Last night I had a terrible dream. I died and was sent to Hell, where Satan himself made me sing β€œEndless Love”, β€œDon’t go breaking my heart” and β€œIslands in the stream” with him.

That’s right. The devil made me duet.

πŸ‘︎ 48
πŸ“…︎ May 07 2023
🚨︎ report
My wife and I were going to have a ceremony to once again profess our love for one another, but I had to have emergency surgery on my rectum.

Turns out, I had to renew my bowels.

πŸ‘︎ 125
πŸ‘€︎ u/turley97
πŸ“…︎ Oct 03 2022
🚨︎ report
Bill pulled up a stool at his favorite bar and announced. β€œMy wife Suzie must love me more than any woman has ever loved any man!” The bartender inquired. β€œWhat makes you say that?” Bill beamed with pride, β€œLast week, I had to take a couple of sick days from work..."

"Suzie was so thrilled to have me around, that every time a mail or delivery person came by, she’d run down the driveway waving her arms hollering, β€˜My husband’s home! My husband’s home!’”

πŸ‘︎ 63
πŸ‘€︎ u/cockneybastard
πŸ“…︎ Aug 18 2022
🚨︎ report
My wife and I own a dog that we love dearly. She sheds so much hair that I couldn’t stand it anymore. Had to eventually get rid of her.

It was a tough decision, but my dog and I are so much happier now.

πŸ‘︎ 14
πŸ‘€︎ u/Gear3017
πŸ“…︎ Jun 26 2022
🚨︎ report
My daughter asked me for a recommendation for a good book. I told her I had the perfect book in my collection for her to read. It has drama, romance, betrayal, excitement, action, love, loss, heroes, villians, mystery and puzzles. Pretty much everything really. Excitedly she asked me for it.

I handed her the dictionary.

πŸ‘︎ 472
πŸ“…︎ Jan 16 2019
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I have two big ladders at home but when I got married to my second wife, she had a small ladder, so now I have a step ladder but I love it all the same
πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/benvr98
πŸ“…︎ Jan 19 2019
🚨︎ report
I met a guy one time who loved Harry Potter but had no real personality

Unfortunately, he was deathly hollow

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ“…︎ Mar 22 2023
🚨︎ report
After my wife had given birth to our baby, the nurse asked me, "Do you have a name yet?" I said, "Yes. Steve." She giggled, "Awww! That's a lovely name!" I replied, "Thanks."

"But what do you think we should call the baby?"

πŸ‘︎ 12k
πŸ‘€︎ u/808gecko808
πŸ“…︎ Mar 18 2022
🚨︎ report
I had a lovely dream last night that I was swimming in an ocean of orange pop...

It was a fanta sea...

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/OctoberFire1
πŸ“…︎ Jan 09 2023
🚨︎ report
When I was growing up mom said that dad had a loving gaze.

And now that dad’s out of the closet he’s loving gays.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/ilikesidehugs
πŸ“…︎ Dec 19 2022
🚨︎ report
I had a mustang when I was younger and I loved that thing. It had amazing acceleration, handled really well through corners and could stop on a dime.

Sadly, one day we hit a pothole and it broke its leg and had to be put down.

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/giggitygiggity2
πŸ“…︎ May 20 2022
🚨︎ report
Because the steaks would be too hot for tinder
πŸ‘︎ 1k
πŸ“…︎ Mar 05 2023
🚨︎ report
Last week I was on the edge of a cliff, holding on to a box full of shredded cheese. I loved that box, but I knew I had to let it go. I didn’t want to...

But it was for the grater good

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ“…︎ Aug 16 2020
🚨︎ report
I don't tell dad jokes, I live them

I've got to say I feel I have officially become at one with dad jokes. I have 5 kids, had to take one to hospital today for blood tests. Sat in the waiting room a nurse walks out and looks at me and the wife and says "are you here for the incontinence team" my wife says no, and the nurse turns and starts to walk away, at which point the spirit of the dad jokes takes over and I shout "ooooh....I am now" The nurse turns around and says"you are?" And my wife starts apologising for my bad humour. This is only a week after we were at the till and the cashier asked if I'd like a bag for life, to which I responded "no thanks love, I'm not ready for that sort of commitment yet" My wife really hates taking me out in public.

πŸ‘︎ 86
πŸ‘€︎ u/falconer05
πŸ“…︎ May 05 2023
🚨︎ report
Not a joke, a request for Lee jokes

Not a dad joke but need a joke for a dad-ish person. I’ve got a thing going with an older guy (sounds weird), he’s more of a father figure. Called Lee.

