A list of puns related to "Meiji Constitution"
The prime minister was not constitutionally tied to the Diet and the House of Representatives but their budget was just like in the UK and so dismissing the budget would have made a prime minister untenable. They abolished the property requirements to vote for men in 1921 I believe and had been reducing it gradually over the years leading up to it, the army by being conscript was representative of most Japanese men, and they had adopted local elections with their own legislatures and executives, and had a number of different parties, but somehow it all went downhill. What was so superficial about Japanese democracy by the Great Depression that allowed for a military regime to seize power?
I am trying to write a research paper on American influence in Meiji period Japan and I've had a hard time finding a source that discuses this question directly. If anyone could direct me to a source that discuses this question I'd be very thankful.
I recently found out about the Meiji restoration, and how the Japanese tried to modernise very rapidly. I also read that they looked to western powers for examples.
A panorama of Hong Kong captured during the negotiations for the Treaty of Hong Kong.
The Treaty of Hong Kong
With most major powers having taken sides, the primary options for Treaty negotiation were Brazil, the British Empire, Egypt, or Belgium, with the British colony of Hong Kong being chosen after some debate, and negotiations would begin on the 5th of May, 1899.
The Japanese diplomatic delegation consisted of former Education Minister Ryuichi; former Foreign Minister Aoki Shuzo; Foreign Minister Komura Jutaro; former Ambassador to the United States Takahira Kogoro; Parliamentarian Inukai Tsuyoshi; former Prime Minister Itagaki Taisuke; former Foreign Minister Kuroda Kiyotaka; and former Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi, as well as a handful of minor diplomatic aids. Though not ultranationalistic, the Japanese negotiators were all supporters of expansion, yet chosen for their mix of pragmatic realism and support for further modernizations.The Siamese delegation was led by Foreign Minister and Prince Devawongse Varoprakar, Interior Minister Damrong Rajanubhab, and General Surasakmontri himself, while Black Flag Army leaders Tang Jingsong and Liu Hongfu were permitted to attend alongside declared Vietnamese Emperor Ham Nghi, while not being granted full recognition as a combatant; similar rules were imposed upon Russian observer Nikolai Golitsyn, German observer Theodor von Holleben, and the Korean delegation led by King Gojong himself. General Emilio Aguinaldo, Foreign Minister Pedro Paterno, Speaker of the Assembly Felipe Buencamino, and President Arsenio Cruz-Herrerra. The delegation was highly controversial, among the other delegations due to Japan's initial refusal to negotiate with the Philippines, and among Filipinos for the role the United States played in the selection of Houston allies Paterno and Buencamino, with many fearing that the annexation of the Philippines might be pressed at the negotiation table.
The Spanish delegation was small, including Conservative Party Parliamentarians Antonio Maura and Fransisco Silvela, as well as Radical leader Nicolas Sameron and former Prime Minister Emilio Castelar, who died several weeks into the talks. Finally came the American delegation. Led by Secretary of State Shelby M. Cullom, it included former Colorado Senator Henry Teller, a pro-Houston Farmer-Laborite; form
... keep reading on reddit ➡The links below are for the 2 constitutions of Japan, the original Imperial 1889 Meiji Constitution, and the super-imposed 1947 Liberal Democratic Constitution. Yes, there are commentaries that imply the Meiji Constitution as more "undemocratic" or "restrictive" because it was more structured as an aristocratic oligarchy form of government in which I have a partial positive bias towards it; however, I digress.
Which one do you support?
Would you propose a merger that combines the best of 2? Let me know in the comment threads
Here is the link to my discussion post on the proposed merger on the 1889 and 1947 since I personally viewed these 2 Constitutions to be on opposite ends of a dichotomous spectrum. Likewise, I valued my fellow monarchists' opinion on the proposed merger: https://www.reddit.com/r/monarchism/comments/qr59gm/possible_merger_between_the_1889_imperial/
Japan is an island by the sea, filled with volcanoes and it's beautiful (beautiful). In the year negative a billion {-1,000,000,000}, Japan might not have been here. In the year negative forty-thousand {-40,000}, it was here, and you could walk to it, and some people walked to it. Then it got warmer {-12,000}, some icebergs melted, it became an island and now there's lots of trees (trees) - because it's warmer.
So now there's people (people) on the island {-10,000}; they're basically sort of hanging out in between the mountains, eating nuts off trees, and using the latest technology, like stones and bowls.
