A list of puns related to "The Principles Of Psychology"
Pretty much as in title
AP U.S. Government and Politics
AP Chinese Language and Culture
AP Spanish Language and Culture
AP Japanese Language and Culture
AP English Literature and Composition
AP French Language and Culture
AP Spanish Literature and Culture
AP German Language and Culture
AP Psychology
AP Computer Science Principles N/A
Religious corruption and hypocrisy as well as the abuse of religion for immoral or corrupt ends is always something that has to be grappled with in the Church and religious institutions. For Christians the Bible itself offers a template of principles and theological reflections when confronting corruption and immorality practised either in religious settings or in the name of religion.
(i)Confronting sexual immorality
(ii)Confronting religious hypocrisy and involvement in injustice
I know there’s the spoiler tag, but don’t read this if you haven’t finished P5R! Final warning.
Alright, everyone here? Cool. So just finished P5R...wow! I played through vanilla years ago and loved it, but I finally felt ready to dive into P5R. I’m so glad I did!! I loved everything that was added, especially the new characters and the new additions to Akechi (my favorite character).
The character I’d like to highlight here is Maruki; moreover, let’s talk Maruki’s psychology. Now, if any of you have been through counseling or gone to therapy, you’ll know how whack some of things he says are. Things like “No one should ever feel pain,” or “it’s okay to be someone else.” It all makes sense because he’s dealing with his grief in such a twisted way, and he’s projecting himself on others. The whole game I was like “Oh, he’s not such a bad therapist!” and then he would say odd stuff like that and I was like “Oh...” and then we first hear about Rumi’s fate and it all made sense.
I’d like to point out my (very slight) frustration that the palace is about Sorrow and not about Denial. Every Palace, and every character, is dealing a psychological issue. Maruki’s issue is denial and over-escapism, just like Kasumi’s is survivor’s guilt and depression. I loved how these things were implemented into the characters though.
Anyway, I would love to have a discussion below about psychology in P5 or P5R if anyone is interested!
You don't have to take my word for this argument. Here are the words of Aaron Schwartz, an instrumental figure in early Reddit history:
>So I have my own justification for freedom of speech: because we can. Human freedom is important, so we should try to protect it from encroachment wherever possible. With most freedoms — freedom of motion, freedom of exchange, freedom of action — permitting them in full would cause some problems. People shouldn’t be free to walk into other people’s bedrooms, take all their stuff, and then punch the poor victims in the face. But hurling a bunch of epithets at the guy really isn’t so bad.
>Freedom of speech is one place where we can draw the line and say: all of this is acceptable. There’s no further logic to it than that; freedom of speech is not an instrumental value. Like all freedom, it’s fundamental, and the only reason we happen to single it out is because it’s more reasonable than all of the others.
Or the General Manager of Twitter, 9 years ago:
>"Generally, we remain neutral as to the content because our general council and CEO like to say that we are the free speech wing of the free speech party."
Or Jack Dorsey, the man himself, on the platform itself:
>Twitter stands for freedom of expression. We stand for speaking truth to power. And we stand for empowering dialogue.
They are not talking about first amendment protections. They are invoking the high ideal that communication between willing parties should not be restrained by government, individuals, or any other platform that offers to publish people's speech. It is universal in reach.
The Wikipedia page is 100% clear on this as well:
>Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.
If you are arguing that Freedom of Speech somehow does not apply to corporate entities, you are wrong. You are of course free to believe otherwise, but you will remain wrong.
It is that simple. If you cannot separate the ideal that is Freedom of Speech from the Constitutional Right which protects freedom of speech, your thinking is, in this way, flawed.
People make this error both ways, b
... keep reading on reddit ➡Mentioned in the context of alcoholism, but potentially applicable to addiction in general.
The few of those elements my colleague and I could come up with are genetics/neurobiological framework, socioeconomic status, family/friends/support network, and potentially stressors. Please and thank you for any leads!!!!
A lot of things go through our minds when we see someone attempting to hitch hike. Kirk and Berto unsurprisingly brought this up during their recent "serial killer" podcast. Why is the idea of picking someone up so scary to some? Where does this come from? Why has, as Kirk suggests, the psychology of simply walking changed? We are exponentially less likely to let our kids walk to school alone. What is the reality of hitchhiking? We'd love to know if any of you have had experiences with it.
In X-Men DOFP we see Logan travel through time but just his consciousness, into his 'younger' body. What if those same principles apply when traversing dimensions or universes? So Peter Maximoff comes in from his universe (sent by Dr. Strange?) to Wanda's and takes Pietro's place to try and understand what's going on. He's the only person Wanda is sure to open up to and he interrogates her pretty much like he's reporting to someone about what's going on there and what's going on with her powers. That might explain why Wanda glimpses his dead body for a second during Halloween - in this universe he is and always will be dead. But only the consciousness can travel. Excuse any errors in language English is not my first language.
