A list of puns related to "Prescott Bush"
I am reading John Robert Greene's new biography of George W. Bush's Presidency and in the background of George H.W. Bush, it does not mention Senator Prescott Bush (Republican Senator from Connecticut and George H.W. Bush's father). He was also not mentioned in George W. Bush's autobiography as far as I recall and not in the documentary 41 about George H.W. Bush. Is this attempt to make Bush 41 more of a self made man or is it something else?
I recently started listening to the podcast Behind the Bastards, and in the first episode I listened to (The Business Plot), the hosts claim that Prescott Bush provided funding for a cabal of Wall Street investors who wanted to create a fascist shadow state in America. It even goes on to say that due to Bush's financial involvements in Nazi Germany, Bush was positioned by this group as the liason between their potential shadow state and the state of Nazi Germany.
While I can find a good deal of evidence for the "Business Plot" as a whole, and other aspects of how this podcast told and represented the story, this seems a sticking point. It seems they got the idea from an attorney named Scott Horton, who wrote out a lot of what BtB later reported as fact in his 2007 article 1934: The Plot Against America. A contributor on Wikipedia claims, without source itself, that "no evidence from the source material of the congressional report, or from news reports at the time, make any mention of Bush's involvement."
Is this true? I'm finding difficulty verifying this one way or the other. Is there a location where such news reports, Smedley Butler's writings, and the congressional report are archived?
Another link is Prescott Bush's financial interests. This 2004 article pointed out documents showing that Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of a number of companies involved with Thyssen, the German steel magnate. Herbert Parmet is a historian who acknowledges the several financial ties between Prescott Bush and Nazi Germany, but concludes that Bush was not a Nazi sympathizer in ideology, but merely a capitalist who wasn't very discriminating in how he would make it (though that, of course, is worthy of its own criticism).
Is there any links that show this connection with Nazi interests went beyond a financial nature?
Also I feel like Henry Ford should be available in other minister slots.
I'm watching Oliver Stone's A People's History of The United States and it makes some eye-popping claims about the Bush family's business ties with the Nazis. I like Oliver, but I've learned to check his work.
Is this on the level? Did the Bush family make money trading with the Nazis? Did that trade continue until after the war began? If so, when did that trade, and why?
Prescott is the father of George H. W. Bush and served as senator of Connecticut otl. Itโs likely he would be prominent in New England so is he mentioned at all? As well as can he and if he canโt why not run for president?
So I was reading up on Prescott Bush the father of George H.W. Bush. So is there any way we could get Bush elected President in 1952?
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