Ding dong {-500}! It's the outside world! And they have technology from the future, like really good metal and crazy rice farms. Now you can make a lot of rice really, really quickly. That means if you own the farm, you own a lot of food, which is something everybody needs to survive.
So that makes you king.
Rice farming and rice kingdoms spread across the land {-300 to 250}, all the way to here [from Western Japan to slightly east of the Tokyo area]. The most important kingdoms were here [Hi], here [Chikushi], here [Izumo], here [Kibi], here [Yamato], here [Koshi], and here [Kenu]. But this one [Yamato] was the most, most important - ruled by a “heavenly superperson,” or emperor, for short.
Knock knock. Get the door, it's religion {593}. The new prince wants everyone to try this hot new religion [Buddhism] from Baekje.
“Please try this religion,” he said.
“No,” said everybody.
“Try it,” he said.
“No,” said everybody again, quieter this time.
And so the religion was put into place {604}, and all the rules that came with it. Then, the government was taken over by another clique [Naka no Oe (Tenji), Emperor Kotoku, and Nakatomi (Fujiwara) no Kamatari] {645}, and they made some reforms [the Taika Reforms], like making the government govern more. And making the government more like China's government, which is a government that governs more.
“Hi, China [Tang Dynasty],” they [Japan] said.
“Hi, dipshit [“hi, ‘wa’ (dwarf)”],” said China.
“Can you call us something else other than dipshit?” said Japan.
“Like what?” said China.
“How about sunrise land [nihon (japan)]?” said Japan. And they stole China’s alphabet and wrote a book [Kojiki: Records of Ancient Matters] {711}: about themselves! And then they made lots of poetry,
... keep reading on reddit ➡A Japanese artist's rendition of the Battle of Hawaii, circa 1897.
The Battle of Hawaii
Togo Heihachiro and his fleet reached Hawaii in December, making their first landing at Midway Atoll to connect to the Japanese forces already in the vicinity before travelling to Koloa on the island of Kauai, where Admiral Heihachiro would formulate his plan of engagement. His fleet surrounded Oahu, yet declined to directly attack the island held by Dole and American troops, instead focusing on laying in wait for the arrival of what had been George Dewey's and was now William T. Sampson’s American fleet while the Japanese Army under Kodama Gentaro focused on capturing Oahu. In a surprising move, Admiral Dewey had been reassigned from the Hawaiian fleet to a smaller naval force sent to the Southern Pacific to attack Japan’s possessions in Polynesia. With Sampson days away, Gentaro launched an assault on Keeau Beach, on the far west of Oahu, with 600 troops outnumbering the 346 militiamen of Dole and his allies, and capturing the beach by the end of the 17th of December. The next day, several hundred more Japanese troops landed on North Beach on the other side of Oahu, as those on Keeau marched north to cut the island in half. Yet, Dole was prepared, With 70 of his men, he took several Gatling guns and a two "potato diggers," recently created automatic weapons, and intercepted the Japanese forces advancing from Keeau at Trimble Road, leading to his plantation, which he suspected they aimed to attack. Opening fire from the bushes, his men were able to devastate Japanese ranks and prevent any attack on Dole's own property.
Surprised at the defeat, Gentaro sent 2,000 troops to Kawela Bay in the North of Oahu near the islands jungles, from which they advanced south towards the Dole Plantation, clashing with American troops during a second landing at Waialua Bay on the morning of the 20th.Japanese troops avoided attacking the Dole Plantation itself, instead clashing with his troops across the island as they worked to capture all but Honolulu and the Plantation. Dole himself largely retreated his forces to protect his plantation as the 21st dawned, leaving only 37 Americans to defend Honolulu against the advancing Japanese, with William T. Sampson’s Ameeican fleet only a day away. Hoping to capture the final stretch of Oahu's coast not in
... keep reading on reddit ➡Japan had a hatred for the three nations of France, Germany and Russia. The reason Japan was unable to get the territories it won in Manchuria was due to the West having no desire to see China suffer the cruel terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
The reason they didn't want China to suffer unequal treaties drafted by Japan, was due to Several Western newspaper correspondents present at the time revealed that Japanese troops "indiscriminately killed" thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians, and the story of a Japanese massacre soon spread among the Western public, damaging Japan's public image and the movement in the United States to renegotiate the unequal treaties between that country and Japan. The event came to be known as the Port Arthur massacre. Japan won the war and gained the territories of Taiwan and Southern Manchuria, however they would not gain Southern Manchuria due to Russia, Germany and France intervening with the treaty. However they had reasons.