First off - BIG thanks to this community for helping me sort through my doctrinal messes. Thought I don't post a lot, I read everything. The conversations tremendously help me sort through the mishmash of my theological journey - raised Southern Baptist, attended charismatic church with a friend, discovered Calvinisitic theology through Piper (don't hate!), attended a Southern Baptist Seminary, now work at a Baptacostal non-denom as the worship pastor. Which leads me to the term Regulative Principle of Worship that I discovered today.
It gave me language to finally encapsulate my conviction - letting Scripture determine what's appropriate for worship, especially corporately. My senior pastor pushes for worship to be "engaging" by doing the newest songs, sometimes doing non-worship songs for effect, or (less frequently) a skit. The philosophy is definitely seeker-sensitive influenced. We're never asked to do anything heretical, but the focus is definitely more on what people find engaging rather than what God deems pleasing. After all, if a person gets saved, and God used our engagement tactics, isn't that worth it? My pastor's soteriology is 99% Arminian, and he deeply wants people to know Jesus as their Savior.
Before anyone addresses the "why are you still serving there" question - I've recently realized God is calling me to lead pastoring. Prayer and wise counsel have identified some leadership areas I need to grow before stepping into such weighty responsibility. My senior pastor has graciously allowed me to continue serving while I prepare for the next season - heck, he's even getting the church to resource me in some very humbling ways.
Anyhow, thank you all for contributing intelligent, critical, God glorifying dialogue and conversation!
Mankiw is the 11th most cited economist and the 9th most productive research economist in the world. His “Principles of Macroeconomic“ textbook is the best selling macroeconomics book in the world by far.
This man’s book writes the definitions of macroeconomics. The same way Campbell‘s book does for Biology and Halliday, Resnick, Walker do for physics.
If you think you understand inflation more than this guy, you technically can’t. His book is the reference for the first and second paragraph on the wikipedia page for “Inflation”.
EDIT: Timestamped link: https://youtu.be/HDKfdmbCuvw?t=31615
Edited with more direct link: https://247sports.com/Article/NCAA-working-on-new-image-and-likeness-policy-for-images-137661019/
After bearish sentiment and fear began to grip the market with nearly unprecedented levels this week, and each failed rally on what would normally be described as colossal monetary intervention proved to be just a bump on the road toward complete oblivion, the Friday close began to show itself coming ever nearer. With less than two hours left before the close of the week, markets and traders began to look nervous as if they were going to rollover and puke again from the lack of availability of dramamine at drugstores. Trump's to speak at 3:30 or so concerning a state of emergency for the coronavirus that has brought the world to a state of panic.
Here he goes, he's at the podium.. markets start to tank again. S&P down over 2% since he started talking 3 minutes ago. Everybody who's short the market starts to feel like winners, and they all start believing in their abilities to outsmart the madness of crowds and forecast market events on multiple timescales. Just as soon as the last holdouts FOMO their bearish positions on for the coming crash, and the shorts add to their blossoming gains, the market rips 1.4% in less than a minute.
What did he say?!? The speech sounds generic and pasted from a 2D pastel edu pamphlet circa 83'. Market rallies another 1.5%, moving noticably quicker than the words from the podium. What's the big deal? Market gaps up half a percent on a single tick. Green basis points flashing growth-rates that remind you of the corona counter ticker you just saw on twitter. Wtf is going on? I can't close now.. I can't do anything now.... It's too fast. When is it going to reverse? Just then you notice the calm demeanor of the lecturn, the parading of CEOs, and you finally get a glimpse into the perspective of someone who could be buying. This isn't the end of the markets, this guy's going to get elected again. It's not a complete shift to communism. Right?? F that, this thing is still screwed, the corona, the zombie companies, the debt. It's all coming home to roost. Hold those shorts...
Market's green over 5%.. It was just 10 minutes ago or so you thought we were crashing. This is crazy. +6% People start dumping shorts & puts trying to break even or limit the P/L that just turned negative. Permabulls think we just bottomed so they throw everything they have into the rally. Short margin calls go popping off across desks and platforms all over the world. Absolute panic buying sets in a
... keep reading on reddit ➡I was 50 miles in for the day (in dog miles) and time came for a much needed warm meal. After finishing my last bits of ramen bomb from a ziplock I added some water, shook it up, and poured it out about 20 yards away from where I cooked. I spent the night and next day being chastised for my despicable transgressions. After hours of compelling arguments I still find myself opposed to drinking hotdog flavored water.
I'm now here before you, begging for both forgiveness and advice. How does everyone go about cleaning up while adhering to the principles of leave no trace?
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