We have a running joke where I called him UgerLee, CautiousLee, WheeLeebin and his second favourite, FamiLee with his favourite so far has being AnaLee

Any beaters?

Edit: he loved the jokes people have put and some more I did, then he said he wished he had been there more in my life (aww, sad face), then I said, β€œyeah me too, but not homosexuLee” so now we have a new one to beat.

πŸ‘︎ 3
πŸ‘€︎ u/Darth-SHIBius
πŸ“…︎ May 05 2023
🚨︎ report
It was a lovely movie and I had a hot date, so I asked her to whisper something in my ear that would make my heart beat faster. She gave me this sly little smile and then she replied,

"Don't look now, but your wife is sitting right behind us."

πŸ‘︎ 9
πŸ‘€︎ u/Jan_Tik
πŸ“…︎ Oct 29 2019
🚨︎ report
Request - Jokes about death

A beloved coworker that always had a dadjoke ready to go suddenly passed recently. We’re ready to grieve him with dadjokes about death. Can your share yours?

I found this one today that I know he would have loved: I hope my coworker is cremated because it’ll be his final chance to have a smokin’ hot body.

Edit: thank you everyone for the dadjokes. Many of these are absolutely dead-on!

If you’re the person at work that greets everyone and has a dadjoke or two, even if people usually groan, you are likely more loved than you know. Keep up the groans!

πŸ‘︎ 4k
πŸ‘€︎ u/FoofooDaSnoo
πŸ“…︎ Oct 26 2022
🚨︎ report
Smokey the Bear...

Smokey the Bear was relaxing in his new house.

He'd just moved to the neighbourhood and was enjoying retirement after years of working for the U.S. Forest Service. He was sitting in his favourite easy chair, reading a particularly engaging book, when the doorbell rang.

Smokey sighed, set the book face down (his sister was always so mad at him for doing this as it ruined the spine, but seeing as this was essentially the latest in a series of airport bestsellers, he didn't feel like he was damaging anything particularly worth saving (though he had to admit it was pretty compelling, if a bit tawdry) and got up to answer the door.

When he opened it, there was a ram standing there, with a stack of fliers in his arms.

"Hello sir or madam would you like a.... OH! It's you! You're Smokey! I love your work!"

"That's quite alright, thank you" Smokey said "Now what can I do for you, young man?"

"Oh gosh, I'm so flustered" said the ram. "I never expected to see a celebrity on my first day!" "First day of...?" said Smokey. "Oh! Sorry, yes!" the ram stammered. "My sister and I just opened a new flower shop down the street and I was just handing out these brochures and it would just mean the world to us both if you would take one!"

Smokey looked down at the coupon in the ram's hand, then back up to his face.

"Sorry, kid. I'm not going to take this".

The poor ram was shocked "You're... not?"

"Now, if your sister was here, I'd accept it from her, but not from you".

"Wh... but... I don't understand...? Why my sister?"

Smokey got a serious expression on his face and looked the ram dead in the eye.

"Only ewes can present florist fliers".

πŸ‘︎ 22
πŸ‘€︎ u/vasagle_gleblu
πŸ“…︎ Mar 25 2023
🚨︎ report
Once upon a time, there was a bird...

This was not any ordinary bird however, as he was able to speak and understand English at a perfect level. For quite a while, he didn't use it much to his advantage. He was content simply fluttering around and living peacefully with his bird wife.

But one day, tragedy struck! Our bird one day woke up to an empty nest, no bird kids, no bird wife, just him and some twigs.

He starts asking around his bird community, and eventually pieces together that his bird wife got tired of him and his lack of ambition. She took the bird kids and flew off to stay with her bird Mother.

Our bird was left with an overwhelming sense of listlessness, realizing that everything he had worked towards in his bird life was now gone.

Our bird, now destitute and lonely, decided he was tired of bird life, and wanted to use his English speaking ability to try something new.

He decides to fly into the nearest human town, and observe for a bit. He perched himself on a tree overlooking the main street of the town, and simply watched.

After an hour or two, he noticed several people heading into a building, one labelled as "Bar". He decides that if he wants to truly utilize his prowess of the English language, the best place to start is with other English speakers, so he flies down to the building and hops his way inside.

Our bird makes his way over the bar, hops up on a stool, and says "Hey bartender, can I get a drink?" The bartender and a few other people nearby notice that these words came out of a bird and are immediately and completely enthralled and bewildered by this sight.

The bartender saunters over and asks "Did you just ask for a drink? But you're a bird! I've never seen anything like this before, but if you want a drink I'm happy to oblige".