Russia's reasons of intervening were due to it's paranoia of not extending the Trans-Siberian railway into Manchuria to get warm water, because the Russians need warm water to do stuff they can't do in cold water and sadly, most of their coasts and bodies of water are sadly cold due to Russia's geographical location.
Germany's reasons of intervening were firstly, its desire to draw Russia's attention to the east and away from itself and secondly, to enlist Russia's support in establishing German territorial concessions in China. Germany hoped that support for Russia would encourage Russia, in turn, to support Germany's colonial ambitions, which were especially vexed since Germany had only recently formed itself into a unified nation and had arrived late in the colonial "game."
France's reason of intervening was due to it being friends with Russia due to the fact French bankers did have financial interests in Russia (especially railroads) and the fact France fears of loosing Indochina to Japan.
The Triple Intervention was successful for the three European Powers because Japan had to back down as it's Armed Forces would automatically loose against the European Powers who have more powerful and larger armed forces. The victory of France, Germany and Russia against Japan was called a g
... keep reading on reddit ➡I grew up in Japan toward the end of the Showa period, so my image of Emperor Hirohito's involvement in the war is extremely coloured by post-war propaganda. (Sort of a naive and scholarly young man that was taken advantage of by militarist politics)
I was reading Tojo's wikipedia page, and was surprised how much involvement the Emperor actually had. His ultimate power was enshrined in the Meiji Constitution, but people like Tojo seem to have actually believed the god-on-earth stuff, and wouldn't even present counter-arguments to his proposals.
Anyway, I remember some older people talking about how the Emperor should have been hung to take responsibility for all the Japanese deaths he caused, let alone any foreign ones. I assume death-sentence was the American public's general expectation as well.
My question is, how did the American public react to the rather abrupt change in direction from the wartime propaganda version of Hirohito? Was there a PR effort? Also, is there any evidence of Emperor's life being a condition for the unconditional surrender? It sure seems like there was a backroom deal of some kind
Do your worst!
This is my proposal on the Japanese Succession Crisis. This is an open discussion post:
The proposed yet better alternative is to revert back to the 1889 Imperial Succession Laws AND merge the 1889 Imperial Constitution with the 1947 Constitution altogether to create a balance between the superimposed 1947 Liberal-Democratic Constitution and the Imperial-oligarchic 1889 original Constitution as THE constitution.
The merger of the 1889 original Imperial constitution with the occupier's 1947 liberal-democratic constitution constitutes the best of both worlds with the peerage nobilities, cadet branches of the Yamato Dynasty in the Upper House, the reinstatement of the Privy Council so the Emperor could consult for private advice. In addition, the Emperor as the sacred and inviolable head of state with a semi-divine (NOT completely divine) personage or status with considerable executive powers in tandem with indirect yet limited political powers, and be supreme commander of the Imperial Forces, including ennobling people with hereditary peerage nobility or elevating existing peerage nobility as outlined in the 1889 Constitution within the contemporary times. Moreover, with the peerage nobility and branch families restored, this helps prevent the princesses (from the Immediate family lines since Emperor Showa, and the former shinnoke and oke branches) from losing their titles when they married as also explicitly outlined and specified in the aforementioned 1889 Imperial Constitution of the Empire of Japan. Likewise, this proposed merger still retains the stern popular sovereignty of the Lower House and Prime Minister being head of the Legislate and the Lower House as outlined in the 1947 Constitution (Although Japan did have a democratic election with the lower house "The House of Representatives", it's very limited to the rich commoners and bourgeoisie in the 1889 Imperial Constitution). In addition to being head of legislation, the Prime Minister likewise also heads their respective Ministerial Cabinet as outlined in the 1889 and 1947 Constitution. Thus the merger should be a viable alternative and relevant option. Either the merger option or revert completely back to the 1889 Imperial Constitution of socio-political status for political reasons since the late-Emperor Meiji did unified, centralized, and modernized Japan.
The imperial laws of succession in my opinion should be reverted back to the 1889 Imperial succession laws since there ar
... keep reading on reddit ➡For context I'm a Refuse Driver (Garbage man) & today I was on food waste. After I'd tipped I was checking the wagon for any defects when I spotted a lone pea balanced on the lifts.
