Accidentally dad joked myself to my wife. Didn't even notice. My wife is more dad than I am. *sigh*

So I was making a pot of loose leaf tea, and I see a dry clean-looking spoon on the counter by the tea, so I ask my wife "Is this a tea spoon?"

Then she (rudely, I might add) glared at me and said "yes." in a flat monotone.

I looked at her, confused and offended, so she said "It's a teaspoon."

I wish I could say I got it then, but she had to clarify further: "No, it's an actual teaspoon, and yes you can use it for the tea."


Anyway, how does it work at this point? Should I be the one to tell our daughter that her mom is her new dad now, or does that need to come from my wife?

👍︎ 3
👤︎ u/blindsight
📅︎ Jul 28 2016
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"Knock knock" "Who's there" "Owls..."

"Owls who?"

"Yes the last time I checked they do"

from my friends dad at a boy scout camping trip. the monotone delivery and a satisfied grin really put the gravy on it.

👍︎ 13
📅︎ Aug 09 2014
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