The bartender pours the bird some water, places it in front of him, and they start chatting. After realizing what was happening, every patron at the bar is standing around the bird, eager to get another peek at this otherworldly phenomenon. People ask the bird some questions, and the bird happily responds, informing them all of his plight and his goal to take full advantage of his gift. More people make their way to him, snapping pictures and videos to share with their friends. The bird loves all the attention and is more than happy to indulge each and every customer who comes up to him.

After a few hours, closing time rolls around. Most people make their way out of the bar, ecstatic to share their newfound memories with family an

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 8
πŸ‘€︎ u/vasagle_gleblu
πŸ“…︎ Mar 31 2023
🚨︎ report
Good chili

Man comes into a restaurant that proudly claims "World's best chili" on a big neon sign. Since he was so hungry he orders a bowl. The woman behind the counter says, "See that man down there at the end of the counter. He just ordered the last bowl." Disheartened he order a blue plate special and waited. He noticed the man had not touched his chili. After a few minutes, he approaches the guy , "Hey is that chili really world famous?"

"Yep, so they say."

"Wow, I love chili, I noticed you haven't touch it while I've been sitting here. You going it eat it?"

The guy looks over at the man and pushes the bowl to him, "Have at it."

"Thanks," he says and digs in enjoying every spicy bite. Half way done, he notices a dead mouse in the bottom of the bowl, and pukes it all back into the bowl.

The guy at the end of the bar speaks up, "Yeah I did that too."

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/katghoti
πŸ“…︎ Mar 27 2023
🚨︎ report
Grocery store humor

First, I'm going to say that working at a grocery store has some of the best opportunities for dad jokes. I'm 40 now, started working in a grocery store a year ago, but I also did it for a year or so in high school. This happened back in 1998.

I was sacking groceries, a girl I was secretly in love with was at the register scanning. This wet, nasty, and badly wrapped whole chicken comes through the conveyor belt and she says "Ewwww disgusting..." to which I immediately replied "What's the matter? Chicken?"

It went over famously, everyone had a laugh.

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πŸ‘€︎ u/d00mslinger
πŸ“…︎ Mar 23 2023
🚨︎ report
Not a joke. But I wish it was.

I am not a dad. I am a daughter. For longer than I can remember, I have called my dad at "too early" times in the morning, woke him up, and told him a joke. This was a daily occurrence. Hence how I found this sub.

My dad died on Monday. You guys helped me wake him up with laughter so many times and I got to hear him laugh every day. Thank you r/dadjokes.

Edit: spelling

Wow I really did not expect so many people to see this post or to take the time to comment and reach out to me. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and kind words. It really means a lot. This is a great community and I'm so glad to have found it. As a mom to two beautiful little jokesters, I will absolutely continue pestering them with daily jokes and keep the tradition and the laughter alive.

For those asking, his favorite jokes were the really long ones that took forever to tell and had bad/ the best punchlines. The one that immediately sticks out was posted here either Sunday or Monday and was the last one I got to tell him. I will see if I can find it and figure out how to link. It was about a farmer who really loved tractors.

Thank you to the kind redditors who found it for me.

πŸ‘︎ 46k
πŸ‘€︎ u/AndiPandi92
πŸ“…︎ Feb 11 2022
🚨︎ report
My wife and I just found out she's pregnant with our first child

To celebrate, we invited all the family and friends we could to my parents' house and then made the big announcement. Everyone was ecstatic and my father in particular was driven to tears. At a certain point during the night he pulled me aside and led me into his study, which I had never really been inside until this point. He opened a safe and produced cigars a bottle of whiskey and a large, beautifully bound book.

"I could never have asked for a better son," my father said, lighting the cigars and pouring the whiskey. "I hope you think I was a good enough father to deserve you."

β€œOf course, Dad," I said, "You were all I could've asked for and I wish my son admires me even half as much as I admire you."

β€œNow I've shared with you nearly everything I know," he said, "But not this one thing. This is the Big Book of Dad Jokes. There are many like it but this one is special. My father gave it to me when your mother and I first found out she was pregnant with you, and I studied it and studied it, learning all the dad jokes I could and mastering book's secrets. I hope it serves you as well as it served me in being a father... No... I know it will serve you well. I love you, my son."

β€œDad... I don't know what to say... I'm honoured..."

β€œHi Honoured, I'm Dad."

πŸ‘︎ 120
πŸ‘€︎ u/OwenJthomas89
πŸ“…︎ Dec 16 2022
🚨︎ report
Need help with a heart related pun [META]

My Father had open heart surgery a year ago, a quadruple bypass and to celebrate 1 year of surviving I wanted to get him his favorite cake But I wanted it to say something a little hearty He loves puns and I wanted to do something special for him

Any help is appreciated!