I said "hey look, an escaPEA"
No one near me but it didn't half make me laugh for a good hour or so!
Edit: I can't believe how much this has blown up. Thank you everyone I've had a blast reading through the replies 😂
They’re on standbi
The first act of the NRA in the Diet following the recent House of Councillors election was to put forward a constitutional amendment. To nobody's surprise, it concerned Article 9 of the constitution.
At present Article 9 states the following:
> ARTICLE 9. (1) Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. (2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.
The NRA proposed to reword the article to the following:
> ARTICLE 9. (1) Aspiring to maintain regional and international peace and prosperity where might does not make right, the Japanese people renounce war as a means of settling disputes except when all other options are exhausted. (2) The right of Japan to defend itself from aggression will not be infringed, and its Armed Forces shall be recognised as a vital organ of the state.
This rewording of the article allows Japan to enter a state of war and officially form an armed forces. Wars cannot, however, be unjustified and they must come when no other option exists. The Armed Forces are now also specifically embedded in the constitution and legitimised.
Both chambers of the Diet voted on the amendment with both chambers passing it with votes from most of the LDP and the Ishin party.
The following day Prime Minister Yamashita Anjin announced the formation of the Japanese Armed Forces as well as a swell of reforms to the forces.
##Armed Forces Day
The day Prime Minister Yamashita formed the Armed Forces, August 28th, shall henceforth be known as Armed Forces day. The day was marked by the parade of the new Armed Forces all across the country, and this shall follow from now on.
The Japanese Self-Defence Forces are no more, the new names are as follows
Old Abbreviation | Old Name | New Name | New Abbreviation | Japanese |
JSDF | Japanese Self-Defence Forces | (Imperial) Japanese Armed Forces | IJAF | Dai-Nippon Teikoku Guntai |
JGSDF | Japanese Ground Self-Defence Force | (Imperial) Japanese Army | IJA | Dai-Nippon Teikoku Rikugun |
JMSDF | Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force | (Imperial) Japanese Navy | IJN | Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun |
JASSDF | Japanese Aerospace Self-Defence Force |
Pilot on me!!
Dad jokes are supposed to be jokes you can tell a kid and they will understand it and find it funny.
This sub is mostly just NSFW puns now.
If it needs a NSFW tag it's not a dad joke. There should just be a NSFW puns subreddit for that.
Edit* I'm not replying any longer and turning off notifications but to all those that say "no one cares", there sure are a lot of you arguing about it. Maybe I'm wrong but you people don't need to be rude about it. If you really don't care, don't comment.
On the 19th of July 2025 the House of Councillors held an election. Half of the seats in the chamber were up for election. The results were as follows:
Party | Previous Seats | Seats | Change | Total in Chamber |
Liberal Democratic Party | 57 | 76 | +19 | 132 |
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan | 17 | 15 | -2 | 30 |
Nippon Ishin no Kai | 10 | 12 | +2 | 18 |
Komeito | 14 | 7 | -7 | 21 |
Democratic Party for the People | 6 | 2 | -4 | 17 |
Japanese Communist Party | 7 | 3 | -4 | 9 |
Reiwa Shinsengumi | 2 | 1 | -1 | 1 |
Social Democratic Party | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Party to Protect the People from NHK | 1 | 0 | -1 | 0 |
Independents | 9 | 7 | -2 | 15 |
Total | 124 | 124 | 245 |
The results sent shockwaves through the nation, as many knew what was to follow.
Kishida Fumio resigned the following day, announcing that he will remain caretaker Prime Minister until the LDP can conclude a leadership election. He cited a lack of confidence from the party as his reason for stepping down.
The leadership election saw the NRA (now an official faction within the LDP) and the SSK run a joint ticket candidate. The NRA was the senior of the two factions owing to their larger share of members and thus Yamashita Anjin ran as the candidate, with Hosoda Hiroyuki of the SSK set to be appointed Deputy PM on Yamashita's win.
A few other candidates ran on opposition to the nationalist bloc, notably Yoshihisa Furukawa of the Heisei Study Group as the champion of the moderates.
Yamashita won both the local party and the diet member votes decisively, and was announced leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. Speaking at a rally after the vote, Yamashita announced that Japan was to enter a new age like that of the Meiji Restoration.
