absurd ranges and having them laser you in full auto from 100+ m away is absurd. I've had instances of boss AI shooting at you through walls, especially fighting glucose in train yard, him and his guards will shoot you THOUGH the train cars, nailing every shot. its like fighting a cheater with ESP.

Seriously, if this shit isn't going to be fixed pronto, turn the fucking aggro range down on bosses in the meantime. Half of reserve is off limits whenever gluhar spawns. I had a raid last night where gluhar spawned at helicopter buildings, and he was lasering me through the windows of queen. I move out of there towards manhole/knight buildings, and i died to an instant raider headshot from trainyard. literally the entire ground level of the map was off limits. fix this shit.

👍︎ 788
📅︎ Dec 29 2021
🚨︎ report
Solo Bossing Accomplishments, Solo Progression, and Blackguard

Hi r/Maplestory!

Blackguard is a solo progression and struggle-party NA Reboot guild, with an emphasis on players being motivated to get better and push boundaries and being anti-carry. This post is to emphasize our solo bossing achievements, some of our cracked players, and a recruitment to the guild.

Solo Bossing Accomplishments — celebrating every step!

As a whole, a large part of Blackguard has been very motivated to push bossing. The strongest party is near BM-eligibility (largely gated by levels) and the vast majority don't use a Kanna to farm.

You can see here a few of the players and the bosses they have soloed so far. There are a lot of others who haven't filled out the sheet yet.

For comparison of time, Blackguard's first-ever HLucid clear was exactly 1 year, 1 day ago as a party of six after significant attempts. Now, a lot of us can casually duo HLucid and several solo it. Only recently, our high-ping BaM has soloed HLucid as well.

Note, we have a very strong Ark (pink) who graces us with his presence, but spent most of their bossing time in another guild hence the outlier.

A large part of our memories of the game (at least speaking for myself and some others) are the bossing milestones, especially at a damage-point that requires full-timers or high-intensity focus. Some of our HLotus clears (e.g. our skillful Hero, who isn't on the sheet, or our unusually powerful Adele, who also isn't on the sheet) were done at stat point/damage points that were below what others considered "the min damage." Our cracked Cadena main has put many of us to shame with how good they are. Many of these clears could be a detailed post in themselves, but for brevity, I'll leave it here. We're all very proud of our own accomplishments (and celebrate each others!).

"True" Solo Progression — truly cracked players

Most of us started solo progression but became struggle-party friendly once we started to break or hit Lotus and Damien. However, there are at least three (and likely more) players in the guild who have been complete and true solo progressors. In addition, they don't farm on Kanna, either.

  • Eigen (the Zero in the sheet above) who has soloed ELucid and NSlime and soon pushing NLucid
  • Deckard (t
... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 102
📅︎ Jan 24 2022
🚨︎ report
First time bossing and got this drop
👍︎ 208
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
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Anyone else notice Tripps bossing the team around before the free kick vs. Leeds?

Sooner he's captain the better, I reckon.

👍︎ 118
👤︎ u/VerticesII
📅︎ Jan 23 2022
🚨︎ report
This AI Software Is Coaching Customer Service Workers. Soon It Could Be Bossing You Around, Too time.com/5610094/cogito-a…
👍︎ 11
👤︎ u/chicompj
📅︎ Aug 11 2019
🚨︎ report
Adding my own bugged Rex to show and tell, bossing is now going to be a cake walk
👍︎ 114
👤︎ u/Belflapaly
📅︎ Jan 09 2022
🚨︎ report
"Boss, ai un minut?"

Salutări tuturor.

Aș vrea să știu, dacă nu vă deranjează întrebare, chiar merita viața?

Am ajuns și eu student și cum totul e online am ajuns să fac același lucru ca până acum, să stau izolat în casă, pt că altceva nu știu așa fac, mă simt overheat chiar dacă nu am făcut nimic în lunile astea. Nu pot să fac nimic, i feel completly trap. Nu îmi găsesc motivația, poate pt că nu o am. Cred că până la urmă nu pot face nimic..

Edit: Vă mulțumesc tuturor pentru răspunsuri!! Vă iubesc pe toți! ❤️

👍︎ 34
👤︎ u/Cosmyn30
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
Tom DeLonge & Synthetic Alien AI

I heard somewhere that the 'thing' Tom didn't want to talk about got released. Apparently he lost sleep over it for 3 days or so. Apparently he said to someone, somewhere that some of the beings that are visiting earth are synthetic AI and that they are curious about how our conciousness and emotions work.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about and if so is there any evidence to back it up? Has anyone heard the same thing?