πŸ‘︎ 26
πŸ“…︎ Nov 22 2022
🚨︎ report
Assistance Required!

I had an idea for a Halloween costume but that fell through. Now, I am going as a squid. I need all of your best (worst) squid related jokes!

(Edit) Thank you all! They were loved (hated) just as I had hoped!

πŸ‘︎ 33
πŸ‘€︎ u/Izmaster1211
πŸ“…︎ Oct 30 2022
🚨︎ report
A list of over 350 Dad Jokes!

Save them to your Phone and always have witty jokes at the palm of your hand.

3.14 percent of sailors are pi-rates.

5/4 of people admit they’re bad at fractions.

A bartender broke up with her boyfriend, but he kept asking her for another shot.

A brain walks into a bar and takes a seat. β€œI’d like some wings and a pint of beer, please,” it says. β€œSorry, but I can’t serve you,” the bartender replies. β€œYou’re out of your head.”

A cheeseburger walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve food here.'

A college education now costs $100,000, but it produces three very proud people: the student, his mama, and his pauper.

A couple of cups of yogurt walk into a country club. β€œWe don’t serve your kind here,” the bartender says. β€œWhy not?” one yogurt asks. β€œWe’re cultured.”

A friend of mine didn’t pay his exorcist. He got repossessed.

A friend of mine is known for sweeping girls off their feet. He’s an extremely aggressive janitor.

A guy walks into a bar, and there’s a horse serving drinks. The horse asks, β€œWhat are you staring at? Haven’t you ever seen a horse tending bar before?” The guy says, β€œIt’s not that. I just never thought the parrot would sell the place.”

A guy walks into a bar...and he was disqualified from the limbo contest.

A pirate walks into a bar with a paper towel on his head. The bartender says, β€œWhat’s with the paper towel?” The pirate says, β€œArrr! I’ve got a Bounty on me head!”

A turtle is crossing the road when he’s mugged by two snails. When the police ask him what happened, the shaken turtle replies, β€œI don’t know. It all happened so fast.”

Armed robbersβ€”some say they’re a drain on society, but you’ve got to give it to them.

Barbers…you have to take your hat off to them.

Can February March? No, but April May!

Cooking out this weekend? Don’t forget the pickle. It’s kind of a big dill.

Dad, can you put my shoes on? No, I don't think they'll fit me.

Dad, can you put the cat out? I didn't know it was on fire.

Dad, did you get a haircut? No, I got them all cut!

Dad: Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? Son: No. What happened? Dad: The teacher woke him up.

Daughter: I have a lot of friends named Nathan. There’s Nathan Miller, Nathan Radcliff, Nathan Lewis… Me: When they are together, do you call them the United Nathans?

Dear Math, grow up and solve your own problems.

Did I tell you the time I fell in love during a backflip? I was heels over head!

Did you hear about the aquatic sea mammals that escape

... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 3k
πŸ‘€︎ u/Bugasum
πŸ“…︎ Jun 10 2022
🚨︎ report
A single mother wakes up from a long coma after giving birth to twins.

She asks the doctor "Where are my babies? I want to see my babies!"

The doctor says "Not to worry, your babies are safe and at home with your brother. You had two healthy babies, one boy, and one girl, but unfortunately I do have some bad news."

Immediately thinking the worst, the mother asks "Oh my God, what's wrong?"

"Well, you were recovering for a long time," the doctor says solemnly, "we had to give the children a name. Your brother chose them..."

Shocked, the mother asks "What did he name the girl?"

The doctor lets out a sigh and says "Denise."

"Oh!" The mother says, "That's a lovely name, what about the boy?"

The doctor places a hand on the mother's shoulder, shaking his head he says...


πŸ‘︎ 195
πŸ‘€︎ u/tenebralupo
πŸ“…︎ Aug 29 2022
🚨︎ report
Quick one with the brother in law

Brother in law is visiting from America to meet his niece. He always wears caps and we're chilling in the sofa and he takes his cap off and puts it on his knee.

I look at it, look at my wife and say "hey look a knee cap!" She actually laughed! Which had me laughing and my brother in law just smirking saying we're weird.

Which we are, man I love my wife. Nothing better than when you tickle them with a silly one.

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/TheBoothBeast
πŸ“…︎ Dec 09 2022
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I was out for a dinner one night a few doors down from my house..

It was a we'll needed break. I'd been busy shopping all day. We had been stocking the cupboards with tins, ketchup, mayo, mustard etc. So me and my lovely wife were gunna have some grub and a drink before cosying down for the night.