Yamashita was elected Prime Minister shortly after, announcing a cabinet dominated by the NRA and their SSK satellite. Yamashita also secured a weak coalition of sorts with the Nippon Ishin no Kai party with an aim at reforming the Japanese Constitution and instituting Dōshūsei.
What did 0 say to 8 ?
" Nice Belt "
So What did 3 say to 8 ?
" Hey, you two stop making out "
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: War and Peace
Part One: Peace
The Ainu
Unique Ability: Spirits of Kamui
Unimproved Woods and tiles adjacent to Rivers provide +1 Food. Unimproved Hills and tiles adjacent to Mountains provide +1 Production. These values can stack and are doubled with Nationalism. Can perform the Iomante Ritual Project in any city with a Kotan.
Capital City: Shinhidaka
Leader: Shakushain
Leader Ability: Fog of War
Unique Unit: Emishi Rider
Unlocked with Castles
Unique Ranged Cavalry Unit unlocked along side the Courser. Range of 2 tiles and can move after attacking. +1 combat strength for each 25 grievances you have on the defending civ. Uses the Ranged Promotion Tree and can be later upgraded to the Field Cannon
Unique District: Kotan
Unlocked with Construction
Quite early and cheap replacement for the Neighborhood. +4 housing and must be placed on a River. Allows the Iomante Ritual Project in this city
An expensive project that can be done only once per era in a city. Growth stops during the project. Once completed, your Kotan produces a permanent amenity. Yields from camps, pastures, and fishing boats gain +2 Culture and +1 Food. All tiles gain +1 appeal as well. After Flight, these improvements provide tourism
Agenda: Mysterious Island of Ezo
Likes civs that do not have diplomatic visibility with him. Hates civs bordering him and try to gain diplomatic visibility with him
Tries to isolate himself, and will try to avoid friendships and alliances whenever beneficial
Tries to produce a large defensive army, and maintains large tracks of unimproved land
Has no preferred victory type
Civ Iconography
I won't be doing that today!
You take away their little brooms
This morning, my 4 year old daughter.
Daughter: I'm hungry
Me: nerves building, smile widening
Me: Hi hungry, I'm dad.
She had no idea what was going on but I finally did it.
Thank you all for listening.
When it comes to The militarism of Japan, it is inevitable to mention the emperor of Japan, the symbol of the core of the Japanese spirit. After the Meiji Restoration, the emperor was endowed with the status of deity who were existing in the world of the human beings, and Japan was the kingdom that was selected by the deity. That is, the emperor's authority is sacred and inviolable, and the people should be guided by the emperor's spirit. Article 1 of the old Imperial Japan Constitution states: "The Great Empire of Japan is ruled by the Emperor, whose power is forever inherited by one family."
Mine(Nagata Tetsuzan), Akame(Obata Toshishirō), and Tatsumi(Yasuji Okamura)
——from The Chrysanthemum and The Sword, Ruth Benedict.
But the reality was that the emperor became the mascot of a political team centered around the Choshu and Satsuma clans, and even Emperor Meiji had no say in many matters. The emperor is praised by all Japanese people as the core spiritual symbol of Japanese nationalism. During the Taisho period, the democratic forces represented by Saionji Kinmochi rose, and the real power of the emperor was greatly limited. But after the End of the Taisho period, the balance was soon broken. Hirohito, the new emperor, used the spiritual authority of his position to construct a uniquely nested system of power. He used his spiritual authority to command his followers, to replenish the army's basic material resources (soldiers), but relied on the army to contain objectors (Democrats and socialists) and consolidate his spiritual authority.
And when it comes to this character, in fact, such a character clearly exists in the comic of akame ga kill. That's the hierarch of Anningdo. First of all, the hierarch of anningdo is actually the same role that the e has played for most of Japanese history, which is religious leader. The emperor is a Shinto priest. As a deity, the emperor is not allowed to appear too much in front of the public, which is exactly in line with the former hidden whereabouts of the anning Taoist leader. In the setting of the formula book, the hierarch himself has the worship of the whole empire, that is, the worship of the hierarch himself by the people of the empire is the praise of the Japanese people to the emperor.
from——the setting of the formula book of akame ga kill, takahiro.
While the beg
... keep reading on reddit ➡It’s pronounced “Noel.”
After all his first name is No-vac
What, then, is Chinese rap?
