A list of puns related to "Nahua"
In general the view on sex seems to be inconsistent with some sources saying Nahuas were intense prudes with sex not being tolerated unless you were married and over 20 years old while other sources say the they were "deviants" with sexually charged rituals and customs.
Some sources say they pushed marriage hard, but other sources say that was not true and the region had "holy" prostitutes that filled a holy role in the philosophical and religious thought without marriage being needed.
What exactly was the relation between sex, love, and marriage in Nahua thought?
I'm curious if anyone else worships or has any interest in the less "mainstream" deities.
Last time I was in my family's village (I am half indigenous Mexican, half white American), we drove out a bit to see the ruins of the old capital of Michoacan/Mechuacan/Purepecherio, Tzintzuntzan.
Up until this point I had been mostly agnostic but raised in a Catholic family so I leaned towards that, even though I was interested in mesoamerica as a part of my heritage as well as academically. However, on that excursion the presence of the old gods was very apparent to me, and ever since I've been convinced that Xaratanga specifically has stayed with me.
So, I was wondering how common this was. I know plenty of people worship the Nahua pantheon(s), but I've never really encountered anyone who's taken to others. If any of you have, do you worship them alongside Nahua deities, conflate them, or do you believe in them exclusively?
If y’all wanna learn nahua join our collective named tlahtoltapazolli. We are an LA based collective that meets virtually on sundays.
I know that being descendent of peoples coming over the land bridge to inhabit the Americas means most, if not all Native Americans are related in some way - but I was wondering if the Nahuas were genetically/linguistically connected to any other tribes/nations/groups? Like could you for instance say that Nahuas were cousins to, say, the current day US-based tribes, etc?
Just a thought I had the other day, there doesn’t seem to be that much information on Google about it which brings me here.
A lot of people say indigenous peoples of Mexico/Latin America being native by identity overshadows the “real,” natives of First Nations or US tribes, kinda feel like if the Nahuas could/are considered relatives to those groups, the argument could go to more understandable places since I feel like those making these arguments are sorta missing the point imo.
All information is appreciated, please educate me!
I’m not sure if I’m over estimating native groups being super connected by genetics or being too distant - could be either by this point
17 Late Medieval 51 Mexico 6 Beauty
Hi all. I've recently stumbled upon this wonderful group, and it has very much been something I have needed in these dark times. I studied anthropology at University in Scotland, and have always been drawn to the reptilian figure of Tlaloc. Almost as if I KNOW this figure. Same has to be said for Xochipilli. There's a sense of recognition there. So basically, I was wondering, can someone who is of non-nahua descent - if they were to carry out their practise carefully and respectfully - honour these ancient and beautiful beings?
I remember seeing a while ago that tattoos were considered scandalous, but I just found a couple articles saying that it was a common thing to be tattooed. Many of the websites did not look credible however.
It's interesting to me that Mexico chose to name itself after a Nahuatl endonym, and to use an Aztec symbol on its flag, particularly when most of Mexico outside its dense core had few ties to the Aztecs or even had some historical emnity with them, to say nothing of the distinctly white and Spanish ruling class of the country at the time.
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