After my food arrived I asked for some ketchup. But they didn't have any. They didn't have chance to stock up today and have run out of all their sauces. And this food needed something to mask the actual taste. So I quickly nipped back home and grabbed all of my selection, just in case the Mrs ended up wanting something different. She usually does

While I was eating there were a few complaints and people walking out because of the situation.

The man in the kitchen looked stressed and about to burst into tears. So I called over the waitres and handed over my sauce selection and said " my condiments to the chef"

πŸ‘︎ 4
πŸ‘€︎ u/maccer20
πŸ“…︎ Nov 30 2022
🚨︎ report
I Don't Trust the Weatherman

Alice and Bob were a loving and happily-married couple. Through the years, while they had their little differences, they could rest assured knowing they could work out said differences. This way, their bond grew stronger as the years went by.

However, there was one facet of their life that always had them at loggerheads. Alice never believed the weather forecast put out by Rudy, at their local TV station, despite Bob's attempts to convince her otherwise.

"I don't trust him. He's a liar, and he's always wrong. Worse still, he's a communist."

"I really don't see what his political leaning has to do with the accuracy of his forecasts, darling."

"Mark my words, Bobby, I'll be proven right".

And yet, when the forecast predicted sunny weather and the sun blazed down, Alice remained unconvinced.

An accurate forecast of snow? "Bah, even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

And so it went on. Bob found the predictions accurate (or as accurate as one can hope for from tea-leaf reading or whatever science the weathermen used). However, Alice wouldn't budge.

One morning, Alice was dressing to go walking, and Bob had his hands full trying to convince her otherwise.

"Sweetie, they say there's going to be a torrential downpour soon. Can't you walk another day?"

"Absolutely not! You might not want to join me, but I'm getting my walking in for the day."

"At least take an umbrella, or a raincoat with you. You're going to get drenched, Allie."

"How can you be so sure it's going to rain, huh? Still trusting that charlatan?"

Bob sighed, drew himself up and pronounced: "Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear."

πŸ‘︎ 10
πŸ‘€︎ u/arunphilip
πŸ“…︎ Dec 03 2022
🚨︎ report
My pet chicken died. So I buried it in the garden.

I dug the grass into a neat rectangle and deep enough that the wildlife won't exhume it unexpectedly.

Was unsure whether to have a religious ceremony as they were eggnostic but I had a lovely intimate service organised attended by it's close hens.

After the burial a little green shoot grew from the ground. And over the coming weeks it shot up to as tall as the house. A straight cylindrical shaft.

It was a poul-tree

πŸ‘︎ 5
πŸ‘€︎ u/maccer20
πŸ“…︎ Dec 07 2022
🚨︎ report
Had a good run of them in my group chat today:

Me: My wife yesterday was all on my case. "You'll never get a car made out of spaghetti to work!" she says. Man - y'all should have seen her face when I drove pasta.

Friend 1: Oof - seriously. You should see if you can get supplements for that bad-joke problem.

Me: Maybe I'll try some vitamins. I'll grab some B2, B3, B5, and B6. Gonna skip B4 - that's in the past.

Friend 1: If I stop setting these up will you just, you know, stop?

Me: I tried Omega3 before, but the benefits were Super Fish Oil.

Friend 2: How do I unsubscribe from this group text?

Me: Maybe I can order some Vitamin C from a Mexican website. That means "Vitamin Yes" in Spanish, right?

Friend 1: Dead. I'm dead here. You've killed me. And humor.

Me: Actually my doctor said I should be eating more citrus fruits. Oranges, specifically. He also said I needed to drop some pounds. He said it was the "Weight and C" approach.

Friend 2: You're looking these up.

Me: Not all of them. I mean, I did get some of them from this big dictionary I have. It's pun-abridged.

Friend 1: If I had to grade these jokes, you'd get a Vitamin D. That's a 1.0 GPA.

Me: I'm going to have to put those grades up for adoption. I don't think I'll be able to raise them.

Friend 1: D-

Me: Maybe I should look into becoming a marine biologist as a career. Since my grades are so far below "C" level.

Friend 2: JFC. Is there any way to make it stop?


In all fairness, I had heard most of these before (I have loved puns since college) but this was the first time I've gotten a good long run in a single pass. Also this is nearly-verbatim. I removed a couple identifying things and re-ordered a few of the messages for clarity of response.

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/In_the_pines
πŸ“…︎ Dec 19 2022
🚨︎ report
As promised, I put dad jokes in my vows today

I posted maybe a month ago and wanted to give you all an update on how the wedding went!