Edit: The post that was linked by MossyMoose2 here (thank you very much by the way), I noticed u/PaperSt commented this:

>Ignore OPs summary and read what delonge actually says, he never says anything about them being jealous or angry. He just says they don’t use love like we do. Much less ominous.

>Go read about “machine elves” people see on Ayahuasca or DMT. Most people say they are friendly and curious, indifferent at worst. They are not trying to harm us or steal our “love”

>I think OP is confusing not having a soul with being “soulless” in the derogatory sense. They only don’t have a soul in the way that they don’t have any of the same organs we do. They are just built differently. No need to be afraid of them. That’s just cosmic xenophobia."

Whats everyone's thoughts on this?

My E.T/UFO Experience

👍︎ 81
👤︎ u/Silvax77
📅︎ Jan 07 2022
🚨︎ report
Thomas Partey's game by numbers. Bossing the middle of the park. twitter.com/Squawka/statu…
👍︎ 258
👤︎ u/Invincenal
📅︎ Jan 01 2022
🚨︎ report
A Uralicorn? Mendriks bossing it - never seen this before
👍︎ 114
👤︎ u/qiezidan
📅︎ Jan 23 2022
🚨︎ report
An analysis of 87 millions tweets about vaccines & climate change using AI revealed pro-vaccine individuals overwhelmingly believed in anthropogenic climate change, but the converse was not true. Only some 15 or 20 per cent of users expressed a clearly pro-vaccine view. nature.com/articles/s4159…
👍︎ 287
📅︎ Jan 18 2022
🚨︎ report
I told an AI to create artwork of Dark Souls 3 bosses for me. Some of them actually turned out fantastic! (more in comments) reddit.com/gallery/s24yzm
👍︎ 321
👤︎ u/LoreenaTv
📅︎ Jan 12 2022
🚨︎ report
So bossing in zestiria, anyone find a better strategy, then just armetize and normal combo/guard while AI is "right stick down" healing you?

With how hard bosses/hard field units hit... keeping the ai away from the bosses seems to be the only strategy on keeping your revive pots usage low while mashing away with a favorable element armetization... at least on normal. Which makes fights a bit dull I guess...

Any of y'all find better strategies against heavy hitters?

👍︎ 6
📅︎ Nov 05 2015
🚨︎ report
Looking for a bossing build


looking for a bossing build with not too bad mapping ability.

During Scourge played CF TS. The mapping is god tier, but bossing felt real bad. During events I've tried several other builds, but they do not feel good for me.

- Physical traps - bossing seem good enough, but mapping feels trash (I don't feel like it's much, much better with better gear enough to cover downsides) - you throw trap, wait for it to arm, wait for dot to kill mobs. That's long enough to get oneshotted. I died quite often.

- Ignite DD - it feels too random, sometimes you pop right corpses and whole packs melt, sometimes you just cannot kill that damn rare, because of mods and low life corpses spawned. Also according PoB ignite seem to reach only 1mil dot dps (with 250k life corpse from 800% life monster and lvl 84 area)

- Skeletal Mages feel not bad. During short events and similar level of investment they seemed the best of the three.

What are other good options? Looking for a decent Sirus DPS build that do not get one-shotted. Something that can go farm Sirus, Maven, The Feared. Budget roughly 30ex

Edit: Looking at some cool responses I thought I might actually make a summary in edit. Maybe someone will find it helpful. Interesting good ideas seem to be:

  • Blade Flurry General's Cry Berserker (seemingly still works, it's not too expensive to start from what I remember)
  • INT Stacking Wander - KB for Clear, PS for bossing (seems very strong single target, only 8-10 ex to start)
  • Chaos Animate Weapon (looks very cool, requires setting up minions upon eachh map entry, after this it's auto, gotta recast after each death, which might make simulacrums tricky, about 20ex budget for starters, but melts bosses)
  • INT stacking Doryanis Flicker Strike (seems strong, not sure about exact dps, but the most expensive of the bunch, base build is over 60ex, not sure how much is needed to start playing it)
👍︎ 12
👤︎ u/neltisen
📅︎ Jan 13 2022
🚨︎ report
This is Commander Riker. He’s been with us since August 2021, after being surrender by his previous owners. Loves bathrooms, squishy blankets, bossing his dog brother Ensign Harry Kim around, and chasing his cat brother Constable Odo.
👍︎ 95
📅︎ Jan 10 2022
🚨︎ report
Since AI can choose their display & name, I'd definitely want one that chooses something weird & ironic, because why not?