Notable mentions from the comments:
Spanish/Swedish/Swiss/Serbian hits
French/Finnish art
Country/Canadian rap
Chinese/Country/Canadian rock
Turkish/Tunisian/Taiwanese rap
Japanese print of an American ship, circa 1837.
The long and winding history of American relations with Japan dates to 1837, when President Winfield Scott deployed a naval column under the leadership of Commodore Matthew C. Perry to open Japan to the world, thus beginning the opening of the chrysalis of Japan's shogunate and the unveiling of the Empire within. Presidents Foote and Seward intervened in Japan's subsequent Civil War on behalf of a liberal faction led by Soejima Taneomi, playing a minor role in the brokering of an alliance between Taneomi and Emperor Meiji, which would lead to the re-installment of the Emperor to his former power, yet with the check of a constitution and elected parliament. Under the subsequent leadership of Taneomi, Japan's economy would begin to prosper, and the rise of Count Ito Hirobumi to office began Japan's era of expansion. Modernized technologically and socially, Japan first shocked the world by defeating China in the Sino-Japanese War of 1883-1884, and expelled any doubt of its rising power with its victories over Spain, Russia, and Viet Nam in the coming years.
The United States had its own vision for East Asia, one that differed as often as its rulers. According to John Bingham, who served under Longstreet as Ambassador to Japan, President Longstreet's view of the nation was highly favorable and he maintained grand plans for an American-Japanese alliance, viewing relations with China as doomed over the issue of Chinese exclusion. Bragg differed greatly, and even before causing an international incident in his post-presidency by denouncing Japan during the Sino-Japanese War, viewed it as inferior to China. Steering American policy towards China greatly, Bragg's views decimated American relations with Japan, damage from which they never truly recovered. Hopes of reconciliation weakened as expansionists from both nations such as ultranationalist leader Toyama Mitsuru and Senator James H. Kyle set their eyes upon a single island chain: Hawaii, located nearly squarely between the two nations.
The Japanese annexation of the Philippines and the rest of Spain's Pacific colonies following the Spanish-Japanese War brought Japan close to Hawaii, as American trade and the influence of fruit magnate Sanford Dole attempted to skew the island in the direction of the United States. In between it
... keep reading on reddit ➡Korean rebels in support of Emperor Gojong.
Revolt and Retreat
Korea was the first major overseas colony of the Japanese Empire, with the Rising Sun shining upon the Hermit Kingdom for nearly 15 years prior to the beginning of the Pacific War, with the Japanese annexation of Korea following the Sino-Japanese War. It had been Korea where the fuse for the Russo-Japanese War was lit, and it had been Korea where Japan first succeeded in suppressing an independence movement. Korea’s movement for independence would grow throughout the Pacific War, yet the heavy-handed Japanese tactics in preventing revolt would remain successful early on, even as the exiled House of Joseon began to gather followers. The claimant to the Korean throne, “King” Gojong was not incredibly popular by any means, yet his complete lack of power led to him becoming a point of unity for Korean nationalists, with liberals such as Yun Chi-Ho and Syngman Rhee, who had once led opposition to Gojong, now supporting a constitutional monarchy with him at its head while the Donghak religious sect Gojong had violently suppressed now considered him an ally.
The exiled King and his allies planned throughout 1898, but remained in watched exile in China. In mid-November Gojong would disappear from the watch of Japan and the world, before apparently resurfacing weeks later in Russian-backed Turkestan. This warned Japanese forces of the possibility of planning for an insurrection in Korea, yet with the Empire focusing on continuing its advance in Tonkin, the calls from Governor of Japanese Korea Kawakami Soroku for reinforcements of troops unheeded. In December, followers of the Donghak religion, largely in Northern Korea, began to organize. Japanese troops responded quickly and fighting broke out. Though officially classified by Japanese authorities as nothing more than a revolt by a cult, up to 250,000 Koreans would participate in the revolt, with over 30,000 Chinese and Russian subjects being sent over the border with their government’s implicit approval to aid in the Korean revolt, as the Russian and Chinese governments would smuggle Chinese, Russian, American, and German weapons into Korea and Manchuria.
The Japanese force in Korea numbered only 8,000 when the revolt began and was quickly overwhelmed. The thousands of well-armed Korean rebels quickly captu
... keep reading on reddit ➡There hasn't been a post all year!
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