My absolutely stunning bride walked down the isle to "The Throne Room" song from A New Hope where Princess Leia gives the medals to Han and Luke.

My vows were:

"You are the love of my life. Ever since you walked into my life about 2.5 years ago, you have made literally every part of my life better and more beautiful, you have filled my life with a lot of laughter and love. You have this amazing indefinable quality to you that makes you so amazing and the perfect woman for me. I love you with all of my heart.

Even when we are apart for only a few hours, we tell each other how much we miss each other. Well today, I misses you.

I vow that I will always be there for you, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, but let’s make it richer, we are the Richardsons

I vow that I will do my best to keep you laughing, smiling and happy for the rest of our lives.

I vow that I will never give you up, I will never let you down, I will never run around and desert you, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

I vow I will love you with all of the love, for all of my days."

It was a beautiful evening, with lots of laughs, plenty of serious heartfelt moments and lots of happiness! My wife and I could not be happier and it was perfect! I hope you all had a good day, I sure did!

πŸ‘︎ 2k
πŸ‘€︎ u/GamerExecChef
πŸ“…︎ Oct 03 2021
🚨︎ report
Some top Tom Swifties
  • "Can't talk, busy camping," replied Tom, intent.
  • "The French don't deserve our thanks," said Tom mercilessly.
  • "Haven't you heard me singing in church?" Tom inquired.
  • "I'll win this tennis game if I get one more point, " Tom deduced.
  • "I didn't eat my T-bone tonight," said Tom mistakenly.
  • "So you're asking about my mink coat," Tom inferred.
  • "I'm wearing a watch around my wrist," said Tom with abandon.
  • "I'm the most important salmon vendor," said Tom selfishly.
  • "I was correct the first three times, and I am correct now," said Tom forthrightly.
  • "Castration is reversible," Tom remembered.
  • "I brought the dessert," said Tom piously.
  • "I command my own private army," said Tom maliciously.
  • "I'll order the same meat as last time," Tom revealed.
  • "I've never swum in Egypt's longest river," said Tom in denial.
  • "Et tu?" asked Tom brutally.
  • "That's women for you," said Tom dismissively.
  • "I'll have a bowl of Chinese soup," said Tom wantonly.
  • "I eat everything," said Tom in jest.
  • "I gave you your freedom, and I can take it away," said Tom deliberately.
  • "Maybe if I rub this lamp something good will happen," said Tom ingeniously.
  • "I'm never taking an Uber again," Tom derided.
  • "That dog is a mongrel," Tom muttered.
  • "It's too bad Babe isn't on our team," said Tom ruthlessly.
  • "Maybe I should stop using worms to catch fish... or maybe not," Tom debated.
  • "Hemingway is my favorite author," said Tom earnestly.
  • "This drumming is too easy," said Tom without missing a beat.
  • "This is a frozen dessert,” I screamed.
  • "Now I have TWO duck feathers", Tom doubled down.
  • "She would never answer her phone the first time, you always had to hang up once," Tom recalled.
  • "Two plus five is seven,” Tom added.
  • "I only have Diamonds, Clubs and Spades," said Tom heartlessly.
  • "It's okay, the PlayStation still works," Tom consoled.
  • "Capital punishment is mostly used on the lower classes," said Tom with poor execution.
  • "Where are all of my old board games?" asked Tom cluelessly.
  • "I might be acquitted," said Tom without conviction.
  • "I've never dyed my hair red, but I'll try it," said Tom gingerly.
  • "Ugh! I need to shave again," Tom bristled.
  • "Whale hunting makes me so sad," Tom blubbered.
  • "I'll quit smoking marijuana right now!" said Tom bluntly.
  • "I like hot dogs more than hamburgers," said Tom frankly.
  • "I signed it twice," Tom remarked.
  • "I received a letter to take my car in for repair," Tom recalled.
  • "I hate pale ale," sai
... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 6
πŸ“…︎ Aug 19 2022
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When my son graduated from high school, he had to give a speech. He began by reading from his prepared text.

I want to talk about my father and the wonderful influence he has had on my life,' he told the audience. 'He is a shining example of parenthood, and I love him more than words could ever do justice.'

At this point he seemed to struggle for words. After a pause, he looked up with a sly grin and said, 'Sorry, but it's really hard to read my father’s handwriting.'

πŸ‘︎ 8k
πŸ‘€︎ u/crazyfortaco
πŸ“…︎ Jul 10 2021
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I cheered up my dad by telling him dad jokes:)

Yes, you've caught me I'm not actually a dad but rather a 16 year old female. This is a mess of a story so please bear with me:)

The other day I went downstairs to take my nighttime meds. When I got to the dining room, I saw my dad sitting at the island and he just looked so... sad. I've NEVER seen him like that before but he just seemed so lost and it broke me to see him like that.