I'm going through the novels, where it's mentioned that AI can choose what form they want to display, including name. Somewhere out there in the sol system, in my head-canon, there's a USNC ship with an AI who ironically chose the form of a plate of nachos or a bowl of spaghetti Bolognese just for the hell of it. It's definitely the AI I'd want to be with when I'm in a pickle 🤔

👍︎ 231
👤︎ u/addyxbest
📅︎ Jan 02 2022
🚨︎ report
The BoS Esseker - Story Missions - AI camps & bosses - Custom content - EU

Esseker - It was once a vacation resort for gun enthusiasts, treasure hunters and thrill seekers, then the virus hit and now it's a fucked up, apocalyptic Zombie wasteland. Overgrown but not forgotten... A group that call themselves The Brotherhood have setup a sanctuary in an old sawmill for all survivors to take refuge, reload and restock... How will your story be told?

Connection Info:


Or search for - BoS Esseker

Discord - Website - YouTube


Combat - Our server forces first-person perspective (1PP) during combat. You can enter third-person perspective (3PP) by holstering any guns.

Traders - The majority of our Traders are located at the centre of the map at the Pilana Sawmill. Basic items such as guns, ammo, clothing, base items, cars and helicopters can be purchased there.

There are also several specialist Traders around the map including a Hunting Supplies Trader, Boat & Fishing Trader, and a Black Market Trader which you can buy Raid equipment and other special items from. You can check position of Traders and other important locations on the map by pressing the M key or by toggling map markers with the K key.


Players can create a clan and invite other nearby survivors to it and their territory by using the in-game Book (B key).

Building: Our server uses Expansion Base Building. In order to build a base or place base items a Territory Flag is required. Territories can only be placed outside towns and zones on the map with a name or marker. A single Territory has a radius of 30 metres and only one Territory Flag can be placed per player. You can dismantle your own territory flag by un-equipping any items from your hands and interacting with the base of the flag. Players can only dismantle their own flags and base items.

Base items, defenses and decorations are available from the Hardware Trader at the Pilana Sawmill. All core base structures are crafted in the same way.


Our server utilises automated Raid Scheduling. Raiding is weekend only. (Friday Midnight/Saturday 00:00 -> Sunday Midnight/Monday 00:00)

Players can use Satchel Charges and various tools for raiding. The main supplier of raid equipment is the Black Market Trader.

Base defenses have different health values

... keep reading on reddit ➡

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👍︎ 2
👤︎ u/Sinjin1991
📅︎ Sep 23 2021
🚨︎ report
The BoS Esseker Adventure - Story Missions - AI camps & bosses - Custom content - EU


Esseker - It was once a vacation resort for gun enthusiasts, treasure hunters and thrill seekers, then the virus hit and now it's a fucked up, apocalyptic Zombie wasteland. Overgrown but not forgotten... A group that call themselves The Brotherhood have setup a sanctuary in an old sawmill for all survivors to take refuge, reload and restock... How will your story be told?

Connection Info:


Or search for - BoS Esseker

Discord - Website - YouTube


Combat - Our server forces first-person perspective (1PP) during combat. You can enter third-person perspective (3PP) by holstering any guns.

Traders - The majority of our Traders are located at the centre of the map at the Pilana Sawmill. Basic items such as guns, ammo, clothing, base items, cars and helicopters can be purchased there.

There are also several specialist Traders around the map including a Hunting Supplies Trader, Boat & Fishing Trader, and a Black Market Trader which you can buy Raid equipment and other special items from. You can check position of Traders and other important locations on the map by pressing the M key or by toggling map markers with the K key.


Players can create a clan and invite other nearby survivors to it and their territory by using the in-game Book (B key).

Building: Our server uses Expansion Base Building. In order to build a base or place base items a Territory Flag is required. Territories can only be placed outside towns and zones on the map with a name or marker. A single Territory has a radius of 30 metres and only one Territory Flag can be placed per player. You can dismantle your own territory flag by un-equipping any items from your hands and interacting with the base of the flag. Players can only dismantle their own flags and base items.

Base items, defenses and decorations are available from the Hardware Trader at the Pilana Sawmill. All core base structures are crafted in the same way.


Our server utilises automated Raid Scheduling. Raiding is weekend only. (Friday Midnight/Saturday 00:00 -> Sunday Midnight/Monday 00:00)

Players can use Satchel Charges and various tools for raiding. The main supplier of raid equipment is the Black Market Trader.


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👤︎ u/Sinjin1991
📅︎ Sep 19 2021
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