My dad always puts on the tough guy act for whatever reason. I doubt he wanted anyone to see him like that so I pretended not to notice. So, I walked over and started chatting with him. We talked about school and video games for a bit until the conversation went a bit dead. However, I had the lovely idea of telling him some dad jokes because those always cheer me up:)

Here are a few of the jokes I told (yes, I did steal them from here haha):

What did the lawyer wear to court?

A lawsuit


What do you call a romantic vampire?

A necromancer


Why didn't 4 ask out 5?

Because he was 2Β²


I told more but I don't remember them off the top of my head.

Those jokes did spark conversation and it made me realize how much I missed having chats with my dad.

After about an hour and a half, I unfortunately had to go to bed as I had school in the morning.

However, since then my dad and I have been regularly having chats:)

πŸ‘︎ 122
πŸ‘€︎ u/veebesina
πŸ“…︎ May 11 2022
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House Fire

When I was a kid, my favourite thing ever was tractors. It was my first word, my first toy, I had posters of them on my bedroom walls and I loved to draw them too. Unfortunately with age I don’t quite have the same amount of passion nowadays. This all became relevant recently as there was this house fire on my street last week. My instincts told me to enter the house to save the family inside as the Fire Service hadn’t arrived yet. I was able to break down a door and actually clear all of the smoke from the house saving everyone inside. I escorted them out to be greeted by the Fireman who had just arrived. Puzzled, they asked how on earth I was able to clear all the smoke. I simply replied β€œI’m an extractor fan”.

πŸ‘︎ 13
πŸ‘€︎ u/SpecialBKay
πŸ“…︎ Aug 26 2022
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Old Martha had been a cashier a the tiny little local grocery store for thirty years.

She knew all her customer's names, and they all knew and loved her. Unfortunately her husband passed away and she took it hard. So hard in fact that she took to the bottle. So badly her work began to suffer. It got to the point that the store owner realized he had to take action. Reluctantly he called her into his office one Friday. "Martha, I know you've been here a long time but I'm going to have to let you go." Martha was taken aback "But why?" "Because checkers can't be boozers"

πŸ‘︎ 2
πŸ‘€︎ u/OccamsBeard
πŸ“…︎ Oct 28 2022
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A woman is walking through the park when she sees a very attractive man sitting on a park bench. He's reading a book and eating some fruit out of a Tupperware container. Slowly the woman gathers the courage to go ask the man out...

So, she walks over and takes a seat next to him on the bench, turns to him and says, "Sorry to bother you. I know this may be a little forward but I would love to grab coffee with you some time."

Flattered, the man responds, "Sure... but what makes you so certain you and I would get along so well?"

"Well..." the woman says. "A couple things, actually. I noticed you were wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt. Iron Maiden are my favorite band of all time. When they went on their reunion tour in 1999, my parents took me to see them in Cleveland. I was 12 years old and it was the first concert I ever went to. I absolutely love Iron Maiden."

The man can't believe it.

"I saw them play Cleveland in '99! First concert I ever went to on my own. My best friend Jimmy Spitz and I told our parents we were sleeping at each others' houses, snuck out, took a bus into the city and saw them play at the Plain Dealer Pavillion!"

Naturally, they're both shocked.

"If that isn't weird enough..." says the woman. "I noticed you're reading Mark Twain. I was a communications major in university and I actually wrote my thesis on Mark Twain and how he used satire as a lens to comment on current events of the time, comparing him to satirical news sources of today. He's my favorite author."

Now the man is really taken aback, "Get out of here! I was an English major in university! I specialized in 19th century American literature and this is like my fourth or fifth time reading Tom Sawyer, I absolutely love Mark Twain."

They both can't believe it...this has got to be a match made in heaven.

"Ok..." the woman says. "Well, buckle up because here's the icing on the cake. I noticed you're eating a prune. Prunes are my absolute favorite fruit. When I was a kid, my grandfather lived on a farm. He had an orchard that mainly grew apples and some lemons, but he knew how much my sister and I loved prunes so he kept a couple of plum trees. Every year at the end of the summer, we'd go up and harvest the plums with him. He'd dry them and by the time we'd go back to his place for Thanksgiving he'd always have those prunes saved just for us. They're my favorite fruit! I love prunes, you're eating a prune, this has got to be fate. What do you say?"

The man puts down his fruit and responds,

"It's a date!"

πŸ‘︎ 17k
πŸ‘€︎ u/madazzahatter
πŸ“…︎ Aug 21 2020
🚨︎ report
The cashier at the market had a name tag that read β€œBrie”

I told her she had a lovely name, and that it was bound to age well.

*** after a small beat she smiled and laughed and told me she’d never heard that joke before … and she meant it. ☺️☺️☺️

πŸ‘︎ 510
πŸ‘€︎ u/brokenfl
πŸ“…︎ Nov 15 2021
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After my wife had given birth to our baby, the nurse asked me, "Do you have a name yet?" Beaming with pride, I responded, "Yes. Steve!" She giggled, "Awww! That's a lovely name!" I replied, "Thanks!"

"But what do you think we should call the baby?"

πŸ‘︎ 31
πŸ‘€︎ u/808gecko808
πŸ“…︎ Dec 27 2021
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"I Lost My Job" Puns

My daughter and I have been trading these. Here is our current list - would love to hear more!

  1. I lost my job at the chess factory. I couldn’t work knights.
  2. I lost my job at the bank. A lady asked me to check her balance so I pushed her over.
  3. I lost my job at the keyboard factory. I wasn’t putting in enough shifts.
  4. I lost my job at the calendar factory. I took too many days off.
  5. I lost my job as a maze designed. I got lost in my work.
  6. I lost my job as an electrician. I was shocked!
  7. I lost my job as a psychic. I didn’t see it coming!
  8. I lost my job at the funeral home. Apparently, the options are β€œcremation” or β€œburial,” not β€œsmoking” or β€œnon-smoking.”
  9. I lost my job as an astronomer. I thought my work was looking up!
  10. I lost my job as a cyber criminal. I couldn’t hack it.
  11. I lost my job as a human cannonball. I got fired!
  12. I lost my job as a garbage collector. I had no training but I thought I would pick it up as I go.
  13. I lost my job as a math teacher, same job I’ve had since 2000. That’s 46 years down the drain!
  14. I lost my job in pool maintenance. It was too draining.
  15. I lost my job as a fisherman. I didn’t make enough net income.
  16. I lost my job as a baker. I really kneaded the dough!
  17. I lost my job as a historian. There was no future in it.
  18. I lost my job as a tour guide in Australia. I did not have the right koalafications.
  19. I lost my job at the upholstery repair shop. I may never recover.
  20. I lost my job as a massage therapist. I rubbed people the wrong way.
  21. I lost my job as a seamstress. And I tried sew hard.
  22. I lost my job as a musician. I just wasn’t noteworthy.
  23. I lost my job at the unemployment office. And I still need to go back there tomorrow.
  24. I lost my job feeding giraffes. I just wasn’t up to it.
  25. I lost my job as a water slide attendant. My career is going down the tubes.
  26. I lost my job at the paper shredding factory. It was a tearable job.
  27. I lost my job as a drummer. I’m sure there will be repercussions.
  28. I lost my job as a pole vaulter. I'll never get over it.
  29. I lost my job as a pet groomer. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
  30. I lost my job as a pastry tester. That job was a piece of cake.
  31. I lost my job as a mirror inspector. I could see myself doing that for a long time.
  32. I lost my job as a yoga instructor. I bent over backwards for them.
  33. I lost my job at Dunkin. It’s ok, I was fed up wit
... keep reading on reddit ➑

πŸ‘︎ 1k
πŸ‘€︎ u/dleishman
πŸ“…︎ Dec 09 2021
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My wife and I just found out she's pregnant with our first child.

To celebrate, we invited all the family and friends we could to my parents' house and then made the big announcement. Everyone was ecstatic and my father in particular was driven to tears. At a certain point during the night he pulled me aside and led me into his study, which I had never really been inside until this point. He opened a safe and produced cigars a bottle of whiskey and a large, beautifully bound book.

"I could never have asked for a better son," my father said, lighting the cigars and pouring the whiskey. "I hope you think I was a good enough father to deserve you."

β€œOf course, Dad," I said, "You were all I could've asked for and I wish my son admires me even half as much as I admire you."

β€œNow I've shared with you nearly everything I know," he said, "But not this one thing. This is the Big Book of Dad Jokes. There are many like it but this one is special. My father gave it to me when your mother and I first found out she was pregnant with you, and I studied it and studied it, learning all the dad jokes I could and mastering book's secrets. I hope it serves you as well as it served me in being a father... No... I know it will serve you well. I love you, my son."

β€œDad... I don't know what to say... I'm honoured..."

β€œHi Honoured, I'm Dad."

πŸ‘︎ 8k
πŸ‘€︎ u/OwenJthomas89
πŸ“…︎ Jul 24 2021
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